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I know you are an editor but why was my comment deleted? Are you the only one who can make puns? My comment was relevant in that you've edited your answer in response to it. You should have left my comment alone and added your own like "Doh! Fixed. Thx". Instead you've overstepped your editorial bounds. — Rick Davin 1 hour ago
Because obsolete comments are removed, not by me, but by moderators. — Quill 24 secs ago
I flag them, but that's a different thing ;-)
Wait no, morning.
And users can also flag comments as 'not constructive', or too chatty, which is what I am about to do. — rolfl 46 secs ago
Thanks, @rolfl (and lol)
> You have so many copy-pasted blocks absolutely everywhere, that I'm getting high from all the paste (glue).
lmfao ^^
Hey, if you can hit 'em with the hard stuff, and make 'em laugh at the same time, you really get their attention
(and apparently everybody else's)
A: Race Track Fuel problem

nhgrifNo. @f'''s answer is excellent, but it makes one assumption: that the car's gas tank has enough capacity to make an entire lap. This answer assumes that the car's tank has a capacity higher than the total amount of fuel it takes to make a lap. If you can't carry enough fuel for the wh...

@SimonAndréForsberg All you did was move the assumption from one place to another.
Now you're assuming the car has cargo capacity for the cans.
I've migrated the "code review" part of your question to Code Review, but tried to keep the "it doesn't work" part of your question here (where 027's answer is great). In future, please only ask one question per question :). — Matt ♦ 18 secs ago
I'd rather do that than create a new problem from a solution.
Updated my answer anonymously by accident, so you'll have to wait until it's approved. — pritaeas Apr 2 '12 at 10:21
@SimonAndréForsberg Thanks.
had to use the mod timeline to find it
ooh, mod tools
I hear Design-Independent-Graduation is a thing. What/when is it happening to us?
It has already, and it won't happen also.
Q: Design-Independent Graduation is on for early September!

AnaThis is a follow-up to an earlier discussion Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation. Like the title says, design-independent graduation will go into effect and become our new regular practice the second week of September! All sites which have been waiting in the backlog to graduate w...

@Quill Don't we already have some of that?
Not exactly
Hey, @SirPython I have a strange bug that I can't fix, could you take a look at it in JavaScript libraries
Graduation was promissed a long time ago
@Quill Sure. I'll join in a second.
thanks :-)
@Zak Code Review has already graduated. It has had elections, and so on. What it does not have is a design, and reputation changes. The latest round of design independent progress would have allowed Code Review to also have community ads, migration paths, etc... but, as a community, the consensus was that the most important next steps would be rep changes, and since that is still linked to site design, we were not that enthusiastic about participating in another test run of smaller features
We would rather wait for the important features to be ready, and then go the rest of the way in a single step.
@rolfl Thanks for clearing that up :)
Well, that's the nice way of presenting what I think happened.... ;-)
Q: Would you like to test design-independent graduation?

PopsIt's been over a month since the last graduation update and your new mods are settled in. Time for more news! First, a quick recap. As many of you know, we on the SE team approved Code Review for graduation a long time ago, and then tripped up on delivering most of the actual features of graduat...

> Update: based on the reaction below, we are not going to start the trial of design-independent graduation for you today (or at any planned time). For the longer-term future: as usual, you should hear from us here on meta before any major changes occur.
The cynical side of me thinks that we pissed off the community managers, and they are frustrated by the community.
I genuinely think that Code Review has been a real thorn in the side of the SE staff. We have been remarkably successful despite not fitting the model they believe stack exchange follows. We don't "fit the mold". So everything about us is somewhat "exceptional" - we are different.
We have been "fighting" for graduation, and there's technical and process problems that are entirely the fault of the SE "process", and they can't just throw a switch to make it happen, so it's hard to just graduate us when taken in to the context of the priorities of Stack Exchange as a whole
I think that's likely @rolfl.
I think they thought we'd be excited about the half assed "graduation" they were proposing.
So, some of the CM's, Pops, and others, have been "on our side" for the most part, and trying to give us small parts..... and our "no" answer (it was not actually a "no", it was just a very unenthusiastic "well, if you insist") .... has upset them.
I don't think they expected us to say no.
Yeah. Not blaming Pops. I know he's been fighting for changes for a long time.
On the whole, I think it will drop the priority of Code Review's final graduation "a long way", but there's been no communication since then, and I don't expect any.
I don't either.
how to quote comments?
At the end of the day though, hurting this community just hurts themselves.
And delaying like this has hurt this community.
That's partly true. ^^^ but not enough.
paste the comment url
@Zak For straight text, add a > (angle-bracket and space) to the front, like this:
ah, gotcha :)
> this is quoted
More like 6-8 years with this speed... — Mast Aug 14 at 21:49
That seems very prescient
@RubberDuck What what?
Oh right. You don't have the rep. One sec.
> Sorry cant help don't know about technology
Posted as an answer (and promptly deleted).
oh, that :)
new user to CR (and, according to the profile, SE)
I invited them to come say hi in chat but they never showed
probably because they need 15 rep on se (but for so and meta.se, you need 15 on the individual sites)
Wouldn't have been able to chat anyway. That ^
not to actually join a chat room though
And chat is cumulative rep for all sites.
yes to actually join a chat room though
and hey, I'd've been more than happy to give them 2 upvotes so they could introduce themselves
@Quill oh?
@Quill I thought that was only for speaking in chat?
@Zak it won't let you join the room
try incognitoing this tab
@Quill 20, actually
ah, okay
15 is for upvoting
damnit. I'm getting distracted again :)
See you guys in a bit
That should be my last question for a while. Now I get to start a new project from scratch for the first time since I found CR :)
Q: Aggregating data from multiple worksheets into a consistent format

ZakFirst off, this is the 3rd (and probably last) review of the project in question. You can find the previous question here. The Macro accesses a workbook containing 8 worksheets each with similarly structured but not identical tables of data (submitted business for my company). It then filters ...

@philn: There's codereview.stackexchange for that sort of thing. But in this case: Make it a static class, make the Stopwatch readonly, use Restart instead of Reset and Start. DateTime is a struct and cannot be null, so make it a DateTime? instead. I'd probably use basetime + swatch.Elapsed instead of the Add call. — Joey 11 secs ago
Q: Aggregating data from multiple worksheets into a consistent format

ZakFirst off, this is the 3rd (and probably last) review of the project in question. You can find the previous question here. The Macro accesses a workbook containing 8 worksheets each with similarly structured but not identical tables of data (submitted business for my company). It then filters ...

1:39:6 BB> Zak left The 2nd Monitor
oh hey, that's not supposed to happen, what
well done
@Quill ?
@Zak Sorry, program errors
move along citizen
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because there's no problem to be solved here. Perhaps the question should be posted on codereview.stackexchange.comTed Hopp 24 secs ago
@Duga Not a good sign: I can't actually tell what the OP is asking for
@Quill oh dear...
well, that probably could not have gone worse
somebody say the word crap
hello @AntonioVargas Welcome to the 2nd Monitor
wonderful, thank you
you're welcome
@Quill have fun debugging that :)
Not another monkey..... :)
I see that elections burned out the activity stats: data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/161411/…
Q: C++ std::setprecision in C#

MeeuwisseI'm picking up C# by porting some legacy C++ code and would like to keep the output identical. What used to be something along the lines of output << std::setprecision(10) << (double) value; I figured would now be output.Write("{0:F10}", value); But this didn't do the trick. Specifically va...

in Ministry of Truth, 10 secs ago, by Quill
> monkey watching
Wait, when were elections?
That says 13 months ago. Is it a typo?
in The DMZ, 47 secs ago, by Lucas Kauffman
in The DMZ, 43 secs ago, by Quill
in Ministry of Truth, 9 secs ago, by Quill
2:33:45 BB> Lucas Kauffman joined The DMZ.
@Quill why are you pasting these over?
This made me laugh
> "April Fools Day is the one day of the year that people critically evaluate news articles before accepting them as true."
@Vogel612 It was an accident, and I apologised
/me confused...
@Zak No, it is a stupid standard that Stack Exchange has on its dates.... July 14 is the 14th of July, not July 2014.
On the other hand, July 14 '14 is July 2014
Was there already a meta about this stuff? Like being able to know who stars stuff?
@rolfl oh, right
Yes, that is a stupid standard
@EthanBierlein Yeah, hold up one sec and I'll grab it for you
Q: I'm seeing stars! (I can see who starred a message and so can you)

DoorknobSo I was making a chatbot in Ruby for SE chat, and I discovered that I could find out the starrer of a message. I'm pretty sure stars, like votes, are supposed to be anonymous. Although this knowledge would help for cases of star trolls like this. Here's the specific slice of code that do...

Well, sort of.
@EthanBierlein There's already an SE extension available to see who starred what.
I'll release this on userscripts once I'm done
@Morwenn somewhat
And that, people, is a great first answer ;-) — rolfl 25 secs ago
A: Get some pointers/suggestions on first basic java program?

LIttle Ancient Forest KamiDepends on how you want to improve it, there's number of ways to go. For instance: Procedural vs OO code - Extendability If you wish to extend your game, add new functionalities, make it one game among many that users can play, you'd better switch from current programming style to more modulari...

If I had any votes left, I'd upvote that :)
Also, it turns out I'm responsible for half of the new VBA questions in the last month, and I've only been here 12 days :)
I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing
Ohhh .... someone must have flagged my comment, it was deleted .... too chatty?
@Zak You are keeping people busy on their mission, which is a good thing.
@rolfl probably
well, I just got the 25th upvote on Simon's shielding CR question, which gave me the silver badge. So, thanks @Santa
is there a filter on questions where I can see all my subscribed tags?
@Zak There is under "Unanswered"
You could also create a tag subscription.
@SirPython how does that work?
See your "Favorite tags" on the right side of your screen?
Click "Edit"
Then click "advanced tag subscriptions"
Thank you, that's exactly what I was after
where do all these strange users come from?
in Ministry of Truth, 1 min ago, by Ohnana
@BigBrother i see you you tosser you don't need to ping me
in Ministry of Truth, 25 secs ago, by Ohnana
@Quill lol i know
@Quill srsly... why do you keep pasting these over?
Is the code working? If you want to improve working code post to Code Review instead. — Juhana 47 secs ago
a == b[-len(a):] might be more clearly expressed as b.endswith(a), and you should try to reduce the duplication. If this is working* code that you think could be improved, consider codereview.stackexchange.comjonrsharpe 18 secs ago
A: How to stop windows 10 from upgrading after installed?

bernenwhy u need decline ? Windows 10 its really awesome

Q: Refactor function in JS that flattens a 2d array to use map/reduce

Taylor AckleyI have been trying to get better at functional programming, which includes understanding map reduce. I wrote a function intended to fill a autocomplete with values. The challenge I was encountering was my Mongo records, had a category array that needed to be flattened for the autocomplete t...

@Jamal People really do treat SE like a forum would be treated.
And as a place for advertising...
@Jamal It is, unfortunately, still the internet.
Certain things are just inevitable
Yet, CR still rarely gets spam. I guess that will change after more visibility from full graduation.
@Jamal probably just a function of us not being very search-engine-friendly :)
@Jamal Flagged.
@Jamal SO will keep taking the brunt of it. Although the amount of feature-requests and other off-topic questions we get will probably rise.
@Zak Which is also bad, as that's much needed for all sites. This is also why fixing bad titles are important. No one searches for "how i can improve code" or anything like that.
Q: Making my underscore template code more manageable

stylerI currently have what seems to be a very overly complicated underscore template full of conditionals and as the data grows I'm worried the conditions are going to get more and more extreme. Can anyone advise how I could make this template logic a little easier for my inputs, right now I'm running...

@Jamal True, but even with good titles, I'd argue that the kind of questions we get on CR are not very friendly to search engines by their very nature
Right, and SO would take precedence anyway.
@Jamal tbh, this could be a good thing
I'm not sure what it'd do to the nature of the site if we got a large influx of new users who haven't come through other parts of the SE network first.
@Zak We'd need to instigate a new variant of The Mission.
Flagfest would commence and the amount of zombies would rapidly increase.
@Zak Go to google and search "review my code". Code Review is the second result.
@EthanBierlein That's not what he meant.
If you like googling so much, try SEO.
This may be a better question to ask on code review. — Jason 1 min ago
@Jamal If only I could VTC on that site.
Or even downvote.
Also, am I the only one who thinks this question is probably off-topic:
Q: C++ std::setprecision in C#

MeeuwisseI'm picking up C# by porting some legacy C++ code and would like to keep the output identical. What used to be something along the lines of output << std::setprecision(10) << (double) value; I figured would now be output.Write("{0:F10}", value); But this didn't do the trick. Specifically va...

Q: design issues regarding inheritance of diffrenet classes from the same base class

Alex GoftI have problems with dealing with derived classes that inherit from the same base class. Supose i have 2 types of songs: songs with lyrics that have: Title, Tags (sad,happy etc), lyrics (one line), writer instrumental song: Title, Tags (same as lyric songs), instrumentals (a string), performe...

Q: Social sidebar PS:open snippet in full page

Kraftinger LpHtml: <div class="sul"> <div class="slili" id="sociallili"> <a class="sa" href="#"><br/></a> </div> <div class="slili" id="sociallili1"> <a class="sa1" href="#"><br/></a> <

@EthanBierlein I think anyone who googles "Review my code" is probably someone we'd be happy to have on the site. I was thinking more along the lines of people searching for programming help who often end up on SO with no idea what the rules are, and go and post simple/duplicate/off-topic questions.
@CaptainObvious Broken?
@IsmaelMiguel It's not broken, it's just... void of content and/or context? The snippet works (if you open in full screen mode). I voted as "Unclear"
You're right
I'm using IE, so, just wanted to be sure.
The CSS is the only even remotely interesting part...
Even that looks like Ctrl+C coding...
~back to cleaning and Pink Floyd~
The whole code looks copy-paste
@SimonAndréForsberg Thanks, sir!
Pimping SO answer to that question (which was originally on CR).
Since when is the 0 in 1.01 not considered a signifcant number?
@JeroenVannevel It is.
Where do you get that idea from?
> What you are referring to is significant figures
But he is referring to signifcant numbers while excluding the '0' significant numbers
He's excluding preceeding 0's.
Which are significant..
So we're not just talking about significant numbers
No, they are not.
This is something I don't know what it is
I'm surprised the C++ implementation works like that in the first place
@JeroenVannevel We are talking about significant digits.
Or significant figures.
I know. But when you write 0.003 with setPrecision(5) then I expect it to return 0.00300, not 0.0030000
I know what they are
You've confused me.
My implementation formats it as significant figures.
Look at his example input/output for C++:
test = 0.00012345678906;  out << test << '\n'; // 0.0001234567891
the C++ implementation doesn't consider the 0.000 as part of the significant number
it starts counting after that
That's a precision of 10 with 13 significant numbers
It's not part of it...lol
it just doesn't make sense
yes it is
No, it's 10 significant numbers.
0.0001 is 4 significant numbers
Leading 0's are never significant.
Read that Wikipedia article.
It's not a leading 0 if it's behind the comma
Yes it is.
Because it would properly be written as an exponent.
Or scientific notation, I should say.
hmm. I guess I was under the wrong impression about this all my life
Heh, it happens.
Also, I used the C#6.0 $ string interpolation in that code, and I absolutely love it.
oh yeah, it's sexy
Occasionally I am inspired to change my system defaults when something convincing is suggested to me. In this case: Hack A monospace font designed for reading code on monitors... at small sizes and large. It in theory avoids confusion when using common language structures, like changing the visual weight of ; (by spacing things slightly differently), etc.
Easily my new favourite feature.
So these methods now go in my library.
@rolfl have you been using it already or will you try it out now?.
I have an background images of green bars,but I can´t load them. Sorry for my bad English. — Kraftinger Lp 12 mins ago
@JeroenVannevel Installed 5 minutes ago.... what can I say - so far so good?
I guess I'll hear if you end up loving it
Well, i have already reduced (by 1) the font-size of my default terminal font, so I now have more info on screen, and it's still just as readabl.e
I was doing a conference call with a guy who was sharing his screen, and his code was showing in fixedsys font. It was yucky.
I didn't even know they still bundled that font with Windows...
Hmmm... interesting, I thought I would compare screenshots of three fonts, Hack, Mono, and Droid.... but it appears that Hack has a different "Y" size for a given font size.
That looks good on a terminal
When I change the font to hack, I get fewer lines in my terminal.... for the same font size. I don't understand.
Maybe it has less height?
Could have different line spacing, you might also be able to adjust that
That too
Well, I get more lines if I reduce the font size by 1, which is what I had done... so I guess it is how you look at things.
Is this a question, or do you want us to review your code? Maybe you should post it on Code Review. — Olivier Jacot-Descombes 19 secs ago
Monaco <3
I use the default one on Notepad++
The only thing I do is reducing the size
I actually like it
Well, try the Hack font, see what it looks like ;-)
I hate the i in it
It looks like a messed-up j
Other than that, I like everything else in it
I must say it looks quite nice
The hack font?
I just prefer the bubbly look of Monaco, but I'm sure just as many people hate it for the same reason ;)
I don't like the i on that one
@Duga most unclear question I've seen in a while
And the "holes" in the letters
A lot of people I work with use Courier in Management Studio, it drives me nuts :|
Oh, this whole conversation looks less nonsensical when I unignore a user (not mentioning any names).
@Phrancis I like it. Looks like the default one from Notepad++.
Q: Program uses methods to read in names and ages but needs to know how to add, delete, and change names when prompted

Leon Brown do { option = mainMenu(); if (option=='A') { Add(infile, numberofnames,age[1],names[1]); } else if (option=='C') { } else if (option=='D') { } else if (option=='P') { ...

@CaptainObvious Wow! Already closed!
/* Courier font for Management Studio... */
Dear Database,

  I hope this query finds you well. Will you please SELECT the Name and Phone_Number FROM Persons and ORDER them BY Date they were inserted?

Best regards,

@Duga posted the code part of the question as an answer. That one I haven't seen before :)
@CaptainObvious Oh, hello there again, misused IDE tag.
Q: Run function on resize

Guest194I'm trying to execute code on browser resize, this is my file $(document).ready(function () { updateContainer(); $(window).resize(function() { updateContainer(); }); }); function updateContainer() { var $winWidth = $(window).width(); if ($winWidth > 750) { ...

@CaptainObvious Broken code
Does this question even have sufficient code (assuming it's not mostly an example)?
@Zak or it could be an attempt at making a question and then self-answering it. — Simon André Forsberg 12 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg ah, on closer reading that may be it.
@Jamal don't wake the sleeping bear
@Jamal IT seems like a legitimate style question.
@Jamal It seems like a question of "Should I do this?" instead of a request to review code.
According to the help section, it is required to have fully working code
That doesn't seem to be the full code, but does also seem to be enough code
So, I'm divided
Maybe it is both?
@IsmaelMiguel I'd say it's enough code to review what the OP wants reviewed
And what does the O.P. want reviewed?
@IsmaelMiguel I'd say it's a style/readability question. Admittedly, a very focused one, but legitimate nonetheless.
Yes, it is
But there's another side-question
> Should I remove redundant units, or should I disable this warning?
Basically, this question is a race for someone to say: "Yes, it's ok like that"
Or "No, units are required"
I'd say it's definitely a borderline question, but I'd be inclined to let it stand.
I agree
Besides, it's from April 2014
@IsmaelMiguel I hadn't even noticed that :)
Me neither
As I said:
13 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@Jamal don't wake the sleeping bear
I didn't knew what that meant
Ah, VBA, I'd forgotten you count empty cells as being numeric
Very weird
I forget: are "Should I do A or B?" question on-topic?
Good question
As long as it's in the context of "here is my code, I am trying to do X", is A or B better for e.g. Readability, maintainability, Reusability, etc.
Q: Finding the rod pieces in the rod cut issue

AxlI have been reading the chapter 15 of "Introduction to Algorithms" (3rd edition) by Cormen, etc. The chapter 15 is about dynamic programming, and the first example they show us is the "rod cut problem". Now, I have spent some time trying to understand it, but mostly trying to understand the pse...

"Should I do A or B" as a general hypothetical would be off-topic
Nevermind. I just found a meta on it.
I was looking for the meta
But got lost
@Zak Of course, as hypothetical code is always off-topic (with the exception of example usage of a library)
Q: Should comparisons of code snippets be closed as "not seeking a code review"?

JamalI've been seeing some "A vs. B" questions for a while, and I'm not sure if they're considered on-topic for this site. Many of these questions are not asking for a review, but which code snippet is better. These, to me, sound primarily opinion-based. However, I've seen some that are asking abou...

Both questions seems to me not in the right format for StackOverflow, the first one asks for an opinion, the second one asks for a code review. — Andrea Casaccia 59 secs ago
I don't know JS but if your code is currently working as intended please feel free to post it in CodeReview.Stackexchange.com — Zak 16 secs ago
A: Is usage of friend class appropriate in this case?

glampertPersonally, I don't have major objections with that design. It gets the job done in a fairly straightforward way. But it does creates coupling, which might become a nuisance to you as the project grows. So another option with less coupling, as mentioned in comments, would be defining a default pa...

@SirPython Thanks for the link
@rolfl I had to unignore as well, we should compare notes later.
@jacek-cz, a better place for this question is codereview.stackexchange.com Make sure to post working examples of each of your 'typical problems' you'd like to see coded more... Groovy-ly. And of course, don't forget the groovy tag. — Emmanuel Rosa 1 min ago
@TobiaTesan do you mean the for ... else: construction is confusing? I almost agree except the extra code needed to handle "I have reached the end of the loop without a break" is at least as onerous as the idiomatic for ... else: construction. There are worse constructions in Python like "try ... except ... else ... finally" which really tax the mind of non-Dutch people which I wouldn't let through code review. — msw 41 secs ago
My Spotify radio just put on the soundtrack to Knights of Badassdom. Success!
Oh, there's a bug or two with the ignore code.
When you have multiple computers, and ignore in one, you don't ignore in the others until you refresh.
Also, the icons on the right get a "break" in them when you ignore someone... let me screen-shot.
speaking of ignore code, I've got a bug in mine
Note the extra space after row-1 with the ignore....
Hmm... time to install soup.....
Q: Ignoring somebody screws up the avatar list

elyseWhen I ignore a user, the avatar list looks weird. The blank line beneath the row with the avatar of the ignoree is quite annoying. I use Google Chrome on OS X. There was a question tagged status-completed but it still looks weird.

Q: Saving and loading parts of configuration

Klaus HeleniusI have a piece of code where I have string pairs (eg. 'a' and 'AA'), where both have their own unique ids. Id for first object is configured by user and second id is received at some point during runtime. Example code: http://repl.it/BE5N Is there smarter way to load/save second ids from/to a f...

In what right mind is this notable:
in Ministry of Truth, 12 mins ago, by BigBrother
in The 2nd Monitor, 11 secs ago, by rolfl
Hmm... time to install soup.....
silly BigBrother
actually I agree with BB here
Wouldn't give it more than 2
The regex matching was broken, and subsequently his room was flooded with shit
Q: Why would my male cat's nipple fall off?

Katie HurleyI have a 10 year old slightly obese indoor cat. Recently I was petting his stomach and thought I found what may have been a scab. I scrapped it gently with my finger nail before I had the hair completely clear from the space (to get a better look) and it fell right off. When I was able to clea...

hot network question right there
what the...
@Quill If I had a cat and something that potentially serious happened to it, I don't think I would wait a week to take it to the vet.
nipples dont just fall off...
Imagine House looking at it with that intrigued look and saying .. "cool"
/me back to House MD.
Q: Project Euler #2 in python

user82360Here is my python code for 2nd problem of project euler. Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... By considering the terms in the Fibonacci ...

Did you try it? Did it work? What exact problem are you having? If this is about reviewing your code, try codereview.stackexchange.com — paddy 39 secs ago
Q: Reverse engineering Darkstone game archives

glampertReverse engineering old games is something I do every now and then. This time, I took a shot at this old RPG called Darkstone. The bulk of the game's data is stored in archive files with the .MTF extension (not related to the Microsoft Tape Format). A partial description for this file format can...

@Quill Especially on male cats...
Still need to find the off-by-one error. Tip: all your indices are wrong. Just look at your equation on top. More importantly: never ask a question "for a verification". Stackoverflow is mostly for helping you with precise, well-defined problems in your programs. As in "this is supposed to print "3" but instead it paints the Mona Lisa". If you are looking for someone to take a look at your code and tell you what they think, go to codereview.SE, as paddy suggested in the first comment. — Andras Deak 5 secs ago
This is not a code review site. You need to do as reinierpost suggested and read this help article, How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example and repost your question. — JeffC 24 secs ago
Does someone know why these aren't placed horizontally? jsfiddle.net/e3unmc1w
Ah. Found it.
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