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There are 1351 unanswered questions (94.6886% answered)
Darn. I missed RELOAD.
No interrupt!
lol. Watch out, the INTERRUPT is coming tomorrow...
@SimonAndréForsberg, why isn't the RELOAD! a double line post
Quick question. If I have a type String[] what is that type called? (Java)
String array?
@Quill umm... because @EthanBierlein should get his chance at a INTERRUPT?
if it would be a multiline post though, the "RELOAD!" would not be formatted.
There are xyz you-know-what
formatting gets lost on multi-line messages
Ah, right
Formatting should bring a map on multi-line messages.
Also, what's wrong with...
(ask @Duga, she knows what happened to github repo commit messages when they were multi-line)
RELOAD! There are 1351 unanswered questions (94.6886% answered)
good question ^^
@nhgrif Something about it just looks, odd...
@EthanBierlein because you can't insert an INTERRUPT?
@SimonAndréForsberg No, it just seems too, rushed...
You could even stick RELOAD! on both ends.
I would have expected the interrupt to have happened more than six times: chat.stackexchange.com/…
My screensaver was up today when the ISS passed over an island. I'm guessing maybe Papua New Guinea?
Q: Masonry grid images overlapping

ChadI'm working on a new website for our company and the masonry grid images at the startup of the default All overlap. Once you select one of the other options and come back to the All it works fine. Or, if I change the browser width the grid adjusts correctly. It also overlaps on the subpage when n...

Q: 4-bit Trie (Prefix Tree) with deferred allocation

exebookI come up with interesting dictionary solution, which I call trie4d. The name stands for Trie 4-bit with deferred bucket allocation. The description and code is on GitHub. https://github.com/exebook/trie4d I would like any sort of feedback, any hints on performance, comparison and benchmarks t...

@Jamal lol
Now with a positive score, this won't be cleaned up by Community. I do hope the OP shows up sometime. He/she should not have abandoned the question right after posting it.
This was the second question without embedded code, too.
And the first question is weird.
Q: dnaof() - inheritance made easy, my own make inheritance tool

exebookhttps://github.com/exebook/dnaof I created this simple inheritance tool for JavaScript, could any one with deep knowledge in JavaScript prototyped inheritance review it? Here is the library itself: kindof = function(K) { function X() {} if (K != undefined) X.prototype = new K X.can...

Is the moderator election getting frozen soon?
It'll eventually get frozen automatically if there's a loss of activity.
Anyone got a tip for me ^^ bunch of null in my List (presumably consecutive empty spaces or some such)
Q: Masonry grid images overlapping

ChadI'm working on a new website for our company and the masonry grid images at the startup of the default All overlap. Once you select one of the other options and come back to the All it works fine. Or, if I change the browser width the grid adjusts correctly. It also overlaps on the subpage when n...

can't really tell what the OP really wants. Broken code or just not included?
@SimonAndréForsberg Both
@Phrancis what does extractNextWord look like?
@Quill ah, now that I read the question after closing it it seems like you are right. I did not close for the best reason, although no code still applies.
@Quill Just a little regex thing
private static String extractNextWord (String input) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Za-z]?[\\-']?[A-Za-z])+");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
    if (matcher.find()) {
        return matcher.group();
    } else {
        return null;
Return false instead of null, maybe?
extractNextWord returns null, that's your problem
don't return null in Java.
Java is not Swift/Objective-C.
0 flags, average handling time N/A
Other option is to return ""
Night Simon!
@Phrancis It will still get printed
Wait, plain-English, tell me how this method is being used?
Can't return false from a String type
The above? OK
@nhgrif He's reading a .txt file, matching it with a regex, and printing line by line the matches
A: The case for [python-typing]

nhgrifI'm not Python expert, but based on the way we handle tags on Code Review, this tag seems in appropriate. 200_success has recommended type-safety, and I think I agree with this recommendation. Your question doesn't make a case against this recommendation, but you left this comment: that loo...

Pretty much.
Do you want the first (sort of) word from each line?
The regex itself keeps these and nothing else:
- whole words "hello"
- hyphenated words "hello-world"
- contractions "that's"
All right hang on...
Prior to going through that, it is String.split(" ") into a List<String>
wait... so you've already got a list of words split on spaces?
Let's hope it does.
Then what's this regex thing taking care of?
Stripping punctuations and stuff
Combine extractNextWord and the main function, if matcher.find() returns false then don't do a println
Yes, sounds good.
How about we remember how to eat elephants... can we do this one step at a time?
Hah yes
1. Read entire file into a string? Or a single line?
2. Split that string into a list of strings based on empty spaces. Do any of the strings after the split still potentially contain multiple words?
Or maybe split on [^-'A-Za-z]+, it's not the same, but pretty close.
1. String
2. No (checked)
Your answer to number 1 is confusing.
Are you reading a file or just a single line?
Whole file, but line-by-line
okay, so we're thinking about this line by line
What's extractNextWord doing then?
for (String word : splitWords) {
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Za-z]?[\\-']?[A-Za-z])+");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(word);
    if (matcher.find()) {
Why are you printing them?
Why are we talking about printing? And why is the print happening in the same method that cleans?
@Phrancis You need a "cleanString" function that takes string input, strips punctuation, and returns string. And run that over your list of strings.
@nhgrif extractNextWord is basically the final "clean-up" as of right now, after the file is appended into a String, line by line, then split, then cleaned one element at a time with the regex
I don't understand why it's called "extractNextWord"
To me, a function called "extractNextWord" takes a string that looks like a sentence (or more) and pops the first word (or last word) out.
It... was used a bit differently at first. I should rename it
So... extractNextWord("Hello world, I am nhgrif") should return either "Hello" or "nhgrif"`
Yes, questions about coding style are off-topic here. They might be more receptive at codereview.stackexchange.com. — Barmar 5 secs ago
Originally wanted to output a List<String> from reading the file line by line, but couldn't get it to work. In that context, the next word would be "Hello", then "world", then "I" etc.
Have you consider that a List<String> might be the wrong approach?
You're building concordance, right?
So, if I used that regex on the whole String prior to splitting, wouldn't it get rid of spaces too?
@Duga Posts answer first then suggests migration anyway.
Going for a quick smoke, my head is spinning lol
Making a list is no harder then printing. Just replace the System.out.println by resultList.add.
public class Word {
private String word;
private List<Int> occurrences;

// some public methods...
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because if the code is already working, it should go to the Code Review SE site. Otherwise it should go to the MCVE bin as long not improved so far. — πάντα ῥεῖ 32 secs ago
And then, build up a List<Word>...
Or, perhaps more simply...
Map<String, List<Int>> concordance;
Lol, the guy even took the trouble of tying to hide it in the code.
I barely recall some suggested edit on SO where someone replaced the entire post with their own question.
@Jamal that's actually a very good idea for a hat! Shame it got rejected on last year's challenge
@Jamal I've seen that multiple times in the SO queue.
I don't see anything wrong with this question to deserve down votes or close votes. He's asking a perfectly legitimate question, and it's not asking for a code review either--please at least do the courtesy of reading the question before voting on it. — Jerry Coffin 51 secs ago
I've only seen it referenced by another SO mod. How I would love to have access to that queue and enjoy the gems that await.
@Duga Maybe they took issue to the very first statement.
Wait, must've been thinking of late answers.
I don't have access to suggested edits.
Might have been PPCG or CR, maybe?
Don't remember :(
My badges are all multiples of three.
1/10/30 ratio - pretty nice ratio.
Mine is roughly 1/4/9 on SO.
hmm 1/26/86 on CR, 1/10/26 on SO ...I need more gold badges.
Our girl dogs are in heat, and the male schnauzer is screaming its stupid head off, and won't shut up.
@Hosch250 That sounds distressingly irritating
It is.
Q: Merge request: [template] -> [generics]

nhgrifAs far as I can tell, template is basically just C++'s version of generics. If this is correct and there is no other appropriate use of the template tag (the tag says it's not supposed to be used for "template-meta-programming"), then I recommend we synonimize template into generics.

@nhgrif how about making a synonym of then?
@Mat'sMug doesn't exist yet?
The problem with that is that Objective-C has an interface concept and a protocol concept
And they are different.
Q: Burninate [type-safety]

o11cThe type-safety tag is used to mean all sorts of different things: In all languages, it often refers to some sort of enum. In C++, it often means template (Edit: there is a proposal to merge into generics). In C# and Java), it often means generics. (most other languages that support the concept...

Q: Synonym request: [template] -> [generics]

nhgrifAs far as I can tell, template is basically just C++'s version of generics. If this is correct and there is no other appropriate use of the template tag (the tag says it's not supposed to be used for "template-meta-programming"), then I recommend we synonimize template into generics. As a note,...

Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2015

200_successNow that we have had our first election, let's consider what Community Promotion Ads should be displayed on our site! What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar. The purpose of this quest...

If Objective-C didn't have an interface concept which is different from what the interface tag is, I'd be perfectly fine with it.
Like... if it were just Swift... which has no "interface", then sure.
Hey, we might get the duck advertised along with CR! meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/5744/34073
6 votes is all it takes
Oh, protocol doesn't, protocols does.
It probably would've been better as just protocol.
Got to go, might be back later.
Hmm, having said all that, @Mat'sMug ... there aren't even any Objective-C questions with [protocols]... so... sure
just synonimize it
From what I google about ObjC, it looks like "protocol" is what other languages call "interface" and "interface" just means "public api"
The problem is if I see a question tagged , I know what the question is about. If I see it tagged , then I think I know what it's about, but if it's tagged that way because of synonyms, I'd be wrong.
@o11c yet "public API" is the correct OOP meaning of "interface"
Java is so... picky.
@nhgrif and how would a feel when they see a question tagged with ?
[Zomis/SE-Scripts] Zomis created repository
Hey @Quill
@Mat'sMug C++ is my primary language and I'm happy with the synonym.
@EthanBierlein Hello
@o11c shhhh! you're killing my point! ;-)
Python is a close second; my tertiary languages are Java, C, Rust, and English.
I think everyone just likes this question because Tim Berners-Lee posted it:
Q: How can I see the internal compile commands which fail in a "go get" installation?

timblI am pulling and installing a package with dependencies, and a compilation fails, in this case not finding a file, magic.h. How do I see what the compilation commands and flags were? The -v option does not help. (I do NOT want ideas about where to get magic.h from, this is just an example.) $ ...

@shanselman @StackExchange has a format that's already loved by millions of devs worldwide. @StackCodeReview is where code reviews happen.
Am I incorrect in my understanding? Also, if that was to be taken care of, is there anything else unsafe, or anything other criticism? — Abdul 1 min ago
Can I sigh hard enough?
@EthanBierlein something tells me that this tweet will snowball
Monker.... what am I doing at work......
99 views already
Wait, how do you get tweet views?
People look at the tweet?
@EthanBierlein only on your own tweets. the barchart-like icon
Why. Stupid chrome not loading chat markdown..
@Malachi Good question. Why are you still at work?
Oh wow... I just discovered twitter analytics...
@EthanBierlein clap clap clap
@EthanBierlein Amazing where curiousity leads you :P
@Phrancis came back to work. I have some changes that I have to make to the third party vender(-ish) site. when they update our case management application, it resets the site, so every time we update I get an hour of overtime....
time to go back home now though!
catch you all on the flip side, or tomorrow
@Malachi wut? how long has that workday been????
@Quill And not just a ditch on mars, lol
I left at 5 then came back at 8:30
9:30 now, time to jet ride
later then!
I love Adblock, it block advertisements on Youtube and Slacker
later for real this time
@Mat'sMug The same way a feels when they see rather than . But there's no hash-map in Swift. So there's not the overlap confusion.
> @StackExchange favorited your tweet
@Mat'sMug Nice
@Quill I've heard that as a general rule, it kills you.
15 mins ago, by Quill
@Quill And not just a ditch on mars, lol
lol. it got quiet.
Q: How can I catch an enter key ( '\n' )?

Sir Skilletscanf("%s", input); if (strlen(input) > 1) { errorNet(); } if (input[0] == '\n') { errorNet(); } if (input[0] == '\0') { errorNet(); } When I hit enter, scanf goes to the next line and continues searching. How can I set that if enter is hit, function errorNet() (which displays in...

Q: How can I catch an enter key ( '\n' )?

Sir Skilletscanf("%s", input); if (strlen(input) > 1) { errorNet(); } if (input[0] == '\n') { errorNet(); } if (input[0] == '\0') { errorNet(); } When I hit enter, scanf goes to the next line and continues searching. How can I set that if enter is hit, function errorNet() (which displays in...

grr.. I wish we could just graduate already..
... not written in the first place. Code review?! — Ed Heal 56 secs ago
If your code works correctly, and you are just wondering if there's a better way, you are probably looking for codereview.stackexchange.comTas 32 secs ago
Q: Is there a better way to organize this dll's public interface?

mock_blattI'm making a class that takes a path to a text file as an argument in its constructor, and then parses the text file and pulls out a lot of data that it stores as private members. Most of these members are vectors of ints, floats, and strings. The class will be used by different versions of VS, ...

@RMunroe That's common practice in certain countries ...
> Essentially I've got something like:
std::vector<int> dataItem;
std::vector<int> anotherDataItem;
std::vector<float> yetAnother;
std::vector<std::string> stringData;
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about reviewing alread-written code belong on Code Review. — Jonathon Reinhart 19 secs ago
@JonathonReinhart Code Review only accepts code that works as intended - the question at the bottom of this post would probably need to be reworded a bit to avoid attracting "unclear what you're asking" or "broken code" close votes. — Mat's Mug 58 secs ago
Q: Algorithm to remove duplicates array leaving at most 2 elements.

toyMy interview question was that I need to return the length of an array that removed duplicates but we can leave at most 2 duplicates. For example, [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3] the new array would be [1, 1, 2, 2, 3]. So the new length would be 5. I came up with an algorithm with O(2n) I believe. How can I...

@CaptainObvious Basically OP still doesn't know whether his algorithm is correct.
Removing the question on the bottom doesn't remove the problem.
Oh, and
@Mast I don't see anything wrong.
Unless it is from the SO question you are seeing it isn't working?
@Mat'sMug I'd say he's writing the way it should be written. Not sure if it warrants a tag though, but since we have it...
@Mast I take it that OP isn't sure about the O(2n) part
and then there's this:
@JonathonReinhart Code Review only accepts code that works as intended - the question at the bottom of this post would probably need to be reworded a bit to avoid attracting "unclear what you're asking" or "broken code" close votes. — Mat's Mug 20 mins ago
Hi @JohnSnow!
Hey :)
Apr 10 at 0:30, by Mat's Mug
> You know nothing, John Snow Mug
Well, I know nothing either. Especially about JS
Got looots to learn
what happened to @Gemtastic?
@Mat'sMug That may be it.
@Mat'sMug He was here yesterday afternoon (CET)
20 hours ago
has anyone ever tried to race a StringBuilder and a MemoryStream?
I'll take this eloquent silence as a "no"
hi @NiallC.!
Hi. I got bored.
what happened?
Meh. Nothing good on TV.
There never is.
Try automating repetitive tasks when bored :-)
or better... reviewing some code!
Lol. I did just post an answer though.
all right, TTGTB now
Night @Mat'sMug
Lol. Now there's nobody to talk to.
Well, night then.
Q: How much time is left?

h.j.k.rags-to-riches of Convert seconds to hours, minutes and seconds. In that question, BigDecimal was chosen to be the model class, which doesn't seem like a right fit for temporal amounts. Sure, doing arithmetic should be the simpler and faster way, but I thought of using the Duration class to mak...

monking @all
A: Principal's locker exercise

chillworldConstants : Please create constants as global variable, as it is a constant who should never be changed. Now each time you call your method there is a memory allocation for that constant. private final int NUMBER_OF_LOCKERS = 100; Set correct comments and comment where needed : // The first ...

16 votes to less for reversal badge :)
Q: Chaining asynchronous tasks that must run sequentially

Sotirios DelimanolisI want to implement an Agent-like object in C#. An Agent wraps some memory location (ideally storing an immutable object) and receives updates to that location. All these updates are performed asynchronously, but sequentially. In other words At any point in time, at most one [update submitted...

@Mat'sMug This one seems to have replaced his pseudo code by actual code:
Q: Cleaning up interface for dll - many accessors

mock_blattI'm making a class that takes a path to a text file as an argument in its constructor, and then parses the text file and pulls out a lot of data that it stores as private members. Most of these members are vectors of ints, floats, and strings. The class will be used by different versions of VS, ...

Monking @Timo
Then why don't you call it advance? Is occasionally typing four more characters really a problem? Honestly, if I saw this code during a code review I'd want to ask you to leave the room so that I could start lining up interviews to replace you. — mu is too short 13 secs ago
Q: Encapsulate all dangerous data returning methods with a validation function

SrinivasanIm using Parasoft for Code Review and getting below error "Encapsulate all dangerous data returning methods with a validation function (SECURITY.IBA.****)" Below is the code: String pQry = "SELECT COUNT(1) privcount FROM CUSTMER_RESOURCE WHERE OID = :id AND res_name = :res"; Map<String, String

I personally like my code to be as short as possible, readable or not. Don't. — Mast 32 secs ago
meta.stackoverflow humor:
I flagged an answer as NAA. Declined with the message:
Why bother coding at all if you want it that unreadable? Hey, why not convert it to binary while you're at it?
declined - Look more closely at the post...
@JohnSnow That's adding more characters. He wants less.
@Mast Oh sorry. Well, maybe he should hash it then
Encrypt hash
Put everything in an eval
every line is always 8characters long
@CarySwoveland OP is asking for what's acceptable. He admits readability is favored over brevity. Educational value is irrelevant if other people have to use your code. Maintainability and usability are essential and should be maintained as 'best-practice'. We have a dedicated StackExchange site dedicated to improving (among other things) those two. — Mast 1 min ago
Q: Get neighbour sides of a Rubics cube

markovcdI'm writing 2x2x2 rubics cube simulator. In my code I have a concept of Face which is individual side of the cube, and State which is agregate of all six sides. When I create new State, in addition to creating faces I need to set all neighbour faces for a given face. Currently I do this in manual...

Q: Matasano CryptoPals Problem 8: Detecting ECB encryption

Jay BosamiyaFor the Matasano CryptoPals Challenges Set 1 Problem 8, which states: In this file are a bunch of hex-encoded ciphertexts. One of them has been encrypted with ECB. Detect it. Remember that the problem with ECB is that it is stateless and deterministic; the same 16 byte plaintex...

monking @theNewGuys ;)
Q: Is the following if statement unnecessary?

CKYI have a small piece of code that checks some data but I suspect one of the if statements is unnecessary: bool meldControleGereed = false; bool allProductionDone = true; int controleBewerkingId = 0; foreach (DataRow row in controleTable.Rows) { string code = row.Field<string>("CODE"); bo...

Q: Class design and refactoring

NarayanaI have a simulation system that simulates airline scheduling. There are different entities representing flight, airport, gate etc. There are also many algorithms and the whole system is run using a DES model. I've been refactoring this legacy code for sometime now, trying to eliminate manager Go...

+1 on the "Get a code review: codereview.stackexchange.com"; advice — sehe 20 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Dutch code.
I thought the average Dutch programmer knew he should always program in English.
Well, if you want a code review it'd great if you could code in english.
I'm thinking about DeMorgan'ing him...
The horror when people try to code in swedish D:
@JohnSnow For variable naming it doesn't matter much, but I prefer all my stuff in English. Keep stuff in the same language.
@Mast it's even worse, it's dutch with English mixed
bool meldControleGereed = false;
bool allProductionDone = true;
WTH markdown...
@Mast it doesn't matter, but it's harder to read
It is just an ERROR CODE in ParaSoft Code Review Tool for the specific violation. — Srinivasan 30 secs ago
I want this (black/white parts inverted) on a mug:
A: What should our logo and site design look like?

kleinfreundI looked through the major SE sites and their logos and noticed they're quite minimalistic. So I grabbed my sketch blog and a pen. This is what I came up with: Update 1 No more beta-blue Better angles for the breaks, so people actually figure out what the letters may be. :~) Update 2 Ba...

@Mast I want a blackish mug with that logo on it
That would also work.
IKEA has black mugs, but those have a shallow bottom. No good.
I like my Mugs big
Means I don't have to go to refill them as often so I'll get to code more :P
And a fat bottom on a mug makes sure it doesn't go down.
Yeah. Preferably there should be some kind of top/lid to it, because computer + liquid = X
@JohnSnow get used to taking care of liquids...
it's one of the basic skills
@Vogel612 I am
I've only ever spilt anything on my computer twice
Though the second time I thought it was the end of everything
But it wasn't!
@Phrancis already awake?
One of the dangers with laptops is the keyboard is so close to the CPU.
In the past, if you poured coffee over a keyboard you just ripped the keys out and put it in a tile of water.
Pulling the plug doesn't help anymore either.
@Mast Yeah, I had my share with that
Imagine what it is to open a laptop with at least 1-week old milk there
The smell.... Dear lord!
It was milk everywhere!
perhaps it would be better, write code and put your code to codereview.stackexchange.comcomalex3 27 secs ago
@comalex3 CodeReview is only for fully working code. The code above isn't the full code. The O.P. is asking to write the code for him/her. This would be closed as off-topic in no time. — Ismael Miguel 22 secs ago
@Duga I have a default comment for when the suggestions are that bad.
@Mast Isn't Jeff one of the founders of StackExchange?
@IsmaelMiguel Yes.
He still has moderator status everywhere despite no longer being an employee of SE.
But he's one of the main founders of SE, together with Joel.
Q: JS/jQ - create a class template for future project - is this a good approach?

verjasProblem | I need to get feedback from experienced coders to learn how to create a class in JS/jQuery Context | Hi! I'm new to OOP, so I tried to learn from tutorials how to create a class in JavaScript/jQuery. But tutorials don't give you feedback from experienced coders. Is this approach ok (se...

On topic: so much bad advice in this SO question
Q: How to handle "god" like library callbacks?

user3032878So I am using an external library too allow for video chat in my application, the library is very simple and consists of a few api calls and then a lifecycle listener (IVideoLifeCycleListener). The listener providers overrides for all types of callbacks, below is my current implementation, basica...

StackOverflow is not the place for code review and improvements. — Ashley Medway 1 min ago
thanks @SimonAndréForsberg
I've gained about 500 reputation in the past 2 weeks on SO.. and nothing on CR. lol
Does add any merit to questions?
@DanPantry It can steer the answer.
I wouldn't recommend certain practices to beginners, with the idea of first things first.
But doesn't change the code. So it can be ignored if you want. It does however provide some context, which is always valuable.
Just as says 'I know I should use the STL for this, but I wanted to learn how to do it myself'.
Q: Deep length of a list - Recursion

overexchangeProblem: A list that contains one or more lists as elements is called a deep list. For example, [1, [2, 3], 4] is a deep list. Write a function deep_len that takes a list and returns its deep length. See the doctests for the function's behavior. Hint: you can check if something is a...

Both beginner and reinventing wheel has been discussed on meta.
@SimonAndréForsberg Il'l go search for it then
Q: Putting 3 different on click functions into one reusable function

Ilya KnaupI have image slider with thumbnails, simple one where I account for left and right arrow clicks that show respective images and thumbnail clicks that load related image. Functions have a lot in common and I'm trying to figure out how to put them into one and use it for all 3 different events, but...

@CaptainObvious That seems a rewrite request.
If you don't have problems with your code, please head over to codereview.stackexchange.comnvoigt 1 min ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be migrated to codereview.stackexchange.comnvoigt 51 secs ago
@nvoigt: Last but not least, CR is not for 'verifying if code is correct'. Please check their help center before trying to migrate posts to their site. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 32 secs ago
Good guy @MartijnPieters
monking @Quill
@DanPantry You are brave. You asked a moderator with over 300k reputation if he was new
i didn't check his reputation tbh
I know.
Actually, it is 380k
Lol wut
Oops :-)
@MartijnPieters if the question "Please verify whether the code is correct." is not Code Review, I don't know what is. "Correctness in unanticipated cases" is even listed in the help center as one thing definetly CR. — nvoigt 12 secs ago
@MartijnPieters So if someone asks for a code review, I have to compile and check before I can tell him he should go to CR for a CR? — nvoigt 27 secs ago
I don't like this nvoigt guy
This feels like eavesdropping
@DanPantry So I should do a Code Review on SO to make sure I can tell somebody he should go to CR to get a CR? — nvoigt 19 secs ago
Duga is such a gossiper
@jacwah @Duga is a bot though ...
@Quill Gossip bot
@DanPantry Why would I do that, if the OP says he needs a code review? If the OP says he has a history question, I sent him over to History.SE. — nvoigt 56 secs ago
@jacwah Mmm, 'duga' is really swedish for gossip bot, isn't that right @SimonAndréForsberg? (joke)
I don't get why this guy is so uppity over someone telling him that he needs to actually expend effort to earn reputation on this site.
I replicate the entire working environment when I do code reviews
It's not much to look at the code you're meant to be answering a question about and verify its syntactically correct :S.
This is coming from a guy with 26k reputation as well, worrying

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