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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Q: Offering rewards for a trade in

CameronI want the website to be able to offer a gift card or something when someone sends something in. How do I offer gift cards from other stores without the customer having to buy something?

@CaptainObvious Since when did that look on-topic to you?
Isn't CO a bot?
@CaptainObvious What website?
@Gemtastic that doesn't stop us from talking to it
@Jamal Code Review perhaps? Code Review gift cards. Now that would be something.
@Gemtastic I have seriously no clue what that face is supposed to mean.
@SimonAndréForsberg The image I get of you when you talk to a bot like a person :')
@SimonAndréForsberg Oops. I should've migrated to Meta. :-/
And also, the way I feel when people rather talk to a bot than me :/
We often talk to @CaptainObvious around here whenever we want to comment about a recent question.
I dunno what to say when someone wants to whine about how their question got shredded, and they truly were OffTopic...
Q: Schema design for user profile

SoII have the below schema for user profile management, CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( userid TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NULL, lmessage INTEGER NULL, statusid INTEGER NULL, /* statusid should refer to last status of the user in status table*/ locati...

NULL; just like the input in this chat after I say something.
gives up
@rolfl In French, there shall be a non-breaking space before an exclamation mark. Otherwise, the text is ill-formed.
Most people don't know that anyway.
@SimonAndréForsberg South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique, Ethiopia, England (Wales,Scotland, etc.), France, Spain, Monaco, Italy, Vatican, Greece, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Lichtenstein, Luxenbourg, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Czech Republic, Canada, USA, Costa Rica - 28, 30 if you count Wales and Scotland, which, technically, are different countries in the UK.
I need to get out more.... but, apart from Russia, new countries are quite far away from me right now....
Iceland, Swededn, and FInland would be nice, but, I really want to get out east.... from India through to Japan, and China.
Eh, I only ever visited 10 countries so far.
(all the countries around there are fascinating.... Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Korea, ...all the 'ia' countries (polynesia, malasia, ...).
Then, there's South and Central America...
I don't need to go to Australia and NZ, met enough of them in England I feel I know them well enough ;-) Mind you, I will have places to stay in each.
Maybe not with the kids though.
I need to sleep, sorry. Getting really tired tonight -_-
@Morwenn 10 is many more than most.....
Night @Morwenn
@rolfl Thanks you, see you later :)
Also, I probably have .... 15 years on you?
Yup, 1 a year, you'll have me beat.
Belgium, Netherlands, Scotland, Germany, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Czech -- 11!
If the current plans hold I can add England (London), Russia and Argentina to the list
I'm planning on going to Moscow or Saint Petersburg on victory day
Who doesn't want to see the Russian army march on soviet music
That sounds awesome....
There's something about Russian music... very moiving.
I've got a bunch of red army choir songs on spotify which I mix through my daily music schedule
They really captured the "feeling like you're a part of something big"-feeling well
my personal favorite:
Time for bed now though. I'm running on 3 hours of sleep
Q: Implementing (+++) to Join JoinList's

Kevin MeredithRelated to this question, I wrote the (+++) function to join 2 JoinList's: (+++) :: Monoid m => JoinList m a -> JoinList m a -> JoinList m a (+++) Empty y = y (+++) x Empty = x (+++) left@(Single _ _) right@(Single _ _) = Appe...

Q: Searching a Join List for an index

Kevin MeredithFor the Join List algebraic data type: data JoinList m a = Empty | Single m a | Append m (JoinList m a) (JoinList m a) deriving (Eq, Show) I implemented indexJ, which searches for a matching index within a JList. indexJ :: (Sized b, Monoid b) => Int -> ...

Q: Tic Tac Toe Javascript Game Trouble with declaring winner

ChrisBasicI am extremely new to Javascript and was assigned to make a Tic Tac Toe game using only the canvas tag. I have the canvas done, got the Xs and Os working, and now I am trying to write a code to check the winners. After finishing, however, I did not recieve any alerts I've coded so I'm wondering i...

Q: Computing factorials

ChrisI am computing factorials as part of teaching my self C++. I am looking for feedback on both the efficiency of the code as well as style and any bad practices I may be using. There must be a better way to do this. Here is the relevant section of my program: #include <iostream> #include <climits>...

1 hour later…
Q: Joystick helper class

bumperboxI don't use C# very often so would be good to get some feedback on this helper class using SharpDX.DirectInput; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SprintTimer { class JoystickH...

Q: School Library Management System

NickI require feedback on the plethora of bad practices that are definitely existing in the following code: #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<process.h> #include<string.h> #include<iomanip.h> //*************************************************************** // ...

Q: Java Trivia Game Help Please?

Curtiss WeaverI'm trying to get my code to work, and i've been working with a friend on this, however, I keep getting a failure to read from my text file. I seems like the array isn't being passed the correct data from the file, unless i'm not understanding the error... Well, here is the code, hopefully someon...

Q: Permutations of any given numbers

chmod766I have solved one programming problem where we have to find all the permutations of given numbers. For example, [1,2,3] have the following permutations: [1,2,3], [1,3,2], [2,1,3], [2,3,1], [3,1,2], and [3,2,1]. I have written the code for it and my code successfully cleared all the tests. But, ...

Monking @all
monking all
Monking @all
@200_success thank you for fixing me up there... deleted the answer accordingly..
Q: What is a better approach for findLowest() and findHighest() functions in this simple program?

RufioLJMy code does the job for the most part, but I don't think the two functions that look for the highest and lowest score are the best approach. In the instructions tells me to use the int as the return instead of double, but I can't tell how to take this approach. A particular talent competition...

Hello :)
I've searched a bit more and still couldn't find a hardware description language equivalent to lolcode.
Now you know how to spend your time.
That would really be over my head...
Today I discovered that C++11 = default default constructors suck.
They are sometimes considered to be user-provided and sometimes not.
Depending on where the = default has ben written you get either the cons of being user-provided or the cons of not being user-provided.
Q: Dereference template class

Martin DrozdikUsually, C++ standard library algorithms have two versions, e.g.: template< class RandomIt > void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last ); template< class RandomIt, class Compare > void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last, Compare comp ); Where one version is default in some sense and the secon...

Q: Can this table be improved?

mattcPlease let me know if you think I can improve the structure of his table code. <table> <tbody> <tr> <th rowspan="2">Date</th> <th rowspan="2">Tournament</th> <th c...

Q: Python pagination

iam supreethI am new to python language. I want to give pagination for tabs as shown in figure. how can i give pagination for tabs as shown below Image. Now i have written static code in xml i need to hard code dynamic pagination in python script. abc.xml <page string="History"> <...

Q: Securely delete a file

ErfanI am trying to write a script to securely delete a file. What I am intending to do is to pad the file with /dev/zero once, and then with /dev/urandom three times and then delete the file. For now the user only accepts one file at a time and the functionality is limited, if I am on the right trac...

Q: get data from database according to database data selection

kampfkuchenI am trying to get data of events out of my database and show it on my homepage. My database table: TABLE `events` ( `event_id` INT(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `event_title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `event_desc` TEXT, `event_location` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `event_req...

Q: What is 'e' after floating point numbers of vertices in a collada document?

Rishabhi'am trying to parse a collada document "Cube.dae" file, i created a parser for it in c++, (which i think i dont need to put it here). The parser gets file position (from-to) in integer values (i.e. from '' to '') then another fuction is executed which will use those integer values to split the s...

Wow... the city sirenes frightened me for a second, then I realized it's the first Monday of the month
confusion ensues
They're always tested on the first Fonday of a month
confusion removed
Because mondays are Fon
So it stil shows that I'm having a headache and being sick... I was pretty sure I typed Monday
Aww :/
It's like being very annoying, but not bad enough to have a real urgent feeling of visiting a doctor... Feeling a bit weak and the doctor rooms are full of sick patients
Not a real ideal environment, I'd say
Q: How to convert strings to floating point numbers in C++?

Rishabhi need help converting strings to floating point numbers, i used atof() from stdlib but it removes extra digits like this -561.0825 to -561.082. Should i ignore this or not because some floating point numbers are changed from 204.3199 to 204.32, i think every .0000000001 matters in programming, i...

Q: Java Apache Commons Net SMTP Wrapper Attachment

nLLCan the below code be improved? Are there any major issues with it? Thanks Writer w = client.sendMessageData(); for (File file : myAttachments) { w.append("\r\n").append("--").append(bound).append("\r\n"); w.append("Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n"); w.append("Content-Tran...

Q: How to reach end of text/file of URL? Swift

Anna-LischenI am desperately trying to rewrite code which reads files line by line, so to make it working with URLs and in swift. import Foundation import Cocoa class StreamReader { let encoding : UInt let lineDelimiter : String? let chunkSize : Int var atEof : Bool = false var streamData : NSData! var f...

Bounty time ;-)
Yesterday I rediscvered the joy of using a debugger andd trying to understand assembly.
I did not miss that. Also, I realize that I was used to reading ARM assembly, not x86 assembly.
Funny how assembly is assembly, until you actually have to do it, and then you realize that you need the actual instruction set and errata for your actual hardware, and that each system is slightly different (or very different).
Slightly different may actually be worse than vry different.
mips, pic, arm, m68k, intel*, etc. What a pain in the derrière,
I kind of like ARM assembly: wanna jump? No problem, we have whateverthenjump instructions all over the place.
Just so long as you don't call jump "GOTO" it's OK, right?
Q: add existing models to a relation using nested attributes

igwanI needed to add existings models to a has_many relation using nested attributes so I overwrote thumbnails_attributes= : class Gallery < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :thumbnails, dependent: :nullify accepts_nested_attributes_for :thumbnails def thumbnails_attributes=(thumbnails_attributes)...

Haha, I totally not explained what I wanted to explain...
It's not whateverjump, but whateverifcondition.
ahh, like the jump-not-zero, jump-zero, jump >0 jump < 0 ... etc
Yeah, or add if zero, sub if > 0, etc...
It saves writing a lot of jumps.
PIC assembler has this instruction family 'skip*', which skips the next instruction with a number of test conditions....
This is how you encode branch conditions, because you have a negative-test before each of them;-)
So, if you want to go somewhere, you have a call instruction....
but, if you want to make it conditional, you put the negative test in the previous skip....
so, if you want to call when a condition is 0 in the W register:
call subroutine
which will skip the call if the W is not 0
EVerything is encoded as double-negatives.
And that's why BrainF*ck is easy... ;-)
I don't even want to have to deal with that.
is it a good idea to dig out dead questions to answer them here?
I figure that since code review is very asker-centric, "it might help someone in the future" might not be as applicable as it is on other sites
talking about this one specifically
Q: Drawing and Painting a Menu Component

Funk247I have produced a working menu component for a project I'm working on, but would like to reduce the amount of code used and improve the methods - especially in the Paint implementation - still further, I feel like the function I've used and the way I've passed the variables to it is a bit 'hacky'...

It always might help someone in the future.
Actually, we only review "simple" blocks of code since the number of characters is limited.
@AlexM. We have a special name for that, and we encourage it - Zombie hunting.
And many people like to post small and reuable bits of code. Reviewing them can definitely benefit someone.
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergMeme: Zombies Originator: retailcoder (lol.upvote or Mat'sMug) Cultural Height: During The Mission Background: In a (successful) attempt to motivate the community in reducing the number of unanswered questions, a Call of Duty was made in which every unanswered question is to be regarded as a Z...

I think that I am gonna eat some toasted bread with camembert.
Oh, that sounds good.
@rolfl I think that is exactly the point the code review. I had no idea about the overwriting the same blocks assumption, this was my try on overwriting a file. The answer could have been, no this is not right because you assume this with overwriting like that. Just closing the question because the script is wrong is kind of ...rough. — Erfan 2 mins ago
Possibly has a point, but I am not sure........ there were other thoughts going on too.
@Erfan - let's chat about this in The 2nd Monitorrolfl ♦ 11 secs ago
@rolfl Sounds like @Erfan has a point.
My counterpoint is that the code does not work....
but it is harsh too.....
Code Review slow for everyone, or just me?
> Does the code work to the best of my knowledge?
I think it's fair to think he thought it was working.
Yes. Slow this A.M.
That's true, reopening.....
How are you this morning btw?
Apparently grumpy ;-)
Hi rolfl. I'm in a meeting now. I'll be here in about half an hour. Thanks.
Did he test it?
Untested code can't count as working to the best of anyone's knowledge
I tested the script before posting it. It worked.
Pfff, I have a design problem with a class. That's tiring -____-
@rolfl okay then :)
I guess it's also ok to come back to an answer and edit it later to make it more complete
IIRC the policy here allows people to only answer bits of the question
Yes, because even a review can be reviewed.
We are no more perfect than the people who write the code we review :p
@Morwenn Amen.
Well, I answered the bash/shred question.....
Basically saying the concept is bad, and the code is likely to cause damage ... hmmm.
I am grumpy today.
I should be an SO Mod today instead ;-)
@rolfl were your parents visiting again??
Good guess, but no ;-)
@rolfl lol
SO mods aren't grumpy.. They're just being "real"...
waaah I can't load my MSO profile..
I am seeing a lot of slow loads on .stackexchange pages.
SO mods are not grumpy. They become grumpy as a result of being mods on SO.
need a review to cross the 7k line today..
ok, answered
I'll get back to it later
I can't believe someone asked a Pascal question
brings back memories
@AlexM. that delphi thingie?
good old 3 years ago...
programming in secondary...
@AlexM. - you're lucky - pascal was my first language.... unfortunately it had the word 'turbo' in front of it, and it was on an amber monitor....
Actually, BASIC was my first, byt my first language in uni was Pascal.
I worked with turbo pascal first too, but way after free pascal became a thing, this because of high school stuff
pascal was my 2nd language, after VB6
while I hated high school programming, I liked the language
@AlexM. star all the VB6 things!
I'm such a masochist.....
I was moved on to dev-pascal and fpc too after a year or so though
school thought it would have been too much work to get turbo pascal to work in dosbox on vista. heh.
I'm mostly a VBA dev, so I'm fairly acquainted with the backwardness of VB6.
Nice answer there, @AlexM.
(when it loads).
I noticed codereview is crawling right now
takes some good 10 seconds to open up a page
I believe the SE dev team is aware of the problem ;-)
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald, HI!
I remember Turbo Pascal. I wasn't working as a programmer when it came out, but I did use it on a project in the early 90's.
Turbo pascal taught me book-binding ;-)
They've had a some CDN issues recently, could be more of those
I printed the manual on dot-matrix paper, then guillotined the one edge, bound it with a pair of old shorts, and wood-glue. with a hard-card cover.
old shorts..?
Sold it for about 20% of the official manual's cost at the end of the year.... best manual out there.
yes, old shorts. You need some fiber in the glue to keep it flexible enough and strong enough at the spine.
A @rolfl pro tip. :) I'll add that one to my knowledge base.
What should operator&(uint, gray<uint>) return? An uint or a gray<uint>?
Someone poing me when the site is usable... thanks ;-)
@Morwenn Why not a void*? ;)
@skiwi One does not simply return void*.
Is there an operator&(gray<uint>, gray<uint>)?
There is.
The problem is that uint and gray<uint> represent the same information. But the underlying bits are not the same.
So, I would return the gray<uint> so you can chain together the results in a way that makes sense...
A & B & C
Well, but operator&(uint, uint) returns an uint.
yes it returns the argument right of the &
but you are not planning on overiding the (uint, uint) are you?
@rolfl Thanks for the comprehensive answer. Probably classic example of reinventing the wheel.
Making bitwise operations between types that are actually well-defined sequences of bits the same size still make sense.
@Erfan You're welcome... and yes, but your script looks 'sincere' not like it is a 'jsut because' thing
@rolfl I wrote uint, but you can understand unsigned int. Since it's a built-in type, it is not possible to overload the operator&(uint, uint) :p
@Morwenn which is exactly why I was going down that path ;-)
I think that I won't define operator& between uint and gray<uint> since it will be ambiguous. I will let the user do what they want.
I still define gray<T>::operator&=(T) though. In this case, it's obvious that the return type is gray<T>& and not T. I will add a layer of documentation to cover the design choices.
@Morwenn I know, it would be totally unconfusing to anyone using it
@skiwi People would know that they have to be careful.
Q: Major speed issues across the network?

T.J. CrowderStarting about 40 minutes ago (~13:45 GMT 3 November), SO, SE, and MSE at least all seem to be really slow. I'm not seeing issues with non-SE sites (not that that's scientific). Is there some network issue or similar?

Guys quick question: I've been commenting every line with a simple explanation of what's happening, step by step. This makes it easier for me to read through my code any time and understand quickly what I mean to do, find mistakes, and I imagine it'll help others understand my code easily in group projects. Is this an acceptable practice?
Not EVERY line
The theory is that if you write the code with decent variable names, and logical syntax, that the code is readable without the comments.
You know the content is good with a URL like that.
Having additional comments over time leads to confusion because when you change the code you have to change the comments too.
I keep them up-to-date, as a general habit
Are you the only developer?
Well I actually got into the practice more recently when working with other developers
I re-wrote a big script and wanted them to be able to follow it easily
They seemed to pick up the practice. But right now I'm developing alot of code and want to develop good habits while I'm at it
It's difficult to enforce those "standards" of keeping comments up to date as the code is modified. I agree with @rolfl, I would document the parts of the code that are difficult to follow or are complex, and use self-documenting features like verbose naming, and strong unit testing (a good unit test is better than documentation any day of the week).
So rofl, you'd recommed not commenting each function, important section, line, etc?
Also, in general, the comments should describe the intent of the cod,e not what the code does.
right, I learned that much here with you guys
There's a fine line between when comments are helpful, and a PITA. I prefer large comment blocks at the top of a function that says: "this function needs to do X, Y, and Z, and these are the constraints and assumptions you need to accomodate...."
Then, the only comments in the rest of the method are pointint back to that 'specification' saying "Do this because of constraint C".
I gotcha
Ok, I'll follow that suggestion. Thanks
The actual code should be easy to correlate back to the the spec. If it is hard, then either the spec is broken, or the code is not self-documentng enough.
I personally opted for an external documentation where I can group and document the different features as I want.
@Morwenn that would be good.. like GitHub's in-line comments?
I'm thinking the comment / documentations need to stay with the code
@jt0dd Like Sphinx without autodoc.
I still have some doxygen comments in my code though.
But documenting overloads and template specializations in C++ for example is always a mess, whatever the tool you use and full code coverage is sometimes useless.
There are many examples of code where traditional documentation tools are useless and where a hand-written human-comprehensible documentation is better.
In JavaScript comments can stay pretty minimal
I usually do

//what this is intended to do
function doIt(){//code}

but I'l be trying what rofl said, which promotes a more dependency aware documentation.
Monking BTW.Work, not time to Chat! Work is Actually being done, just taking a short break to get more coffee! !!!
Mmm coffee
set CC=Coffee-Camembert
Deep-fried camembert with gooseberry jam and hotsauce, on crackers.
Sounds like an unusual mix...
Q: UIntArray class in php

Ismael MiguelI have seen UInt's everywhere in other languages, but there isn't a single thing in PHP. So, I decided to create my own! I'm not sure in which other ways I can improve this class. Here is the code: final class UintArray implements Countable,ArrayAccess,IteratorAggregate { private $arr=a...

> In which ways I should improve my code? // don't write it using PHP
The code is working. It just doesn't work properly and I need some advice how to fix it. Is it still off-topic? — Anna-Lischen 2 hours ago
@Jamal should something like this be rolled back? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/67548/18427
or @rolfl
Q: Just require a file, or check if_readable first?

JamesI'm writing a simple front controller, index.php is the main file. In my index.php, first thing loaded is bootstrap.php via require_once(). I'm deliberating over two ways to load bootstrap.php: A) require_once 'bootstrap.php'; B) if ( is_readable('bootstrap.php') ) { require_onc...

@Malachi Since it was an answer deleted by someone, it doesn't matter.
@Jamal that is what I was thinking, just upsets me when people are Indian Givers with their code, rather than take the time to explain their answer
@Malachi I guess some people prefer to write their own code (or snatch it from elsewhere) and slap it into an answer, nothing else.
@Donald.McLean I didn't know the languages Dart & Julia.
Hey, we finally managed to replace the old messages of the star board :D
Q: Code Organization for .Net Colution

KevinSo I am going through one of my class library projects, and while nothing is wrong with it, I am finding myself being a bit anal, and wanting to organize things a bit differently. The project in particular that I am looking at reorganizing, is a class library to hook into a multitude of database...

ok, had the chance to update my answer (a bit sooner than I expected)
A: Drawing and Painting a Menu Component

Alex M.First, I'll go on about how the code looks, since it displays the most obvious issues. You have redundant comments all over the place. // Rectangle drawing function Function DrawRect The name DrawRect makes it clear enough that you're drawing a rectangle in there. No need for the comment. Si...

I think I covered most bases
@Malachi That's self-vandalism... vandalisms are supposed to be rolled back...
In case of rollback war, disengage and flag for mod attention ...
@Vogel612 @Jamal @rolfl do you Concur?
I just went ahead and rolled it back..
oh cool
anyone want to comment on this Question now that it has been edited? codereview.stackexchange.com/q/67145/18427 it's the highest downvoted thing right now, should it be upvoted now?
Q: how we can call a system function like pwd or ls -l without using system() or exec() function using c or c++ in linux?

Waqas AdilI am trying to print the path of the current directory using this execl ("/bin/pwd", "pwd", NULL); output: /home/user/Ubuntu and want to print a desired text before the current path. for example: my name /home/user/ubntu how this will be done? #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <st...

Voting was unusually slow last week @janos I believe was wondering...
Hey @all!
Salut @Marc-Andre :D
Every one is doing fine ?
Well, it is Monday Monkday lol.
Well I don't know why but I feel so happy! I was early at work! I'm in a good mood! It doesn't feel like a Monday !
That's good to hear! It's going pretty fine here too, all things considered.
I think I just fixed it... I will post an explanation later. — nhgrif 26 secs ago
Damn I'm surprised nobody on SO has answered it yet @nhgrif with a bounty and all.
Q: Monte Carlo dice

AmyThe user inputs a number n which determines the number of groups of 6 dice to be rolled. The program should output x, which is the number of times 6n dice are rolled before they show an equal number of all values. For example, if n is 1, then x will be the number of times you need to roll 6 d...

Q: Is this a correct implementation of Single Responsibility Principle

DJSI wanted to know if this is a best approach for the Single Responsibility Principle. The responsibility of this class is Remind users who's accounts are about to expire due to inactivity. On the 30 Day of inactivity the user gets an email. On the 45 Day of inactivity the user does not get an ema...

Q: Guess the random number game in java

Ishan SoniSo , I have created the classic guess the random number game. Below is the code. 1.Generator Interface package ishan.guessingGame.randomNumberGenerators; public interface RandomNumber { public int generate(); } 2.A Generator Implementation package ishan.guessingGame.randomNumberGenerat...

there are lots of unanswered questions on the site, whoa
I did not expect that
I'll browse through them
There are. We generally call them zombies :)
yeah found out about zombies from rolf today
Answer all you want, but you'll never get an accept! :O
Or maybe you will
I found it funny because code review seems to be a pretty fast moving SE site judging by what happens on the main page
so I expected it to not have many questions unanswered
If the user is still active
It's rare on old things, that's why we usually "pimp" them here so they at least get upvotes and don't show up in the unanswered queue any more.
then again, a lot of the unanswered questions seem to deal with less used languages
like, fizz buzz in forth
Pimp my zombie question
Unanswered questions are usually very difficult or cryptic ones
it seems so, yes
@AlexM. I will eventually get around to that. I know a little bit of KForth. Not sure how well it translates into Forth.
@rolfl do you have a SEDE query that aggregates the average amount of time between when a question is posted and when first answer is posted, for a particular site?
If not I'll make one, I'm curious
Average-time-to-answer? I think I had one once.
Thank you @monkey
Updated the link
Possibly more complicated than you need ... ;)
Of course the graph on SEDE doesn't work on IE8, why did it even surprise me even slightly. Good thing I have Excel ;)
@rolfl it looks a bit overkill, but what else would I expect from a monkey writing SQL queries? :D
@Malachi / @Vogel612 - in general I don't fuss much with deleted posts. Certainly, editing your own deleted post is not vandalism, but editing it to something offensive or spammy is a problem. Since neither of those happened here, I see no problem.
A: IB_DESIGNABLE, IBInspectable -- Interface builder does not update

nhgrifBased on chrisco's suggestion to debug the selected view (which I had already done, but went to try again for good measure), I noticed a couple of other options at the bottom of the Editor menu. Automatically Refresh Views Refresh All Views I clicked "Refresh All Views" and after Xcode had a ...

IDE Hysterisis?
Either I turned that setting off at work for some reason and completely forgot about it even existing... or some how it default to a different setting at work and at home.
IDE's, the Phantom Menace..... it's OK, what you have would only be worse if you had Maven in the mix too ;-)
headed back to work now
2 more hours to go.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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