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thanks @rolfl
primary voting begins in 2 hours!
This synonym is still two votes away.
No Stars, no Stars, no Stars!
I can't help - I don't have the required score.
What is it, anyway?
+15, or something?
Like Generalist?
I mean, what is the required score?
Oh, NVM - 5.
A: Simple game of Hangman in Python 3.4

Ethan BierleinYou have way too much code in your main function. Try and see if you can separate the logic out into separate functions, each with their own arguments. For example, the below code block: words = ["hangman", "chairs", "backpack", "bodywash", "clothing", "computer", "python", "pro...

> "-----\n| |\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n|\n--------"
I disagree, here.
All the Python tutorials and stuff fully write it out like the original.
That "ugly mutliline string" is much more readable, as you actually get to see the real output — Simon André Forsberg 32 secs ago
@EthanBierlein You still here?
Hm... I'm wondering if should be the next to go.
I just need to think of a pun...
@Jamal that is a .NET interface
@Hosch250 Yeah, but not for long
What do you need?
Just wanted to know if you saw our comments ^^
@Jamal Do we [stl] need [stl]?
@Hosch250 Yeah. I replied to @Simon's comment.
Welp. Bye. I'm gonna go see a movie.
@Hosch250 lol, good one!
why isn't iterator and iteration merged? just curious why we are picking on IEnumerable when those two tags are almost the same thing
Q: Interval map over std::map

trvecvltI've got this test assigment about half year ago. Feedback was "your solution is almost correct, but not superior" without any details. And i still don't know where is the problem. I think there should be some perfomance improvement available, but could be some failed test case as well. So here ...

CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe
@Hosch250 That could work. :-)
should be -> -> right?
@Malachi It is not the same thing
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) is a kind of iteration, but not an iterator.
"almost" the same thing is not good enough
iteration is the concept that should be tagged though.
you can't have an iterator without performing iteration
Not necessarily
@Malachi Actually, you can. If you make a class that implements an iterator, you have.
@Jamal What's broken in this question? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/96003/…
The code using it will be doing a kind of iteration, but that's a bit different.
which is where IEnumerable comes in
all of these things are needed for ... Iteration
so iteration should really be the master and iterator and IEnumerable should be synonyms(ish)
take it to meta, if you can think of a good pun
synonyms(ish) is not the same as synonyms. Either it is a synonym, or it is not. There's no "ish".
I have to have a pun to post? I knew I should have been a clown
@SimonAndréForsberg you just said that iterator and iteration are two separate things.
now we have a circular conversation going on....
@Yuushi I thought the OP said that it wasn't quite working. I'll reopen it, then.
which is why you can have an iterator without performing iteration
Q: Do we [stl] need [stl]?

JamalIt appears that stl is "selectively" used for questions that utilize the Standard Template Library. However, this only applies to C++, and such code should already make use of the STL. Even if a C++ question doesn't utilize the STL for whatever reason, omitting this tag doesn't send any kind of...

@SimonAndréForsberg so they shouldn't be synonyms of each other? that's what you are saying, right?
Q: Sound Control System

Lemony-Andrew // exponentially decrease sounds this.Sound.masterVolume = function(v){ masterVolume = Math.pow(v,2);}; this.Sound.instanceVolume = function(name, v){ instanceVolume[name] = Math.pow(v,2);}; this.Sound.masterStop = function(){ liveSounds.forEach(function(snd){ snd.pause();...

22 minutes and change
@Malachi IMO, they should not be synonyms.
@SimonAndréForsberg so you would probably agree that is also not a synonym of ?
We are not here to review/critique your code, especially since it's not actual code. Try codereview.stackexchange.comMarc B 21 secs ago
@Jamal replied, I say burn it
@Duga wow. another so user already fixed that ... up
On that note, I think should be synonymized with . The latter's tag wiki even mentions vectors.
Please give a specific example instead, this is not really the place for code review. — gustafbstrom 35 secs ago
Q: Do we [stl] need [stl]?

JamalIt appears that stl is "selectively" used for questions that utilize the Standard Template Library. However, this only applies to C++, and such code should already make use of the STL. Even if a C++ question doesn't utilize the STL for whatever reason, omitting this tag doesn't send any kind of...

@MarcB What makes you think that Code Review deals with "not actual code"? In fact, "not actual code" is explicitly off-topic for Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg just now
@Jamal ermph.. Vector may also refer to the Java data structure from the stone age.
which implements List..
@Jamal but they're not quite the same
@Jamal I don't see any vector questions
@Vogel612 Different from ArrayList?
since JDK one.
@SimonAndréForsberg Oops, it has an 's' at the end.
also implemented by Stack
ah, these burnination puns crack me up :)
Hello, @janos
@janos Just be sure to don't burn yourself on those tags!
How would 2d vectors be tagged? As in, vectors for moving objects?
On a separate topic, Vol 4B of TACOP is available on Knuth's site to read and find errors in (have fun with that): www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~uno/fasc6a.ps.gz
The Art of Computer Programming
I can't acronym
Q: Generic interface and generic classes

user969617given a interface defined as public interface CanBeCompared<E> { int compare(E x); } I was writing a generic class when I realised that if I wanted it to implement a generic interface, in 'some' circumstances, this interface would also have to be implemented for the types that the class ob...

Argh, I'm procrastinating procrastinating
codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place to ask this kind of question. — Patrick Oscity 32 secs ago
Not that it matters but it came up in a code review. — marsh 40 secs ago
@Yuushi nice! Is that the latest version?
the font of the book is terrible to read though. I don't like it.
In what way does your code fail to do what you want it to do? "Is there a better way" is better suited to code review. I could point out a whole pile of stuff I wouldn't do, ranging from use of global variables, constants, pointless atomics, I don't like that FunctionNamingConvention, DRY failure, etc: but without a description of why your code fails, I don't know which is because you where making a MCVE or whatever. — Yakk 47 secs ago
So how does primaries work? You can up/downvote anyone you want?
And did people start with initial votes, or are there loads of ninja-voters already?
Yes, except for yourself.
Other than giving a good idea about the winners, this will help eliminate two candidates.
@skiwi ninja voters... then again this is more suited for the election chatroom :)
Okay, all clear ;)
gl mod nominees <3
Q: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. One of the proposed questions covered the ground...

all nominees are viable candidates imo
In the meantime, I'll get to work on chipping away at .
Q: C# Productmanager

AMartinNo1For school we have to develop a productmanager. The basic task is to add new products. A product has a name and a price. I know the one or other class is currently pretty empty but its planned to add more methods. The code is developed in mvc-format and comments plus texts are in german. I wou...

Hi everybody.
I wonder how the captain decides if he posts something or not.
The family that bred my dog is in big trouble.
You are right. This is more of a code review, as the code works fine. The use of global variables is just a simplification to post the code here as it is part of a larger component. I was hoping more for a review of the data structures and the synchronization logic. Basically, what I am asking for is whether there is a simpler way to achieve the requirements? — Mouhyi 26 secs ago
There is a forest fire 5- miles away, heading at them.
Oh, shit.
They are frantically trying to get everything safe.
Q: Implement a fast optimization algorithm using fixed point method in matlab

user8264I am implementing a fast optimization algorithm using fixed point method in matlab. The goal of that method is that find optimal value of u. Denote u={u_i,i=1..2}. The optimal value of u can be obtained as following steps: Sorry about my image because I cannot type mathematics equation in here....

Q: Ultimatoe — 1. GUI and general game interfaces

maaartinusFor the community challenge, I wrote ultimatoe. For me, the most interesting part is clearly the AI, but what I did so far is just a stupid Monte Carlo tree search, which isn't ready for a review yet (but may come soon). Before reviewing, please have a look at the README. The text is much shorte...

@maaartinus I don't believe he decides. He merely an RSS feed reader.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is asking for a codereview of working code. Belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comJarrod Roberson 12 secs ago
Removed the "bug" thing. — AMartinNo1 51 secs ago
@SirPython I see. I felt like it posts everything very fast and was nervous when my Ultimatoe appears. ;)
@Malachi that sounds totally legit
didn't change the code at all with that edit though???
sarcasm not obvious?
damn I really need to work on that
@Malachi posting an answer is a little self contradictory there, don't you think?
Welcome to the 2nd monitor @mhsjlw
@Vogel612 I know... but it needed to be said
@Malachi No idea, but the OP used to know that it doesn't work and then he obviously has forgotten it. So the code clearly qualifies. ;)
wazzup @Vogel612
primaries for the moderator election started a little more than an hour ago
is it O.K. if I view this site in my main monitor? I am on my chromebook
@Vogel612 The OP may also have re-classified the bug as feature.
There's a lot of srtuff here which makes the question as a whole too broad for Stack Overflow. You're right about possibly using Code Review, but check their help centre before you post there. Before doing anything else it might pay you to read the PHP manual on handling forms.Hobo Sapiens 49 secs ago
@Tobb Sure, but at the end of the day it's all going to perform the same as the code they've written (or worse). So they're asking for purely stylistic advice, which belongs on CodeReview. — aruisdante 58 secs ago
@mhsjlw I think that would be just fine
@Malachi Awesome :)
@Duga It kinda looks hypothetical. Or it's just really simple.
@Jamal Too simple? No problem.
@Duga A little snipped.. then again he said: check the help center
@SimonAndréForsberg How do you suggest I reword my "3 questions" template for future responses?
This question could be suitable for [Code Review](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/help), as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review and delete your question here on Stack Overflow.
^^ Current
waiting for Cpt. O
is it just me or are we having a invasion lately?
This question might be better suited for codereview.SE — gla3dr 20 secs ago
@Vogel612 I'd rather have a tic-tac-toe invasion than a FizzBuzz invasion.
I've never written a tic-tac-toe - I should help the invasion.
It's not that hard.
Yeah, maybe I should do chess instead.
Q: Program to solve variations of the seven thieves & diamonds riddle in C

DomI answered a question yesterday on SO based on this riddle, but the code was so hard to read/follow to actually understand what was going on it was easier to write my own code to test the sencerio and debug the program. I wrote it pretty fast, but I want to make sure the program I wrote is easy...

Q: Erlang treasure hunt

BulaSo I have the following task: Create a simple treasure hunt game. Create a two-dimensional array of integers 10 by 10. In a random position in the array store the number 1. repeat Get the user to enter coordinates where they think the treasure is. If there is a 1 at this posit...

@Hosch250 do an ultimate TTT. Signficantly harder
I could.
I'm feeling lazy - I need to get shaken up.
@SimonAndréForsberg I couldn't find any article about the strategy (and haven't studied your code yet). Could you?
Q: Dependency injection + factory patterns

myolI am learning OOP. I feel I have a grasp of basic dependency injection in that as a rule of thumb, you pass an object to a method rather than the parameters to create an object. As such, never create an object within a method, but use a factory. Right? The code below is for connecting to a REST ...

@CaptainObvious Wow, somebody made an Erlang question?
It's only slightly more common than ...
Aaaaan TTGTB
@maaartinus what strategy? For playing UTTT well? My bot sucks just as much as yours do
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes, for playing UTTT well. My strategy knows absolutely nothing about how the game works and that's a feature. :D I was being too stupid to implement mcts properly, so some improvements are surely possible. And knowing some evaluation function should help, too.
A: Do we [stl] need [stl]?

rolflNO, Do not Burninate the tag. Make it a synonym of c++ instead. This is better than burnination because it makes it impossible to then re-create the tag, and it also guides people correctly when they try to use it.

In this question OP kinda sounds like is asking for ideas for feature implementations
I hate burnination when synonym is an option.
Isn't this rather a question for codereview? — MERose 9 secs ago
I mean, monkevening
@Yuushi @LokiAstari What's your opinion on rolfl's answer?
@Jamal Seems like a reasonable proposal. I like that it means we do not loose information.
Then I can at least clean up the questions for other things. I have found answer invalidations and other bad tag usage.
Q: JMS consumer for message retrieval and listening

Miguel PortugalI created a standalone Java application that acts as a consumer that retrieves/listens for messages inside an ActiveMQ queue. Planning to run two instances of these on different machines for high availability purposes. What bothers me is the usage of Connection, Session, MessageConsumer, and Tra...

Okay, I'm done looking through the STL questions.
Q: Python XML parsing, extraction and renaming files

CharonI've written some code to: Parse an XML file. Extract some strings. Make copies of the original XML whose names are suffixed with the extracted strings. Please could someone review from lxml import etree as ET import re def create_paramsuffix_copies(xmlfile): NSMAP = {"c": "http://www....

Q: Python File Parser

Evan BechtolI have been working on a file that takes a very specific file format and parses it into a list. I am new to Python (this is my very first program in this language), so I am not familiar with more advanced methods of solving the problem using Python. The program runs very quickly: I get an averag...

Ewww. camelCase on both
Q: Saving a recommended web article from form in rails controller

Wenqin YeI need criticisms and refactoring advice for my controller code: class ItemsController < ApplicationController def new end def create params = items_params if not titles_and_urls_are_same_length(params) render :new end collection = fals...

hey @Malachi
G'day @Malachi
I am so out of stars!
Wow. Only 4 people have answered the questionnaire
Welp. Back to my (R)PN parser.
@EthanBierlein I'm at work, and I've gotta finish this silly JS filter system asap, so I can't answer
but I have my break to do that
@Quill I bet you have some great answers. :D
@EthanBierlein Thanks, I hope so
@EthanBierlein What questionnaire?
Q: 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. One of the proposed questions covered the ground...

@rolfl: You can proceed with the STL synonymization now.
Wow. I have 22 upvotes and 22 downvotes.
Roger wilco 10-4
@Jamal Done
At some point, a merge may be in order, but that would be low-priority
@EthanBierlein Ah, thank you. I shall answer it soon
np @Phrancis
Hey, @C#_Developers, what tool do you use to convert comments to documentation?
@Quill use ///
VS auto-creates the XML doc for you to fill in.
That's what all those /// comments are - // and /* .. */ are normal comments, /// are doc comments.

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