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@IsmaelMiguel That's synonymous with happy.
It's just a more descriptive way of describing it.
Happy is good
Anyways, I'll be back in a bit.
@CaptainObvious Joining CR - How to do it right
That was quick
It hasn't actually changed an awful lot, just done some proper naming, indenting, declarations and got rid of that improvised date-changing repeat-code.
This is madness and it takes a number of mental gymnastics to figure out what is going on here. <--- I thought that was standard with swift ? ;-)
but makes such a huge difference :)
Greetings chatbros
Did you read my plain-English translation of his code?
@Zak You can answer, and say that he didn't improved some stuff
I did, and I upvoted your answer. It's good.
> This method takes, as its only (and poorly named) argument, a closure which returns void and takes, as its single argument, a closure which returns void from taking no arguments. Then this method returns a closure which takes no arguments and returns void.
But ... well, you did not see the smiley at the end? No?
@IsmaelMiguel that's not what I'm saying. He has improved pretty much all the stuff I suggested.
I was just saying it's probably quick because it's a short Macro and all the stuff I suggested is really easy to change.
That is really cool. Not many new users do that.
just popping in over lunch :)
@BlackHatGuy Hello
I was thinking to myself
You should improve the title on your question
this might be better to post to code reviewdax 18 secs ago
oh? How should it be written?
@BlackHatGuy Welcome!
what's TS?
TS <- Theoretical Star
A: Re-worked Workbook_Open, Creating DateStrings

QuillA few things to point out: It's pointless to prefix your variables with Str, as it's superfluous. If you really wanted to, you can turn variables names like Str3MonthsAgo, into things like: threeMonthsAgo. Which would be better on readability. I really hope this isn't personal, but I prefe...

And about the title
Theoretical Star. People star a lot here, so they hit the cap sometimes.
@SuperBiasedMan Yeah, right, sometimes :)
back from weekend, had left The 2nd Monitor tab opened... 2,557 new posts
I got Big Brother working again, too
Q: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergWhat is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-specific memes are there? (As the number of memes grows and grows, and Malachi's wish to vote fo...

A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Vogel612Meme: Monking Originator: Morwenn Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: A morning greeting to the Monkey doing his monkey-business, in other words: monking Examples: A small chat search Variations: Monkernoon, Monkevening, Monknight, ... Important is only that it begins with Monk... ;...

nice :)
@BlackHatGuy Since your question is a follow-up, I would use the title of the old question, and add "- follow-up". In your case: Financial Data From Webqueries in Excel - follow-up. But that's my only personal preference and not a guideline.
@BlackHatGuy monkeys (and zombies) are a thing here :)
@Quill I wouldn't recommend removing the Hungarian notation on e.g. "str3MonthsAgo". codereview.stackexchange.com/a/102388/81541
I would
the block at the top clearly displays the type
Sure, it's awkward to read, but much better to over-specify variables than under-specify when you're starting out, IMO
@Mat'sMug Yes we're not.!!
hi @rolfl :)
TS ;-) Monking to you too ;-)
@Zak Better to fix it early than letting it develop into a bad habit
@Zak the superfluity of the prefixes overweigh the underspecification
@Quill what block?
Who was the first monkey?
@Quill I'm "arguing" against keeping hungarian notation
@Zak the Dim xVariable as String
@Zak - best practice for most languages is to not specify the variable type in the type name. In a number of languages the opposite used to be true, but with the introduction of IDE's that actually help, they are no longer needed, and are more of a hinderance than a help.
@Quill Need-to-know basis only.
@rolfl at least with VBA, I would personally disagree. I've found it very useful for reading my code and keeping my mental process firmly on track.
Don't make me search the transcript. I'll do it you know, I'm not joking around here.
totally unrelated sidequestion...
The problem with a name like "3MonthsAgo" is that it could easily be a String, a Date, or a long
"3MonthsAgo" shouldn't be a valid identifier...
can we declare killcam a veteran meme? (or is it already??)
at least in VBA
@Vogel612 long dead
@Vogel612 if 'we could use your ammo' is dead, that certainly would be
actually incorporated into pimping
I didn't even write it into Memer
@Quill _
The Planet of the Apes franchise features many characters that appear in one or more works. == Main characters == === Caesar === ==== Original films ==== Milo, better known as Caesar, is a fictional character in the Planet of the Apes franchise. He is named after Julius Caesar. He appeared as a baby in Escape from the Planet of the Apes, voiced by Walker Edmiston. He is the leader (and chief instigator) of the ape revolution in the fourth installment, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes. He is the ruler of Ape City in the fifth film, Battle for the Planet of the Apes. He was portrayed ...
@Heslacher that one didn't go really well...
@Vogel612 good call
you need to add more content for the reply to work
@Heslacher you've got to add text
oh and what about the bear traps?
Yeah, veteran
I think we should keep it, it's too funny to retire
@Zak have you seen beartraps in your time here?
@Mat'sMug We're having a disagreement over whether it's a good or bad habit for @Blackhatguy to be using Hungarian notation.
@Vogel612 I think so...
Hungarian is always misused, it's evil.
There's "good Hungarian" though.
In the context of Code Review, it appears I was the first one called "the monkey"... chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/8595?m=12389332#12389332
Dim _3MonthsAgo As Integer = 4 ' Have fun suckers
huh. My browser just took me out of chat.
@Phrancis you can't Set an Integer ;-)
Sorry my VBA is a lot rusty
That better? ;p
Woah, talk about #SOreadytohelp! I take it that what I'm trying to achieve is not going to be possible, at least not without some serious VBA boilerplate. Feel free to join @RubberDuck and I (co-owners of the Rubberduck project) in the VBA Rubberducking chatroom over at Code Review Stack Exchange. I'm awarding the bounty for the effort displayed here, ...and the loss of hair along the way. — Mat's Mug 25 secs ago
@Vogel612 He hasn't
@Mat'sMug I think just prefixing all variables with their type isn't a bad habit to start off with
..except you can't assign in the same instruction as the declaration in VBA
Don't kill the memes!
@Zak it is
@Mat'sMug except with constants :)
Aug 21 at 9:31, by Zak
Hi. I have no idea where I am or how I got here :) can anybody help?
No Hungarian Notation!
@Mat'sMug Oh bugger =:P
@Quill was that really only a fortnight ago :)
@Quill looks like @Donald.McLean's area of Expertise
@Malachi retire != kill
@Malachi That was the last instance of bear trap
Bear Trap is very Active
people tell me not to set out bear traps all the time
@Mat'sMug What would you recommend as a good notation?
but bear traps are about failing graduation
My point is that Zak did not see the words 'bear trap' in chat since his introduction here, as @Vogel612 pointed out/asked
and since we graduate officially in 6-8 months
cough years
@Vogel612 oh, is that official now?
@RMunroe ROFL
@Vogel612 or *official
@Zak srsly???
> Look for coding conventions that make wrong code look wrong. Getting the right information collocated all together in the same place on screen in your code lets you see certain types of problems and fix them right away.
@Vogel612 I thought it was about confusing Posters?
@Zak it's been official for almost a year now :)
please read up on meta... we regurgitated it on chat about... a thousand times
and on meta
and on MSE
and on Main
A: The Many Memes of Meta

Robert CartainoMeme: 6 to 8 Weeks Originator: Jeff Atwood First Heard: May 13th, 2008 Cultural Height: In about 6 to 8 weeks Definition: The time estimate given "off the top of my head" when the Stack Overflow team has only a vague idea of how long a task will take because they have little-to-no formal sche...

and on SO..
@Mat'sMug I would still argue that systems hungarian isn't bad. Sub-optimal certainly, but not a bad way to get used to dealing with variable types.
and SO on
good variable naming doesn't need "Notation"
if you can't tell what type your variable is, the variable name is too obscure
@Mat'sMug So, is that date set in stone then, or is it a "We expect to graduate you properly in X months" type thing?
Sorry, the context made it sound (to me) like that might have been an official type date for graduation
basically, SE designers are staff is swamped, we're set to fully graduate, ... 6-8 weeks from now
that's the same "6-8 weeks" that's been mentioned for over a year, right?
Yeah, @Zak, as @Vogel612 points out, you should really either:
4 mins ago, by Vogel612
please read up on meta... we regurgitated it on chat about... a thousand times
or install this:
Q: c# nested object to hierarchical object list

bookmarkerI have a c# type to generate Layer SubLayer. public class Layer { public int Id { get; set; } public int ParentId { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } And simulated a list with Db class. public static class Db { public static IList<Layer> GetLayers() ...

sorry, yes I've seen it on meta before, the context just confused me that it might have been a serious "6-8 weeks"
"6-8 weeks" is never serious :)
11 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
and "6-8 weeks" on Stack Exchange means "at one point in time, no frakkin' clue about when, leave me alone, I didn't ask to come to life"
IOW we're all mildly disgruntled
@Vogel612 I've picked up on that :)
which is maybe the understatement of the year
well, back to bufgfixing
I get the impression there's a history here?
About something?
^^ Definitely understatement of the year
Long story short:
New SE sites go in "Beta" when they're small.
CR has fulfilled all the metrics to be "Grauated" for a long time now.
We've been prmoised Graduation, quite a while ago.
We've done everything that was asked to improve certain metrics.
And graduation is still "6-8 weeks" away, more than a year later.
which is incorrect to some extent, but a good enough overview of the situation
this was the "pseudo-official" announcement:
Q: Celebratory fireworks animation

200_successTo celebrate an important event, I hastily cobbled together an HTML canvas-based animation. A few concerns I have include: Performance: Does it run reasonably smoothly on most modern machines? How can I make it more efficient? Portability / Compatibility: Does it work correctly on all modern ...

@Mat'sMug you really want to go through it all over?
the "official" announcement is easy to find - look for the top-voted post on Meta.CR :)
people can read the whole story by following the tag's timeline on meta
starting with this one:
Q: How is Code Review doing right now?

Grace NoteI’m Grace Note, a Community Manager at Stack Exchange. Normally for most sites we run a community site evaluation, as explained in this Meta Stack Overflow post under Public Beta sites. However, these reviews involve comparing our site content against searches on the internet for competing answer...

either that, or take this to nth
..well it is about Code Review
I also wouldn't mind a walk-through by people who went through it. I've pieced together most of it but never had it gone through all in one go.
Q: One hash with params populate two objects

user82407I have a JSON API where a user can update a post and related details to that post. To simplify the process the user just fills in one hash and we don't expose our architecture. What I did here works but I would like to know if their is a better way. This smells to me, but I don't know why... def...

@rolfl how did you make the XKCD feed post using RMunroe?
@Jarod42 I did not know about codereview. Yes, this code is working, but it seems exceptionally cumbersome. — a1s2d3f4 9 secs ago
Mod magic. I can't do it anymore.
ahhh I see
Is there a reason room owners can't do it?
@Mast Is there a reason you cannot see what you flagged for mod-attention from chat?
Q: C++ Stack using template

CaresiI'm learning C++ so I wrote a stack with the help of templates and wonder if there is anything I can improve or did vastly wrong. Stack.h #pragma once #include <ostream> template <class Type> struct Node { Node(Type data, Node<Type>* next) : data(data), next(next) {} Node* nex...

needs a better title....
@Mast guess what I did:
Q: Is there a way to see what happened to my moderator attention flags in chat?

Vogel612's ShadowI checked my Chat-Profile to see whether I can find something similar to the main-site flag-history for chat-flags, but didn't find anything. Background is I recently had the (dis)pleasure of regularly having to deal with a user, that has been deleted multiple times. Whenever they show up with t...

@Malachi At least it's descriptive ^^
@Vogel612 Good idea :-)
Shouldn't it be a feature-request?
@Vogel612 have a bounty :)
Q: C++ Stack using template

CaresiI'm learning C++ so I wrote a stack with the help of templates and wonder if there is anything I can improve or did vastly wrong. Stack.h #pragma once #include <ostream> template <class Type> struct Node { Node(Type data, Node<Type>* next) : data(data), next(next) {} Node* nex...

@EthanBierlein Stop interrupting the Mug.
@Mast not if something exists and I'm just too dumb to find it.
@Vogel612 Somehow I doubt that's the case.
but since I got that amount of upvotes and nothing happened I figure there's nothing like that
Thanks Santas
@Zak but but.. I just got to see vote counts after capping twice in a row
@Vogel612 The bounty is for the user writing the answer, not for you ^^
@Vogel612 plus bounties / accepted answers are exempted from rep caps anyway
@Mast I'd need to pay it, you know?
@Vogel612 Zak put one up for you. You're not paying/getting anything, except hopefully a good answer.
ohmigawd is that awesome!!! ~squeal
Thanks @Zak ~bows
Zak being a good guy (again)
I am so used to markdown now it happens to be in my code ;-)
^ that.
Whenever I write emails or chat somewhere, I emphasize with * ...
or in serious cases even **
Wait, I'm the good guy?
heya @MarcusMüller welcome to the 2nd Monitor
I've been doing the same
I am ending each mail line with 2 spaces and return
welcome @MarcusMüller
there is a w3c group for unified markdown...
@MarcusMüller One of us! One of us!
shhh don't scare him
@Vogel612 I doubt it works
but it may be better than flooding new users with pings
Q: explain matrix creation code

Olena HoralHere is the original question where the user asks how to create an empty matrix. One of the answers is the following /** * Generates a matrix (ie: 2-D Array) with: * 'm' columns, * 'n' rows, * every cell defaulting to 'd'; */ function Matrix(m, n, d){ var mat = Array.apply(null, new Arr...

I was talking about the markdown group
ohh.. yea agreed
@CaptainObvious We don't do code explanations.
You missed the mark, right?
Ergh. Someone up-voted that.
@CaptainObvious Who up-voted that? Anyone who can review reviews (2k+)?
Oh wait, it's probably not a first post.
Maybe who upvoted it did it because of the appealing profile photo
@IsmaelMiguel Don't give me bad ideas.
Do I want to know those ideas?
When should you stop saying "Welcome to Code Review!" on a post? This person obviously isn't new because they already have ~20 reputation.
It's not a matter of reputation
@SirPython Using this userscript does it automatically based on the joined dat.
@SirPython The auto-script adds that the first X days...
Oh? Maybe I should look into this user/auto script.
@SirPython I usually do it only on the first post.
Q: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Benjol No more re-typing the same comments over and over! This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments (canned responses), which you can easily click to insert. This script was inspired by answers to thi...

Q: Frequently Posted Comments

Simon André ForsbergOn Code Review we often encounter questions with the same kind of problem over and over again. Some of us are using the auto comments script which allows you to maintain a list of comments to post. What are some useful tin-can comments that can be good to have in your list of comments? If you ...

> The default message is "Welcome to $SITENAME$" - which is shown for any 1-week-old users
Thanks for the links.
I've never tried the auto-commenter thing but it looks cool
@CaptainObvious Anybody have delete votes?
It speeds up reviews immeasurably.
@SirPython It's closed
I understand that.
I was asking about delete votes.
I would leave it
As an example to others
I think the help center is a good enough example.
Nobody reads it
@MatíasFidemraizer Please don't recommend sites if you aren't familiar with what's on topic there. This question is clearly not for Code Review, and is probably not good for Programmers either. — Ixrec 56 secs ago
codereview.SE is not for such discussions — overexchange 1 min ago
hey @Jamal
SQL Server Question, is there an ELSE IF statement?
Woo! Got editing privileges.
@Malachi Use a case.
thank you.
I hate Mondays, there must be a graph that shows that programmers don't get much work done on Mondays....
A: Unable to change password - Access is denied

Dan WhallJust say mean things at it until it does what you want it to do.

@Ixrec You're wrong. I know JavaScript and I work with it everyday. I still think it's a code review thing, because OP is asking to review the code and check if OP understood the concepts..........or correct the code / statements if something is wrong — Matías Fidemraizer 33 secs ago
Hooray! Another shitpost that I can flag!
@MatíasFidemraizer Code review is for reviewing your code. This question is not about reviewing code, instead it's about reviewing concepts. — Derek 朕會功夫 47 secs ago
@Malachi I can relate to that. I'm so tired. I'm literally falling asleep on my keyboard
I worked all day yesterday, moving 12 packs and 24 packs of soda, and then I moved 60 lb bags of cement while fixing my fence
@Jamal I'm tempted to get a superuser account just to down-vote/flag these things.
my muscles don't ache as much as I thought they would, TBH
@SirPython That's what tempted me to get a Drupal account. ;-)
I had to unload 122kg worth of computers
And carry them upstairs
It's just a steep climb of, around, 40 steps
@SirPython downvoting would need 150 rep
@Heslacher Darn, that's right. Perhaps I would stick to flags and edits before reaching that.
@rolfl I think I might be looking at this all wrong. can I still use CASE if I want to run a slightly different query for each value? or should I be considering something else?
@Derek朕會功夫 Maybe the point is that this Q&A has no place on SE network. It should be rephrased... — Matías Fidemraizer 4 mins ago
thats not nice for us
Q: Webscraping Bing wallpapers

amt528I wanted to scrape all the wallpapers from the Bing wallpaper gallery. This was for personal use and to learn about webscraping. The gallery progressively gets images using javascript as the user scrolls down the page. Then you can download the high-resolution image with a few clicks. I actua...

"I thought this solution was actually okay, but I was wondering if there was a way to automate or avoid the manual step of capturing the network traffic. I was hoping to avoid selenium if possible, because it looks kind of slow and cumbersome." - Is that sort of asking for new functionality?
select case when name="boo" then "hoo"
                   when name="foo" then "bar"
                   when age > 20 then "adult"
                   when gender = "M" then "male"
                   else "frodo"
@Malachi ^^^
off topic example code ^^^^
This keyboard wants to be replaced badly
SQL would be so much easier if it were something like Java or C#
let me search a little here.
@Malachi see this answer
A: SQL Switch/Case in where clause

Bob Probstdeclare @locationType varchar(50); declare @locationID int; SELECT column1, column2 FROM viewWhatever WHERE @locationID = CASE @locationType WHEN 'location' THEN account_location WHEN 'area' THEN xxx_location_area WHEN 'division' THEN xxx_location_division END

thank you
for some reason I thought you couldn't do it....
Q: Will this regular expression match all binary strings with even number of ones and zeros?

wvxvwPOSIX version: ^((00)*|(11)*|((10|01)(\2|\3)*(10|01))*)+$ Emacs version: "^\\(\\(00\\)*\\|\\(11\\)*\\|\\(\\(10\\|01\\)\\(\\2\\|\\3\\)*\\(10\\|01\\)\\)*\\)+$" (in case you were too lazy to add backslashes) I am absolutely sure that the language of binary strings of arbitrary length with...

Q: Webscraping Bing wallpapers

amt528I wanted to scrape all the wallpapers from the Bing wallpaper gallery. This was for personal use and to learn about webscraping. The gallery progressively gets images using javascript as the user scrolls down the page. Then you can download the high-resolution image with a few clicks. I actua...

created a bunch of questions on superuser (around 1.5 k)
For code review questions, use codereview.stackexchange.comKeillЯandor 12 secs ago
Probably most of them is tagged with or
Q: Base -2 representation using cpp - exercise

AlucardI'm preparing for a test and came across this exercise, I will be puting my solution at the end and hope for you guys if possible to provide better solution with explanation in whatever language you are confortable with. In base -2, Integers are represented by sequences of bits in the folow...

Q: Search algorithm in Python

RafailI wrote early version of searching algorithm. I have got problem with it. __author__ = 'Goldsmitd' board=[['%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%','%'], ['%','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','%','-','-','-','%'], ['%','-','%...

This question belongs on the CodeReview site — Dmitry 19 secs ago
@Donavon that's quite alright. Yes, your question is exactly the kind of thing that is on-topic for CodeReview. Feel free to come on over :) — Zak 53 secs ago
Q: Text Memorize - A tool to help you memorize some text

zzgI wrote a snippet of code to help me memorize text out of files and was hoping to get some feedback on the code, since Python isn't my strongest language. You can see the code on GitHub, but I've pasted it below as well. #!/usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 import argparse import codecs import ran...

Q: Text simulation game

DonavonI'm making a text simulation game in C# and I've made the calculations and all. But I know there's a better, faster and more efficient way in doing this. Basically, the first calc is that there's a 5% chance that there would be a 80-100 yard gain etc. and so on. int yardsLeft = 100; if (yardsL...

we have a new user people, go say hi:)
A: Chances to gain yards (text simulation game)

ZakWelcome to CodeReview. In a minute, when you've got 20 rep, feel free to come say hi in the 2nd Monitor. Now, with regards your question. Anytime you see if... elseif... elseif... you should immediately go check if your language has a version of Select Case. In c#, this would look like switch ...

Welcome to CodeReview :)

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