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The main issue that that this is primarlily opinion based and should probably be asked on CodeReview or Programming. — David Pilkington 49 secs ago
@Mast Can I ask specifically what It is that makes this a good question?
@DavidPilkington No way on CodeReview! Can you see any code to be reviewed here? — maaartinus 6 secs ago
Q: Use presets to change a form

user4076077I intend to populate some fields in a form based on some presets values. The user choose the presets from a list. The following code is working, but as I'm a newbie, I would like to know if I done it the proper way and if it can be improved. Preset obj: var obj = { "preset_a":{ "inp...

Q: Algorithm of combionations (problem with time and space)

Pinomy algorithm generates combinations of elements . For example having [A , B , C ] creates the following combinations [ A] , [ B ] , [ C ] , [ AB ] , [ AC ] , [ B , C ] , [ ABC ] . Unfortunately for items too large too long and too much memory space . So many times I java.lang.OutOfMemory launches...

Is this supposed to be posted in codereview.stackexchange.com ? — Tao P. R. 40 secs ago
@CaptainObvious VTC for broken code
> So many times I java.lang.OutOfMemory launches
@CaptainObvious That's not PHP
then remove the tag....
@Quill not necessarily
> So many times
That's broken enough to earn a close vote from me
@Quill because wondrously some people are too dumb to expand JVM memory...
@Vogel612 or not experienced enough
@Heslacher it's not that hard too google "OutOfMemory java fix"
Thats right.
the first thing you usually get smacked with is "JVM needz moar memz"
@Phrancis I believe this was in response to your comment:
No, do not delete the question here! Deleting too many questions as a new user will get you in trouble and count towards a site ban. The question is on-topic for SO. Just keep the code review site in mind next time you have a similar question. — Lundin 4 hours ago
This is some good advice:
in Programmers on-topic questions on Stack Overflow Chat, 31 mins ago, by gnat
@RomanC I know what you mean, and there was a time when I believed myself that askers are able to differentiate. But after I discovered that 99% of them interpret "take a look at site" as "go there and repost", I totally dropped that. Now I prefer black'n'white. If I'm 100% positive that it will fit, I flag for moderator to migrate. Otherwise I abstain of recommending any particular site (sometimes referring asker to Which computer science / programming Stack Exchange do I post in? - again, without mentioning any specific site) — gnat Aug 14 '14 at 17:35
hey @DJanssens
Open a code review and let me (and whoever else is reading) know of the link here. — Felipe Lema 32 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Still a bad question though, it will likely be removed anyway.
@Duga He actually links to the tour, that's better than most do.
@Mast as it has an upvoted answer, it's quite unlikely that it gets removed
Hmmm, yes, even the OP can't remove it now.
@EthanBierlein This is horrendous... there are so many problems with it. But if you want to talk about Objective-C code, you know where to find me.
@nhgrif, he'll probably be online in an hour or so, so don't hold your immediate breath
Is he American time zone?
5 hours ago, by Ethan Bierlein
Nope. Minnesota. I think my second-to-last chat message clearly displays that.
Anyway, I'm going back to softwareinc.coredumping.com
Q: Cross-platform Static Polymorphism

SlxSSo I'm beginning work on a cross-platform game engine. This is only the primary Application class to deal with creating the Window and system tasks, but other classes which require platform specialization like networking and rendering will use the same layout. Inside the Core solution Defines.h...

Q: Selection from different collection by using GroupBy

Anatolywhether it is possible to simplify this code? Maybe we can use linq? var jobStatisticsResult = from data in reportData from agentId in data.AgentIds group data by agentId into grp ...

It's 7am over in minnesota currently, and he'll probably be up 9ish, guessing from the last little while
It's interesting to see when you all do things, because my timezone is right in the middle of everyone's either waking or sleeping
I have top notch internet
Q: Generate the combinations

PinoI must write a program that given the elements in a list , generates all combinations of these elements . For example, if I [A, B , C ] , the possible combinations are [ A] , [B ] , [ C ] , [A, B ] . [ A, C ] , [ B, C ] , [A, B , C ] . Another example , having [ A, A, B] the possible combinations...

Q: Moving DTOs between server/client - How to implement communication and DTO conversion?

Stefan FalkI am developing a server for a web-client. Basically it's just a simple CMS to modify some data. My problem is that I never had a project like this where I have to take care about the server and the client and of course everything that happens between those two. I've started to implement a data...

Greetings, Programs.
Greetings, @Donald.McLeans.
any expert on annotation processor using java?
@overexchange a friendly warning. don't try to help-vamp around here...
This is not a helpdesk for [topic of choice]. This room is intended to be a discussion platform for things directly relevant to Code Review
@overexchange perhaps try out the freenode #java channel for help?
@DJanssens or the SO's Java room:
I wasn't aware of that room, that might be an even better option ;)
@overexchange you do tend to ask for help a lot it seems: chat.stackexchange.com/users/111600/overexchange?tab=recent
Q: C : Optimized non-local means filter involving the comparison of filtered patches

HaiderI currently maintain the active copy of a C program that is part of a larger image denoising software called CANDLE-J that I recently finished. The program is multithreaded and I need some input on deallocating memory. Three arrays are fed into the function as input arguments ima, ref and sigma....

Q: returning a string found in a continuous sequence of letters

JohnThe idea behind the return is here. I have a list of combinations of letters and i am trying to run them past a continuous string to see if they're present and then return whichever one it finds, if any. here is the idea: if any(i in b for i in a): return i else: return "invalid"

@RobertSnyder - about your recent edit to code in a question to "improve formatting" - your edits should normally have been an answer instead. See: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/q/762/31503 (I rolled back this edit: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/95966/revisions ) Additionally, your edit added in some odd things, like "Enter code here" ....?
@CaptainObvious unclear, or example code
Hmmm... your edit removed the Enter code here, whic I now understand, but it also added in whitespace between operators, etc.
@rolfl and the edit should probably not be done on the question that was closed as duplicate either...
^^^ That too...
@CaptainObvious for a second there I thought Simon had instaclosed that
Monking Monkey!
@Vogel612 I would if I could
has someone been checking out my Community Building answers?
someone probably has, but not me.
@SimonAndréForsberg It's a broken usage of Python 2.something
Monking monkey :D
Monking ... everyone!
Missed me? ;P
how have you been?
I noticed you over in the Java room when I added that link up there....
(it's ok to ask "who are you?")
Well, I also frequently lurk here ;P
Well, let me collect my thoughts.... you've been lurk...
I have seen you around CR a couple of times
Yeah I haven't been around much lately, but I've come back a little now
I like hanging here because people here knows so much.
@Vogel612 He has a gold badge, so he can insta mark as duplicate.
(and are very friendly)
You should be aware though, @Gemtastic, that this room is still mainly related to the Code Review site. I notice you still only have one question asked on CR...
I listen in on other people's CR
I don't have code worth the CR yet.. But I might in a little bit
I learn from reading the CR other people write, it may not apply to my code, but it's still something I can learn from
@Gemtastic Good, also, you should probably be aware that it is often better to get bad habits out of your coding practice sooner, rather than later.
@Gemtastic You don't need worthy code, just a worthy question.
@rolfl It's a constant battle. I'm still learning!
Early feedback helps, that's all.
@Mast Well, I'm bad at that too. I had beginner's luck with my BlackJack game
@Gemtastic what code do you have?
@rolfl Indeed, but the code I've written I already know is bad and I kinda scrap whatever I made the minute I'm done XD
@Malachi A terrible webstore, a half complex car shop software full of design flaws and bad code, lack of DI and few best practices and my "hello world"-ish android app that's a stopping distance calculator.
@Gemtastic that last one sounds like a good one to start with. does it work?
I look at them like they look like this:
@Malachi All of them work.
But I don't know why anyone would want a webstore with a singleton serverside cart... ;P
Post some code and one of us should be able to give you some pointers
Well, the issue is writing a good question... the projects are too large imo to be a neat little CR question and I don't know how to write a question for a larger app... :/
> a half complex car shop software full of design flaws and bad code, lack of DI and few best practices ....
there are big concepts in that statement.
the trick with a good code review is to point out those things which shoul dbe tackled next for you.
I see 10-20 questions derived form that app
@Gemtastic start at the beginning? one question at a time?
It's still probably my best build yet
@Malachi I will... when I have the time. Atm I'm glad just reading while I work
I'm aware of most flaws in my apps
A good review will take you to "the next level". if that level is DI, then fine, but it may be something else.... the value in getting a second opinion is not in confirming your own fears, but in someone telling you the next obstacle in your apparent path, not the final destination.
I never said that I didn't want opinions on them, I've already had some. But I'm saying that I don't think it's urgent right now.
Well, that's a fair point too ;^)
@Gemtastic I have a library component that takes two whole questions and still fit CR if you want an example.
@rolfl I think I want to disagree to the adding enter code here. I saw that a few times in his code and removed them. The changes I made were done in IntelliJ so that I could use their code formatting, and pasted back his code
@Morwenn Sure, I'm sure it's a good read too
@RobertSnyder I understand what you did, and as an answer, that would be valuable.
as an edit to the question, not so much.
Q: Mathematical expressions evaluator with callbacks, the logic

MorwennI hesitated quite a bit of time before posting this question since the code to review is more or less a monster (with regards to its size). It is a basic mathematical expressions evaluator, but with one interesting additional feature: you can register callbacks that can be used in the expression ...

Q: Mathematical expressions evaluator with callbacks, the architecture

MorwennThis question goes hand in hand with another question about a mathematical expressions evaluator in C++. The other question is meant to be read first, this one is but a complement to expose the internals of the evaluator and the overall architecture to explain how the details work. The tokens me...

@rolfl fair enough with that point of actual formatting
30 mins ago, by rolfl
Hmmm... your edit removed the Enter code here, whic I now understand, but it also added in whitespace between operators, etc.
If you can split your code into smaller logical parts, you should be able to have it reviewed on CR :)
@rolfl I'm just curious though about the comment about .... nvm you just cleared it up
I got confused comparing your edit diff, compared to my roll-back diff.... yeah
@SimonAndréForsberg the closed happened while I was formatting the code in my IDE
@rolfl ok. Well thank you for your suggestions. I'll remember that for next time.
Anyway, the point is that, in general, code-edits, even to white-space, should be limited to only those things which can be explained by a user not using the markdown correctly.
I checked your history, and the previous edit was a good white-space edit.... codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/93532/revisions
but I wanted to ensure you were not working on the wrong assumptions (ounce of prevention, pound of cure type thing...)
@SimonAndréForsberg do you have a chat room to talk about Duga?
Downvoter here. I don't like the imposition of weird conditions that have nothing to do with efficiency ("no data.frame lookups!" or "no loops!" or whatever). If you're going to ask a code review question like this (which is off-topic for SO, but I've done it too), you should be open to whatever solution is best. Conditions regarding simplicity of use are fine, but make them clear. You only have one "?" here and it is nowhere near the constraints you're imposing. — Frank 1 min ago
think I found it

 Duga's Neighborhood

It's a beautiful bot in the neighborhood. Would you be mine, w...
so that's more for testing and less about requests....maybe I should do it on Github in the comments.
@rolfl thank you, that was the room I found...lol
Q: PHP MYSQLI wrapper classe

chrisDisclaimer 1 - i am very new to PHP / MYSQL and web application development ( started looking at it 2 days ago but i have a ok understanding of java and oop) Disclaimer 2 - i have used a few open source tutorials / clases to try and teach my self. Some of the code in this class may be taken fro...

I am a little distressed about caucus badge - awarded only about 360 times.
I show 361.....
that is a quite a few, but not all of our current active users
that is 200% the amount of people that have acquired any amount of reputation this week already....
I guess it's not bad.... Chemistry recently had 706 voters were eligible, 245 visited the site during the election, 126 visited the election page, and 61 voted
Biology recently had 891 voters were eligible, 226 visited the site during the election, 119 visited the election page, and 55 voted
this month there are about 540 users that have attained 2 rep or more. which means that around 67% of users that gained reputation this month have visited the election page
Cryptography: 635 voters were eligible, 224 visited the site during the election, 149 visited the election page, and 122 voted
that's kinda cool that you can call me out in the inbox in this chat area
@RobertSnyder Mod privilege... - called a "Super Ping".
A: Moderator Cheat Sheet

user149432Contacting users Further reading: How do I contact a user privately, as a moderator? When should I privately contact a user in my moderator capacity? When there's a serious site-related issue with the user that can't be handled in public (up to and including suspension). Routine moderation pro...

@rolfl Honestly, I find that it is not very clear from the front page that there is an election going on. It could be advertised a whole lot more.
I mean... that's it. ^^
and even I missed that one
I'd prefer a big fat "HEY, YOU! There's an ELECTION!" between the "Code Review beta" and "Top questions" sections
I wonder if there's a meta ..... hmmm
A: Why was this election so (relatively) unpopular?

hammarI think the visibility of the elections page might be part of the reason. It was only featured in the top banner for part of the election. The rest of the time, you pretty much had to know the URL to find it. I think it's especially bad that it wasn't visible at all during the last day or so of ...

Doesn't each user who has enough reputation get a message in his/her inbox ?
Many times I've wanted to visit the election I just end up typing the URL in the browser. Not ideal.
@Malachi If you want to talk with me about @Duga, the TCG Creation room is a better choice. @Duga spams too much in her playground.
@Heslacher No, not that I am aware of.
@SimonAndréForsberg I commented on the Issue, but I have joined TCG as well
@rolfl my inbox
I have that too..... I guess I am FoS.
@rolfl Favorited and noted in my notes
@rolfl is that something that maybe we should share in the election chat? maybe pin there?
@Malachi Seems legit ;-)
I can't pin it in there, but I posted it
@rolfl can you edit your pinned post here with that cheat sheet as well?
Done, with FAQ too.
@rolfl did you see my suggestion about having Duga let us know when a user is invited into the 2nd Monitor? what do you think?
I will leave you alone after this, I have to get back to work anyway....lol
@Malachi I did see that, and that's potentially got value.
I have no suggestions though for prioritizing it, etc. That's not my domain
@rolfl I think it would let people know that a discussion is incoming and give them a chance to study up on the situation and possible help out or quiet down.
no I left a comment for Simon on Github
I was just curious what you thought. you invite a lot of people into chat.
@Malachi That would be a good IMO.
@Malachi - invites-to-chat are a hit and miss affair..... I seldom have people respond "immediately".
My guestimate is that 3/4 of the time i have moved on to something else before the person responds, especially in the past year or so when I no longer wait.
I rely on them pinging, or replying to me, or someone else pinging me.
Despite my generally "constant" presence in this room, I am actually seldom glued to this window..... I don't have time to wait for people to respond.
@rolfl I hear that.
For those who think I often write good code:
private static List<MfeGame> games = new ArrayList<MfeGame>();
that shouldn't be static, I don't synchronize over it, and it should either be a Map<Integer, MfeGame> or a Set<MfeGame>
and it should be final as well, of course
blergh. old code...
All my current code is old code >_>
It gets old before I'm even done
@SimonAndréForsberg and should not have new ArrayList<MfeGame>(); but new ArrayList<>();
that too ^^
	public static MfeGame getGame(int gameid) {
		ArrayList<MfeGame> tempGames = new ArrayList<MfeGame>(MfeGame.games);

		for (MfeGame value : tempGames)
		if (value != null) {
			if (value.getGameID() == gameid) return value;
		return null;
Oh the horror...
Thank you, Code Review, for coming into my life!
..... there would be a few things to say about that.... yeah.... quick-rep.
because creating a new Collection around a collection to loop the collection is.... useful?
@SimonAndréForsberg I second that
I am fortunate that my code is so brilliant that I don't have these sorts of problems.... on the other hand, most of the code I write is not mine ;-)
Also, being as old as I am, my worst infractions are "last century", and long-forgotten.... \
Q: Excel macro to move data across workbooks using an ADO connection

AeiI am writing a macro to move data from a CSV to an excel template. Currently, I have the code set to search for a keyword in column A of the CSV, and extract data from specified columns in the keyword's row. The code runs right now, but does not move all the data over. However, I would like to kn...

@rolfl once upon a time, I did to avoid a ConcurrentModificationException, caused by another thread modifying the collection... </ashamed>
Q: VBA - streamlining function that gets length of each value

TaylorCode works well but before I added sections (13) and (14), it ran in 6 minutes and now runs in 16 minutes. If there is a way to streamline this to cut down the runtime, that would be extraordinary. Main part of code grabs values from under the header 'CUTTING TOOL' in various opening files in a ...

return MfeGame.games.stream()
        .filter(v -> v != null && v.getGameId() == gameid)
And you have null values in the collection? Shameful!
How was null called already? The one-billion mistake or something akin, wasn't it?
@rolfl I don't have any null values there as far as I know. I'm not sure why I added that check...
@rolfl yeah, well, Java 8 wasn't invented when I wrote this code :)
Are streams not vulnerable to the ConcurrentModificationException btw?
@SimonAndréForsberg not sure, actually.
It appears to be "yes", streams get CME's.
For the first time in my life, somebody reported issues on one of my GitHub projects *-*
Which proves that I totally forgot to run the tests last time I committed stuff...
Flamenco anyone?
@Morwenn feels kinda nice that people are interested in what you do, doesn't it?
@SimonAndréForsberg You bet it does :)
On the other hand, it was a side project that I never really documented nor maintained. It seems that I will have some work to do...
This might be better suited to Code Review, but I'm not sure; it's a very trivial matter. — RedRoboHood 50 secs ago
@RedRoboHood This is example code, which does not belong at Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg 51 secs ago
a question for code review? what is the problem? — Alex Sikilinda 9 secs ago
Q: Read binary serial data and parse integers

HedgeI'm reading serial data in binary format from a stream and am currently not happy how I extract the data because it takes so much operations to extract the binary data from a simple line of binary data. Each line starts with a character indiciating the type of data and afterwards follow a few 16...

@BaummitAugen: While I would never use it or allow it in a code review, malloc is a possible solution with primitive types. I'm just trying to enumerate all options (added strikethrough to answer for more discouragement). — Blastfurnace 32 secs ago
Q: Raise, Handle and Note down the Custom Exceptions

Anjali GuptaI am creating a custom Exception class and trying to log the CallerFilePath, CallerMemberName & CallerLineNumber in the Error log file along with the error message which is my main Motive Here is my code. I am just wondering if it is good way of doing this task or is there any much better/cleane...

@CaptainObvious ?
someone just stole an Accept from me. -15 IIP
@CaptainObvious Argh... that code is example code.
@CaptainObvious @rolfl that code? What is example code there?
@Thanks Malachi, As I said My motive is to Note down caller information (from where this exception has been raised) and this is just an example, the real code is much more complex and not just "Divide by zero". — Anjali Gupta 4 mins ago
right, just found that ^^
which makes my answer crap-fodder too.
And this is why we don't want example code...
I just realized that the example code policy is very related to our "review on any and all aspects of the code". As long as answers can comment on any aspect of the code, the example code policy is very important.
Q: Recursive shared_mutex implementation

Emily L.I found myself in need of of a Readers-Writer mutex. With C++17 TR2 support not yet available in our compiler I set out to implement std::shared_mutex (cppreference.com) so that we have an easy upgrade path to the STL implementation once we get C++17 support. Rather than rolling my own API. I p...

And now I've synonymized with .
> A very simple way to get ahead is by stop trying to make it faster.
A: Fast approach to read and parse serial-data continuously

Hans PassantA very simple way to get ahead is by stop trying to make it faster. There is no point, serial port data rates are very, very low and modern computers are very, very fast. Your Read() call only ever returns a single byte, rarely 2. Note that this is hard to see, when you debug and single-step t...

OP edited out the off-topicness of this question‌​, should it be opened again, or ...?
@Quill Well, no code changed, so no.
@EthanBierlein It was an admittal to data not transferring that seemed to be the issue, rather than the code
'Night @all, have fun with the voting phase ;-)
Night @Quill
I should nominate just to see how many downvotes I can get in the primary
@Undo No, you should nominate to potentially be a mod on a colourful site ;-)
"hi ive asked like four questions plzsendtehvotes"
@Malachi Why are you asking me?
I don't think it is appropriate for the question I am asking.
Any Javascript developer here?
I need to ask a quick opinion
Use PHP?
hehehe ;-)
No, just Javascript
@rolfl no stars left.
@IsmaelMiguel what is your question?
I dabble a little bit in JS
On stackoverflow, a user asked a question that required infinite recursion
(Yes, in Javascript)
My suggestion was to use var fn = function(){ setTimeout( fn, 0 ); }; fn();.
Was it a terrible idea?
Hmmm.... this sounds like it is going the wrong way for the scope of this chat room.....
Why would you replace the code? Now this whole topic is useless. The problem is solved, I just added the revised code on top of the old code, s.t. someone looking at this can see the changes. A code snippet with comments that don't match it is pointless. — Christian Adam 2 mins ago
I just asked here because it is really something quick, and you can resume your conversations
@IsmaelMiguel Don't use recursion.... use an infinite-loop.
but, the code does nothing, except burn CPU time.
so, just don't run the code.
Q: Do we need an "invite to chat" Alert in The 2nd Monitor?

MalachiChat Transcript of my request I think it would be a good idea, but this affects The 2nd Monitor and Code Review as a community, so I think it should be discussed on Meta before we make this change. Please let us know how you feel about this addition to Duga

That code is just an example
But anyway, thanks for the help
@Jamal what's wrong with a self-answer in that case?
I thought he just came up with new code and was having that for review.
@Jamal it looked more like answering his own question to me. Especially considering his comment, he doesn't really seem interested in another review.
Then the self-answer can probably stay.
> The problem is solved
@Jamal my thought exactly.
Chameleon questions ;-) :
let me rephrase this question. — Malachi 1 min ago
Q: Python Script for Creating Custom Hosts File

amt528I wrote a basic Python script that consolidates and customizes several popular adblocking hosts files. I was interested in making it more efficient if possible, and I'd like to improve my style and best practices. Thanks for any help. import urllib.request import re import os os.chdir('C:/Win...

@rolfl when I posted I meant that we should all be in agreement about whether or not we want such a feature before requesting it from @SimonAndréForsberg
@Malachi It is already requested.
are you just trying to pressure him?
He requested it himself... right?
it doesn't just affect you and me it affects the community so it should be something that we talk about in Meta, and I did request it, but I want to make sure that we aren't bypassing the rules of the community and making decisions without asking the community.
I am not trying to pressure him at all
Rather, he opened the issue....
Hmmm..... I guess you could consider it a concept of "ownership". I don't see the features of Duga as being owned by the community, or controlled by it.
maybe I shouldn't worry about it, but rather than start a fire and then try to put it out, I would like to make sure we are building it in the right place..... does that make sense?
I see Duga as being a tool that has usefulness, and, as long as it is useful, it is welcome. It's usefulness can be improved, or worsened over time.
I already interpreted the 7 stars on @Malachi's original message, and the lack of objections, as a sign the community would like to see the feature.
If a feature is added which makes it a problem, then Duga will be uninvited ;-) (or fixed).
sounds good. in the case that someone has an objection there is now a place to state such objection?
@rolfl just a quick question about the nmon tool, the "Size" column is the amount of memory used by the process, right?
Size in any unix-like problem is always a crap-shoot.
2897604 does sound a bit big for hamachid
@SimonAndréForsberg no idea of what that is....
Hamachi, a kind of local-network-over-the-web-service
I wonder if you have a remote console running?
the VPN is buffering up all the data that you are sending to the remote side...... waiting for a connect?
I just restarted the machine, will take a look at the numbers after the restart
up 144 days, 8:28
zomis@bubble:/var/lib/tomcat8/logs$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7984       2180       5803         18         38        709
-/+ buffers/cache:       1433       6551
Swap:         7627          0       7627
and Tomcat complains about out of memory...
@SimonAndréForsberg what is your ulimits?
ulimits? You mean the Xmx stuff?
ulimit -a
zomis@bubble:/var/lib/tomcat8/logs$ ulimit -a
core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority             (-e) 0
file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals                 (-i) 31849
max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files                      (-n) 1024
pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority              (-r) 0
run that as the same user as you run tomcat as.... (trust me, I am a doctor....)
oh, as the tomcat8 user? umm... how do I login with that? Let me see...
@SimonAndréForsberg it will likelyu be the same for tomcat8 as any other user other than root.
the stack size is somwhat small, but not likely the cause.
open files is normally increased significantly on "real" machines.
yeah I don't know how to login as tomcat user either
sudo su - tomcat8
may not have a shell, though
zomis@bubble:~$ sudo su - tomcat8
[sudo] password for zomis:
I think login might be turned off for tomcat8 user
but I would assume the settings is the same
I would assume the same.....
I have known Java to throw out-of-memory errors with too-many-open-files.
But I would be surprised at this point.
You can check limits with vi /etc/security/limits.conf
zomis@bubble:/usr/share/tomcat8/bin$ env | grep OPTS
JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx2024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
CATALINA_OPTS=-Xms1024m -Xmx2024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
are those values too low? ^^
all lines in the limits.conf file are remmed it seems
Q: Excel macro to move data across workbooks using an ADO connection

AeiI am writing a macro to move data from a CSV to an excel template. Currently, I have the code set to search for a keyword in column A of the CSV, and extract data from specified columns in the keywords row. I would like to know if there is something I can do to simplify the code. Public Sub Move...

@SimonAndréForsberg Java 8?
zomis@bubble:/usr/share/tomcat8/bin$ java -version
java version "1.8.0_25"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_25-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.25-b02, mixed mode)
The MaxPermSize is significantly larger than traditiona, but, for tomcat you need a large one.
@Hosch250 what about that one?
Java8 has no max perm size.
@SimonAndréForsberg Needs reopening.
@Aei Your question is in the process of being reopened. It should be opened again shortly. — Hosch250 1 min ago
I see ^^
Also, comments should be removed.
mutter, done.
Is it actually useful to answer a bounty question when one has already assigned an answer as accepted?
@DJanssens If the answer is significantly different, then sure. Just like any other post you have answered.
Q: i made beginner C++ tic tac toe program

Chinmay Patilit has some problems where i actually print the grid on the screen.someone help . here's the code: `#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const int nNumRows = 7; const int nNumCols = 7; int tictactoe[nNumRows][nNumCols] = {0}; for( int nRow=1;nRow<=nNumRows; ...

Q: Simple game of Hangman in Python 3.4

acardnell24On my quest to become a master programmer I have created a simple game of Hangman, building on some of , and so I thought I would upload it here and see how it could be refined. One question I had was my use of exception handling. I tried to utilise it here, but I get the sense it might have bee...

Q: Implementation of asynchronous (?), self-refreshing cache of object collection bulk

Björn Ali GöranssonI'm trying to create a caching solution used in various parts of a clients' application. The resulting code will be open source. For example, it will be used for caching API queries like "get all users" or "get all projects", whatever "all" may mean to the consumer (the constructor accepts a lam...

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