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INTERRUPT, was it?
There are 1423 unanswered questions (94.5286% answered)
I'm leaving. Good night everyone! :)
@Morwenn Yes ;-)
@Morwenn good night
@EthanBierlein hello
Hello @Quill
How goes the programming?
I'd say pretty good
I'm getting into terrain generators

 Terrain Generation

General talk about terrain generation.
Although, much of my weekend was spent troubleshooting Win10
@EthanBierlein Is it worth the trouble?
Cortana is really cool
It was mostly network driver issues as well.
I think all the talk about terrain generation spawned from a discussion between me and @IsmaelMiguel about Minecraft
Are you putting any of this toward an actual project, or just coding for the heck/learning of it
All of those?
@Quill I'd say just coding and learning for now.
I was actually thinking about building a small puzzle game in Unity3d, but I can't come up with any good puzzle game ideas.
@EthanBierlein randomly generated maps and textures along with certain type of puzzle game are good, and if you're stuck for ideas, Steam is a good place for research
Lol, Steam and Research are two words that I though I'd never see together.
You waste time on there sure, but, you can assess games made by other devs and see what worked and what didn't
Very true
I should do a WPF backgammon/chess.
@Hosch250 related to september's challenge? ;-)
@Quill What I'm thinking of could take months. I'm planning a full-fledged AI.
Oh god, september's already almost here?
@EthanBierlein 22 days...
On the other hand, I'm learning a TON working on @JeroenVannevel's VSDiagnostics.
If I do it, I'll use that.
I know I'm just supposed to say "thank you" with an upvote rather than a comment, but I really have to say that getting this kind of constructive feedback on my code is amazing. Thank you! — Suragch 49 mins ago
@Quill What's this whole thing with the logos? I noticed a couple other ones that were posted earlier.
Q: White logos with transparent backgrounds are problematic

nhgrifA year ago, I posted this question (s/question/bug report) to UX Meta. Today, I checked in to see if the issue has been fixed (it hasn't), and I've found that at least one other site (Pro Webmasters) suffers this same dilemma. The problem is the way that Stack Exchange chat one-boxes links to n...

Q: simple javascript code guidance

Nicholas RobertsI am a complete newbie to javaScript and was just wondering why this script wouldn't work! Nothing seems to happen when I click on my button. It seems to me I have done everything right so any guidance would be appreciated. This is a simple script to check if a number is odd or even! <!DOCTYPE html

Q: Refactor Switch statement with similar cases

NicoI have a switch statement with 5 cases and 4 of them are really similar. How could I properly refactor this code? func appendOperand(operand: Operand) { let displayedString = amountLabel.text! if displayedString.last != decimalSeparator { switch operand { case Operand.Div...

@CaptainObvious Off-topic for broken code.
@CaptainObvious ewww
@CaptainObvious Wow, I missed even the first sentence. I must be really tired today.
Is there a way to access a user's chat profile from their Code Review profile?
@SirPython not that I know of
Ah, that stinks. I want to contact a user by inviting them to chat, but I cannot locate their chat profile.
Instead of just downgrading my question, maybe the downgraders could also explain why. — Nico 5 mins ago
find a post to ping them with?
What do you mean by that?
from the user profile you can access their posts; just drop a link to chat on their latest, they'll get a ping
facepalm Of course. Thanks for pointing that out.
Q: Memory optimization with this code?

Remian8985I was wondering whether it's a good idea to keep making focusedPlayer at every iteration of while-loop or to declare it outside the loop. Which one will consume less RAM? This logic will go into an android app. Player is abstract class. public static void singlePlayer(int difficulty){ c...

Product not found. http://t.co/HSAAbuN7Xp
I guess everyone there missed the joke...
One person didn't:
@_youhadonejob 404 Subtweet joke not found
Ah, so he did. I thought he was referring to something else.
@_youhadonejob Sorry, as an IT guy - a HTTP 404 'Not Found' error, is never funny! I can walk you through all the codes if you have a year!
What code calls appendOperand? How do you determine the operand parameter? Why do you need these flags for each operator? Where and how are they declared? — Mat's Mug ♦ 15 secs ago
@syb0rg does Outlook count? o.O
@syb0rg Very interesting post!
@SirPython Tats wat I strive 4!
@Mat'sMug Maybe?
Q: Sending an SMS message in C

syb0rgRecently I've been fiddling with the idea of sending a text message using C. Looking at a few options, I thought that using libcurl to send an SMTP email using TLS for some security would be the best and easiest option. Here's what I would like reviewed: Method: Is there a better/easier way I...

@syb0rg Quick question: are you the owner of @RoboSanta?
@SirPython Nope, just @rob0t
I heard saw @Mat'sMug say it was @janos.
@Hosch250 Proof?
@EthanBierlein I have none, but it is in the transcript up a ways.
For today?
Yesterday, by now.
6 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
Starts with this:
6 hours ago, by Mast
Whose bot is it anyway?
6 hours ago, by SirPython
Probably syb0rg's.
6 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
@Hosch250 "Where everything is made-up off-topic and the points reps don't matter!"
@Jamal Huh?
Whose Line is it Anyway? (often known as simply Whose Line?) is an improvisational comedy show, which was originally hosted by Drew Carey on ABC and ABC Family and ran from August 5, 1998 to December 15, 2007. A revival of the show, hosted by Aisha Tyler, began airing on The CW on July 16, 2013. The series is a spin-off of the British show of the same name and features Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, and Wayne Brady as its regular performers with the fourth seat occupied by a guest panelist. All three regulars appeared on the British series; Stiles and Mochrie were regulars there as well while Brady...
"You don't know your 2nd Monitor" trivia?
I've never seen that one.
I did
@Jamal Sounds like Skeptics and Programmers.
I should ask a question with some of what I've done on VSDiagnostics.
Maybe tomorrow after Jeroen reviews my latest PR.
An anti-terrorism drone will be arriving at your house shortly. Please remain calm and do not attempt to resist. Failure to comply may result in subject termination. — immibis 2 days ago
This is my favorite:
A: Mosquito Assassin: What is the most deadly substance that can be injected into someone?

AifyLiquid Antimatter injection You have electronic mosquitoes, and these mosquitoes can carry liquid antimatter. A 10 trillionth of a gram of positrons (anti-electron), has slightly more destructive power than a hand grenade, so if you inject liquid antimatter into the person you'd probably get a m...

nice edit here
Q: Switch statement for adding/removing operands to the text part of a label

NicoI have a switch statement with five cases, and four of them are really similar to the others. How could I properly refactor this code to eliminate the duplication of code? func appendOperand(operand: Operand) { let displayedString = amountLabel.text! if displayedString.last != decimalSep...

Winforms is so cool.
It sure looks like people are having lots of fun with that site. The answer ratio is insane.
@EthanBierlein ...
@Mat'sMug Oh, sorry, I mean System.Drawing
tried WPF yet?
Winforms is a huge pain in the ass to use.
@Mat'sMug No. I'm using winforms and System.Drawing to make a game. Does WPF allow for stuff like that?
I should start an account - they really could use realistic answers on some questions.
you can do 3D in WPF if you push it
@EthanBierlein Of course!
Hmm, you've peaked my interest. Are there any examples of this kind of stuff?
And there is Blend too (although I don't know how to use it).
@EthanBierlein Lots.
Look at that. Google has already landed me a tutorial.
Well screw Winforms I guess.
Q: Stone-Age AI - A Thought Experiment

user17625Suppose superintelligent AI is possible. Is there any reason its code couldn't be executed by stone-age people rather than a computer? E.g., imagine an order of monks reading and executing commands in a structured way. This version of AI would obviously be much slower than one run on a computer...

> 1e15 instructions would take 3 million man-years.

A million people in a concentrated area is Ancient Rome, not stone age. Say 50,000 dedicated people (more like the pyramid builders) plus the urban infrastructure to feed them. Working 8-hour days, it would take 180 years to compute 1 second of AI program.
> Before the AI could think, "um..." the same effort could invent a modern society and build semiconductors.
Q: Finding the count of Negative Sub-Arrays for a given array

John DoeI want to improve my implementation for the following problem. Problem Statement You are given an array of n integers. A sub-array is "Negative" if sum of all the integers in that sub-array is negative. Count the number of "Negative sub-arrays" in the input array. Note: Subarrays are contigu...

night @all
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Stack Overflow help file, which will help you understand what kinds of questions are appropriate for this site. This site is intended to help you obtain answers to specific programming questions, as opposed to providing tutorial, design or code review assistance. — MarsAtomic 46 secs ago
What do you guys think of these blanks? muttblanks.com
I've turned lots of different woods, and I'm considering trying acrylic now.
In fact, I sell pens on the side, in limited quantities, school has a higher priority.
Q: Transform to more Idiomatic and Functional Scala Code

j willI solved this prime number verifier problem: http://www.spoj.com/problems/PRIME1/ with this scala code: import scala.io.StdIn object Main extends App { val testCases = StdIn.readInt for (i <- 0 until testCases) { val limits = StdIn.readLine.split(" ") val m: Int = limits(0).toInt ...

If this is working code, you would get one or more prompt, informed responses from Code Review - Excel. — Jeeped 39 secs ago
@Jeeped is correct. Only I'd recommend posting the full code there, to get the best value of Code Review. — Mat's Mug 27 secs ago
Q: A simple PHP Session Handler Class using session_set_save_handler(), how Feasible / Robust is it?

n01zeI have tried to write a small light weighted php session handling class that use php's session_set_save_handler() function to overwrite the default session handling functionalities and usage Database to store the sessions data instead of default files system.It check for possible session hijackin...

Q: Thread pool implementation in java

Krishna KumarI am studying multi-threading and have tried to implement the Thread pool. Please provide your feedback if my implementation in correct. (Basically multi-threading point of view , although feedback from other perspective are most welcome too). I have implemented two pools, one for adding tasks i...

Q: Is HackerRank compiler down right now?

user2512888I am reviewing code and practicing problems with Java right now on HackerRank and when I type in a solution or want to test a previous solution by clicking on the "Run Code" button at the bottom right of the editor. It doesn't seem to work or process anymore. I got compiler error at one point an...

Your question is probably better suited towards CodeReviewSayse 1 min ago
Q: JUnit test case to check that an exception of type javax.mail.MessagingException is not thrown

SandeepI have a method which will send a text mail using JavaMail API and I am trying to write a test case for this method which will check if an Exception of type javax.mail.MessagingException is not thrown. If a MessagingException type exception is thrown, the test will fail, else it will pass. Code...

Q: Dynamic Data Object generation - pro and con?

Florian SchaetzAt the weekend I had an idea: Why not remove dozens of classes by removing all the basic get/set/equals/hashCode implementation of my data object interfaces? I tend to code against interfaces, so I normally end up, for example, with an "Account" interface and at least one implementation (AccountI...

This is a stupid question, but I don't get it
How do I submit a code related to a monthly programming challenge?
Q: Generalized Missionaries and Cannibals in Java

coderoddeI was in the mood for some basic AI, and decided to code up an algorithm for solving "\$M\$ missionaries, \$C\$ cannibals in the boat with \$B\$ places" -algorithm: Demo.java: package net.coderodde.fun.cannibals; import java.util.List; import net.coderodde.fun.cannibals.support.BreadthFirstSea...

And just make a question with the tag and done?
mostly, yea
I'm sick of the challenge for this month (I've seen it too many times) but I might try an old one or the one from September
The one to do anything in a language I'm not familiar with sounds cool
I wish I could re-re-re-re-re-re-upvote
Monking :)
You may be interested to know that there is an actual Code Review Stack Exchange site, which is probably a better place for this type of question. — TheDarkKnight 51 secs ago
You're a bit late, but thanks
I'm really excited by September's Challenge!
Yeah, @nhgrif posted a good one
The one to write something in a language I'm not familiar with?
I would love that!
The problem is
I'm familiar (or at least read) about plenty of languages
Your question is rather on-topic to CR than SO. SO is for specific programming problems. — hindmost 18 secs ago
And I would love to try my hands on Shakespear but that would probably be off-topic
@IsmaelMiguel Do one that's a bit out there, like , , , ,
@IsmaelMiguel Maybe
I can't do lolcode, scala, basic or matlab
I can try factor
factor is nice, you can download the compiler from the website and go
I will, after the challenge is decided
Such a question should be postet on: codereview.stackexchange.comStefan 46 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel is on-topic why would not be?
It's an isotheric language, the oposite of readable
Quite wordy, but still
Is it just me or the whole StackExchange network is dragging itself?
what do you mean by that??
Slowmotion page loading
Like, 30 seconds per page
hmmmmm may be related to #milehighops
And then loads 3-4 pages at the usual speed and goes back to slowmotion
The what?
At first, I though it could be the weather, but it isn't
(I have an LTE connection to the Internet)
We are now bringing the first Colorado SQL Server into the Stack Exchange Network cluster. #milehighops
We have some performance degredation we will be tracking down tonight, but all services are live from Denver. Have a good day everyone!
I don't have Twitter
Since this is working code you want to improve, your question would be better suited to Code Review. — Frédéric Hamidi 50 secs ago
Didn't know this exist... I don't use stack overflow often :P — Jebik 47 secs ago
Where is the graduation already to stop this type of thing?
let's go bug some CMs or sth.
we even had full-fledged elections
Community Managers - the guys above mods and below devs
Some sites didn't even had elections
Well, I saw a site with elections
And 0 candidates
Or 1
lol and we even had primaries
And the elections would end in 4 hours
Q: Beginner here - Require help in Array, Try & Catch & multiple inputs in JOptionPane

user80856first time posting here. I'm a beginner programmer in need for some Java prog help. Right here I've an assignment of a "Cake Machine". Images below are the codes. Pic 1 is the Object Class, 2-5 is the Methods Class & 6 is the main class. Basically, I believe I've no coding errors and I welcome a...

Q: Get Max occurence of element in Linq

JebikHello all i have 2 class for the example i will name it A and B A is a list and every A element have a list of B element. B element have a type I want to get a B element by occurance of it in my list of B element. var listB = A .SelectMany(a => a.B); var listBId = listB .Where(b => b.Type...

Code Review is in Limbo: gratuated by the paper, not graduated by every other aspect
If what stops the graduation is because we don't have a custom style, just let us freaking design one!
meh. design is no more a graduation bottleneck (or at least that's what they said)
Q: Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

AnaLast month's announcement about our updated criteria for graduation and site closure sparked some solid examination into the intended nature of public beta and graduation. One thing these discussions showed us is that, contrary to what the Community Team had long believed, getting a custom desig...

Yeah, that's what they say and didn't do
They also changed what being graduated means
A: Graduation, site closure, and a clearer outlook on the health of SE sites

DavïdAs an active participant in a low-volume, but high-quality (well, mostly!) SE site, this is reasonably welcome news. One of the most tangible effects of "graduation" is, of course, the bespoke graphics-css-look-and-feel to reflect the ethos of the site's core interest. "Beta" sites (or whatever ...

That is the most upvoted answer
Q: Graduation, site closure, and a clearer outlook on the health of SE sites

AnaBack in April of 2010, Joel shared our assumptions about the role of small sites in the newly minted Stack Exchange network: If a site does not have enough activity at the end of 90 days, it will be closed down. Any existing Q&A will be archived and made available for download, but the site...

That's the question
Q: Get Max occurence of element in Linq

JebikI have 2 classes; for this example I will name them A and B. A is a list and every A element has a list of B element. B element have a type I want to get a B element by occurrence of it in my list of B element. var listB = A .SelectMany(a => a.B); var listBId = listB .Where(b => b.Type ==...

Close it?
I'd say yes (personally)...
It says "I have 2 classes; for this example I will name them A and B."
It came from Stack Overflow
(link in the comments)
hypothetical -> off-topic
hasn't been migrated so we can close it without kicking it into limbo
I think this can be edited to be an answerable question
sure but OP needs to do that, so we close it
that's the point of the mechanism: "Hey OP we need something from you, so we tell you why this won't work right now"
You are right
and when the edit comes there's the reopen queue
Well, I think I gave him pretty good recommendations, and he ignored most
So, close-vote
I find BCdotWEB's edits quite weird and relativelly constant
The O.P. made the question
He edited it
Then the O.P. added context
He edited again
If the O.P. edits again, will he edit too?
@IsmaelMiguel that one was a good edit though. removed fluff, corrected grammar mistakes...
@IsmaelMiguel that one's a little strange, but I still think it could be okay...
The first one was
Exactly, the 2nd was a bit iffy
This is a fine question, do note however that the Code Review stack is specifically meant for working code in need of a double-check. StackOverflow here rather deals with non-woking code. — Quentin 15 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel you keeping an eye on that?
"In need of a double-check" is maybe an unlucky formulation. Code Review requires code to be working to the best of your knowledge. Basically you should be confident your code works as intended in all cases. A double-check should happen before posting to CR. — Vogel612 25 secs ago
@Vogel612 You were too fast!
And yes, I will
It's a part of a project yes but i don't think it's obfuscated this much. You can make a pseudo code with a list of list and make the same code in a fonction. I don't think the context is important in this case its more a probleme of writing a proper linQ request who dosn't get all element just for getting one item. — Jebik 1 min ago
A: Cardshifter game lobby

Dan PantryBackground: I work as a web developer at a company. I'm the only Angular guy here, and we are using Angular in our greenfield CRM project, so my answer will mainly address Angular (as no one else has here). id attributes First thing is first - you're using lots of id attributes. Generally speak...

hopefully im not too late to the party for that question
Excellent review by the way @IsmaelMiguel
@DanPantry Thanks dude. It was a fire for a lot of discussion, but what saddens me are the downvotes.
@IsmaelMiguel what downvotes? you're +12
Wrong answer
There's an answer where I had 2 downvotes
And no one explains why
Could you give me a linik?
@DanPantry May I discuss some points I disagree in your answer?
Or is it deleted
Certainly @IsmaelMiguel
I'm always looking for feedback
First things first, regarding your comment
Yes, you are correct
On itself, an id selector that doesn't have styles won't do much
But the ratio of empty styles is quite big
Any selector makes the browser grind to fetch an element
fair enough
I guess you can put it that way
Imagine you are a browser
I still think its negligible
But at the same time
I can see the issue with having empty classes/ids for no reason
I do sometimes haev empty css elements in my css, but only because I want to make a point of "these are empty on purpose"
Yes, when they can simply replaced with a comment with a TODO
no point keeping them there if the only reason is laziness, I agree :P
And now, to your answer
There are no inline styles
depending how long you anticipate the discussion to be, might it be worth moving to another chat room and linking that in the comments?
There are style properties
I don't want to be yelled at for dominating the chat room
Nobody is here
Alright :P
Also, it is on-topic here, since it is about a post
There is height on one of the tables
or table rows
and width on another column
Those are style properties, but that's mixing presentation and content
That isn't an inline style, but a style attribute
That, attributes
in my opinion, that should still be in the CSS file
I know
I'm just trying to say that you mixed up the names
but perhaps inline style wasn't the best way to put it
Alright, I'll correct that
The 2nd point
You don't like data-ng-*
Am I wrong?
It depends (tm)
I see why you would want to use data-ng-*
And I think its fine to do it via a post-processor
but I wouldnt' do it by hand
the web component specification uses attributes very similar to how OP uses them
If you try to validate it without data, the HTML code is invalid
Angular best practice is to prefix your attributes with a namespace (for example ng-*) using a post-processor
Yes, I get that. but if I validate the HTML on this site it is likely invalid
Even Google is
But invalid HTML is bad
It makes the browser do bad stuff
Well, aren't browsers meant to ignore invalida ttributes?
Should be used?
@jacwah lol
I don't get it
It's a serious question
Well, to summarize - yes, invalid HTML is bad, but data- can be added in a build step (whcih I mentioned in my answer). It's just needless noise (imo)
I get what you mean, @jacwah. I didm ention before we started the discussion that this might be a long one :p
@IsmaelMiguel Put the 5th VTC on it.
@Mast Mine was the 3rd
@DanPantry Oh I was talking about editing tags on questions
@jacwah .........oh
@DanPantry lol to that
Its monday, leave me alone
Monking @skiwi
Q: performance comparision of SQL queries versus LINQ in visual studio 2012

arbab akbari am new to vs2012 and i need to use vs2012 with sql server i need to get data from a table in sql server 2012 with 500 rows and 15 columns process the data in it and update another table all this to be done in 100 ms i tried traditional method with sql query filling a dataset and then access th...

2 mins ago, by jacwah
Should be used?
So, let's try this again ^
I'm assuming that tag is meant to be used to indicate performance issues...?
@DanPantry In my opinion, it isn't needless. You can later access to those attributes (for whatever reason you want) using the Dataset API. But other than that, you are right. And I think this concludes the 'discussion'.
@DanPantry Its meant for problems like Euler etc. to show that the code has exceeded the time limit.
@IsmaelMiguel OP is using Angular which doesn't use the dataset API (or at least, the API doesn't expose it). Angular strips out all data- prefixes transparently, so data-ng-model works the same as ng-model - and it just adds noise to the HTML - which is why I suggested using a post-processor
@Heslacher ah, right
@DanPantry mostly with online judges
@jacwah you have a problem with it?
@MertMertce human bias, or historical reasons (CodeReview is much younger than SO). Also because migrating questions between stacks is inconvenient, as users don't necessarily have a matching account on the other side, so it's reserved to completely off-topic questions. — Quentin 11 secs ago
@Vogel612 No, just unsure
@DanPantry I know. But for compliance, it is better to use data-ng-*, in my opinion.
you guys sure you not getting out of hand?
@IsmaelMiguel Using a post-processor you will get data-ng-*. :-) It's just the machine does it rather than you. See github.com/pgilad/gulp-angular-htmlify.
@Vogel612 we're done now ;-)
I'm not in the matter but this looks a little like a religious war to me...
tabs vs. spaces, data-ng-* vs. ... (?)
well.. data-ng-* vs ng-* is a matter of HTML correctness. This isn't really a question of whether or not to use data-* prefixes or not, but whether the human does it or the machine does it.
That said, you are right, it's getting a bit out of hand :-)
It's not out of hand
In fact, I understood everything
And I think we found a point were we both agree
@Vogel612 It isn't a religious war. I was making a point about ng-* being invalid HTML
Q: Beginner here - Require help in Array, Try & Catch & multiple inputs in JOptionPane

user80856first time posting here. I'm a beginner programmer in need for some Java prog help. Right here I've an assignment of a "Cake Machine". Images below are the codes. Pic 1 is the Object Class, 2-5 is the Methods Class & 6 is the main class. Basically, I believe I've no coding errors and I welcome a...

But I get that it can be added later
@jacwah I don't like the comment on that question...
could someone drop a better one, please?
I'm on it
Q: Method Scope - am I getting it right?

SoSimpleI'm working on a hospital admin project, the aim of which is to print out to the console the names of patients with unpaid fees greater than a specified amount. I have the following class: class Patient def initialize @patients = [] end def read_from_file end def calculate_fees ...

A: Check for balanced parentheses

randi shekaliyaBenchod loda. tari maa ni kuxx ma maro shekaliya noi lund ... bhosmarino shekaliyo ...Loda ghalse tari maane shekaliya rand

@Quill VLQ :)
I tried to translate it with Google before, but it didn't recognize the language :(
@jacwah That made me laugh! Thank you! First time I laugh in days!
The first 2 words are a name
Still relevant:
Q: Why is this program erroneously rejected by three C++ compilers?

James McNellisI am having some difficulty compiling a C++ program that I've written. This program is very simple and, to the best of my knowledge, conforms to all the rules set forth in the C++ Standard. I've read over the entirety of ISO/IEC 14882:2003 twice to be sure. The program is as follows: Here i...

4 years and still broken?
@Quill abusive.
@Vogel612 Abusive? What does it say?
"inappropriate for respectful discourse" doesn't just mean insulting people
Sounds like it
@Vogel612 Do you find it disrespectful?
yes I find it disrepectful to faceroll your keyboard
ehh delvoted..
hmm... programmers migrations to CR have a 40% rejection rate right now..
then again it was just 5 migrations in the last 3 months
I've never seen a question from there
this one, this one, and some others on different pages where I'm too lazy to find 'em
Is it appropriate to make stupid somewhat sexual-related jokes without talking about sexual stuff?
If this is working code that you think could be improved, you could consider codereview.stackexchange.comjonrsharpe 23 secs ago
> Yes, the word does mean sisterfucker, literally. The word was used even as early as the 1800s. If you read Lawrence James' book, the 'RAJ', you will find that Bhenchod was used as a common slang even then.The slang is still used across India and Pakistan, more so in villages, by men and women alike.
The pronounciation may change with the region( Baheenchod in UP & Bihar, Bhaincho in Punjab, northern India and Pakistan, and so on...)
I guess it was disrespectful after all
@jacwah Poor guy!
@jacwah that's a case for the offensive flag then, though
Q: Extarct the data into mysql database to the CSV in php

Suba sahI tried this code .. <?php // mysql database connection details $host = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "suba sah 16"; $dbname = "mysql2csv"; // open connection to mysql database $connection = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $dbname) or die("Conn...

Q: How to optimize specific vba code speed?

Ahmed El Amraniwe used this VBA code mainly to hide blank rows & unhide non-blank rows, after that the second code sort the rows by a defined column value once the worksheet activated. This process take too much time with this code, could any one help me optimize this code and make it faster? (the worksheet con...

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