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@IsmaelMiguel More like hobby code, an example implementation which is part of his current hobby project.
Seems totally fine to me.
Good thing I didn't vote to close
Good thing you asked :-)
I always ask when in doubt
One of the reasons this chat exists after all.
Putting good use on this chat is always good
Sadly, sometimes, some things aren't quite....good...
Sometimes there's fights and nasty disagreements
Or someone decides that blurting out something and then won't explain whatever that non-sense means is the best thing to do
Don't forget this chat is ran by humans. Humans make mistakes.
I've got the feeling that there were less fights and disagreements like 6 months ago.
@Morwenn I wouldn't know. I got Outspoken last April so that must have been the time I got regular around here.
But it seemed more civilized back then.
Don't trust my memory though, it has been proven flawed before.
6 months ago the biggest disagreement was about just how much better C# is than Java. That's about it
@JeroenVannevel So what changed?
@rolfl left his job
I don't know. People agreed of most things anyway.
No more tight ruler
@Morwenn Not necessarily, but I think they agreed to disagree more easily.
It may have been caused by the influx of new regulars.
Haha, I've no idea.
Me, Q, Ethan, Ismael, EBrown, I think we're all fairly new here.
I arrived here just in time for the mission. I guess that there was this « community buiding » atmosphere going on and that it isn't the name now that we have affirmed our place in the network :)
@Mast and me, or am I Q?
@Mast Yeah, it seems that you all arrived pretty much at the same time ^_^
@Quill I have no clue when you arrived.
I meant QPaysTaxes
@Morwenn Exactly, so we may have inadvertently destabilized things.
@BartoszKP I don't get it. Questions must have code to avoid being labelled school exercises, and when you do provide code, it's suddenly code reviews. Just close the damn site if you don't want people to use it. — Morten Mertner 45 secs ago
@Mast I thought so
@Duga Yay, free NC flag
@Mast There's also the change in moderators.
Today is the day I put the nasty legacy code under test.
@RubberDuck Have fun ;-)
@MortenMertner Read the rules to get it. Simply posting some code is not enough - there must be a single, practical answer. Code review questions tend to have many different answers, and are inherently opinion-based. That's why Code Review SE site was created. Don't worry about closing the site - many people do read the rules and use the site successfully as it is now. — BartoszKP 38 secs ago
@Mast He's coming back lately, from what I've seen. Hopefully he comes back to chat soon
Nay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of legacy, I will not fear the code, for I have my tests.
@RubberDuck We should collect such lines and print them on mugs.
Thanks @Heslacher. I've had enough. Today this one layer app becomes 3 tiered.
Btw meta question
Q: Should we add the possibility for gold badge users to close a Question as an off topic duplicate

HeslacherI often see questions which are blatantly off topic like for instance yesterday when this question (can be viewed with enough rep only, because it is deleted) showed up. The shown C# code had been try { int a; int b; int c=a+b; } catch (exception ex) { //Nothing here } whi...

@Mast we really should.
@Heslacher Gold badge users can already dupe hammer.
I've seen Simon do it before he was mod.
That ^
Thats the idea behind this. But you can't target a meta question thats the problem.
I think it's called Mjolnir.
A: When did I get close-vote superpowers?

Shog9Yes, you are now a Superhero, able to wield the mighty Mjölnir. The rules are: You can instantly close as a duplicate any question that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for. You can instantly reopen any question closed as a duplicate that was originally asked with a tag ...

Q: Should we add the possibility for gold badge users to close a Question as an off topic duplicate

HeslacherI often see questions which are blatantly off topic like for instance yesterday when this question (can be viewed with enough rep only, because it is deleted) showed up. The shown C# code had been try { int a; int b; int c=a+b; } catch (exception ex) { //Nothing here } whi...

So basically you want super close-vote powers for off-topicness as well as duplicates?
Where the latter is already implemented, but the first isn't?
@Heslacher Gold badge users, is that a literal phrase, or a phrase to mean 'high rep users'
If you answer 1000 questions with a defined amount of rep you will get a gold badge for this tag
@Mast I want the ability to fast close as duplicate (also it isn't really a duplicate)
@Heslacher ah, I see. I realised that: [badge:fanatic] or the other golds are still gold badges
@Heslacher I smell a XY problem.
Thats why I have put it on meta
Feel free to express your concerns
I actually don't understand your question: is it: 'gold badge users in that tag should be able to hammer close example code questions'
@StackExchange this is mixing up meta and main...
off-topic reasons are a meta thing
don't let them bleed into main
I just don't think it's needed. Off topic questions get closed pretty quickly once they hit the queue.
Why would you need to mark an off-topic post as duplicate, mark it as off-topic.
^ that, too
@RubberDuck This just depends on the time they are asked. This and some other questions took a few hours to be closed.
@Heslacher Unless it is weekend and I'm awake
@Heslacher yea, pre-europe is generally slow here
@Quill This will need more votes and will take longer
@Heslacher If the code is not exactly beginner code, then users assuming they're not hivemind may not be able to understand it.
@Heslacher no not really. dup-closing takes the same amount of votes
@Heslacher A duplicate question is still a close vote
@Quill Btw, the edit on the post isn't that good, because you have replaced answer with comment. Duplicates will need to have an answer.
except for gold-badge holders. but those need to be tagged with the relevant tag in rev. 0
@Vogel612 not with the golden hammer
also the dup target would need to be tagged with it IIRC
on a related note there's not that many gold tag holders that it'd be helpful
@Vogel612 for me it would be helpful ;-)
@Vogel612 this is more correct than the 'users arent always online' comment
@Heslacher meh. then again you could run for mod if you want real binding votes
@Heslacher Why would you answer an off-topic post?
@Quill It would be a "self generated" post with an answer leading to meta.
@Heslacher You answer to review the code, not to say 'this is off-topic'. That's what comments are for
you can't dup-close across sites.
@Vogel612 That is exactly the reason for the question.
@Vogel612 I think he means it'll be a []() link
@Heslacher don't bleed meta onto main
Are closed questions eventually removed, or ...?
No, they stay
Unless they are deleted
That depends @Quill. Not technically, but if they're unanswered and negative scored, then yes.
^ that
@RubberDuck Thanks for the clarification
Added my 2c:
A: Gold tag-badge users closing questions as pre-written off-topic duplicates

MastIf a question is off-topic, the tags don't necessarily make sense. For example, there may not be any language tags on the question at all. While the requirement to have a gold badge in such tags could work in a majority of cases, it isn't necessarily the optimum. I smell a XY problem here. There...

@Quill If they are obviously broken, they are often removed.
But it's a different process.
Assertiveness FTW.
@rolfl What's wrong with it?
Tussen de buien door blijft het droog.
@IsmaelMiguel @CaptainObvious is you.
Between periods of rain, it stays dry.
Even deleted questions stay.
I diet between snacks.
heya @rolfl sorry to bug you, but are you still intending to answer my cr question with JDOM? I'd really love to hear your thoughts on it.
A: Gold tag-badge users closing questions as pre-written off-topic duplicates

QuillNo. The structure you're talking about exists (for some values of exists) in Area 51 during Site Definition, however, in graduated sites, has no place. Creating off-topic posts are bad on users' parts, and bad for the site. Answering off-topic posts, not even with Code Reviewing, but with 'Thi...

@IsmaelMiguel All your chat messages good messages other than the ones that are not.
@rolfl I can eat snacks all day long.
But then I don't eat meals.
@rolfl Sorry, I don't understand :/ Perhaps you missed a comma or something?
@Morwenn I can't because my money isn't infinit.
@Vogel612 I'll look later today.
Otherwise, I would eat 14 hours a day
@IsmaelMiguel questions aren't deleted, unless they are deleted
@Morwenn I can do both. (and I stay severly underweight)
I'm looking forward to it :)
@IsmaelMiguel CaptainObvious and taking things to literal, you're on a bad roll.
@Quill hyperthyroidosis or just the youth?
@IsmaelMiguel Someone asks "Are posts ever removed", and you answer "No, unless they are removed".
@rolfl It's not that. I'm talking about this: "All your chat messages good messages other than the ones that are not."
add "are"
@JeroenVannevel did you break the regex yet?
Yes, add "are". All your chat messages are good messages....
Us descendants of pirates have no problem reading that sentence
... other than the ones that are not good messages.
Thank you!
Now it makes sense: "All your chat messages are good messages other than the ones that are not."
@Vogel612 I haven't added any other test cases yet, so it's still working!
Don't worry, I'll find an obscure usage that breaks it horribly
@Vogel612 I doubt it's the latter, however, the suggested BMI for my height range is 18, while mine is 15
2 mins ago, by Ismael Miguel
Now it makes sense: "All your chat messages are good messages other than the ones that are not."
I'm not sure whether this is getting better or worse.
@IsmaelMiguel - all my spelling and grammar is perfect other than those times I mess up
I have to run to the DIY store.... gotta go build something. Not kidding now. Laters all.
@Mat'sMug For the record, it's still in my head =;p
@rolfl Monkey house?
I think he just wants some rep on Home Improvement
Hey @ all :)
Hey @ all :)
Hey @ all :)
Hey @ all :)
Hey @ all :)
Hey @ all :)
What a pretty looking starwall
@IsmaelMiguel Yes, do that
@Quill What? Is it ugly? I can still edit the message
> Did I miss a "Hey" fest?
@Phrancis You started it
Oh, right
@Phrancis Yeah, we had so much had so much hey that we nearly summoned some unicorns
Git troubles... yay!
@skiwi Those are the best
So I've got a situation where there is a working version of an app, but I cannot build it myself due to some library (long detailed discussion), so I'd want to branch and remove that library, then start doing design updates on top of them
Now if my branch were to be merged in the master, then that would break that library, which I don't want, I only want the design updates to be merged into master
@skiwi Finally fixed mine yesterday. The solution was not to use VS but do it by hand. Way easier/faster.
Then re-branch, remove the bloat and merge with the master
@skiwi Branch, don't merge.
@Mast The UX updates one day need to be merged in master
Keep developing till it works as intended and figure out what the appropriate action is then and no sooner.
I could always revert that specific commit that kills that library...
There may be need to make the new branch the master.
Thanks, @RubberDuck, I updated it
What could be a better name for c, than c?
It is a range of cells
Q: Xonix game in JavaScript/Canvas: detection of conquered regions

hindmostI've written a Xonix clone in Javascript/Canvas. It seems to work fine. However I would like to refactor the code of detecting conquered regions which seems to be bulky (see methods conquer, _conquer, _findOutline and _buildConquerRects). Below is the relevant code. The full code is available on...

Q: Extending a service

JakobIn my program I have this concept of Code which is an identifier for a action. Users can ask my program to process a Code on a Claim. (A 20 year old concept). This is solved with ProcessCodeService which is up for review. I want to extend the claim.ProcessCode which is not possible at the moment...

Using cell would conflict with the excel object model Cell and that operator doesn't exist in VB6. — RubberDuck 14 mins ago
Maybe that works?
It's way better than c
@CaptainObvious is that asking about code not written yet
@Quill "I want to extend the claim.ProcessCode which is not possible at the moment, how would you solve this?"
That should explain it
@RubberDuck This could almost work as a parody to "Gangsters Paradise" by Coolio...just needs minor help and it could work.
Greetings, Programs.
Then the question is better suited for Code ReviewJan Doggen 15 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel ty
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User
@Quill You stole my line
@Donald.McLean Greetings
Q: Performace Issue with ODataController

Vivekanand V VWe have developed a logistic domain system deals with millions of records. Inorder to show the records as per the filter applied by the user, we were fetching the data with filtering conditions included in the query and fetching back the result. Now we have Implmented ODataController to our syst...

hey @Malachi
monking guys
I am stuck in decision paralysis and need some help
I have a meeting shortly and I have a page that I need to work on and hopefully finish by the end of the day (BTEOTD)
Is it anything I can help?
There's a contest thats due in about just over 2 weeks to make a web site. Now, the site I have in mind isnt really a web application but at the same time I'd like to make it pretty nice using JavaScript. I don't really have the time to progressively enhance it. I could use Angular but it feels kind of... ew here.
But at the same time, the full stack architecture alternative I keep writing isn't all that clean either.
And I don't really have time to learn React/some other isomorphic framework.
Try some CSS animations instead
That's not the issue. For example, file uploads. I'd like to add a toast when the file upload is complete
The userbase isn't likely to not have javascript enabled, but SEO.
@CaptainObvious hey people, why is that not closed yet??
You cau use uploadify
@Vogel612 close voted
@DanPantry Same
@Vogel612 There you go :)
well, then I end up creating a SPA.
At which point why not just use angular?
I'm just goign to use angular otherwise Im going to lose too much time over decision paralysis
Having an app in the wrong framework is better than not having one at all
I usually make everything with as little jQuery as possible
In no framework at all
But, sometimes jQuery makes my life easier
Therefore, I use it
I don't like using jQuery where possible but that's holy-war-material tm so
Anyway, thanks for the help. :-)
You're welcome
If you have more questions, you can ask
Ping me if I'm not here
@Quill I must need more coffee this morning. cell doesn't conflict. Cells does.
Thanks @EBrown I have my moments. Updated slightly here.
Nay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of legacy code, I will fear no regression, for I have my tests. #cleancode
@RubberDuck s/Nay/Yea/
A: Load text file into an array in Swift

nhgrif let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(fileName, ofType: nil) if path == nil { throw ImportError.FileNotFound } We can clean this part up into a guard let, which not only saves us a line, but also has the advantage of making path a non-optional. guard let path = NSBundle.mainBu...

This might be better suited on the Code Review stack exchange? codereview.stackexchange.comLexyStardust 44 secs ago
Q: Performance Issues in inserting Data

Garg'sI've execute following code in android for inserting 100+ rows in Sqlite database. my current approach take more time to initialize database. private void getInitialization() { try { dao = new IdentifyImageDao(MainActivity.this); dao.open(); level = new Level(); ...

Q: OpenSSL - send and receive data code

UfxI need to send and receive data. Here is solution for my original problem https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27810795/how-to-fix-openssl-incorrect-data-transferring I want to know how safe is my finished code and how can I improve it. int sslWrite(SSL *ssl, const std::string &data) { return...

@Quill you trying to beat me in the review queue?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is best suited for Code Review SE. — shekhar suman 28 secs ago
If you have working code and want it reviewed then you might want to post on Code Reviewjuharr 37 secs ago
@juharr This won't be suited on Code Review, since the O.P. doesn't even know what language this was made. Also, it is missing too much to be even a working code, in whatever language it is. — Ismael Miguel 25 secs ago
Worth mentioning that this was cross-posted on Code Review: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/100814/…Ismael Miguel 10 secs ago
That looks like JavaScript to me ^^
It's Javascript, Java and C#
But most importantly: It's pseudo-code
Q: Input field that dynamically monitors model value

Tom AugerThis question is regarding my approach to the following implementation requirement. Can you suggest a better alternative that doesn't suffer from the issues I'll point out in my implementation? REQUIREMENT: Create an input field (View) that updates itself automatically whenever a specific prope...

Pseudo-code, actually. I didn't want to clutter the example, since syntax is not the issue. — vinnylinux 12 mins ago
^ O.P. comment
I voted to close and he deleted
> I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is broken, it is missing code and the O.P. doesn't even know in what language it was made. This is un-reviewable. – Ismael Miguel 9 mins ago
that's a little rude
@Mat'sMug That was what I wrote on the off-topic box
It bleeded out and I didn't notice
@IsmaelMiguel "other" will always be auto.commented.
In my defense, it had , and
@Vogel612 F**k. Next time, I must be more careful and delete the comment.
3rd from the bottom...
I don't get where that came from
10k tools
Is that a list of rude auto-comments?
no that's a list of "other" reasons for the last ...90 days
That means mine will stick there for 90 days?
everything is public
I know
I just wanted that it didn't posted an auto-comment
if custom close reasons are in SEDE (can't recall atm), it'll stick for.. ever.
I don't mind it
I just wanted to pass the message to moderators, didn't expect it to bleed into a comment
@IsmaelMiguel a custom close reason should explain to op exactly why the question is off-topic
it actually used to be the case, that custom reasons were show in the close-banner...
that said, you could've just voted to close with a canned reason, since at least one of them seem to apply here :)
but we're still closing ~35% of all questions
and of these 35%, almost 60% are closed as broken code...
@Vogel612 it's actually 2K tools until thresholds are upgraded
@Vogel612 The problem is that it had too many reasons to close. Only after being deleted was when I've noticed it was pseudo-code.
@Mat'sMug it's easier to find under the 10k-tools name
@IsmaelMiguel grab the one that fits best.
if multiple fit equally well, roll a dice
no need for a custom reason everytime sombody has broken pseudocode
The custom reason was for a few reasons.
But you are right
@RubberDuck That's alright, I don't mind.
@Malachi Sorry, what are you referring to?
I'm four votes on questions away from [electorate] and 35 edits away from [copy editor]
@Duga Don't migrate crap.
@Quill Feel free to vote on some
@IsmaelMiguel I'm not in a rush or anything
@RubberDuck per VBA scoping rules, Cells would just hide the implicit ActiveSheet reference, and refer to the local variable within the local scope ...and we need an inspection for that ;-)
Well, I can still give you questions that were under-apreciated in my opinion
2 mins ago, by Quill
@IsmaelMiguel I'm not in a rush or anything
@Malachi When you get here, ping me. It's about what you sent on Github.
@Malachi to the principal's office please
@Quill I was talking about you having done more reviews in the first post queue than me
On my phone in training....ugh
Don't worry, take your time
Please feel free to comment on the issue, that way we can track it in github
The problem is that I have no freaking idea how it works, and it is something really quick
I haven't updated the userscript due to 2 reasons:
1- broken extention (Chrome is being an a$$ to me)
I am going to be looking into creating extensions in chrome, that might help
I have created the extention
@Quill I have that to tell me when there's reviews
I'm having an a$$y bug
@Quill Who made it?
@IsmaelMiguel I installed like ten at once so I can't remember
I'm using IE at home and Firefox at work, so, I can't test much
I really want to look at more options for the user scripts that we have been building for stackexhange. So I know how to do it and because I want to make more. So when I have time and I can get to it, I will look at those issues as well
I've been looking into how to make IE extentions
I gave up after 10 minutes
It's horrible!
Q: Refactoring function and get values from database

llerdalSo I have telerik radgrid that has a sql backend. what this function is doing is conditionally formatting the cells with in the radgrid. It checks each column to see if the min and max values are within range and the min and max values change depending on the value in the sample_hour column. My q...

Those who put their time into writting viruses to add extentions to IE really had a ton of effort on it
IE has extensions?
@IsmaelMiguel lol
It's true!
It's a monstruosity in C++ without a defined standard
@Mast do you have privileges to protect questions yet?
@Malachi Probably not.
I should post more code so I can gain more reputation...
Q: Configuring MVC 5 project with service layer and DI and UOW

AndrewIn the past I have always called the repositories directly from the controller, but that is a bad practice and now I am implementing a "Business Layer" to my project. I am not entirely sure how to get the project setup, so here is what I have so far. Would I have two UnitOfWorks? One for the S...

I got almost 1300
I need 3 rep to make 1500...:(
I need 4 to make 2020
I have more answers on meta than on CR self ^^

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