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I mean, maybe you're having to change it so frequently as a direct result of frequently changing it so easily
There are 1481 unanswered questions (94.4024% answered)
Next time they tell you the size changes, say "Okay, that will be X amount of time before it's done."
I have to change it so frequently because the guys delivering the other half of the product change it mid production.
@nhgrif Can't do that. Lol
Yes, you can.
And if you can't, you're working at the wrong place.
No, because I am not the one who makes those decisions.
I just get assigned the work.
Our "sysadmin" makes those decisions.
You're not in charge of the estimates of the work you do?
So I quit asking questions.
@nhgrif Nope. Our sysadmin or designer makes most of them.
If you have no say in the time estimates for the work you do, you're definitely at the wrong place.
Without a doubt.
I just get assigned the work, because they know I can get it done, and fast.
So I just deal with it.
Next job I take I will make sure I have more leeway regarding project management.
As it stands, I'm just a "code monkey" at this place.
Everyone involved in the software development process needs to know that you come up with the business requirements, then the developers give you an estimate. When the business requirements change, the estimate changes. You can't just freely change the requirements without expecting the estimate to change.
And that works both ways.
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Stack Overflow help file, which will help you understand what kinds of questions are appropriate for this site. This site is intended to help you obtain answers to specific programming questions, as opposed to providing tutorial, design or code review assistance. TL;DR: Try something first, then ask when you run into a specific issue. — MarsAtomic 5 secs ago
If you start a 3 month project, and the product owner decides he wants to get it out quicker, he can change the requirements eliminating 1 month worth of estimated work, developers should be able to re-estimate it to 2 months if their original estimate is still accurate.
That's not how it works for me...lol
Mostly because we have almost no hard deadlines.
Even without hard deadlines, there's still estimations.
Business people make business decisions based on technical people's estimation of technical work time tables.
With or without hard deadlines.
well I can relate to that. My source data gets re-created every night, with field lengths that depends on what's in it. so a field that's documented as 80 characters can very well be 92 one day, and 143 the next day. So my staging database imports it as varchar(1024). Of course not all fields are like that.
The problem with this company is that no one here respects me because I am "just a kid" in their eyes.
Everyone who works in this IT department is at the least 15 years older than me.
Earn it.
So "what does my opinion matter" is the question they always ask.
Another sign that you're definitely at the wrong place.
Gotta agree with nhgrif there.
It's not that they are bad people or anything, they just don't respect me because, in their eyes, I'm "just a kid."
The only person who can accurately estimate how long something will take is the guy doing the work.
Even though every time I have brought an issue up it has been a big f'in issue.
And I have always been right.
@RubberDuck and even then...
But, alas, I digress.
You're at the wrong place.
@Mat'sMug And yes. Even then. If you're good at estimating, you're lying about how good you are at estimating.
Yeah. Wrong place. Although. I have a bit of that problem where I'm at. Old guy. Knows his C, but clueless about anything that's happened in the last 20 years.
Lol. @Mat'sMug you're right there.
@nhgrif I'm just a 21 year old programmer, they see me as the 19 year old who started here and nothing more.
@RubberDuck There's a big difference between one guy and an entire culture.
The culture where @EBrown works is entirely wrong.
2 yrs under your belt? Find someplace that needs you.
@RubberDuck Not quite, just over a year.
> "when I was your age, Pluto was a planet."
Started here last June.
Conceded @nhgrif. Big difference.
@Mat'sMug Indeed. That's how they see it.
"When I was your age I just did what I was told."
And so, I do what I'm told. :)
Nothing more, nothing less.
When they ask if I think we can have "x done by y", I usually say "yes."
Because I can have my part done by then.
> "When I get your age I hope I don't think I know everything."
@Mat'sMug Exactly. I remind myself that every day.
I think the root of the problem is that they don't trust that someone, my age, can be good at VB.NET/ASP.NET/Programming in general.
Because "when they were my age" they didn't have these fancy computers in every office.
So how can I be good at them if they weren't?
let them be dinosaurs, and move on for your own good
Speaking of that old guy. He apparently has been reading my blog. Caught the hint about "not using doxygen for .Net"
Well I'm staying at this place because the company is great.
We have great benefits, great healthcare, etc.
I'm not actively searching for a job.
They gotta retire eventually, right?
But if one comes along, I'll definitely consider it.
@RubberDuck The youngest of them turned 36 this year, the oldest 49. They have a couple decades left.
if you're in the 'states, @nhgrif's place is hiring
(haha beat you to it!)
I don't do Swift.
Word to the wise, you should be. Not because of the culture (well, that too), but because it's the easiest way to get a raise in this industry.
Well, I do have a recruiter who has been pushing me to accept different jobs lately.
He's been finding good stuff, I just have to get him a couple technical references.
which reminds me, I need to update my LinkedIn profile
I just updated mine (and added @Jamal) this week.
Yeah. I need to update that stuff too. Lots to add since I started the new job.
If anyone wants information for mine, I'll leave a link out.
I might be able to find you through Jamal
I'll be the guy in the gray suitcoat with a red shirt/tie. ;)
@EBrown We're looking for Android and Rails devs right now primarily. But you must be a US Citizen.
@nhgrif I was born and raised in Ohio. :) But I'm no Rails or Android dev.
I know Java, but I'm barely above novice level.
What do you know?
@nhgrif Pretty much C#/VB.NET only. I'm not bad with PHP either, but it's been a while since I've used it.
Most of my experience is ASP.NET.
I'd start broadening.
MVC and Web Forms, though I prefer Web Forms.
I need to work on it.
Try something not web-based.
Trying to get into Android development now, actually.
I need to get a good Android Environment setup.
I'm also fairly good with MSSQL and MySQL.
@EBrown and a gray jacket
@nhgrif What non-web would you suggest, C#?
@Mat'sMug Yeah, that one.
With the full head of hair.
@Mast Not if you already know C# by way of ASP.NET.
Although, if you don't know mobile development, I recommend looking in that direction, since that's where the rest of the world (non-programmers) are certainly looking
I want to get into Objective-C and Swift, but I haven't a Mac. :(
So, I'll save that for a later time.
@EBrown there's an open-source "port" of objective-C for Windows you can try if you want, but IDK how Apple-ish it is
@Mat'sMug I'll pass. I'll get better with Android and Windows Phone first.
Then I'll work on the Apple situation.
I figure, if I'm going to learn a language/framework, I should probably learn the real deal.
@nhgrif In embedded world, Internet of Things is the buzz
You know, Jeeps getting hacked, that buzz
That feel when it works.
@Legato Which one?
@Hosch250 Trying to understand and apply unprecedented concepts -> problems -> problem -> frustration [tag:doing-something-worth-doing] -> trial and error -> repeat.

And then it works, feels good. [tag:why-I-love-this-stuff]
That one.
I figured you meant that one, but there is always the one when everything works the first try.
That one is good too.
Those represent the badges of how far you've come, also feels good.
But why don't my tags work. >:(
Good feelings all around
They don't work in line?
Only stand-alone? Was it always like that?
Because multi-line comments are "supposed" to be always code.
work pretty
Multi-line comments don't support markdown.
That ^^
Bummer though.
The obvious solution is posting it in multiple messages.
Talking about posting, I'm starting to get scared about accidentally hitting the "Return" key in emails now.
@Hosch250 Add the recipient in the last stage. E-mail won't send if it has no recipient.
First round was 4 hours ago...
@Hosch250 so I tested it:
Nope. I still get the same COMException ("name not found") with app.InvokeMember("Run", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Default, null, Application, new[] { qualifiedMemberName.MemberName });, ...and the same strategy (invoking the "Run" member) in Excel works perfectly. In fact, I have an Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application instance, that exposes this Run member - when the host app is Outlook, I have an Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook instance, which doesn't expose a Run method. It's not just undocumented... it's simply not there; the mystery remains :-( — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
I'm sure it is because of security reasons, and to be honest, I'm kind of glad it is like that.
@Mast Just remember that email editors don't send when you hit Return instead of Shift.
For all I hate college, I kind of like it too (for now).
Really looking forward to what answers I'll get to this.
Q: Getting chatty with FX

LegatoApplying a lot of unprecedented concepts here, it's a simple chat server capable of handling multiple clients, which are run through JavaFX, and have their individual threads instantiated and handled within the application thread (was more complex than anticipated). The Chat Server: import java...

@Legato I smell a hot network question
while (true) {
    Socket socket = chatServer.accept();
    new ClientHandler(socket).start();
Looks like a DDOS request.
I've never used sockets, but why all the while (true) statements?
? ThisOutlookSession.Application = ThisOutlookSession
Q: Getting chatty with FX

LegatoApplying a lot of unprecedented concepts here, it's a simple chat server capable of handling multiple clients, which are run through JavaFX, and have their individual threads instantiated and handled within the application thread (was more complex than anticipated). The Chat Server: import java...

TTGTB, just finished watching Incredibles with my kids. nothing better!
Reading (or trying to) about DBMS languages.
^^ TestMethod1 shows up in IntelliSense for ThisOutlookSession, but not for ThisOutlookSession.Application.. yet both calls work (in VBA).
it can work in VBA. it has to work in C#.
Call MS tech support, like Zak.
Just kidding
I contacted them once about something or other. I worked through all the foreign people and finally got an American (or someone who sounded American).
He was very nice and helpful.
But, I wouldn't try again.
I just crashed VS
I have to close the chat so I get school done. See you later.
@Hosch250 The accept() bit actually acts like a listener and waits for a connection to be established before moving forward, it's while (true) because it supports an unlimited number of clients.
@Malachi I bet you're excited for #2!
@Legato We are!
and the new cars movie and a couple of other ones that are coming as well
I've watched the first movie so many times.
I'd watch it again, it's never not good.
One of the few I have on DVD.
when I first started dating my wife, the first movie we ever went to was Shark Tale, in theaters. lol
we love these movies that are coming out now, they are so awesome
That's awesome.
anyway. time for me to get some sleep...
you all have a good one, see you all tomorrow
Hi @Mat'sMug! How are you doing today?
meh. I can't figure out how to get VBA code to run, programmatically, from a C# add-in
Is that related to Rubberduck?
40 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
Nope. I still get the same COMException ("name not found") with app.InvokeMember("Run", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Default, null, Application, new[] { qualifiedMemberName.MemberName });, ...and the same strategy (invoking the "Run" member) in Excel works perfectly. In fact, I have an Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application instance, that exposes this Run member - when the host app is Outlook, I have an Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook instance, which doesn't expose a Run method. It's not just undocumented... it's simply not there; the mystery remains :-( — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
I thought you created an SO post about this some times ago.
I was thinking of this. Never mind.
Q: C library public API types

Jonathon ReinhartI'm evaluating a library whose public API currently looks like this: libfoo.h /* Handle, used for all APIs */ typedef size_t fooh; /* Create new foo instance, result returned in handle */ int foo_open(int mode, fooh *handle); /* Start a foo */ int foo_start(fooh handle); /* Add a new bar t...

Q: Should questions about assembly code include architecture / platform tags?

Jonathon ReinhartI was reading this question about a FizzBuzz implementation in assembly for the ATmega16. I suggested that the OP include a tag indicating the architecture, because the fact that it was for an 8-bit AVR platform wasn't obvious. The OP commented that there are no architecture tags on Code Review....

My four top front teeth are trying to walk out the front of my mouth. We don't have a Dentist.SE, do we?
That might be appropriate for Health.SE
I've been to the dentist twice. Once when I was very young, and once about this issue recently.
The dentist said it is a genetic issue since most of my siblings have the same problem.
He couldn't do anything until my wisdom teeth finished growing in, or until they were pulled.
They haven't done either yet, so...
Better. It still might attract legitimate "hypothetical code" close and down votes due to the lack of context and boiled-down view of the code though. I'm leaving it in the hands of the community ;-) — Mat's Mug ♦ 1 min ago
Would Programmers.SE be better? I see mixed opinions on "API" questions. — Jonathon Reinhart 38 secs ago
would anyone know?
Ask them.
@Quill @Mat'sMug and I are both over there.
in The Whiteboard, 2 mins ago, by Hosch250
At CR, we have a user who is considering moving a question here: http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/102021/c-library-public-api-types#‌​comment186730_102021
Fair enough ;-)
doesn't look crazy busy in there though
Well, their mod posted a message just 3 minutes before I did...
Should we ping him?
go ahead, I need to take out the trash :)
in The Whiteboard, 23 secs ago, by Hosch250
@RobertHarvey Our CR mod, @Mat'sMug is busy taking out the trash, so I get to ping you.
lol, back
Anyone use MongoDB?
Looking at GemsFromStackExchange.
1 person posted a post of 16401 0's, and had the user name of spamMASTERbanME.com
Yes, they are.
I have seen multiple of them myself, and seen others refer to one I haven't seen in chat.
@Mat'sMug @Hosch250 see:
Q: Are questions about public interface (API) on topic?

mgibsonbrI'm writing some library code (ex. jQuery plugins, Django apps) that is meant to be used by other people as building blocks for larger applications. Often I don't see much need for others peer-reviewing my code, but it would be great to get people's opinions on its API (the public interface to ea...

I mean, I don't know whether +8 is a meaningful community consensus or not.
@durron597 thanks
@Mat'sMug yw
in The Whiteboard, 1 min ago, by Ampt
That's it, I'm opening a meta post so that we can get a close reason that includes the word 'Nazi'
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is an opinion poll between two options.
Can I use that, or is that an off-topic close reason?
@Mat'sMug Do you know what the Stack overflow post deleted / not deleted ratio is?
@Hosch250 that would be a precedent. is supposedly on-topic.
@durron597 no idea
OK, I'm anti- anyway.
@Mat'sMug it's a little under 1:5
Something like 3.2 million to 600k
what do you think the ratio is on programmers?
err, sorry, 3.2 million is ALL posts
hmmph... 1 to 10?
2.6 million undeleted to 600k
programmers has 130k deleted to 160k undeleted
Nazis indeed
@Hosch250 Why? I think it's pretty awesome.
Post two questions instead.
Otherwise, it becomes an opinion poll.
I don't know, it can feel spammy. We'll probably have a difference of opinion on this so I won't discuss it any further.
I should have done the dishes 1.75 hours ago.
You guys ever have posts that are old and untouched and they just randomly get down-voted?
I have posts that are old and untouched and they just randomly get ...up-voted
It's happened a few times. I wouldn't confront the people of course, but I'd love to know their line of thought. It's so odd, like fourth time.
The alternative happens, that's not rare.
At least I don't think.
I don't really mind, just wish I could make sense of it. They're all on some of my highest up-voted questions too.
I up-vote a lot of old things. I like to look for places I could give people a badge, or get them closer to someone else doing so. Most of the regulars in chat have probably experienced it, probably.
This site is really awesome in the in depth answers some of you guys have, I like finding older gems that are basically a full study all on their own.
Q: How can I make my SQL query more readable and efficient?

AdelI have the following SQL query to generate some system-stats. I am interested in making it a more efficient and readable query. SELECT SUM("Req Lines") as "Requisitions Created", SUM("Approved Req") AS "Requisitions Approved", SUM("Non Approved PO") AS "PO Started", SUM("App...

Q: Updated acronym program which accepts a string and converts it

DuckMy program is complete and runs properly. This program is an update of my previous post. It prompts the user to enter a string and changes it into an acronym which differs slightly from an original acronym, because the case of the letters remain the same. Are there any improvements that I should ...

Q: DuplicateDictionary - A dictionary-like class which allows duplicates

hexagonestSince I couldn't find any good answers I made my own class called DuplicateDictionary for personal usage. I would like some tips to improve it. Thank you very much public class DuplicateDictionary<TKey, TValue>: List<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> { public DuplicateDictionary() { } ...

Q: Calculate pairs in a Set (“Sherlock and Pairs” HackerRank challenge) - Attempt 2 at clean code

PosiedonHere is my second attempt at writing clean code for "Sherlock and Pairs" challenge. For my previous thread please look here: Calculate pairs in a Set ("Sherlock and Pairs" HackerRank challenge) Problem statement: Sherlock is given an array of N integers (A0,A1…AN−1) by Watson. Now Watson a...

Q: Create sngle dimension category array from comma seperated values submitted from text input

Taylor AckleyThis code works just fine, but could obviously be more elegantly written. The basic idea is to create an array of categories from a text input. The code splits up the text input by commas to create the array and trims away white space. I considered using unshift to add the 'Inbox' default cat...

Q: Encode a string using Caesar's Cipher

DuckMy program is complete and running, but I would like second opinions on how I can make it more efficient. The program prompts the user for the message and the amount s/he would like to shift the letters. For the implementation part, is there another "faster" way to do it instead of having the if ...

@SimonAndréForsberg then what is the use of this page..
@AsimAbbas like all main-site SE chat rooms:
> When should I visit chat?

for real time collaboration
to meet the fellow members of your community in a more social environment
for less structured, casual (but still roughly on-topic) conversation
> The room is welcoming to new users, but critical (in a helpful and guiding way, if possible) of dumping-my-problem-into-the-room drive-by chatters.
A: Definitive rules on chat rooms with non-technical discussion

balphaFirst of all, thanks a lot for your help in this. Really appreciated. Now, while there's obiously no clear-cut answer to this, here are a few tell-tale signs I can see. You already identified much of this yourself, and I agree with your reasoning so far. All of these are merely hints that should...

TTGTB here
hmm I think I might have scared him away
Q: Calculation of Image Offsets For Performing Cropping

gansubI am using the java.awt.Rectangle class to construct subsets of a GEOTIFF file. In order to do this I would need to specify the x,y offsets and height and width of each subset image. In my particular case I would need to crop the original GEOTIFF image bottom to top.The java.awt.Rectangle class s...

You need to ask a more specific question than "Is this the correct way?" Is it working, or isn't it? What problem are you worried about? If you just want people to look at your code and suggest improvements, codereview.stackexchange.com may be a better site. — Barmar 55 secs ago
Q: Trouble with wxpython when using sizer with checklistbox.

tgreenWhen I try to use a sizer with the checklist box everything overlaps terribly. My goal is to have the checklistbox on the left and the input fields on the right of the window. import wx import wx.lib.scrolledpanel class MyForm(wx.Frame): def __init__(self): wx.Frame.__init__(self...

Q: Why the object sometimes disposed before I use it

PabloI am trying this TFTP client for my application as Client. However, there is a bug somewhere when sometimes my program which is trying to read the stream throwing exception that the stream is already closed. After some digging in source code I found that in TftpTransfer.cs there is Dispose method...

It is a matter of opinion, but I find the first one too verbose for a pointer. My reaction in a code review would be to say "you don't need to do this". For the int, I agree that is is good to be explicit, because we are comparing against a particular value, since there is no concept of null for an int. — juanchopanza 55 secs ago
hey @Vogel612
Q: Check out (page) backend issue in mysql

PrabhasHi everyone I need a help, actually I am developing a eCommerce site. I have a confusion is this correct way or not? Now come to the point. 1st point : customers come on the site and add some product in to the cart. 2nd point : Click on checkout link if he already log-In than he will go to thanks...

Q: C++ Array with iterators

SaifI wrote an Array class with iterators: #include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class Array { T* data; int size; public: class mException { }; Array(int nsize=1)try:data(new T[nsize]),size(nsize) { } catch(bad_alloc& r) { cout<< "Cant a...

Q: Perl pie alternative

nowoxRunning on Cygwin, I cannot easily use perl -pi -e because it will always produce .bak files even though I don't want them. I wrote this script below to emulate perl -pi -e behavior and unlink the backup files after processing. Also I wanted to simplify the call of the script. Instead of: $ git...

It's amazing what kind of questions you sometimes encounter on SE.
I didn't study CS, but the following always appeared quite clear to me. Noting the views however, it seems like a common question.
Q: How can a language whose compiler is written in C ever be faster than C?

rm-rf_Taking a look at Julia's webpage, you can see some benchmarks of several languages across several algorithms (timings shown below). How can a language with a compiler originally written in C, outperform C code? Figure: benchmark times relative to C (smaller is better, C performance = 1.0).

May or may not be caused by September...
"September is coming."
This should be on the Code Review site. — whitebeard just now
@Duga I'm always amazed where people get this idea that somehow CR is a more appropriate home for non-working code than SO
@Mat'sMug you around?
or, in fact, anyone who uses RubberDuck?
monking :)
Q: calling function with different variable types

SmithI need to call the function that will get the value of a datatable cell with the ColIndex either a text (column name) or an integer (columnindex). To avoid writing two functions that , i wrote the code below. Public Function DTableCellValue(ByRef RowData As DataRow, _ ...

@Zak If you used Stack Overflow for over 1 month, you wouldn't be surprised by the amount of trolls
Are they really trolls, or just uninformed?
I like to assume positive intent
Some are stupid by nature
There's a user that has been told multiple times what is on-topic here
And he battle us and almost forces off-topic questions to over here
@Zak Probably a bit of both.
If there are no compilation or run time errors, please check codereview.stackexchange.comn.m. 13 secs ago
is it not possible to moderate people like that?
@Zak Most of the RubberDuckers are located in the USA, so most aren't awake yet.
@Zak Sure, but technically they aren't doing anything illegal.
It's borderline annoying and if they do it too often, they'll get moderated.
One of the SO mods, Martijn, visits every once in a while here, usually after such a fight.
He's definitely one of the good guys.
The great things is, we know we're right
@n.m. Not every code that has no compilation errors or that doesn't have warnings is on-topic on Code Review. It also must be working to the best of his knowledge. It means that it also have to function properly. If you want to draw a line, it has to draw a line. — Ismael Miguel 6 secs ago
and we are in power here
@IsmaelMiguel Snap :)
@n.m. please don't. CodeReview is for complete code that is working as intended. "but i can't figure out is, am i implementing wrongly?" is a dead giveaway that either the O.P. doesn't understand their code, or it is not working as expected. Either would make it off-topic for CR. — Zak 56 secs ago
@Vogel612 Greetings. We may be in power but we have to shove knowledge on some brain-less figures
@Zak It had to be said
@IsmaelMiguel If they're as brain-less as you state, there's nothing to shove that knowledge into ^^
I'm not feeding a black hole.
@IsmaelMiguel no, we don't have to
sure it's good to say "You're wrong, because ..." to misinformed people
but when they refuse to learn, just say "We said it often enough, you're wrong" and leave it at that
and then you can leave it at that
@Mast You're right. But when a user repeats himself, he needs some teaching
@IsmaelMiguel What he needs is irrelevant.
@IsmaelMiguel you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink, regardless of how thirsty you think the horse is.
^ that
@DanPantry Greetings. Nice one! You're right
@Vogel612 can I get some pointers on using RubberDuck?
I'm having difficulty figuring out how everything works
Q: Optimizing an algorithm subtracting first elements from last elements

zyklusI'm trying to optimize a slow part of a larger algorithm. I have an array of random-looking numbers: [295, 292, 208, 393, 394, 291, 182, 145, 175, 288, 71, 86, 396, 422] (actual arrays are much longer), and an index: 5 What I want to do is subtract the values of the first N elements from the...

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