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I'm trying to come up with a good punch line, but all I'm getting is some sort of whacking stick =/
First the whole IBM announcement fiasco, now this
Ahh I see. Funny, I never noticed that. Guess monkeys like numbers a lot ;)
Monkeys think you are alll the most awesome ;-)
so we do get nominated...
but who wins?
Nominated where?
Hmmm.... perhaps the joke is a little flat......
Or I'm in grumpy mode and pouring too much logic over everything
is also an option =D
You know the first time I clicked on it, it did register as uncommon to me
3 hours ago, by rolfl
Nomination for the most awesome user on Code Review (note, that link goes to your profile... you are all awesome!)
but I was too busy being excited about my nomination
It just sends me to my profile.
Oh, i see.
I nominate @JeroenVannevel and the mods.
I can star 🌟 messages already starred.
But not messages without a star.
@Hosch250 Interesting bug feature...
I'm on my phone.
That's what I had on my phone too...
phones are significantly lacking in "mouse over"
For those using android phones, I recommend the chatsey app.
I'm on Windows Phone.
maybe the next generation of phones can have mouse over interactions by making gestures in front of the screen?...
or maybe that's a really bad idea
Tell SE for me to hurry and write a WP app.
especially since fingers go towards and away from the screen all the time with typing
I want at least some of the mobile hats next year.
welp, I guess the votes are in, it's a really bad idea =D
And while they're at it, they might as well make it a universal app.
@Pimgd I have a swipe-type keyboard.
Main problem is I can't use return to send the message.
Is that an ooh or a yuck?
... in what place is eww a ooh
^- that sounds strange out loud
I wasn't sure. Maybe in Lilliputia.
various noises
Why don't you like them?
Because I always screw up
Oh. I don't.
You can always just type too.
mainly because I prefer very long words sometimes
and the chance for failure is related to the length of the word...
and if you screw up you have to start over again...
Well, one trap of the delete button deletes the entire word if you press it just after you type swipe it.
And, there is the suggestions bar at the top.
Q: Javascript Performance Optimization

Fiat PaxI am using the code below that loops around thousands of time, I need this to be as fast as possible, however I am not that expert in Javascript and all I know is using these are faster than doing it with innerHTML method. Can it be faster or not? If yes, how? var a,b,c,d,e, trEl, tdEl,...

suggestions suck for typing half-dutch half-english
time to go hooome
Ok. See you.
97 of 129, and more to go.
Updates, that is.
Q: Modelling an automation test controller and test steps

avviI'm trying to break up some procedural javascript code used for running an automation test. The code is a series of steps that execute selenium webdriver commands within the neustar load testing framework. The framework is not too important for the purposes of this review. Its more the structur...

Evening )
Oh, lovely.
On update 113, my computer locked up.
Q: Python 8-Puzzle and solver

rookieI wrote a simple 8-Puzzle and solver and am interested in seeing how it might be improved. Please let me know if any style or design changes might enhance the readability/performance of my code. Thank you! import random import itertools import collections class Node: """ A class represe...

Can't even use keyboard commands.
Force shut-down.
heh, I remember the days when your machine locking-up meant you had to unplug it
@Donald.McLean Around perhaps?
@skiwi Yes
@Donald.McLean Cool :) I have a project here consisting of multiple modules, and every module is linked to a different Git repo... The Git plugin doesn't completely like that
In the bottom right it shows you the current branch, it for example won't update when I select the project/module in the explorer;
and when I commit the changes, it automatically takes the changes from all modules by default, which I don't like either
@skiwi Hmmm. Well, that's not something I've ever dealt with. Have you tried asking in one of the JetBrains forums?
@Donald.McLean Haven't considered that yet
Heh, I didn't know the whole concept of postfix expressions in IntelliJ
You often use it?
@skiwi Huh?
Editor > General > Postfix Completion
I was actually searching for how it could turn ;) into ); when you are typing and it's the end of the line
This one:
Q: How to add semicolon after method call when inside parameter list in IntelliJ IDEA?

digiarnieI'm finally making the voyage back to IntelliJ via Eclipse. Currently my Eclipse is set up so that if I currently have a statement such as this (where ^ denotes where my cursor currently sits): foo.bar("hello"^) and I hit the semi-colon (;) key, it will automatically put the semi-colon at the...

@skiwi Never knew about them. Seems like it could be useful, except that there doesn't seem to be any Scala support for it.
Scala doesn't need semicolons, right?
@skiwi Except in some odd cases, such as multiple statements on the same line.
ok, that makes sense
every time I run into code which checks for null and then explicitly throws a NullReferenceException, I get this hand-shaped welt on my forehead :|
Does anyone have experience with publishing Maven artifacts on things like maven central for example?
@DanLyons All depends where it is checked
You don't want the NRE to be thrown when your object is in an inconsistent state, because other actions have already been performed
@skiwi I do.
For an OSS project, register with sonatype, set up a key, and go from there.
One does have to be careful at the end of some lines. Scala considers that an complete statement followed by a newline is terminated. So if you have something like a = b + c + d, then you could move the d to the next line, but not + d
@rolfl I'm about to get started on it, I'm firstly wondering, do I want to release snapshots?
@Donald.McLean Iew, seems like something that could've been used by JavaScript
@skiwi You can, if you want. The one thing I strongly recommend you di is set up a plan for versioning so that you never run in to issues with new versions being considered old, etc.
People can elect to pull snapshots if they want
I'm thinking to configure Travis such that it submits a new snapshot if the build passed on the develop branch
@skiwi I'm sure there are many ways that JavaScript could be better.
@skiwi Perhaps. I abandoned maven as a build system, and you can read my notes here:
And tagging a release on the master branch releases it on Github, and then should also put that up as non-snapshot version of course
What's the difference of maven-central and sonatype?
You cannot 'just release' to maven central, you have to go through a broker.
sonatype is a broker.
Ah, now it makes sense
and Travis probably has some plugin for it
I still hope to somehow magically make the whole thing smarter, as I do not want to manually update the file that needs to get published every time
Also, the 'push' from sonatype to maven-central is not immediate. It can take a few hours for the replication to happen. So, you can't push to sonatype and pull the build from maven-central immediately
@rolfl So that's why some snapshot libraries decide to only use sonatype snapshot repo itself?
Possibly. Sonatype has an interface that allows you to stage releases...
There may be advantages for staging things and then not pushing them that last step.
Seems all like a whole lot of fun tonight ;)
I don't think I'll get bored... I might get frustrated though!
Remember, that it is impossible to undo mistakes on maven central.
you don't get a second chance.
(and systems where you have no recourse, are broken-by-design).
@rolfl No deleting artifacts?
no can do.
you cannot change a single byte of anything
(at least, not once it is pushed to central).
Q: Prevent calling methods on disposed objects and calling dispose while methods are executing

taylorjonlI have a situation where some code is calling methods on an object after the object is disposed or it is calling dispose while a method is being executed. This is causing issues because the dispose method will null some stuff out and so I get NullReferenceExceptions. My plan is to use Fody (an ...

Q: Retry mechanism when moving a file and try again if it is in use

NHeadI have the below method which is trying to move a file 3 times and throws an exception if it can't do it. The main reason for the try mechanism is in case the file is locked and not accessible which happens sometimes so we need to be able to try again. This is my code but I am looking to improve...

@rolfl Can the final push even be done automatically, or must it be done manually?
@rolfl This is the correct guide? central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html
posted on January 07, 2015 by Nate

I wrote the following and it appears to work fine, but I just want to make sure I don't make a stupid mistake: // $weight is in ounces (e.g. 5, 16, 102, etc.) $weightLbs = floor($weight/16); $weightOzs = $weight%16; That's correct, right?

@skiwi Very familiar, yes, jira account, ticket, etc.
Ok, now I'll have to wait, it seems
Any PM that can verify whether this is a credible blogpost on the subject?
Basic idea: one use case contains one or more use case stories (1 story = basic flow + 1 alternative flow) which can then be grouped in use case slices?
does IE 11 support HTML 5?
Ugh @rolfl, I wanted to use com.skiwi as groupId, but I'm not allowed :(
sorry I interupted
@Malachi It supports most parts I guess?
now I must choose...
Q: PHP Factory Method Pattern Implementation

samy is my heroThis is an attempt at the Factory Method Pattern It emulates the logical model and also the physical model Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee817667.aspx http://www.oodesign.com/factory-pattern.html Is this a correct ...

com.github.skiwi2 or nl.fvheeswijk
@Malachi To an extent
say I do this
<asp:TextBox ID="ContactEmail" runat="server" TextMode="Email" />
should I still use a verification control?
to make sure that they provide a valid email?
input type=email is supported in IE11
@JeroenVannevel just saw that...lol
And 10, but not in 9
home sick today. trying to work on a personal project site but not moving very fast
^^ Right. I prefer Chrome at home, by far ;-)
I only use IE to test compatibility of my sites
@Phrancis What about the beloved Firefox, what else can run my 511 tabs?
@Malachi You mean to test your sites' incompatibility with IE, right?
Or is it not the same nightmare it was 6 years ago?
@skiwi TS
@skiwi I never need more than about 10-12 tabs ;-)
@Phrancis That's what I eat for breakfast
I've always got 30-40 tabs in chrome and no problem
Q: designing data structure for operations on sets

xaweyNEWI ask you to check this solution, or propose something better. Design a data structure that allows to perform the following operations: $$(a) initialization :: S_i = \emptyset, i = 1, 2, .., n$$ $$(b) insert (x, S_i) :: S_i = S_i \cup {x}, {provided\ that\ x\ is\ not\ present\ in\ any\ set}.$$ $...

Even on my phone I've got 14 open
@RubberDuck well I assume that sites built using Visual Studio and ASP.NET 4.5 should be compatible with IE
Firefox always seems much slower and more laggy than Chrome. I stopped using Firefox a while ago
Ya know what they say about assuming things @Malachi. =;)-
On my laptop I do use Chrome for example, Firefox just is sloooooooow on there
@RubberDuck yes I do
I just know that when I was doing webdev IE was the bain of my existence.
@RubberDuck IE is horrible with most things
It was my own site though, so I just left a disclaimer that if anyone was experiencing issues to try a different browser because I wasn't going to write a whole other site just to support IE.
I use Safari. :/
I'm not sure what to answer on rookie's comment in codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/76906/…, any Python expert here knows?
From a non-python perspective: I only use inner classes when their use is restricted to the surrounding class
I've still not yet decided on my groupId... :p
prime example being a Builder pattern
That's my rule of thumb, at least.
@nhgrif I like Safari just fine, it seems good I just don't like the UI as much as Chrome
@JeroenVannevel that's my opinion too, however I try to avoid it as much as possible.
same for functions in functions
Oh yeah, I think I write one inner class per year at most
which I usually refactor away a few days later
It's niche and ugly
Guiding you towards the "perfect" counterpart of this code will take some time, why don't you take yourself from the South-pole to the equater, so we can meet each other half way? because (respectfuly) this code is waaaay off. Oh and BTW: google: TMTOWTDI <= this means that "the perfect code" doesn't really exist, it all depends on what you need, and where — Elias Van Ootegem Jul 30 '13 at 14:28
Q: Getting random numbers with factory method pattern

Hui BuiI have to find a non deterministic way to get a random int-number between for example 0 and 5 using the factory method pattern. How is this working? public class RandomIntGenerator { private final int min; private final int max; private RandomIntGenerator(int min, int max) { ...

The wear of not writing code for a few days shows...
If I'm reading lines from a source in Java, how do I handle the case when no more input is present?
abstract protected String readLineFromLog();
I have thought of: 1) Throw an exception. 2) Return null. 3) Return an Optional<String>.
not return null
So 1, 3 and 4 are left
4 being: return an empty string
3) would mean a performance impact for non-exceptional cases
I don't like 3. that's pretty much the same as 2
so 1 and 4 left. Now you decide how you want your code to behave
An empty string would mean it could infinitely run in some applications ;-)
is it considered normal that a log is empty?
This is used to read all lines in a loop, so the one after the last will most likely be empty
if it always occurs when you run it, I wont use exceptions
since the use of exceptions for control flow is an anti-pattern.
Something sounds off
the one after the last will be empty but you're not going to send that empty line to the caller, are you?
what about a simple return of a boolean?
@JeroenVannevel That depends on the implementation
@DJanssens It's all a regular File.read can do
@skiwi I don't think that should ever happen
The abstract method provided up there is one that subclasses override
They can be naïve and simply plug the raw read call in there
What language was it again you are programming in? Java?
Java, yes
when you use while(string input = file.readLine() != null) (or whatever the exact syntax is), you're never going to actually be returning an empty string?
Because IntelliJ is awesome, it can generate it ^^ :)
@JeroenVannevel That's a good point there
Though my usecase kinda works the other way around
I'm requesting new data, and the user calling readEntry is responsible for looping, etc.
Does it make somewhat more sense now @JeroenVannevel?
@rolfl You really write up wall-of-texts everywhere :)
We need an answer tag -
> Please, go do something you enjoy with people who enjoy you doing it. For everyone's sake.
@rolfl Wow. Yikes.
Such wise words.
Yes. They are.
I remind myself of something similar everytime I get fed up with SO.
Which means I just come review some code here instead. =;)-
Just another case of a pissed-off user creating drama for the sake of creating drama. If he really wanted to leave for good, he would've done so already.
Q: Mapping array to class properties

PhoenixI am wondering what is the best way to map array values to properties in a class. Consider the following sample array describing information for an airport: [0] "6523" string [1] "00A" string [2] "heliport" string [3] "Total Rf Heliport" string [4] "40...

@CaptainObvious Wow I was just coming here to post this :D
> ...but this constant drama, these duplicitous rants where you feign ignorance and then resort to name-calling when it turns out you're not as clever as you thought you were... They're getting old. You weren't that good at it to begin with, and now that you've apparently reached the bottom of your little bag of tricks it's just sad. This isn't fun anymore.
@JeroenVannevel I have an enum with the start-up version of my app, so it starts to the right version.
The users can set it in a dropdown menu.
Should I convert that using a two-way convertor between the stored value and the menu, or should I do that in the setter?
I have it at a convertor, and I think that is right.
Q: java.util.Observable but with generics to avoid casts, Is it a good idea?

loolooyyyyIt is first time for me asking a question on codereview, and it's kind of hard to grasp the workflow, what's allowed what's not. After a question I asked on programmers.stackexchange.com : Is using generics to indicate some class/method is aware of a type good idea?, It was suggested by Rob-Y th...

@rolfl Seen the episode yet?
I had to work today too, you know
It's only 17:29 here
@nhgrif @DJanssens I believe that it is pregenerated, but only stored on the server so that the client is not able to hack it at all.
Well, at least you have something to look forward to then, @rolfl
Sounds reasonable @SimonAndréForsberg
Like those 'pick a price' games, where it' already predestined what your reward will be
@SimonAndréForsberg I thought it was a multi-part, @Simon
If it is, I may wait for the last part....
morning all
Q: Stylized HTML table with vertical scroll inside tbody

Linustoday I experimented with HTML tables and populating them from a MySQL database. My code worked well for what I needed and as is the table looked something like this: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ogYRwj However I ran into a major problem when actually integrating it onto my website. I use the inc...

@Hosch250 converter sounds right
@SimonAndréForsberg Why?
hey @nhgrif! I have been playing with the bejeweled clone some more, and I was able to implement most of your code suggestions. However I was not able to implement the part with the reverse enumerator of the for loop. The reason why is that I want to start iterating at the point following the last orb that was marked for destruction, rather than grabbing all the orbs in the array. I have thought about another way to do it but I haven't tried to implement it yet
here is the part I am talking about:
//get the marked orbs
for (int i = kNumOrbsPerRow - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    DMOrb *orb = row.orbs[i];
    if (orb.markedForDestruction) {
        [markedOrbs addObject:orb];

//get the existing orbs in the proper direction
NSMutableArray *existingOrbs = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
DMOrb *lastMarkedOrb = [markedOrbs lastObject];
for (int i = lastMarkedOrb.boardPosition.x - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    [existingOrbs addObject:row.orbs[i]];
the other way I thought up was to only iterate over the array once, but then only start adding orbs to the existingOrbs array if they are above or below the index of the last marked orb.. but that may require BOOLs or some other fancy logic to enforce
why do all my questions end up going hot =D
Q: Can I make my savings keep in check with or beat inflation over a long time period via index funds?

PimgdContext: €13000 banked on a 1% savings account. €1700 banked on a payment account. €1450 monthly income (after taxes). ~€400 monthly costs, and probably another €200-400 in incidental expenditures (food, games, clothing) I'm 21 years old. I have no debts. I'm left with a good €650-€850 that I...

600 views in 11 hours
What's not working?
the way that you suggested with the reverse enumerator will grab all the orbs that are not marked instead of only the ones starting after the last one that was marked for destruction
I thought you were adding them to a set?
@nhgrif I can't really answer that. I just have a feeling that it is done that way, even on Blizzard. Of all card-game code I have seen, I haven't seen a single one that randomizes every time. Doing a simple Collections.shuffle(deck); is a lot easier.
for this its an array. the reason why it matters is because the existing ones following the last marked orb will move down to the positions held previously by the destroyed orbs. here is an image that may help imgur.com/aEHzycN
@nhgrif Additionally, in some games, you can put cards on the top of your deck, then it is really important that your deck is in the same order so that you will draw that card again next time.
No, it's only important that those X number of cards are the next X cards drawn in the order they were placed there.
If you have a 40 card deck and ordered the top 3 cards, the order of the next 37 still doesn't matter.
@nhgrif true, but then you would have to handle things in two different ways which is a bit unnecessary.
And, as a poker player, I will tell you that it's BETTER to think of the deck of cards in that manner, regardless of how it's actually implemented (and I mean even when you're dealing with a physical deck of cards).
Despite the cards being stacked up and clearly in a set, non-random order... you shouldn't think of them as being in a set, non-random order.
has anyone ever tried Google Cardboard?
@nhgrif sure. But now you're talking about how to think about it. How to think about it and how to implement it are two different things.
Hi @MannyMeng
Hi @MannyMeng
Q: Is there a reason why someone shouldn't buy into a temporarily cheap currency of an otherwise solid economy?

Jeroen VannevelAs everyone knows, the ruble is falling compared to the euro and it has been falling for a long time already. The way I see it, the ruble will eventually get back up once the political situation around it is resolved. Is it naive to think I can just exchange - say, 500€ - for its equivalent in r...

I decided to formalize it
@Pimgd FInd a girl, get married, buy a house, have kids, and you won't have to worry about the 850 per month
@DJanssens I have one at home next to me. Unopened.
I'm trying to get hold of one, but they seem to cost like 20-30 euro
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogAPI] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
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