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@Ash there is a Code Review site here on the SE network: codereview.stackexchange.com . I will be voting to close this though because as Keith said SO is not really the place for this. — briantist 41 secs ago
Better suited for Code Review — briantist 18 secs ago
There are 1572 too many unanswered questions (94.3060% answered)
Q: Redis Object storage and convertion

Craig RussellI am stepping into a new Realm with this project, Reflection. I have written some working code (below) that will potentially store POCO objects in a redis cache (and eventually backed by Table or other nosql persistant storage). Currently it only reads the objects from the cache, but after this ...

fun void major(float root) {
    root => oscPitch.freq => _1st.freq;
    oscPitch.change(4)    => _3rd.freq;
    oscPitch.change(3)    => _5th.freq;
    0 /* not used */      => _7th.freq;
    "major" => currentChord;
0 /* not used */ => _7th.freq; how ugly is this?
@Phrancis Eww
Put the comment after it:
@Duga wot
wot wot wot wot
I sense a sneaky moderator
I was about to say "Make yourself be seen!"
@Phrancis not fair!
just got a very, very cool feature request on GitHub/Rubberduck
@Mat'sMug I've learned something interesting today... my work logs every action by every user of our applications, to persist in DB
@Mat'sMug Oh that sounds really great!
@Mat'sMug That's a really good idea!
Where's the GitHub issue voting system? ;-)
I also learned with our biggest client, we support > 6K SPIDs to production DB at any given time
And that is just... nutz
I guess I'm failing band class
What instrument do you play @EthanBierlein?
Trumpet. I play it just fine.
Except I failed a music terms and symbols test.
Music theory?
Probably too late to do anything about that test, but I'm happy to help if you need it in the future
My school does offer one test retake a semester though, so I might have to take advantage of that.
pfft.. music isn't about theory. music is in your blood, music is in your soul.
@Mat'sMug Wrong... music is all about theory, at least often in practice ;p
(for some values of "theory")
I'd like to think that it's about both of those things.
@Phrancis music is all about practice, at least often in theory ;p
oh dear, I think things are going to start getting confusing
@Mat'sMug theory is all about practice, at least in theory
@EthanBierlein you play Jazz?
In any case, I understand most of this musical notation shit, if you need help ping me
@Mat'sMug I can try to
@Phrancis Cool, will do.
AFAIK one doesn't play Jazz by following a music sheet
I am quite aware of that
but yeah, theory helps with the grades
Although my instructor last year seemed to think that was the case
@Mat'sMug Not always. But, for example, in Big Band music, there is probably some sheet music.
@Phrancis I have a question related to the programming language Chuck
Is it a DSL built off an existing programming language, or is it a language in it's own right?
@EthanBierlein Fire away
Um, probably the former
Though I couldn't tell you which is the origin language
(Java if I had to guess, which I don't)
Ah, cool
Hm, ChucK is called a general programming language in the Princeton papers of the creators
Hard for me to believe that, but maybe it's the case, and I'm just the idiot poker player who doesn't realize he's the idiot
I've got a problem:
Someone decided to downvote two of my top questions...
Where should I take this?
@MannyMeng Depends how much you're bothered by it, I would imagine
possible answer invalidation by Manny Meng on question by Nate: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106851/revisions
@Duga WHAT???
bot's just picking up code block edits on answered questions ;-)
I just split the two classes...
@Phrancis VERY bothered, but doesn't affect my rep very much...
I guess the algorithm could be refined..
@Mat'sMug True; very true.
I see the problem:
@MannyMeng I really would like to know why you think that code indentation doesn't matter. Thank you. — Tom 1 min ago
it also picks up a lot of Jamal's edits, too
Someone's mad at me...
uh, I don't understand what that comment is doing there
@MannyMeng don't worry about it too much. if it gets out of hand, the votes will be reversed.
but really, I don't understand what that comment is referring to
Edit history... maybe?
I don't really see any significant change to the code indentation though
me neither
My reply:
@Tom It's not that it doesn't matter; it's just that if this were to go through as an accepted edit, Duga (the 2nd Monitor bot) will pick this up as a code edit. Code in answered questions are not to be edited, even indentation. It is most likely that the indentation is probably carried on by poor writing, considering the indentation is messed up in more than the locations where indentation mess-ups tent to occur. — Manny Meng 30 secs ago
I'm not worried about this; either I am wrong, or he is.
I still don't understand where this is coming from
@Mat'sMug I rejected his edit...
Water under the bridge @MannyMeng
@Phrancis Huh?
@Phrancis Huh?
@Phrancis Huh?
@Phrancis Huh?
@MannyMeng I just mean (about the downvotes, not the edit(s)) that user might just be new or frustrated, and went downvoting
@Phrancis Oh...
and also, if you are wondering, I went "Huh?"ing 3 times
@rolfl approved it??
@Mat'sMug I did.
Wut, why is my ASCII generator HNQ on my screen...
@MannyMeng That explains it lol.
It broke the two Java files in to two separate code blocks, which is the way it should be, @Mat'sMug.
@rolfl It also changed the indentation...
Which is why I rejected and edited, to just change the edit mentioned above
SE code block indentation seems to be flaky at times
I agree with separating the code blocks
@Phrancis Easy fix: copy and paste, then use the code button thing on the top
@Mat'sMug The changes to the code indentation were almost all entirely due to the fact that the user only partially indented to get the code block to work.
(horrible vocab)
I consider them to be markdown problems
@rolfl almost
I think I see a single asterisk.
@rolfl Yeah, getting code blocks to work can be difficult
ah, I get it. I've seen more flagrant markdown problems thought
Note that the diff tool is much more ugly than the actual changes.
@Phrancis What are you on about, willis?
yeah, I noticed that
still, rejecting it wasn't worth -4 rep in revenge-downvote
Was there something else that happened?
He reversed one of the downvotes: there is only one left
@rolfl Who's willis? ;)
12 mins ago, by Manny Meng
Someone's mad at me...
@MannyMeng You got mass downvoted earlier today?
@Mast Not really; just a couple of minutes ago, and two downvotes.
I wouldn't call 2 downvotes "mass-downvoting" lol
Hmmm, there were a few more than just one or two significant whitespace changes but .... yeah, @MannyMeng
@Mat'sMug Just asking
@rolfl What's yeah?
I probably should have rejected the edit, but it appeared to be a good one to me, and I had to look harder for the bad changes, than the good ones.
> indented the code properly and splitted the code block so each class has its own block
@rolfl I'm happy that you agree :)
Thanks, Santa
@Tom because it's not always clear-cut whether broken indentation is the way OP has it in their IDE or if it's just a markdown-formatting issue, we prefer to let the OP fix code blocks themselves, since broken indentation is reviewable material. — Mat's Mug ♦ 6 secs ago
delete * from Votes where VoteReason not like '%justified%';
I hate when people vote on personal terms, instead of just "This post is good || bad"
DV's, then UV's!
Q: A Groovier way of inserting and updating database records

lealandI've written a simple little Groovy class handling my database interactions. All it has to do is check if a row exists in a target table with primary key values which match those of an incoming map. If a row exists, it updates the row based on the differing non-primary key values; otherwise, a ne...

how do I chat with a user who commented to my question? Do I need certain amount of reputation points to open a chat room and invite users?
want me to create a room for you?
@Mat'sMug yeah but I can't invite users either.
You could maybe do it in here.
@Hosch250 hasn't hit 50 rep yet, can't
I meant maybe discuss it in here.
Or is that considered off-topic chat?
well then, it can be moved to a new room - the problem is pinging the other user.
yeah I have to know if the user is online
Well, not really - you have super-power-pings.
who's the user?
@Hosch250 lol
@Hosch250 power-pings are for serious mod issues AFAIK, not for ;-)
@Mat'sMug not specific user I was just generally speaking.
well, you're this close to get the comment priv
somebody upvoted my questions, wait isn't that cheating
probably a side-effect of showing up in The 2nd Monitor ;-)
@Mat'sMug I get priveleges just for showing up?
lol privs, no.. but votes can happen
LOL, someone looked you up and voted your question.
Don't worry, they wouldn't have done it if it was bad (except a downvote maybe).
@diwakar_wagle You should have comment everywhere now :)
I thought I would just go to the user's page and it would show me if he/she is online or not and there'll be a button there somewhere that says "chat with this user" : /
@diwakar_wagle Might be a good feature to suggest on meta.stackexchange
nope. but there should be a label that says "seen X minutes ago" if he was here recently
Nope, we a strictly Q/A with chat on the side.
Or not...
@diwakar_wagle If you go to the chat user page, you'll see such a button.
@Hosch250 or maybe one should be able to pm the user?
not happening
SE isn't a social network
@mast chat user page?
search for the user's name from there
@Mast Completely unrelated, but why are you still up at 4AM?
@Mast I think it might require the 100 rep to create chatrooms
@EthanBierlein Why are you still up at 4AM?
It's only 9PM here
@Mast yeah I don't see that button.
Oh, yea, timezones.
From looking at your profile, I can tell that you're in the netherlands
Yea, I am.
I'm a part-time insomniac.
Do you sleep during the day or something?
Or not at all?
No, I just skip nights every once in a while.
Force-resets my rhythm.
that doesn't sound like a good habit to get into
Funny thing is, I have no trouble whatsoever with jetlag.
@Hosch250 does this look like VBA?
'''<summary>Calls functions that create photo hashes for each photo that does not yet have one.</summary>
'''<param name="s">A description for parameter <c>s</c>.</param>
'''<param name="VSN">A description for parameter <c>VSN</c>.</param>
'''<returns>Returns a <see cref="FunctReturn"/> object encapsulating the result.</returns>
Public Function ReadDrivePhotoHashes(s As TypeSQL, VSN As String) As FunctReturn
End Function
@Mat'sMug Looks like VB.NET.
@Mat'sMug Looks like VBsomething to me.
I think Rubberduck can make that happen
I can try and come up with a syntax if you guys want
VB.NET is closer to VBA than C#, and '/// looks ugly anyway.
@Mat'sMug I don't think so. I know so.
@EthanBierlein .net XML comments are well documented - we'll just use that and then Rubberduck can export a VBAProject1.xml file that you can give SandCastle and generate documentation just like you would off a .net project!
Well sure
But I can write my own documentation generator in my spare time
just 'fer fun though
@CaptainObvious Half of an Elvis operator... does that work?
whereClause = primaryKeys.collect { final String pk ->
  "$pk = ?.$pk"
too groovy for me
puns puns puns
?: <-- Elvis
?p <-- Gene Simmons
?8| <-- Gene Simmons
:(){ :|:& };: <-- Wabbit
Elvis operator though, going back on topic, is groovy...
The "Elvis operator" is a shortening of the ternary operator. One instance of where this is handy is for returning a 'sensible default' value if an expression resolves to false-ish (as in Groovy truth). A simple example might look like this:

displayName = user.name ? user.name : 'Anonymous'
displayName = user.name ?: 'Anonymous'
dafuk have I done with the last commit... 225 tests failing
Holy carp
(yay 203 passing)
@Mat'sMug Revert and never think about it again. Start over.
not gonna happen
Must have forgotten a brace or period somewhere
seems they're all throwing a MissingMethodException
Missing an include?
not in C#
> Additional information: Error: Missing method 'instance int32 [Microsoft.Vbe.Interop] Microsoft.Vbe.Interop._CodeModule::get_CountOfDeclarationLines()' from class 'Castle.Proxies.CodeModuleProxy'.
it's the mock
The mock is working!
Tell your mock to stop whining.
found it
        private string FindAnnotations()
            if (_comments == null)
                return null;

            var lastDeclarationsSectionLine = _qualifiedName.Component.CodeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines;
            var annotations = _comments.Where(comment => comment.QualifiedSelection.Selection.EndLine <= lastDeclarationsSectionLine
                && comment.CommentText.StartsWith("@")).ToArray();

            if (annotations.Any())
CountOfDeclarationLines isn't set up
easy fix
just gotta find which MockThingyBuilder to tweak
night CRitters
    private Mock<CodeModule> CreateCodeModuleMock(string content)
got it
hmm how do I mock a declarations section now...
how about this?
    private static readonly string[] ModuleBodyTokens =
        Tokens.Sub, Tokens.Function, Tokens.Property
        codeModule.SetupGet(c => c.CountOfDeclarationLines).Returns(() =>
            lines.TakeWhile(line => !ModuleBodyTokens.Any(line.Contains)).Count());
good enough for a mock I think
428 passed, 0 failed
(self-slap for not running the tests before a commit)
Q: How can I make this code write to a file on the drive instead of loading it to memory?

Lewis CianciI've been thinking about this for a while now but I can't see any way to get this to do what I want it to do. Basically, this part of my code exists within a thread of my application. It accepts TCP connections, and then creates a byte[] array in memory with the size of the file that is being s...

@Mat'sMug Yea, what happened to only committing working code?
Automated test builds and the like.
yeah yeah
CI tells us that a PR will break the build... but it doesn't prevent us from merging
we've used failing tests as documentation for stuff yet to be implemented/fixed in the past
@Mat'sMug Sounds like you need a wrapper which uses the failing of CI to break the merge.
it's not like we get thousands of PR's
or like we're dozens of contributors
hey @CraigRussell
that sound was annoying ;)
haha yeah, you can turn it off
yea, done already
welcome to The 2nd Monitor!
I saw your question earlier.. why is everything static?
good question, I was thinking about that myself earlier... but now I am re doing most of it to make the calls lazy with proxies, so will likely change some of it -- believe I was thinking it would be easier to call at first
RetreiveObject should be RetrieveObject ;-)
there's some nice nesting in there
yea, VS needs spellcheck
I'll make a quick answer, by no means addressing all there is to say, but something just popped
Pff, spellcheck... errors are more fun!
@Mat'sMug hmm... this should be interesting... hope there is enough room for you
ugh.. I hate this.. I got my "quick answer" done, but then instead of clicking [post your answer], I put a "---" at the bottom and scroll back up to the OP and find more things to add... I always get caught :/
Mat, give me 2 minutes and I will update the code I have there now, after I read what you put
...you mean post my stuff here in chat?
nah, leave an answer, not here
eh, still a quickie
I agree with both... the second part, that if statement, I am really trying to figure out a better way to doing it... I am sure there is a better way than IsAssignableFrom...
I tried to come up with some IDictionary<Type, Action<RedisValue>>, but couldn't get something that worked
As mentioned... new code is posted.. fixes included
@Duga should give you a hint in a moment
...or not
anyway, please see this meta post:
A: For an iterative review, is it okay to edit my own question to include revised code?

200_successYou have several options for follow-ups: Accepting an answer If one of the answers gives you good advice with clear directions for improving your code, just accept the best answer and upvote any other answers you feel were helpful. The checkmark that you confer is the best way to show appreci...

possible answer invalidation by Craig Russell on question by Craig Russell: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/106891/revisions
@Duga here you are!
ok, good to know
Q: Tic-Tac-Toe - iterative implementation of alpha beta tree search

vengyDoes anyone have tips to improve the speed, clarity and accuracy of this non-recursive alpha-beta algorithm? It's my first program written in C. // Tic-Tac-Toe - Iterative implementation of alpha beta tree search. // Built with Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013. #include "stdafx.h" #in...

Q: Parse JS cloudcode stopping when finds no data

YianI've created this code which works well. However, when it finds no data, the code does not continue. It gives the error "Unsuccesfful http request" - an error term I created toward the bottom of my code. Can somebody please review this code in helping me improve it? Thanks Parse.Cloud.job("con...

no problem, I rolled back the edit.
as I said, there are other points to address - I'm sure other people will chip in sooner or later
I need some sleep
I am going to repost, as the code is changed enough for a new version number anyways ;)
it's up to you, but I'd wait a day or two. new questions aren't eligible for a bounty before 2 days anyway. there was an "episode" last weekend.. hold on...
Q: Is code ever clean enough? - Can there be too many follow-up questions?

Simon ForsbergSome posts can at times have several follow-up questions, sometimes a couple of follow-up questions on the same day. All this brings us to the question of Can there be too many follow-up questions? When does the follow-up questions become "too much"? What makes it become too much? Related: Wha...

I'm not saying 2 posts is too many - but there's a number of points to consider in that meta
(I do think the checkmark is premature though ;)
I will keep that in mind, but this was different enough that I probably shouldn't have posted the first time
in the end, you decide.
> viewed

8 times
I just don't feel like your question had the attention it deserves
I might end up posting a bounty on it, if there's no follow-up post and no additional answers and still very few views in a day or two
true... how about a link to a gist at the bottom... would that be against the rules too?
nope, but the gist should only be provided for "additional context", not as additional reviewable material
i.e. the code to be reviewed ought to be embedded in the post
Yea, I see your point... waiting is good
CR is slower-paced than SO. reviewing code isn't exactly like answering a specific question
and we're not X millions either ;-)
end of November 2013:
we've grown quite a bit :)
yea, I am used to SO, but liked the idea of CR... I like to write useless code that I hope to use one day... but have no regular friends that code... hard to get reviews
CR's awesome for that
are you looking for some useful C# code to write?
always looking for something to do
not just c#, but seems to be what I use the most for right now
check out the tag wiki for the tag ;-) (codereview.stackexchange.com/tags/rubberduck/info)
we have 124 opened issues
14 are (and probably a bunch more if I actually walked through the whole list)
I could take a look at them
if you know how to calculate cyclomatic complexity, I'll take a PR for #403 :)
I thought I'd sworn off C#, but now I'm busy in Unity again...
@Mat'sMug I think my SourceMonitor can calculate it.
I thought the same thing when I start c++ with unreal.. but my backend is hosted on azure with c#
@Mast yeah, well, I'd like my rubber duck to calculate it ;-)
not even sure what cyclomatic complexity is
Metrics Summary For Checkpoint 'Baseline'

Parameter Value
========= =====
Project Directory C:\Users\M\Documents\CodeReview\Pascal\97747\
Project Name 97747
Checkpoint Name Baseline
Created On 23 Jul 2015, 12:35:59
Files 1
Lines 69
Statements 34
Percent Lines with Comments 0.0
Global Subroutines 0
Global Variables 0
Local Subroutines 0
Classes 0
Average Methods per Class 0.00
that's similar to what I want for #403
people write such crap in VBA, having code metrics that tell you you're writing an unmaintainable mess should be useful :)
that's pretty neat
You could of-course simply e-mail the writer of the software and ask whether he's interested in helping out.
hmm it does VB6
It does pretty much anything I throw at it.
Although I haven't tried Python yet...
It's not necessary with Python, plenty of tools for that already.
Also, you can see it pretty well when you go to deep with your ifs.
and fors
and withs
A with should never do much. And fors are pretty much Python's problem. You can use them a lot without noticing how often you do use them. And generators make that worse.
all right, I'm out
@Mat'sMug /wave
Q: Correct way to write a unit test

Swaranga SarmaI have been thinking about how I write my unit tests and in most cases I go with my instincts; however I wanted to get the feedback from the larger engineering community to see if there is a well defined-ish set of rules that we can adopt appropriately. Let say we have a Java class class MyAppli...

Q: Multiple choice game

James111This is a multiple choice game. It has a web page where you enter a question, which can have multiple answers along with multiple options. Can anyone recommend any improvements for my code? //correct & options are both arrays. These arrays are being passed through an AJAX call function ...

Please review the guidelines for posting a question. You should include a concise sample of your code along with the problem you are having. If your code be working, then your question might be better suited to the Code Review Stack Exchange site. — Tim Biegeleisen 36 secs ago
This is not a question for Stackoverflow. You might post it on CodeReview. Also consider to present a small, complete part of the code which you want to improve. — derape 46 secs ago
Q: Creating a structured category list in F#

user1206480I have code that takes a list of categories and organizes them into a tree type structure based on their parentId. This code works, but is obviously a little over complicated. How can I optimize this code: type ValidString = | ValidString of string | NotValid type CategoryStructure = { Id:...

You've posted your question in wrong place. Please post it here. — ieaglle 9 secs ago
Q: Copy N unsigned int[] into char[] with N assembly instructions

asimesFirst post on Code Review :) I am starting a Sudoku program and am experimenting with efficiently copying an unsigned int[] into a char[] while viewing the resulting AT&T x86-64 assembly objdump -d result. The point of what I am doing is to produce an output like this (which my code currently do...

Q: React table with column sorting (asc, desc), input filtering, and row ordering

ThomasReggiI created a really modular way of creating a feature-rich table, including filter input text, sortable columns by ascending and descending order, and the ability to order table rows onMount. This is my first big react endeavor some I'm interested in any and all feedback I can get. Here's the liv...

I've continued this over to Code Review, for any further suggestions on optimizing the code. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/106906/…user1206480 14 secs ago
Q: Set min date to CTime in MFC

AmolHow can I set mindate to CTime variable. And how to check it. E.g In C# we use DateTime.MinValue to get mindate. How to implement this in MFC

I just discovered bountysource
went to look it up
NOPE blocked for "Filesharing/P2P".
moning @Heslacher
@Mat'sMug put it in a precommit hook! .git/hooks/precommit
hey @ARedHerring
Or at least put it in .git/hooks/prepush. It's okay for your tests to fail in a commit, but when you make your commits avaliable to other users, thats when you really want your tests to succeed.
Hows it going @Heslacher
Pretty fine and yourself ?
i'm alright, just in the office early today
I am always early in the office. Its the time where it is most quit. No phone calls. ;-)
Haha, I don't persoanlly get phone calls thankfully
However I do have to check all of our systems are running because we're an almost-global company, and the tiem I come in is just before our germany branch opens
Spelling is hard
Q: Cutting rectangle from circle

PuckmanCan the following code snippet be optimized or am I doing it right? <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100" height="100"> <mask id="a"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" fill="#fff"/> <rect x="50" width="5" height="100%"/> </mask> <rect width="100" height="100" fill="gray" mask="url(#a)" /

@CaptainObvious Is that even code, or just markdown??
anyone alive to give an opinion if they would make proxies to lazy load a large list of strings from a database (into a List for instance) or just go ahead and load the list

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