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My holiday last week was not long enough.....:
This code cannot possibly work...... each instance of the URLTinyMe can have only one value in the urlMap, ever. This means that two different URL's can have the same value, and also, that calling URLTinyMe fooA = new URLTinyMe("foo"); URLTinyMe fooB = new URLTinyMe("foo"); will produce different getTinyMeUrl() values for each. — rolfl ♦ 4 mins ago
@Mat'sMug thanks for pointing it out, this question is around actual code and not around a best practice in general — Anand Sunderraman 1 min ago
Dude, if I feel the need to point it out, it's because it's not all that obvious what your question is about.
I ♥ var
> var options = GetOptions(); // some IEnumerable - who cares that it's an array?
I don't like var.
I like to know exactly what types I'm working with.
me too. when it's useful information. otherwise it's C# 1.1 Java-ish bloat.
I might use it once I'm better, but I find it easier to understand what is going on when I use the real types.
when all you're using an array for is to enumerate it, what does it matter that the array is an array?
Not sure.
it doesn't.
it's actually a maintenance burden to specify the type explicitly
Q: Triangle categorizer -- completely refactored and re-written

CaridorcWhile reviewing a C question I started writing my own implementation and in no time I had a completely refactored completely different implementation. As the asker is learning I did not want to post it, instead I ask you for further review and possibilities of improvement. #include <stdio.h> #in...

But, what if someone modifies GetOptions() to return an int?
what if GetOptions() started returning an IEnumerable<T> (as it should) instead of an array?
In that case, if you can, change GetOptions() ASAP.
@Hosch250 nonsense - the method is returning multiple items. if it's changed to return only one, then it's a breaking API change akin to modifying an interface - what you need is a new method, not a change of return type
The point is, I can change my code and make it break at every point it needs to be adjusted instead of debugging through a ton of crashes.
@Hosch250 then stuff won't compile anymore anyway
A: Grouping queries

Mat's MugSo we're looking at a LINQ query: Option[] options = GetOptions(); var groupedOptions = from option in options where option.OptionType == OptionType.Drinks group option by option.SortOrder / 100 into grouped select new { SortOrderGroup = grouped.Key, GroupName = grouped.Fir...

how hasn't that been answered over the weekend? :)
You can have a vote tomorrow.
@JeroenVannevel you changed your picture but didn't rename to @DonJeroen?
BTW, I need to answer another question so I can get 35 more points to get to 4k this quarter.
This is my neutral picture
Okay, so here's one thing I like about Java that I wish we had in C#.
what's that @RubberDuck?
I wish C# forced you to declare what exceptions a class can throw.
@RubberDuck you can XML-doc what exceptions your classes/methods throw
Gosh, I'm surprised a girl looks at you twice!
Scraggly beard and all!
Yeah.. I guess so, but you've seen how well I doc comment...
If you had a mustache, you'd look like me on Saturday night.
Oh, you do.
Before this disolves into a compliment-jeroen-contest: I have an interview to attend
OK, good luck!
@RubberDuck we'll fix that. We're building the XML doc anyway, so by v1.4 we'll have a fully documented API or I'm not a mug!
oh wait, I'm not really a mug..
@JeroenVannevel good luck!
@Mat'sMug First mug I ever heard of who could type.
I added her on skype. Do they call? Do I call? Do we both stare at our screen for 15 minutes?
This is why I hate skype and calling in general
I'd wait for her to call.
It is her responsibility as the interviewer.
Post the questions here, and we'll help you.
Good luck!
@Mat'sMug So you code against the interface... IEnumerable options = GetOptions();... a bummer in C# the convention is to prepend I to interfaces though, I would think that's annoying to type
@skiwi the annoying thing is when you encounter an interface that's not prepended with an "I".
@JeroenVannevel Send a text message "Call me when you are ready"
I like the "I" prefix much, much, much better than postfixing all implementations with Impl
@Mat'sMug That's like... normal
Swift and ObjC do neither with their Protocols.
Usually you don't need a postfix anyway, if really necessary I tend to roll with BasicX
@Mat'sMug I love the prefix as well, it's so much clearer
The I prefix sucks when typing
Interview done but I can't get the two girls :( I have to start with single ones
I don't see any logic in it
@skiwi [I]nterface
@Mat'sMug [C]lass?
it's really inherited from the C++/COM history though
@skiwi ^^
public class CArrayList implements IList
In Swift and ObjC you don't do that stuff because if you're doing something in which it matters if your type is an interface or not, you're doing it wrong.
Could be rather... annoying
@nhgrif you're coding against the interface (protocol?) anyway, no?
@skiwi You don't need to change both X and Y if you want to distinguish X from Y
class X : Y, Z, A, B, C doesn't compile. Why?
B was the class!
^^ nice one
Right. And in Swift, marking something as conforming to a protocol is basically the same inheriting from a class
in .net I tend to postfix abstract classes with Base. The I prefix on interfaces in just a no-brainer.
Sort of
lol I like how everything ObjC is always "sort of like X" ;)
But in most use cases of protocols, you'll postfix either Delegate or DataSource to your protocol name.
found your .net/VB guy yet?
@JeroenVannevel Single girls are better anyway. =;)-
@nhgrif I'll take that as a no :)
@RubberDuck Fingers crossed there are many girls asking for Java help soon!
Things in ObjC are "sort of like X" because my toolbox is big enough to tell you what something unique-ish to ObjC is sort of like in your language of choice. ;)
one day I'll read up on ObjC and grasp the concept of a protocol =)
It's basically the same as an Interface.
sorta-like an interface/delegate/abstract class-but-not-quite
Maybe this afternoon I will show you a simple example.
why don't they call it an interface like everyone else then? ;)
@Mat'sMug Too easy, devs transitioning to ObjC must suffer
Q: WCF Design - How to populate objects and linq to EF C#

JFLWe use Content Server (OpenText document management)... It exposes web services. I'm consuming the web services in my own "proxy" WCF Service. Let's call this one ECM.Services. I get data from Content Server and want to expose it as business objects. So this service calls Content Server web ...

Q: Intent Passing String Result Not Got

ArqamI am trying to pass String from one activity to another. I read how it is done but when I am implementing I am not able to get the required output. My first class: public class Settings extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener { private PendingIntent pendingIntent; @Override protecte...

Because interface is something different and why didn't everyone else call it protocol like ObjC? ObjC is older than Java and c#.
does it predate HTTP?
(this isn't a question)
I meant, things like HTTP, SMTP, TCP/IP are protocols...
Objective-c is just as old as C++.
Objective-C protocol is a definition of how to objects communicate with each other just like all those protocols
In Objective-C, you don't call methods. You pass messages.
@nhgrif that sounds vaguely like the WinAPI.
Passing messages around.
Which is also why there is no null reference exception in objective-c.
@Mat'sMug Because it's Apple? Love it or hate it, they always do things not "like everyone else"
Apple didn't create Objective-C. NeXTSTEP did.
Oh. Didn't know that
Apple created Swift.
Did Apple create BananaScript?
(I know how much you love that language!)
I can only assume Apple is the creator of AppleScript.
@nhgrif interesting!
Java isn't the creator of JavaScript though ;-)
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Stack Overflow help file, which will help you understand what kinds of questions are appropriate for this site. This site is intended to help you obtain answers to specific programming questions, as opposed to providing tutorial, design or code review assistance. That said... did you try searching for tutorials yourself? — MarsAtomic 41 secs ago
@skiwi WHAT? really? I didn't know that. are you sure?
@Malachi Programming languages creating their own languages, why not?
@Malachi Didn't cars create carpets?
@Mat'sMug other way around. carpets created cars. you know the flying kind....
so much for flying cars..
I have been Causing trouble
Fair enough. I suppose I'm not looking for a code review. I've posted this on stackoverflow and will mark this as off-topic. But feel free to answer if you know which direction I should take :) — JFL 36 secs ago
I caved to Skype. After the fifth damn notification about an update in 2 minutes, I decided to update.
I just LOVE how they make me setup skype every time they do an update
It's a two-part question and yes, it's more of a design review than a code review... but if you don't have an answer, you don't have to comment... — JFL 10 mins ago
I don't like that attitude
@JeroenVannevel I know, right! Isn't that convenient?
VTC'd and NAA'd
(Category) category.FirstOrDefault();
Talk about a useless cast
where's that?
category is a bad name for an IEnumerable<Category>
Q: Json - how to create ajax process to loop through nested array by topic to subtopic

newbieI'm new on json and here I want to create a dummy data using json which can give the output like image below. So, I started the code with json data like this { "topic":"Test": [ { "id": "1", "title": "Title 1" }, { "id": "2", "title": "Title 2" }...

@Mat'sMug Very last line of code
ugh that's some nasty LINQ there
is it just me or query syntax tends to produce unreadable code?
It's not just you
I strongly dislike the query syntax
fluent expressions are so much more fluent
Although this is a particularly badly formatted query expression
@Mat'sMug agreed...
new to SO as well
            // here maybe some code to be implemented
aw, deleted before I could comment
A: Project Euler #4 Largest Palindrome Product

Dennis_EYour method isPalindrome produces wrong results for negative numbers. (which is not important for Project Euler #4, but still) It is also inefficient to convert all numbers to String. I would only do that when using BigInteger. With int, you can just use a little math: public static boolean isP...

hi @SimonAndréForsberg!
no zombie-killing today?
Q: Are my class and its interactions well designed?

luqo33I was asked to refactor some almost ureadable spaghetti code into object-oriented architecture. I have some doubts regarding a class that I designed. Here is the class' skeleton: require_once 'inc/FeaturedCarousel/Carousel.php'; class FeaturedCarousel { private $currentCategory; private...

@Mat'sMug no. I'm a bit nervous for a phone interview tomorrow. Maybe will kill zombies on wednesday, depending on how it goes.
I think you would be better off asking this question on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Zemljoradnik 39 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg why would you be nervous? it can only go well, you know your stuff!
I have flagged it for migration, it does look like a good question for Code Review. — Phrancis 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug there's also a whole bunch of things that I don't know.
"The more I know, the more I know that I don't know anything"
(or something like that )
if you know that you don't know what you don't know, you already know something more than the one that only knows what he knows but doesn't know that he doesn't know what he doesn't know... whatever.
thanks @Mat'sMug, that made me feel better ;)
I think today I was most nervous when I got home from my dentist appointment
Q: Rspec test reuse code for before_filter and method

Gandalf StormCrowConsider following example (controller): MyController < ApplicationController def index @objects = Object.fancy_way_of_retrieval @properties = Property.fancy_way_of_retrieval_two @something_else = @objects.do_something end def another_method @something_other...

@Mat'sMug I know, right! ;)
@Phrancis I don't know
> “True wisdom is knowing what you don't know”
― Confucius, Sayings of Confucius
@SimonAndréForsberg apparently it was a Chinese guy ;)
@Mat'sMug which one?
@skiwi why?
Confucius wasn't greek
10 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
(or something like that )
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't know, maybe my brain forgot to be nervous before the appointment
Q: JavaScript - spritesheet cut to individual frames

Tomás Perales MonroyI need a hoverable transparent animation for a website, so that it glows when the mouse is over it. I could use two gifs or svgs one on top of another, but (as far as I know) there's no control of the current frame so I tried spritesheets with JavaScript and an if/else inside of every image in or...

@Mat'sMug I wasn't thinking about that one.
Confucious says... Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
Yes, Socrates!
@Mat'sMug NAA'd?
flagged answer as...
@Mat'sMug I'm coming up with a quick example for you.
public typealias UIPieChartSegmentIndex = Int

public protocol UIPieChartDataSource {
    func numberOfSegments(pieChart: UIPieChart) -> Int
    func pieChart(pieChart: UIPieChart, valueForSegmentAtIndex segmentIndex: UIPieChartSegmentIndex) -> CGFloat
    func pieChart(pieChart: UIPieChart, colorForSegmentAtIndex segmentIndex: UIPieChartSegmentIndex) -> UIColor

@objc public protocol UIPieChartDelegate {
    optional func pieChart(pieChart: UIPieChart, willSelectSegmentAtIndex: UIPieChartSegmentIndex)
^ Swift
let pieChart = UIPieChart()
pieChart.dataSource = foo;
pieChart.delegate = bar;
It might be, in any case, that if you are seeking code review, then our sister site Code Review may be a better place to ask this question. However, I don't know what the on-topic rules are there, so you would be best to check before posting. — halfer 18 secs ago
So, the reloadData() implementation of UIPieChart would use the methods defined in UIPieChartDataSource to ask its data source for information about the pie chart's data so the pie chart knows how to draw itself.
And then when user interacts with UIPieChart, it will call out various methods defined in the UIPieChartDelegate protocol at appropriate times on its delegate property.
but the UIPieChart doesn't implement a protocol - it's being composed with them
@nhgrif Why not passing them in the constructor, or is this just for the sake of example?
@Mat'sMug The UIPieChart might implement a protocol. In this example, it does not.
@skiwi Just example.
This would not be on-topic at Code Review. In order for it to be on-topic there, it'd have to include the actual source code embedded in the question itself. Even then, this particular question, even with source code embedded might be borderline. — nhgrif 35 secs ago
so there's something somewhere that actually implements UIPieChartDataSource
I see what you mean with "sort of like an interface"
does optional mean whoever is implementing UIPieChartDelegate might not implement the specified methods?
class SomePiechartDataSource : UIPieChartDataSource {
    func numberOfSegments(pieChart: UIPieChart) -> Int {
        return 5

    func pieChart(pieChart: UIPieChart, colorForSegmentAtIndex segmentIndex: UIPieChartSegmentIndex) -> UIColor {
        switch segmentIndex {
        case 0: return UIColor.greenColor()
        case 1: return UIColor.orangeColor()
        case 2: return UIColor.blueColor()
        case 3: return UIColor.whiteColor()
        case 4: return UIColor.redColor()
        default: return UIColor.clearColor()
that's where interfaces and protocols differ
@nhgrif I hope segmentIndex isn't 0-based ;)
> return 1.0/CGFloat(segmentIndex)
@Mat'sMug @nhgrif what happens if you call it on them?
yea, example code
@skiwi I was working for an example of that.
yeah why would you make something optional on a protocol?
If you DO call it on them, you'll get an "object does not respond to selector" exception.
And Objective-C made this mistake relatively easy-ish.
but Swift has a better approach.
but what drives the decision of making a member optional?
self.delegate?.pieChart?(self, willSelectSegmentAtIndex: 3)
// logic between about to select and finished selecting
self.delegate?.pieChart?(self, didSelectSegmentAtIndex: 3)
self.delegate? // try to unwrap--if delegate is nil, do nothing
self.delegate?.pieChart? // <-- try to call this method... if delegate responds to it.. if not, do nothing
All those question marks make it look like the code isn't even sure what it is doing
@skiwi it's not, that's the point ;)
If the class (in this case, UIPieChart) can function without the delegate/datasource responding to the method, the method can be optional
So, I can't draw the pie chart unless the data source tells me how many segments and how big each segment is relative to each other and what color to make them, etc.
But... I can implement all the logic to responding to the user tapping a segment regardless of whether or not the programmer wants to add additional events just before or just after I do this logic.
Where the logic the UIPieChart implements would simply be some visual cue to what segment was touched
and the willSelect/didSelect methods are where the class delegating the UIPieChart implements some actual business logic.
In Objective-C, we use this logic to deal with optional methods in protocols
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(pieChart:didSelectSegmentAtIndex:)]) {
    [self.delegate pieChart:self didSelectSegmentAtIndex:3];
We don't have to check whether or not self.delegate is nil, because there's nothing wrong passing a message to nil. There are no "null reference exceptions" in Objective-C.
that's gotta take some getting used to!
especially with context-switching between different languages... @nhgrif you're good! :)
Xcode helps me with the question marks in Swift usually... although it couldn't figure out on its own that it needed the question makr between pieChart and ( (but it was throwing an error)
So what makes a protocol different from an interface? That it has the concept of optional methods?
I guess?
They're just called protocols in Swift/Objective-C.
that's kind of an important point @skiwi :)
And in Objective-C, an @interface is something different.
Swift protocols can't have optional parts unless you use the keyword @objc in the declaration of the protocol.
By the way, VB.NET and C#.NET do have optional types (my delegate and datasource are optionals.
But Swift lets you just do self.delegate?.callMethodOnlyIfDelegateHasValue()
Where in VB.NET/C#.NET, you have to do:
if (this.delegate.HasValue)
If Me.Delegate.HasValue Then
^ significantly cleaner, imo...
Especially if you're chaining....
C# 6.0 solves that
Not that I think that's clean... but... if you really needed that, it's better than 4-5 deep levels of if statements
C# 6.0 calls it the "null-propagation operator"
So it looks exactly like Swift
@nhgrif they're nullable, not optional - C# / VB has optional parameters, and nullable types
Well, same thing, different name.
it does
@nhgrif The if statements might actually be better as it should really set of ALL alarm bells, and your statement there is still borderborderline acceptable
@skiwi It shouldn't set off alarm bells.... not if you're in the ObjC/Swift mindset.
Especially in Swift.
A non-optional type CAN'T be nil.
And if it's not always okay for the thing to be nil, then you shouldn't make it optional.
Chaining 6 times sets of all my alarm bells
I said that I didn't think that was clean.
@nhgrif "optional" has a completely different meaning in .net - it's not just a different name for the same thing.
Swift has optional parameters too
void DoSomething(string foo = "abc") { ... }
^^ you can happily calll DoSomething();
func foo(nonOptionalParameter: Int, optionalParameter: Int = 0) {
well there you go
Objective-C doesn't have optional parameters... but Objective-C also doesn't have method overloading.
damn, I could be interested in learning Swift, if it wasn't an Apple thing :)
And that's why I have to tell you that ObjC/Swift things are kind of like .NET things that you know.
Swift also has "implicitly unwrapped" optional variables, which use the ! instead of ?... but you should basically never be using these manually...
IB can create these, and that's pretty much the only good place to use them.
@SimonAndréForsberg Don't you mean ?
@nhgrif nope, wasn't a sieve, it was a quote :)
Also, there's this cool thing you can do with Swift optionals:
var optVar: Int?
if let unwrappedVar = optVar {
    // do stuff with unwrappedVar
} else {
    // optVar is nil
Stack Overflow is meant for troubleshooting issues you're having with your code. If you're looking for a review of your code, check out Code Review.SE (make sure to read the On-Topic guidelines first.) — esqew 50 secs ago
all right, TTQW
Also, optional downcasting is cool:
var anyVar: Any = NSObject()
if let downcastVar = anyVar as? Int {
    // do stuff with downcastVar (as Int)
} else {
    // anyVar can't be downcast to Int
Thanks Mat, I was just reading the Code Review guidelines. Cheers for the headsup — rinserepeat 1 min ago
A: Deleting email using mailcore with imapSession

nhgrifI don't know anything about mailcore2, nor have you provided any Time Profiler information to help narrow down what takes so long to complete the action (is it just a slow network, or is it something in your code? Anyone's guess), so I can't really address the slowness issue. I also don't have ...

It works like magic. — nhgrif 28 secs ago
I think this would be a good question for codereview.stackexchange.com. There are many ways you could write this test and they would teach you different aspects of Python. — Mr E 1 min ago
Already closed as duplicate on Stack Overflow... no need to migrate.
Deep, dark Apple magic. — nhgrif 24 secs ago
Have people not seen this meta?
Q: Create structs tag? Or burn classes tag?

nhgrifAre we okay with classes? If so, how come there's not a structs? Would it be appropriate? Should I create structs, or would it be better to burn classes?

All the mods have ... ;-)
Q: JavaScript Library basic grid

sbujpI was wondering if my idea for a js-lib is legit/good code (since I easily get confused with things like variable scopes). You call like Q(elem)(method1)(method2); // doing something specific with elem Q.funcX(); // Basic function you can call Code: (function (global) { 'use strict'; var me...

Q: An Update on my TileMap Class

TwiggyI'm making a old-school Final Fantasy type game and I made a tile map class a while back and posted it on here (Is this a good way to implement a tile map from a text file?) But, when I got to collision, it was a nightmare. So I've updated it to make it more collision friendly and I was wondering...

Q: Stochastic gradient descent in R

Rcode_beginnerPlease, review my code, which counts global minimum with method stochastic gradient descent for schaffer function #SCHAFFER FUNCTION #xx=c(x1,x2) schaffer <- function(xx) {x1 <- xx[1] x2 <- xx[2] fact1 <- (sin(x1^2-x2^2))^2 - 0.5 fact2 <- (1 + 0.001*(x1^2+x2^2))^2 y <- 0.5 + fact1/fact2 ...

43 mins ago, by nhgrif
var anyVar: Any = NSObject()
if let downcastVar = anyVar as? Int {
    // do stuff with downcastVar (as Int)
} else {
    // anyVar can't be downcast to Int
If it is not an answer, you mark down! An effort does not deserve to get down-vote! — casillas 1 min ago
Uh... so, apparently, I'm wrong for downvoting an unhelpful answer?
Even though the tooltip literally says "This answer is not useful"
is anyone familiar with java client/server applications?
Hello, @CPlusPlusOrDie!
If it is not an answer, you mark down! An effort does not deserve to get down-vote! You should not assume everybody is smart as much as you are, you should learn how to respect other's effort! And keep in your mind that I could also down-vote your answer easily, but I respect your effort and time. — casillas 3 mins ago
hello, @SirPython are you familiar with it?
@CPlusPlusOrDie I myself am not, but I know a lot of people here are very experienced with Java.
if you can help, I'm trying to establish a communication protocol between the client and server. the client application will wait for input and then the server will listen. I want to be able to tell the server i want to serialize a class, but I can't request the server to do that and write the object to the objectoutputstream at the same time
Why can't you do that? What's the problem?
I cant print the request (it's a string) to the outputstream and writeObject(objectToBeSerialized) at the same time
Q: Android App Interview

John61590I recently did an Android Minesweeper app for a pre-interview coding challenge before I could talk to any engineer and was rejected. This feedback was given but I'm not sure on some of it. Game works Very minimal implementation (Well, I did what was required...) No separation of logic, entire...

have you considered a class RequestData { String request; Object data; } ?
@nhgrif This person is insane.
@casillas You have every right to downvote my answer if you actually think it's not helpful. Please, be my guest. I'm confident that the community will figure it out. — nhgrif 10 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg thanks, I'll try to implement that now
@CPlusPlusOrDie As a side note: I'm personally not a big fan of ObjectOutputStream myself. I tend to either make my own serialization to the byte level, or use JSON, or another option is to use the slightly more advanced nio communication library.
It depends a lot about what data you are serializing though
Perhaps for you using ObjectOutputStream is the best option
> I'm trying to grab an image from an URL. Now I know you can do this by using let url = NSURL(string: "http://"). But what if you have a variable that has a url in it.
That guy literally didn't read the first two lines of the question.
All his answer does is address the one thing that the person asking the question already said he knew how to do.
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm actually doing an assignment for school. I only need to serialize one type of class. so, objectoutputstream is what I'll stick with before i get into trouble, ha
@SirPython didn't even bother to upvote my answer...
This should probably be on codereview.stackexchange, since you're asking for generic advice rather than trying to solve a specific problem. — Sbodd 1 min ago
@SimonAndréForsberg I just want to say thank you again, I managed to get it working. Bye.
@CPlusPlusOrDie good. good luck in the future :)
Q: Cleaner solution to Digital Root

user3646508here's my solution for finding the digital root of a number. Just for purposes of completion, a digital root is: " If you take the digits of any number and add them together, and then add the digits of the resulting number together, and continue doing that until you get a single digit, th...

@nhgrif I'm sorry to hear that you're on SO dealing with this; I feel sure the OP appreciates that you're willing to put up with some of these folks enough to help them!
@Phrancis @SimonAndréForsberg How are you guys saving cards in that game? I think I may want to write a QuickLook plugin...
@nhgrif quick look plugin? The card data itself in Cardshifter is stored in either 1) java code 2) custom file format 3) JavaScript
What's the custom file format?
^^ that
just something I created for it to be easier for @Phrancis to modify cards
^^ that :)
@nhgrif What is a QuickLook plugin?
See the right-most panel that gives a preview of the file? That's quicklook.
It'd only be for Mac OS X, but nonetheless...
Got a quick link to the existing code for parsing these .cards files?
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