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You don't have to upvote any of these. I'm finding some interesting questions & answers in the Swift tag.
we have reload, people
If you upvote too many posts by the same user, they'll get reversed--if you didn't already know.
i did
@blaizor upvoting good posts from new users is important, too - below 15 rep they can't even upvote the answers they're getting
can i see posts from new users?
or is that only the high rep guys
already has mine
im reading it. it looks promising
^ up it goes
im gonna go have breakfast. its 10:07am here
VSC is almost done... :D
If I posted more Java/C++/C# answers, I'd repcap more often.
Also, if I posted more answers like this one..
well i might ask my first question this week
suggestion: capitalize your "i"'s when you do, or you'll get jamalized ;)
@nhgrif ah fuck that is such a good answer
oh that one is freakin' epic!
Is @CaptainObvious broken?
he & Duga went on a date
well, in that case:
Q: python memoize NoneType error

user3015347The following code will yield NoneType error. If I comment out both memoize lines, the code works. If I only comment out "ron=memoize(ron)", the code runs with wrong result. Any idea what leads to the NoneType error? import sys def UC(Gvalues, minup, mindown, nhours): def memoize(f): ...

in VBA, 4 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
debugging is at least twice as hard as writing code. Write dumb code if you want dumb bugs
Hmm, I suppose.
The problem is, there are tons of tutorials on how to write various different code things... different languages, different frameworks, different platforms, yada-yada-yada.
How many debugging tutorials are there?
@DuncanC I don't like your answer. :( It's okay-isn as a catch-all every scenario answer... insomuchas, it will work for every scenario, but it's also not the right approach for almost any scenario. Despite this, we've now got it into our head that marking any question on the topic as a duplicate of this one is a good idea? Please, don't. — nhgrif 9 secs ago
Dangerous times...
@nhgrif shouldn't that comment have been on the answer rather than the question?
Sort of...
I'm going to post at least one answer to his question.
I'm the only downvote on the answer, which is kind of disappointing.
There are several different scenarios here... and I may post an answer for each scenario...
And hopefully people will be smart enough to actually upvote my answers over his (and hopefully he'll be kind enough to mark mine as accepted... the answer I post first will cover the most common scenario)
But it's really silly that we should even consider just telling everyone "use a singleton" for this...
I commented on the question because a) it'll be more visible and b) he posted to the question for the express purpose of posting this answer... he posted the question thinking the answer would be acceptable to apply to every question about this topic...
God is a global, thread-safe, singleton.
This is most people I've seen in this chat room at one time.
Answered @sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ's SQL question:
A: 1st questions with answers within X hours

nhgrif a.CreationDate <= (DATEADD(HOUR, @HoursElapsed, a.CreationDate)) This first condition of your WHERE clause either needs to be removed or needs some explanation. For any non-negative value of @HoursElapsed, this will always return true. Perhaps, the intent was to use q.CreationDate as the th...

I'm really happy I stumbled on that OUTPUT clause.. didn't know about it until a few months ago
A: Acquiring an ID from a newly inserted entry in an MSSQL database

Mat's MugYou can use scope_identity as @RobH hinted in a comment, but the sexiest way IMO is to use the OUTPUT clause of the INSERT syntax: DECLARE @result TABLE (Id INT NOT NULL); INSERT INTO subscriptions (polygon,...) VALUES (@polygon,...) OUTPUT INSERTED.Id INTO @result; SELECT Id FROM @result; ...

Yea. I've used it several times before.
Tomorrow I can tell you approximately when my first usaged of it was. I'm thinking almost a year ago.
My first usage was in a SP though, so I can tell you the create date of the SP.
I think it's the most elegant and robust way of getting an inserted identity ID
I still use SCOPE_IDENTITY(); if I'm only inserting one row.
But... sometimes you need something other than the ID...
I can't remember exactly what I was using mine for
I think I needed a temp table with two columns that were essentially primary/foreign key pairs.
Q: How can I get the number of skspritenodes in a scene?

Mostafa MohsenI want to find out what the number of nodes is in a scene. For example, I want to create an if statement so that if the number of nodes in the scene is 0 or any other number, I would call a function.

I edited the question and both answers...
that is soooo a gimmeh-teh-codez question
What a stupid comment:
he didn't ask for objective-c, just sayin' — Abdul Ahmad 2 mins ago
In a "gimmeh teh codez" question, you're complaining that someone else's answer provides the solution in two languages...?
Just for that comment, I removed the tag from the question.
I VTC'd as "too broad"
and I'd downvote both answers if I didn't have a nice round rep score
I just removed my upvote from Abdul's answer since he's being a jerk about the other answer.
Parse.com needs their own Stack Exchange site.
@nhgrif why?
the computer needs to be restarted before starting the product
microsoft cant give me a break
@StackMonkey such as false positive
@Mat'sMug SM looks for "code review" in links as well?
he should just look for "code review" in text, then links directing to codereview.stackexhange.com
I haven't seen the code, but if it's based on Duga then it's probably only looking for anything containing codereview
well grif and i talked 12 hours ago about adding some fun extra functionality. like "@StackMonkey fact" produces a reply containing a random monkey fact
we'd be the dandiest chatroom in town
Then it becomes a toy, not a tool.
exactly :D
As far as I can tell, this code does not work as intended. For example, BinaryToUnary(new List<string> { "1", "0", "0", "0" }) returns 1, 1, 1 when it should return 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. — mjolka 37 secs ago
@blaizor If you are looking for a toy bot to add fun features to, check out this repo: github.com/SirPython/SE-JavaScript-ChatBot
im not, i was just joking haha
@mjolka Unary is what, exactly?
it has one symbol
a line |
|||| = 4
theres also unary coding
which i probably shouldve mentioned first
@blaizor that's a "pipe" ;)
i know. its used in a lot of languages to pipe results from one command or function to another
but also in conditionals as an "or" (occasionally)
@Mat'sMug ceci n'est pas une pipe
and to conditionally execute commands based on the execution of another
i only used it to demonstrate a vertical line
@blaizor in C# "|" is a bitwise or and "||" is a logical or
because in the unary numeral system, which you tally in, there is only one symbol - a vertical line
pipe looks the sexiest for the job
OP's code actually returns l's (lower case L's) but the point remains
(i got it wrong in my comment)
what language is it? (i havent looked at the question)
would you need to escape a pipe with ^| if you were to print one?
C# escapes with a backslash
oh whatever
and wrong
i'm going to vote to put on hold. and go find some lunch
@mjolka are you in australia?
@blaizor yep
ugh thats the worst of all 2 decent cities
What 3 decent cities?
Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney?
I had a cousin that went on a trip in Australia for 6 months.. he got married there
melbourne, melbourne, and melbourne
yeah i was going to say brisbane. but
I mean I have, not had ..haven't seen him in, like, forever.
@Mat'sMug where are you in the world?
Australia's really nice
Quebec, Canada
@Quill where are you in the world?
Gold Coast, unfortunately
Literally a walk to theme parks though
whats wrong with the gold coast?
you're a bit inland and north of coolangatta, then?
i'm thinking of moving to sydney next year. job market seems to be more interesting there
i can see how unfortunate it is for you now
and I just manually scrubbed my registry, removed about 1000 Rubberduck keys, and that fixed my VBE.
Yeah north of cooly, but they literally have a COPS like TV show for Gold Coast
that took forever. I need to write a scrubber for next time I need to do that.
yeah its called Gold Coast Cops isnt it?
we've got it on tv down here too. its not that good
No, it's not
There's quite a lot of drugs and that kind of thing near the border
Makes everything down at Cash Converters quite cheaper though :P
My internet is so bad down here, I can't even get ADSL2
*up or down, take a pick
Q: Converting from binary to unary

donquixto DacI have function that convert binary number to unary number based on this algorithm. In what ways can I improve the code? The algorithm goes follow 1)Replace all 0l with 0l 2)Replace all l0 with 0ll 3)Major Step 3 : get rid of the 0 "|0" -> "0||" "1" -> "0|" "0" -> "" public List<

I want to format this code, but it's so long
im going to reboot soon, so that i can open VSC
but first
just going to say
@Quill our rep is the same
like, our total rep. 799
and you both need an avatar ;)
Yeah, I guess
Not everyone has a super cool stack overflow mug though :P
no more distractions
time to reboot
in three minutes
skype takes so long to close...
alright. restartin now
see you on the other side!
that was a really long reboot
what the fuucckk
its setting up again
argh that is so frustrating
@Mat'sMug what is Blend for Visual Studio?
it's a powerful designer for WPF
never used it
I write my own XAML
(you learn more that way, vs. draggin-and-dropping)
is XAML all that different from XML?
im not even gonna bother looking up what it stands for, i guess the "A" is app or something
exactly. Application Markup
and yes. it's pretty much a language of its own.
it's XML compliant though
and you can do pretty cool things with it. like non-rectangular windows
Q: Simon Says: "Make me a circular window"

Mat's MugThis is my first time messing with non-rectangular windows and animations in WPF, so while I'm working on all the bugs I'm having with the actual game code, I'm submitting the XAML for review - I don't like how redundant it is, but I'm sure there's a clever way to simplify it. <Window x:Class=...

oh thats cool
so i should learn C# and XAML?
WPF is the recommended UI framework for all new Windows development (vs. WinForms, deprecated)
the framework is independent of C#, you can write WPF in VB.NET if you want
but XAML is a must, whatever language you choose
so what kind of things can i do with C#, XAML and VS?
VS being my IDE, not some weird language
uh, just about anything you can possibly imagine as a desktop app
XAML lets you redefine the appearance of anything
like, in WinForms you could pick a background color and a border style for a button.
by desktop app, do you mean something like VS itself (ie. you can open it ect.)?
in WPF you can rewrite the button's control template and make it look like a smiley that animates a dropshadow as you move your cursor around it
I need to finish reading that "Pro WPF in C# 2010" brick I bought over two years ago
there's so much I don't know yet
what exactly is WPF?
Windows Presentation Foundation
a UI framework, replacement for Windows Forms
it redefines everything about building Windows UI's
I mean it literally: if you know WinForms, you need to unlearn UI dev first!
so its the foundation of a desktop app?
there's a project template for a new WPF application - I suggest you explore the files you get in a new WPF project and see for yourself ;)
start with app.xaml and app.xaml.cs (assuming C#)
yeah well VS is still installing itself
damn, you went with the full-blown install?
fuck i dunno
like, C#, VB.NET, C++, Python, F#, etc.
it just keeps failing
id like to have them all anyway
what's your OS?
yeah well I kinda was expecting that lol. I meant what version? 7? 8.1?
7, 32 bit
x86 is 32 bit?
Lots of 'inane banter' going on here... mostly just got you lot on ignore.
then, I see it's all still the same stuff....
Is life a cycle of re-install windows, and clean the registry?
@blaizor IIRC I had to install a service pack to get VSC to install on Win7
@Mat'sMug - you see this chart from earlier?
I have figured out that there must have been a new version of maven, or soemthing to pull that much down.
it seems as though vs community is the only free one (note that there is a button for free visual studio, implying that those on that page are not free)
VS Express is free as well
@rolfl how would that affect JDOM?
JDOM is used in maven... as part of the build (how do you think they read the pom.xml file...).
oh. I understood that maven was used in JDOM
So, I think, since many folk have the jar stored in a local repository, if the repository format had a mandatory update, that the jars would all be pulled again.
It works both ways.... JDOM uses maven, and maven uses JDOM.
so your downloads are actually maven's
In a sense ... ;-)
that's cheating.
I should find a way to make RD download with every install of MS Office
That would be .... unscalable.
can you imagine fielding the support calls?
"I installed RubberDuck but my bath water is still too cold"
dude, if it gets to that, it's because MS has bought it and the repo is no longer mine ;)
Ahh, that's right, closed source.
@Mat'sMug is RD open source?
yeah! so everybody can see all the crap code I wrote last month!
935 commits, feel free to star (or not): github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck
you asked for a star ;)
can you explain what a commit is? ive never used github and the more people that send me links the more frustrating it gets
You need a tutorial....
im never going to use it, im just curious. google is my friend...
well you just installed VS Community - you're just a few clicks away from getting started with GitHub ;)
no, i havent installed it. installer is in recycle bin now
just had to sign up for a microsoft account to get VS express
winexpress_full.exe sounds like its going to take longer to install than community
@blaizor No, probably not.
it just looks heavier, but it isnt
Community is like the Professional version, Express is smaller and doesn't have everything in one - it splits it up by development group.
yeah i know but i was trying not to sign up to microsoft to get express
I see.
I use Outlook as my email, and I find the spam catcher is really good.
and then theres gmail
I have Gmail from my U.
I like Outlook better, but they are both good.
'night @all
YES! FINALLY! VS has opened!
@rolfl Well, there's the secret santa work present mapped out for this year
@Quill change your avatar back!
why, it's only a box on my head
because it isnt green and abstract
btw, just scored a free macbook from my mum's school (goddamn catholics, can't settle for lenovos...)
13 laptops and counting...
You can make iPhone apps with it, I guess?
well ive already had all my lenovos booted off the school wifi for fucking with it
so this will provide a small window of fun
and then ill just take them to my dads, and stay there long enough for my static IP to have a force change
every time i see someones user page and their brilliant description, i wonder what it is like to come across mine
@Quill there is an apple script that is preventing me from changing the admin username on my mac
what is apple script? haha
i just realised the frustration that mac users must go through
for every 500 windows apps, there is one mac app that does half the work of one app in twice the time
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be asked on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Mehrwolf 38 secs ago
buenos dias
It looks like I might be going for an internship in Germany instead of the US
And I'm eating icecream as breakfast
today is a good day
what flavour ice cream?
im reading on experts-exchange.com and laughing
If you have 2 separate mail notifications for the CodeReview, than you can simply put the conditions into one subscription connected by an OR. In that case, you will get a mail if one of the conditions becomes true, but you will get only one, if both are true. — MikeR 49 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it requests general comments and advice on optimising. Questions on Stack Overflow are meant to address specific problems. This is a request for a code review. — David Heffernan 10 secs ago
I think this posting would be a better fit for Code Review; as it is, it is too broad for this site. — Frerich Raabe 7 secs ago
Q: Acquiring an ID from a newly inserted entry in an MSSQL database

Falco WinklerIn an MSSQL database, I have automatically increasing IDs for every entry. Is it safe to acquire the ID of the newly inserted entry like this? I am worried that, if at the exact same time another entry gets inserted, I could end up with the wrong ID. string query = "INSERT INTO subscriptions (p...

Q: Brute Force N Body Implementation in C++

Jamal HussainI have wrote the following code in C++ for the n-body problem. This code is sequential as later on I am planning to parallelize it using OpenMP. I want to know whether I have wrote the correct implementation, if there are some errors or bugs, or if this is an invalid approach. #include <iostream>...

Q: console.log() 'relay' to the document

Ismael MiguelThis is very complicated code, with the goal to show all the messages sent to console.log() on the document or another element. The code simply replaces the console.log() method. The main idea was to use it on Stack Snippets, but it isn't its final goal. The usage is simple: copy the code, set a...

Q: Simulating MixIns with Java

asmodeanI am using the following technique for simulating mixins (or Traits) using Java and would like to know whether this is reasonable or just confusing to future developers. Also, I believe a good naming scheme is the best documentation, so if it would help to change the nomenclature, please provide...

Q: Splitting a string basing myself on categories

CaridorcI was thinking about splitting a string based on certain categories, for example alphabetic and numerical, lower and upper case, and even the 3 lines of the keyboard. I wrote a generic function for this but it seems unreadable, so I ask you for better modularization and improvements to readabilit...

Q: Texture managing

MattMattI'm new to C++ and SDL, and I've written a Texture manager class whose purpose is to help me manage sprites and other textures. I have a dispose method which unloads all the textures from a map container. It works correctly but I'd like to ask if I am not causing any memory leaks, or other pointe...

Q: Web API 2 - JWT with X509 certificate

erPeI got my JWT generation working with X509 and wanted to ask if you would recommend any changes in respect to: Signing certificate storing / handling. Publishing for anonymous access public key Background info on service: Generating JWT with refresh token Expiration set in DB Certific...

Q: Singly Linked List Implementation

danielMay someone review over my code? My Task: implement the Map ADT using a singly linked list: • Map(): Creates a new empty map. • length(): Returns the number of key/value pairs in the map. • contains(key): Returns a Boolean indicating if the given key is in the map...

Q: python memoize NoneType error

user3015347The following code will yield NoneType error. If I comment out both memoize lines, the code works. If I only comment out "ron=memoize(ron)", the code runs with wrong result. Any idea what leads to the NoneType error? import sys def UC(Gvalues, minup, mindown, nhours): def memoize(f): ...

Q: Converting from binary to unary

donquixto DacI have function that convert binary number to unary number based on a Markov algorithm. In what ways can I improve the code? The algorithm goes as follows: Replace all 0l with 0l "|0" -> "0||" Replace all l0 with 0ll "1" -> "0|" Major Step 3: Remove the 0 "0" -> "" publi...

Q: Von Neumann extractor to remove bias from pseudorandom array

ThriggleVon Neumann extraction is a technique to remove bias from a source of entropy. You extract an unbiased array of bits from a biased one by comparing consecutive bits in the array and returning the first one when they are different, or nothing when they are the same. The extracted array will be sma...

Q: Implementation of peak finder

XinI implemented this peak finder for practice. I have tested it. Everything looks pretty good to me. Please let me know if there is any improvement I can make. Peak Finder Let input be an array. input[i] is a peak if input[i] >= input[i + 1] and input[i] >= input[i - 1]. Implement ...

Q: Word ladder solution in Java using matrix

amzThe following is my implementation of Word Ladder problem. Can anybody review the code to compare its efficiency with other solutions? package arrays; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Set; public class WordLadder { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { word...

Q: Neural Network Simulator with OpenMP

ejangI wrote a simple neural network simulator (the biophysical kind) from scratch, and was hoping to get some feedback on how I can speed things up, or any C++ / compilation best practices that I can improve on. The code is at this repository. Main Problem: OpenMP doesn't seem to be conferring spe...

Q: Please help me of how I can do this

tttttttttt I have never spent a very long time doing something but happen to do it. I highly need a help with these codes for tic tack toe game,when ever I compile them, no error is shown but they do not do what expected. it only display one line and nothing else. please help me out. I appreciate whatever...

Q: Dimension comparisons for calculating image thumbnail size

featherlight53I've been toying around with some code I wrote a while back, in an attempt to make it "cleaner" based on what I've read. Does anything stand out to you as bad conventions here? What are your thoughts about doing some conditional checks as separate variables at the top of the function? I thought o...

Q: Graph for MatLab

Wednesday FadesNot sure where I've gone wrong, Code use to generate a graph, but now it doesn't, after I corrected a spelling error in num2str. Can anyone tell me what needs to change for my graph to generate? Also not sure if the code to give graph a title works yet :/ enter code here function quad_graph %Fu...

Q: Can't write to file in a notebook software

Alston Williamseveryone.I write some codes to finish a notebook software recently.But there is a problem that i can't solve.Please help me. The problem is when i save the word in the textarea, it is space in the file.And the code of 'save' method is as follows,the 'isFirstSave'method is used to jud...

Q: Parsing sentences to create a chat bot

LazyI am developing a chat bot with Node.Js. I am trying to find efficient way to parsing sentence. what do you think about humanity -> ba bla bla. what do you think about cats ->I love cats Right now I am using intersection technique but I don't think its efficient: var sentence = sentence.spli...

I think this question belongs to Code ReviewDeepBlackDwarf 24 secs ago
Q: Are there any ways to simplify the subtraction of two map in java 1.7?

rogerI have code as follow: // two map like this:{1 -> 100, 3 -> 20, 7 -> 5}, {1 -> 20, 3 -> 5, 7 -> 9} Map<Integer, Long> map1 = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(){{ put(1, 100L) put(3, 20L) put(7, 5L) }}; Map<Integer, Long> map2 = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(){{ put(1, 20L)...

congrats with the internship @JeroenVannevel
Q: Fork unexpected result

valkongrCan someone explain to me why the num equals 5050. I have only one fork, and only the child can enter in the else statement, so there is no one else to change this value, I am missing something, but I can't see it. #include <stdio.h> main() { int i,num; int status; if ( fork( )!=0 ) {...

i can see captain obvious getting really annoying
@Jarvis I know. But this is StackOverflow not a "Code Review Forum". So please post all the relevant code here so everybody can have a short look at it instead of looking it up all over the internet (the point is: I'd need to go to GitHub, find the relevant files, find the relevant position within these files, ...) — Daniel 55 secs ago
^ question closed
Q: How to avoid multiple if-s

gstackoverflowI have following code snippet: if ((principal == null || principal.getName() == null)) { boolean isValidInputData = true; if ((!reCaptchaBean.isValidCaptcha(recapchaResponse))) { model.addAttribute("captchaError", messageSource.getMessage("СaptchaError", n...

@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ i cant stop listening to Psych-Nein. especially terpsichore. love it!
@DJanssens Oh, I don't have the internship yet
I just decided that it'll be in Germany instead now
Shouldn't be too hard -- Throughout history, Germans have always shown a special love for Belgians
Q: How to avoid invalid values?

George ProfenzaI'm getting values from an RFID reader though a USB serial breakout, but every once in a while the reader sends false readings. I'm not too experienced with electronics. My hunch is there are some fluctuations with the usb hub used for these readers, but I won't be able to figure out and solve t...

Looks like someone poked @CaptainObvious.
does anyone own captain obvious or is it an official SE thing?
I'm not certain.
He just posts new questions as they're posted to Code Review.
well he doesn't show up on the online users list and his user ID (in his profile URL) begins with a '-', which happens to SE employees AFAIK
It helps bring an appropriate amount of attention to new questions. Despite having significantly smaller community, we tend to close off-topic questions faster than SO.
but we have less questions/day
Yes. And?
it is harder to maintain a large flow of questions per day, regardless of how many people you have
Q: XML file - Find difference, grab node, categorize and process data

JimmyThis is my C++ code which is meant to do the following: Compare a set of XML files and see what is different between them Dump out the node if it is new (in B.xml but not A.xml) Scan that node and associate tags to types of information using map Do work on the data depending on what type it is ...

Stack Overflow questions get more views, by a long shot.
It's a significantly larger pool of people maintaining the questions, not just a larger flow of questions.
Despite this, a question will go days only receiving two close votes.
It doesn't happen here.
grif, is that question (that obvious just posted) suited for
because i jumped to it thinking i could review it, only to realise it had nothing to do with actually coding in
it's about comparing xml files, seems appropriate to me.
There is no such thing as "coding" in .
It's just a data format.
yeah whatever
markup language sounds like a language to me
Q: Parsing a single CSV line into a list of strings

Hanii PuppyI've written this method to replace an older method that was much simpler, but used the regex split method and couldn't tell if a comma was in quotes/brackets/etc. and didn't read double quotes as single. I was hoping to cover most of the most used possible CSV formats except where a tab is used ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic. Questions about code improvement might be asked on codereview.stackexchange.combummi 23 secs ago
Please post to Code Review instead. — Juhana 45 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on CodeReviewBarry 1 min ago
English is a language too...
Q: Can I refactor this code in any way in javascript?

BraviI have a 'render' function: render: function(playerId){ this.getTotalPoints(playerId); // and some other code after this; } This 'render' function may be executed with or withou...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it contains working code, and may be better suited on CodeReview instead. — jbutler483 12 secs ago
But importantly, XML is a markup language, not a programming language.
Although, I do believe we allow html questions (html still isn't a programming language), but with XML, there are a set of standard formats, and either your XML matches that format or it doesn't. No matter what though, it's still not a programming language and you still don't write code in it.
and yet it has such an affect on android development
Meh, the perfect storm..... nhgrif who is pedantically accurate to the point of distraction, and blaizor who's an accomplished troll, whether intentional or not.
Pedantically accurate is still accurate. ;)
i agree with @nhgrif
Btw, @rolfl that question created the tag which is probably unnecessary.
as of his final paragraph
Eeeehhhhh not entirely sure if this is off topic or not but I feel like it is getting dangerously close to "code broke, please help" kind of question .... maybe try Code Review codereview.stackexchange.comPseudonym 18 secs ago
@Pseudonym: "code broke, please help" is explicitly off topic at Code Review. Take a moment to review what kind of questions can be asked there: codereview.stackexchange.com/help/dont-askJeroen Vannevel 36 secs ago

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