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@Mat'sMug There's a middle finger standing up for that.
A: AngularJS project with modular structure

feradaLooks good I think. Using separate folders for functionality instead of per file type is definitely a good thing (and something I want to do as well if I find the time). Now a couple of points I think could be improved: You should definitely use minification safe injection all the time. conso...

Q: Google+ Integrations+ Scoping+

EBrownSo I have part of a library which deals with scopes in Google+ integration, and I'm curious on the overall view of it. Yes, things are stringly typed in one of the methods, that is because this has to be COM compatible, which does not support enum's. I have (purposefully) omitted XML documentat...

Missed pun: COM compatible -> COMpatible
@Mat'sMug Oh I'm totally editing that in.
Feels like a wasted edit, but totally worth it.
~40% done
Woops no, more like 50% now
That one's just for you @Mat'sMug.
Oh please
I'm dying laughing over here.
Delete that before it gets flagged
My reinstall only took ~1 hour.
The uninstall took two days (literally).
You know, I rebooted my laptop before starting the uninstall
Why in the world would it take so long to uninstall?
I did not do so with my desktop, and I think that's why it took two days.
Very nice.
Note to self: reboot before uninstalls.
At any rate, I am headed home.
~10 minutes
This drive will take ~1 hour I'm sure.
And I'm not entirely thrilled by that.
Today I've written a tutorial about writing a bubble sort.
Now write a tutorial about writing a tutorial about bubble sort.
Nah, it also teaches how to write a bubble_sorter and how to have a version of bubble sort that works with forward iterators without being even less efficient than the naive implementations.
And how to take advantage of the size of the container if provided.
Nah, honestly, it was a tutorial about how to write a cpp-sort compatible sorter with a « real-world » example and how to take advantage of what the library offers.
I guess Youtube view verification only takes a couple of minutes now.
I have a C++ question in the works, if anyone is interested.
Anyone think that looks suspicious?
user image
> You don't need a criminal lawyer, you need a CRIMINAL lawyer.
top kek
I mean-
Once worked with a guy who always used X=X<<3+X+X; When stuff like this was brought up during code reviews, the response was usually, "If you can't read my code you should be working with me." Lost touch with him after he got fired. — user4581301 23 secs ago
@Duga Should?
> The one time I was caught smoking in school was in the toilet cubicles and my friend in the next cubicle got caught and and the teacher goes "anyone else in here?" and I went "no".
@Hosch250 Guess they were doing it right ^^
What the heck
C++ wai hath u forsaken me
does C# uport linebreaks in statements?
This header file is in the same directory as my main file, and somehow C++ "can't find it".
That's not C#
@JeroenVannevel I think so.
stay ontopic
That's what I thought!
I really shouldn't answer github issues after returning from oktoberfest
Did you see the yodeling? I've seen Franzl Lang on YouTube there before.
@EthanBierlein What compiler?
I made a fail:
#include <easy_input.h>
Yodeling? I'm talking about Oktoberfest Barcelona
I did see a girl getting carried away with a wheelchair
She was out cold
Oh, the Spanish one.
did yp know
that spanish girls
Are the the hottest after russians?
IT's true, I checked
I don't care. I'm not interested in that kind of stuff.
They won't beat Swedes
I was with this Brazilian group. Man, have they got some bums
@Hosch250 Not in beer or in woman?
I'll reel this Nayara girl in soon enough. What a name too.
Both are fine, not judging or anything, just curious
@JeroenVannevel Not if you're chatting here.
@Mast Neither. Not in boose or sex in general.
@EthanBierlein Look. Ethan. It's a matter of time, okay
Besides, I'm here for 3 more months
Those Spanish freaks won't know what hit 'em
@JeroenVannevel So you're going to wait 2 more months and wonder the last month where the time went? ^^
That's the plan!
But that booty though. That booty.
o fer fuks sake
Now VS won't run my project.
VS 2013 had less bugs I think
Just say sweet stuff to VS
That helps with the ladies
it'll help with the studio
Tell VS to bend over the table
Always works
@JeroenVannevel You're still drunk
Okay now, keep your sexy talk under control.
I'm so going to regret this tomorrow
I'm going to try and directly run the executable from the command line.
@EthanBierlein That's how you're supposed to run executables...
As it turns out, drinking two 1L german glasses gets you drunk just too late to get social with the brazilian booties but just in time to get drunk with the online people of CR
It's the worst of two worlds
I'm not kidding about the table bending though. Take it from me: chicks dig it
no joke, pure serious
I'm going to try and fix this the archaic way.
Making a new project and copying the files over.
@EthanBierlein Your include still playing hide'n'seek?
It's not creating an executable when I build and run the project
What kind of project is it though?
C++ Console app
Why would you write C++ when you have Javascript
Screw it
purge both failed projects
I'll do a restart with an empty project
When I get back from a soccer game
C++ and JavaScript are entirely different tools for entirely different jobs.
cough it's a joke cough
Also, Metova is hiring seriously tons of devs.
buy more javascript
get more jobs
@nhgrif C# ones too?
Maybe a couple but not really.
(Not that I'd apply, I'm now married to my job here.)
@nhgrif Texas is a long drive from here.
You guys really only need Swift, right?
iOS, iOS, iOS
And Android and Java web devs
Ah, I'm nowhere near qualified for any of those.
I saw a toddler yesterday
he was qualified for Android
@JeroenVannevel You remind me of an image that bashes IE
Anyone is qualified for Android
We are not in Texas. We are in Central TN, central AR, Pensacola FL now and probably NW Arkansas soon
@nhgrif For a European, it's not always easy to keep Arizona from Texas, my bad.
Arizona is AZ
night @all
Arkansas, that's what AR was. Oh well. All of those locations are a bit far from here.
IIRC anything in the U.S. and Canada is a bit far from there.
And if you guys have no skills relevant to mobile development, I'd suggest picking some up.
I'm actually writing C# at the moment, does that count?
Afar from that, I only have hardware skills in mobile.
Unlikely. Are you writing ASP?
@nhgrif I have job security (at the moment), but I want to get into Android and Windows Phone development.
@Mast For Windows Phone it does. ;)
Windows phone still doesn't quite have anywhere near the market share as the others.
A couple percent at most.
No, but it can be a good stepping stone into getting the mindset ready for the others.
Metova is a mobile development firm. All we do is write mobile apps. We have 100+ employees as of this week. Only 2 of them are C# devs doing a windows phone project, and that is only happening because Microsoft is involved
@nhgrif No, I usually stick to low-level languages.
But I don't want to restrict myself to that, so I often try different languages. Usually without much success, but the experience is usually worth it.
Q: Trying to refactor code into a library

PrivatMamtoraI am trying to turn my code into a working library. (My first) Currently you simply call GridNav() and it sets up and executes. I am currently refactoring out all the necessary variables The trouble I am having is the animations property. I want users to be able to over ride the property. (fu...

Q: OpenGL ES frustum culling not working

ȘēϺƤƎƦ ɅɱƁŖǬŚƇɄƧ I am trying to draw a square but even after frustum culling my square is just a rectangle. My onSurfaceChanged and onDrawFrame methods are as follows: @ Override public void onDrawFrame ( GL10 gl ) { GLES20.glClear ( GLES20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GLES20.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ); ...

Q: Iterator range for console class that handles multiple buffers

user86418This question is a spiritual successor to Console class that handles multiple buffers. I was mostly interested in implementing one of the suggestions of using an iterator range and fixing the interface for Terminal. That means most of the code will be absent. Also, while the code above is intende...

Q: Instance Array [Don't know what topic]

Ted Monteverdeprivate final String name; private final double rate; public Currency(String name, double rate) { this.name = name; this.rate = rate; } Currency[] currencies = { new Currency("USD", 1.0), new Currency("PHP", 46.0850), new Curren...

If you are seeking improvements to working code, then this question is better suited for Code ReviewHayley Guillou 42 secs ago
This question is better suited for Code Review. — Hayley Guillou 40 secs ago

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