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@JeroenVannevel that one might've been better off with a other flag along the lines of "nuke comment thread pls"
@Vogel612 IIRC those must go onto the answer, though.
@Vogel612 Last I read, they actually didn't like this
Besides, not all comments deserved to be removed
I flag these crappy comments so the ones with value become visible
not just because I hate comments
shooting them all would be counterproductive
hmm... that's a different story then ;)
@QPaysTaxes either unclear or off-topic. in both cases, probably wasted effort..
pls Using elngish for this question — QPaysTaxes 1 min ago
also... oh the irony
Q: Php PDO Connection Loop :S

gatgatI have a PDO Mysql Connection Loop :( http://prntscr.com/7eaie1 My Netstat and my Code <?php namespace System\Libs; use PDO; class Database extends PDO { public $config; public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; try { parent::__construct('mysql:...

@QPaysTaxes Unless it'll get closed instead. I do wonder about the sadness over having a MySQL connection loop.
Unless it's referring to an infinite loop.
hey guys
Anyone worked on Spring RestTemplate and HttpClient before?
I do have one question for CR
Q: Efficiently using RestTemplate with PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager

liningI am using Spring RestTemplate as my HttpClient in my project and I want to use connection pooling feature with RestTemplate. After reading more on HttpClient and RestTemplate, I was able to come up with this example which uses PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager class with RestTemplate but I am p...

Q: Python: Is there anything I can do to this code to prevent it from being an infinite loop?

OscarI recently starting learning Python and I was trying to write a module for fixed point iteration. The code I have is: import math def f(x): return x**3-2 a=2 while abs(f(a))>0.000001: a=math.pow(a+2,1/3) print(a) Is there anything I can add to this so that it doesn't go into an inf...

Q: Speech Synthesis to showcase how various voices sound with System.Speech.Synthesis C#

Jesse GloverI was wondering if you guys would be willing to give me some suggestions on shortening this code. I feel as if the amount of if statements I have is a bit much. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Speech.AudioFormat; using System.Speech.Synthesis; usi...

using X.Y;?
We don't import single classes
Only namespaces
Though you can statically import classes
can't do it
You have to explicitly import sub-namespaces
Tell him to use a dictionary<int, Action>
int represents the index of the combo box, Action just calls synth.SelectVoice("blaat")
anytime, sugar
Q: Finding an exact "phrase" with a given string (as typed/in order)

t0masu<?php function filterExactPhrase($input, $phrase) { $phrase = explode("\t", $phrase); $phrases = count($phrase); for($i = 0; $i < $phrases;) { if(preg_match("/(" . $phrase[$i] . ")\b/", $input)) { $out[] = ['INPUT' =>...

Q: Simple Javascript Ternary

Devon ParsonsI need to set a unit's exhaust. A unit might have a turnScript, and the turnScript might have a delay. If so, unit.exhaust = unit.turnScript.delay Else, unit.exhaust = -1 What is the best syntax for this? unit.exhaust = unit.turnScript ? unit.turnScript.delay : -1 || -1; // undefined when ...

Yes. That's better than what I thought actually
Action is a specific C# construct -- it's a delegate
That way you could say { 0, () => synth.Speak("blaat") }
Yeah exactly
I didn't think that far
The string approach is better
though your answer states Dictionary<int, Action> -- should be string
If you want a complete answer: tell him about the C# naming conventions
Methods are UpperCamelCase
private fields are either _lowerCamelCase or lowerCamelCase, depending on your religion
I think that's about it
Now I just wait until it rains downvotes because of the horrible advice I gave you
This question is being discussed on meta: Optimizing a genetic algorithm. — rolfl ♦ 1 min ago
Q: Optimizing a genetic algorithm

rolflBackpropagating with Neural Network The above question asks for help in optimizing a genetic algorithm. At the moment the algorithm takes too long to stabilize. I have voted to close the question as "code not yet working". My reasoning is because the code itself seems to be running fast enough ...

@lining - it is not appropriate for you to pester multiple people in to helping you with specific questions.
(or one person, for that matter).
sure got it. I pasted here but I realize may be its not right to do so thought to check with you. Sorry about that
Q: Simplifying console application menu

Sam5487I am creating a console based application that will have a main menu, and multiple sub menus. The purpose of the program is to execute complex commands (that are entered on the command line, such as changing to a certain directory and managing files). However, I am coming to the conclusion that...

@lining To be clear, it's not OK to invite many people to specific rooms to request help with specific questions. From what I can see you have unsolicited "spams" to me, @maaartinus and Gareth Reese. Each time requesting direct help, etc. This is not OK. The right way to get attention to your questions is to post bounties, etc.
@rolfl sure I will make a note of this next time. I was not aware of this. Sorry about that.
@QPaysTaxes there's a difference between saying: here's my answer, not sure what I think about it?, and directly pinging multiple people and inviting them in to separate rooms and 'demanding' individual attention.
Q: Optimizing a genetic algorithm

rolflBackpropagating with Neural Network The above question asks for help in optimizing a genetic algorithm. At the moment the algorithm takes too long to stabilize. I have voted to close the question as "code not yet working". My reasoning is because the code itself seems to be running fast enough ...

Q: Is this model overdesigned?

leoMestizoI'm implementing a parser (syntactic analyzer). I started designing a structure which represents the grammar that the parser will analyze, so I created this model: My question is: Is this model overdesigned? Or I'm going in the right way? My idea is create a kind of configuration file with al...

(from the other room) @rolfl Agreed, on the long run, it'd be a problem. It's just that bounty is not really an alternative. Usually, those who could afford one don't need it.
There's truth to that. I was more responding to the invite I got, and the content in the room:
in Room for lining and rolfl, 25 mins ago, by lining
@rolfl hey are you around? Needed help on HttpClient
and also:
Hmm... I deleted the room he created for him and Gareth Rees
can't find it again.
QPaysTaxes ... can, and will kick ;-)
@maaartinus - see: chat.stackexchange.com/users/90652/lining (and there's other rooms you can't see because they are deleted....)
@rolfl That's indeed too much. If everyone would do it... :D
np ;-)
@rolfl Concerning backpropagation: From what I know, giving a non-optimal answer can happen with such an algorithm. Actually, even a pure non-sense can happen, although it shouldn't be the rule. ;)
@rolfl sigh
Beeing too slow can be because of a stupid implementation, stupid algorithm, stupid problem, whatever...
Yeah, the genetic algorithm is out of my depth, which is in large part why I posed the meta question. I really don't know.
Note, it's not too slow, the terminology used is: too many epochs...
> and its taking too many numbers of epochs to learn
No, it's finding an inefficient solution.
I don't think there's a relevant difference between this algorithm's inefficiency and any other inefficient algorithm posted on CR
I'm actually lost... epochs belong to genetic algorithms. Can't recall mentioning them with neural. However, an epoch is just an abstract time, it takes too many rounds and therefore too many nanoseconds.
Forget the first part of what I just wrote.. my memory is dead. Bran dead.
No, the nodes (neurons) are fixed at the beginning.
@maaartinus Perhaps I should fail-open instead of fail-close.... hmmm
leave it open and see what happens....
can close it later if needed (cc @Jamal ?)
@rolfl No, it's about learning some trivialities "I've tested it with XOR and Squaring numbers". That are no optimization problems. The outcome is just "it works". The goal is to get "it works" quickly. Quickly in units of wall clock time or in abstract units of rounds (which may indeed called epochs, I don't know).
@rolfl Yes, leave it open for now. It may take too long because of a bug, but we don't know.
@rolfl And I can't see any genetic algorithm there, I guess, you should rename the meta question.
I am relatively clueless on genetic algorithms :( never studied them.
I was just going by the tag on the OP's question.
aborescent structures ?
treelike, if my greek works correctly right now
Q: Optimizing a Neural Network - on topic?

rolflBackpropagating with Neural Network The above question asks for help in optimizing a genetic algorithm. At the moment the algorithm takes too long to stabilize. I have voted to close the question as "code not yet working". Note: I have now reopened the question pending the outcome of discu...

re-titled ^^^
Definitely not a genetic algorithm
@rolfl I see. It's a wrong tag, but it's a related theme: Trying to solve a problem by mimicking something the nature does. If there's no neural-network tag, I'd leave it.
there's no fitness function, no kill function, no sexing
@maaartinus feel free to add one ;-)
@JeroenVannevel No sexing? That's sad.
@rolfl Better not... it's the first such question and having a tag for it doesn't feel right.
you have dogma+dogma = baby decision
thats how neuronal network does work
Q: How can I make this jQuery code better?

user75268It adds and removes classes from animate.css when mouse events occur. Though I hate how I had to write the same thing twice in both events. var item = $('.work-item'); item.mouseenter(function(event) { var $this = $(this); var cover = $(this).find('.item-cover'), coverTitle = cover.fi...

much like so ramified decision tee
@QPaysTaxes well aside from that array thing... nice
don't worry I had worse...
wrote a two-pages review on a faulty assertion...
it even got me some upvotes before someone pointed out it's bananas
Question... What the heck is wrong with German native speakers??
Why can people not accept that rules on SE are written, maintained and discussed in English??
usually I'd say "Weil" instead of "Denn" but alas
on a completely unrelated note, I should get my reputation here into the 5-digit area
aaand you capped
with.. 6 Answers?
ahh.. ya right..
*hugs @QPaysTaxes*
Because we're all generous and we love you.
*Hands @QPaysTaxes his arms dinner*
sure did
I'm starting an awareness program for people to advertise VSDiagnostics
In return I will acknowledge your existence
Let's get started!
Ooh, how can we help?
I hear handing out flyers on the street is a common act
@QPaysTaxes well... yes... SEDE query
i d love to learn some sql injection queries
@Agawa001 use google, will ya?
about SE
google wont help much
@Agawa001 You do know that the SEDE isn't a live database? Right?
Q: Changing filename and copying in bash

siemaI wrote a script which changes names of last downloaded songs and copy them to music directory. Can it be written better? #!/bin/bash IFS=$'\n' for file in $(find "/home/stanek/Downloads/" -iname "*.mp3" -mtime -7 | sort) do nowy=$(echo $file \ | sed "s/_/ /g" \ | sed "s/\s*(*[A-...

Q: Should we burn a [python] tag?

SirPythonEvery time a post involves Python code, it has the have the Python tag AND the Python version tag that suits the version of Python that the post is using. I think that is a little repetitive, and we should either: Burn python and have Python related posts use the tag that contains the version ...

Q: Idiomatic ruby fizzbuzz?

user1189880My first attempts at writing some ruby. Can anyone offer any critisism on the following at a simple fizzbuzz in terms of Ruby idioms or otherwise... class FizzBuzz def initialize(fizz = 'Fizz', buzz = 'Buzz') @fizz = fizz @buzz = buzz end def is_number_divisible_by?(number,...

@Agawa001 Huh?
@EthanBierlein Huh?
SE reloads at 00:00 GMT
26 minutes.
@QPaysTaxes There are several options here...
First, of course, the most accurate (for it's last update) would be SEDE.
What are you looking at exactly?
This is a quick look at your rep over time.
There's also a graph tab there.
There's also this interesting page: stackoverflow.com/users/2792531/nhgrif?tab=tags which shows you how many upvotes you have per tag.
Hey @nhgrif! How's the new job?
The building isn't unlocked until 8am though.
I'll definitely be working on some very cool projects... I'm already working on a very cool project.
Oo, are you allowed to tell?
I'm happy to hear that.
@EthanBierlein No.
Well, he could, but then he'd have to kill us all.
Aww. Oh well! I'm working on my own cool project.
Best case scenario, I'll be able to tell you what I worked on after it's on the app store.
And that's a lot of travel. =P
That's cool buddy. I hope you can share that down the road.
I'd love to check it out when it's done.
And even that requires an approval... but essentially, after every project I work on, I'll make it a point to get approval to mention it, because I basically intend to stick every project on my resume.
Not that I'm already looking to go elsewhere... but you know.
Yeah. It's good to record that stuff sooner rather than later.
These guys found me because of my online presence and they sniped me out from under another company when I wasn't even actively looking... so they can't necessarily expect that others won't also be trying to steal me from them.
Wow, you seem to be popular in the online development world :)
By the way, if anyone is looking for a mobile/web development job and you're willing to relocate to central Arkansas... we're definitely hiring more developers. Lots more.
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