@IngoBürk You can practically say that on most questions here. Stack overflow isn't only a 'my code doesnt work - fix it' site. And I'm not asking for a code review. I'm asking for a different way to do something(concept) and the code is simply an example. — Amir Popovich39 secs ago
@AmirPopovich I've changed my mind. Since you are asking about a general strategy and not a particular piece of code, codereview isn't the right place. I'll retract my vote. — Ingo Bürk42 secs ago
@ArturFilipiak To be on-topic for Code Review, the question must be posed by the author of the code. — 200_success17 secs ago
@ArturFilipiak You are probably correct. KamilT, have a look at this. Near the bottom of the page is a little checklist - if you answer all the questions with a yes, it should be on CodeReview. — blaizor30 secs ago
@MudboyZh That's great; you're welcome. Now that your code works, you might want to submit it to codereview. I suspect there are some improvements that could be made to it, but improvements to working code are out of scope here. CR might be able to help. — Wayne Conrad21 secs ago
@skiwi at work I have been involved with a project involving.... hadoop, apache-spark, scala, java, javascript, and the d3 library, as well as clusters of machines on linux. It is a 'full stack' thing.
I found I needed to at least understand the javascript/d3 side of things, and it tied in well with @Simon's idea for the scalability best-fit problem.
So, yes, I have been doing more frontend stuff.
As it happens, a lot of the javascript suff is going to be run on both the front, and back end.
I am currently reading Eloquent JavaScript and am trying to solve the exercise problems. One of the exercises in chapter 18 asks to emulate Conway's game of life using checkboxes in JavaScript.
Before looking at the official solution, I like to solve the exercise on my own and then compare it wi...
I'm moving on to graphics, picking Pyglet and Cocos2D. This is my first program in Python with GUI. Introducing:
Two distinct high definition button sprites.
Satisfying high quality button pressing clicks.
Conveniently positioned counter.
Fully functional exit button.
Detailed error logging tec...
I know Objective-C, Swift, and SQL best probably. But I'm also quite comfortable with Java, VB.NET, C++, C, and C# (I just don't know them quite as well, or in the case of some, don't actuallyy develop products with them).
I also know Powershell and other UNIX shell scipting languages
I guess, probably the best thing about .NET is a) the DLLs work super easily with each other, b) it makes it extraordinarily easy to do Windows things.
And when you don't have a preference, you vastly widen your job opportunities.
If my attitude were "Ew, Apple" and therefore I'd never learn Objective-C/Swift and iOS development, I wouldn't get the job I'll be starting in June-ish.
But if it's not made clear to the user that this isn't the way to ask a question, then he just posts his question/answer as is to Code Review, which would still be way wrong.
Mathematics chat has 39 users online, with probably 15 of them seen 6h or longer ago, so it seems atleast there, we have a change in chat functionality. Normally we have 12-15 members online
Everyone should go find an Objective-C answer of mine that you've not upvoted and go upvote it... I'm 293 upvotes away from the gold badge (still need 42 more answers also)... and, I also need to catch up to RubberDuck in rep.
We do seem to have lots of Python questions. I don't know for certain how many good Python reviewers we have or how active they are--I don't follow Python tag at all.
I understand this might be a slightly subjective question, but I am honestly curious what programming languages are used by the mathematics community.
I would imagine that there is a group of mathematicians out there that use haskell because it might be more consistent with ideas from mathematic...
And what would your primary interest in programming be? Are you truly just interested in writing some code that can calculate some math stuffs for you? Or do you want to be able to actually write actual programs at some point?
I'll check them out, thanks, I might sleep now(12:46AM Australia), so I'll likely come back and talk later this week(I am always online on math chat regardless)
A code review isn't how you find crash bugs. Run it in a debugger and the debugger will tell you exactly what line of code causes the crash. — Carey Gregory48 secs ago
The problem with any sort of timer in which each "tick" is a measurement from the previous "tick" is that in software, these "ticks" are not guaranteed to be exact. This means that if your first tick is off by a tenth of a second, every remaining tick will be off by that amount or more. Your se...