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Q: Is there anything else I can add to this Tkinter program?

JamieCalverHeres's my current code: http://pastebin.com/ftPKdfx2 (this is meant to be exclusive to all my skype contacts but i trust you guys, please don't edit out anything related to me, the creator!) i was wondering, from a fellow python programmer, if i can add anything to this? its a basic startup to...

@CaptainObvious i have this practice question that i have an answer to; -- then why do you post a question about it?
@SimonAndréForsberg I think he means "I have implemented a solution for this programming exercise..."
tkinterprogramming.weebly.com/store/p2/… lol, I wonder if this guy ever heard of bookmarks?
I think this guy thinks we're a forum
> by all means add me on skype and i will link you all the .py and .pyw files you need!
^^ link 404's, SO question was deleted
but I bet it was something along the lines of "make sure you include your code in your question, or they'll close it"
@Mat'sMug damn it, now I wish I had 10K on SO.
me too!
Or... considering the usual quality of SO stuff... perhaps I don't...
I don't think you & I combined can imagine a fraction of all the crap that's lying unseen in the deleted SO stuff
@janos I have implemented my approach now. Didn't do it as originally planned, I realized that it was even simpler than what I was writing. Either way, I generated a triangle of 40 rows. My code solved it pretty much immediately, while your code..... (...5 minutes later...) ... is still working on it.
@Mat'sMug probably true. And that is not because we have bad imagination.
Q: Can you explain this code please?

Charlie HowmanI am doing GCSE computing at school and i need to create a calculator, i am new to Tkinter and would find it helpful if someone explained how this code works: from __future__ import division from Tkinter import * from math import * def evaluate(event): res.configure(text = "Answer: " + str(...

damn... how many in a row now?
@Mat'sMug too many
@CaptainObvious Do it yourself, CO!
@SimonAndréForsberg I from principle always down-vote off-topic questions, except when they are well formulated, then only a CV
Does downvoting count as destroying rep when you do it on 1 rep accounts?
@skiwi No
@Mat'sMug And this is why SO users should really think before recommending CR to another user on SO. I understand that the commenter means well, but when the asker sees the link to another site (where teh answerz lie), everything else is ignored.
Would it work if people could only ask questions on SE sites if they have gained a minimum amount of reputation? This would be site-wide then
Say a 10K SO user, 1 CR user could post a question
A 1 SO, 1 CR, 1 randomothersite user could not post a question, until he gained rep side-wide
@skiwi Umm... wouldn't that just make it harder to gain the initial reputation required to post questions?
Remember that all new users are new some time.
I know, only way to gain reputation (and question rights) that way is by answering a question first
Also, I think that is what the association bonus is for. To give you some additional starting rep on other sites.
But I do not see another way to stop the influx of all bad questions
@skiwi or editing.
@skiwi Educating users through comments.
Q: Architecture Dependent To DataView

NoitidartI have this code here which varies depending on archictecture of system. I'm trying to get 32bit ARGB data array. I was trying to learn DataView, whic his a nice way to deal with "endian-ness". Can you please help to revise this to use DataView, while working basically as close to the logic as th...

@CaptainObvious Finally something that is on topic
@SimonAndréForsberg It's not helping on a site-basis (on a per user-basis it probably is), but the concern is side-wide
@syb0rg there has been a lot of on-topic Java questions today though.
And some kind of crap filter would be nice, it should be doable to make, but not easy
@skiwi Close-Voting bot?
@SimonAndréForsberg More like deleting or shadow-deleting if it's really bad
@skiwi "asking a question" being a privilege on a... Q&A site? ....
Shadow-deleting being synonymous to shadow-banning on reddit where the user does not see that his question got deleted, to prevent people form raging, etc. you know
@Mat'sMug Yes... I see your point, but there should be some way to verify that an user is "professional"
@Mat'sMug excellent point!
There needs to be some way to stop the influx of hell and demons to our beloved site
@skiwi there is: Look at the previous quality of the user's questions.
@skiwi so then they can rage about their question not being answered instead of it being deleted?
@SimonAndréForsberg They can, but others will not see what they post either
@SimonAndréForsberg It feels like it's too late then, having bad questions all over the place is not a nice sight
@skiwi so they would just be entirely ignored everywhere? Would there be any way to get out of this ignore-mode?
@SimonAndréForsberg That I don't know much, I think on reddit either an Admin can do it side-wide or a Moderator can do it for one subreddit, and I assume they're also responsible for undoing it
> 33,459 visitors/day
never seen it this high
@skiwi that's why downvotes are important. Keeps the crap out of the front page.
@RubberDuck can't wait to hear your thoughts on my answer :)
20k on SO! Finally, deleting crap answers
Anyone experience with the ng-book?
@Jeroen congrats!
@Mat'sMug cheerios
@Mat'sMug I'd wish to be one step ahead though
Evening @JeroenVannevel
@JeroenVannevel Congratulations! Can you tell us what he actually said?
37 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
Sep 30 at 17:32, by Simon André Forsberg
@rolfl Now that we are graduating, I guess everyone wants to be our friend...
> What did I just say? Also note that, whatever you write in the question, per the footer on every SE page, the content of the question is licensed cc by-sa 3.0. – jonrsharpe 39 mins ago
the link itself
@skiwi perhaps you want SE to introduce a 10 minute limit, during which only trusted users are able to see questions? And if any down-votes or close-votes are applied in that time, the time limit is raised to say an hour?
> Please read their guidelines before posting; code should be in the question, and how to add a new features isn't on topic there, either.
@JeroenVannevel yeah, well... I have permission to see deleted posts on CR already, thanks ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg Is there a proposal regarding that?
@JeroenVannevel so it wasn't he who suggested CR in the first place?
> Jamie - this sort of question really belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com not here as there isn't a single specific question that can be summed up in a few lines. – Steve Barnes 1 hour ago
Put a BOLO out on Steve Barnes
@skiwi not that I am aware of. But there might be one lurking on MSE.
Steve Barnes, Yeovil, United Kingdom
9.5k 2 8 26
Python. Typical
has anyone other than me noticed that tags somehow get randomly stretched when viewed on mobile?
@JeroenVannevel judgemental towards Python users, are we?
Any language which heavily depends on the amount of tabs you use, can go sit in a tree
The lack of clear statement distinctions frustrates me.
@JeroenVannevel a binary tree perhaps? I think it's more offensive to tell it to go sit in a linked-list.
@janos benchmarking a bit more, for bigger triangles the OP's code is much faster than your recursive solution.
@JeroenVannevel And we shall cut down that tree.
Together, tree by tree, we shall take the whole forest down.
Q: Tags appear stretched in Chrome / Mobile (Android)

Mat's MugI'm not sure if this is because of the latest Chrome app update, but for some time now I've noticed tags appear to stretch to random widths, in an inconsistent manner (sometimes they look fine). Running Chrome 38.0.2125.102 on Android 4.4.2, here are a few screenshots: Same goes for bounties:

@Mat'sMug Yes
ok good, means I can safely have another drink then :)
Q: Tags appear stretched in Chrome / Mobile (Android)

Mat's MugI'm not sure if this is because of the latest Chrome app update, but for some time now I've noticed tags appear to stretch to random widths, in an inconsistent manner (sometimes they look fine). Running Chrome 38.0.2125.102 on Android 4.4.2, here are a few screenshots: Same goes for bounties:

oh hi @StackExchange!
I feel so dirty ordering books on AngularJS and Javascript
Like I've forsaken my beliefs
Nice! Congratulations @janos! That's ... epic :)
@janos Wow that's crazy and epic!
thank you guys! your votes played a big part in it for sure
Q: Min triangle path - bottom-up

Simon André ForsbergI got a bit intrigued with the recent question DP solution to min triangle path and after a certain chat message I decided that I wanted to implement my solution. Given a triangle, find the minimum path sum from top to bottom. Each step you may move to adjacent numbers on the row below. ...

your 447 answers played a bigger part I think
@janos Congratulations. Had a feeling you would win that race. I'm trying to get rep-capped today, but I'm still in need of some more votes for that... (which is partially why I just posted a question)
something tells me you'll cap today, and Syborg will make 10k today too
oh Syborg already did
Q: Min triangle path - bottom-up

Simon André ForsbergI got a bit intrigued with the recent question DP solution to min triangle path and after a certain chat message I decided that I wanted to implement my solution. Given a triangle, find the minimum path sum from top to bottom. Each step you may move to adjacent numbers on the row below. ...

Q: loop through products and return first product that matches criteria

LeoI am writing a (php) function which loops through an array of products. The function needs to return: the ID of the first product that has an image and is in stock if no products have an image and are in stock, then return the first product id that has an image if no products have an image, th...

@janos Congrats, @janos
@rolfl You're saying things double there @rolfl ;-)
btw the /reputation page shows only 49
@skiwi Well, @skiwi, I forgot that when you reply, it adds in the ping, again... oops, I forgot again
@rolfl No problem @rolfl, it happens to the best of us
maybe because of the day when I capped but started a bounty
@janos I remember that happening to me too.
Enough kidding around... TTGTTLRN
looks like the bounty doesn't stop it, which makes good sense
@janos that's good news at least :)
(Time To Go To The Living Room Now)
Mar 22 at 0:11, by rolfl
-- 2014-03-21 rep +215  = 19455
 2     45035 (10)
-- 2014-03-22 rep +10   = 19465

** rep today: 10
** rep this week (2014-03-16 - 2014-03-22): 1160
** rep this month (2014-03-01 - 2014-03-31): 4345
** rep this quarter (2014-01-01 - 2014-03-31): 13649
** rep this year (2014-01-01 - 2014-12-31): 13649
** rep from bonuses: 100
** total rep 19465 :)

days represented 141
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 41 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 49 days
earned 16 reputation from suggested edits
@janos I won't cap unless people vote! I have posted five answers today, so I hope Santa discovers them all
ditto, I am 21 short .....
@rolfl votes or rep?
Santa will discover everything and everyone, no worries guys
well, unless of course, he already discovered stuff, you know
I keep seeing the tripple-threat: Simon, Tim, Janos
It's becomming a FGITW thing, is it?
(normally in the Tim, Janos, Simon order ;-)
SANTA, thanks
I think sometimes the triple-threat becomes triple-treat
@rolfl it does appear that FGITW has arrived to Code Review a bit. Especially on somewhat easy Java questions.
Thanks, Santa!
I have been surprised by the fast answers recently, sometimes I've been thinking that "I'll just do this and then I can have a look at that question". Then, about 15-30 minutes later I get back to the question only to notice that it already has about three very good answers.
@SimonAndréForsberg this isn't 2013 anymore, bud! CR is alive now!
I feel like this week has been a high-volume week, with lots of crap too
I noticed an increase in traffic over the last 2 weeks
^^^ that ;-) ditto
@Mat'sMug true that, Mug!
I think I am going to go on a zombie mission again soon.
clear up some of the unanswered queue.
730 unanswered
I also think it is time to put out a Halloween update
@rolfl We joined at approximately the same time, and your reputation is about two times mine. I don't think you need to worry.
@rolfl which would contain... what?
Code Review isn't Minecraft you know...
1-year since the update:
Q: How is Code Review doing right now?

Grace NoteI’m Grace Note, a Community Manager at Stack Exchange. Normally for most sites we run a community site evaluation, as explained in this Meta Stack Overflow post under Public Beta sites. However, these reviews involve comparing our site content against searches on the internet for competing answer...

The CR Mission, Episode II: Return of the Zombies
@rolfl we're graduating...
(not wuite a year, but, that's what was 'happening' when I joined. That, and:
@rolfl asked Nov 15 '13 at 6:30
Q: Winston Ewert is no longer a moderator?

JamalI've just now noticed the missing diamond on his profile, along with this: There's no announcement on Meta, and this just seems like an abrupt change. I'm not sure how long ago this was, either. But I probably should've suspected something when it seemed to take a tad longer for my recent mo...

^^^ another huge event that happened at that time....
speaking of that question, @rolfl. Does that question really still need the tag? Isn't that question kind of... deprecated by now?
@rolfl yes, that I remember. I joined the chat room a few days before @Jamal got his diamond.
his "powers"
Q: Code Review is in need of a new moderator

MalachiI know that we are a beta site, but from the looks of it, they only choose moderator pro-tems 2 weeks into a beta site. I think we need to follow the path set forth for nomination of a new moderator, if nothing else to show that we are a growing site and have enough active users to become a full...

> I'm sure you'd do great with the almighty moderator powers and wouldn't suddenly turn into an evil overlord j@ck#$$ with an inflated head.
see, I was right! :)
@SimonAndréForsberg No, and fixed
I wonder when our elections are going to be held
6-8 months (I guess more, actually).
@Mat'sMug you mean our bun-fight.
top-voted meta questions:
user image
if (tn.getBytes()[0] == 't') {...} What a way to check if a string with length 1 equals another string..
Going to leave the chat one as a faq. Makes searching for things easier
good call
how are pro tem moderators appointed?
@janos normally by Stack Exchange.
I know the "by" part, it's the "how" that's not mentioned
did they review users and thought, "hey this monkey is pretty active", then they asked you @rolfl to do it, or how?
@janos I would guess that SE sends an e-mail to the user, and if the user accepts, end of story. If they don't accept, either they ask again later (as with @palacsint), or it's also end of story.
@janos - I got an e-mail asking me if I was interested. I don't know how i was 'selected' to be a candidate.
I do know that palacsint was asked at the same time as me, and, because he publicly confirmed he was, and that he said 'no', that I also figured out by the way that the timing was messed up (I was told 'this will take about a week - don't say anything' and then was told 'things happened, we have to take longer').
So, palacsint and I were, at the time, two of the most active users.
200 was also.
nice to finally know. I couldn't find this in the docs, it just says moderators are "appointed by SE"
I bet @janos is checking his e-mail inbox right now.
@SimonAndréForsberg that doesn't make any sense
I'm not active on any beta site
and being a moderator sounds like an awful lot of work
Also, you should understand that this was not normal.
how so?
normal for a beta site is:
post on meta looking for volunteers and nominations.
people 'accept' the nomination.
the CM's select from the naomination pool.
for example, this is about to happen on world-building:
Q: Nominate "Pro Tempore" moderators to help guide the site through beta

Nick WildeAs some of you may know, StackExchange sites get "Pro Tempore" moderators just before the private beta goes public. These moderators are chosen by the StackExchange Community Team rather than being voted on due to the generally small size when the site moves from private to public beta but still ...

Q: Self-made linked list implementing List<E>

Attila HerbertI have to make a linked list as a quasi-homework task, about which I have already asked two questions about here and here. Since the whole code is really big(400 lines approx.), I will include only the few functions I am asking you to review, although, if you need any more code, I will upload it....

So, that's the way it normally happens.
in theory, the beta period is not long enough for those initial moderators to suffer 'attrition'.
interesting stuff
graduation and elections happen 'fast'
Code Review is / was a problem because over the three years, the mods had moved on, or been re-employed, etc.
In fairness, the site was relatively quiet, and the somewhat hands-off approach of the mods was 'OK' (just), but with the up-tick in 2013, and the motivation from Malachi, and others, and then the step-down of Winston, it brought things to a head.
Jamal was asked to step up to be mod #3.
he raised the expectations on what a mod should be doing, and the other two mods decided that looked like too much work ;-)
so.... Jamal saved the site eh
@janos just thought you had another reason for asking ;)
The revitalized site was much busier than the other mods were accustomed to. They offered/were asked to relinquish their role for the new folk. Not sure which way it was.
@janos In many ways, yes.
For 6 months or so, Jamal was the only mod, effectively.
I suppose a CM emailed them about it after I raised enough concerns. Plus, they could also look at the cobweb-infested mod room as well as the mod activity numbers.
And idiots like me thought it would be fun to earn marshall ;-)
@rolfl wow. that's really impressive
@janos @Jamal, @Mat'sMug, @Malachi, myself, @rolfl, you, @syb0rg, everyone else. We all helped save our beloved site Code Review.
A few people have moved on....
I especially think this helped save the site a lot:
Q: Call of Duty - We're on a mission

Mat's MugThis is a direct reply to Grace Note's recent CR review, more precisely the following part: (emphasis mine) Unanswered Tying in to all of the above is one of the most pressing concerns about the site I had in my own review, which is the gigantic pool of unanswered questions. There are, ...

palacsint was huge in the process.
ChrisW, ChrisWue,
huge, in what sense?
@rolfl indeed right. Damn, he killed Java zombies. And @konijn got the JS ones under control.
@janos answered unanswered questions
Jerry Coffin is in there too.
true, it's been a while since I saw that Java-hating guy :)
and I bet @200 helped a lot with the Python ones.
The people that have moved on were somewhat central to some questions 'us mods' were asked.
we were asked whether the fact that CR is a site with a few core answerers was going ot be able to survive if a few of the core group moved on.
Q: Comparing equivalent Scala and C# string-manipulation code - with Scala running much slower

RuslanI am very early in my journey of learning Scala, and I was doing challenges on hackerrank.com to get used to the syntax. As I finished one (very trivial) challenge, I noticed that the run times seem to be unusually slow. Thinking that it might be environment-dependent (as the code runs on the Ha...

we were able to say: hey, it's happened, and we are still thriving.
@rolfl that has been a concern for me too, but as time has passed I've become convinced that there will also be an influx of new answerers.
The one that people miss are the slow&steady folk.
We have a lot of under-cover folk who are regulars, but not high profile.
@rolfl Such as @Bobby.
flambino, svick, Bobby, more.
Consistent answerers, not active in chat, not answering often, but still answering every now and then.
and it adds up, yes
100 of those are in some aspects more valuable than 10 answer-monkeys.
josay is high-profile ;-)
but not chatting
Idea: Can these non-high-profile answerers be 'tracked' with SEDE?
Eric Lippert (does he count?)
Nope, he's not a regular.
And he doesn't (up-)vote
Or does he count as high-profile?
Q: BigDecimal made Simple - take 2

Germann ArlingtonFollowing all comments on my original post BigDecimal made Simple here is my second take on the problem. As usual I am looking forward to learn more... The following interface was derived from functionality provided by (mainly) Bigdecimal and is now implemented in SimpleDecimal public interfa...

@Mat'sMug that you were
Speaking of @konijn, I gotta say that this is a really creative answer:
A: Possible antipattern: looping until a search condition is met

konijnPossible anti-pattern is quite an understatement. There is so much wrong with this that I had to get creative to get over it. The suggestion by @dusky are excellent on how to fix it, but I did not feel he was clear enough on how terrible that code is.

@SimonAndréForsberg I found the inefficiency in my simple algorithm, for the triangle paths. I reworded my answer, and deleted it, because I don't think it's useful anymore. Upvoted yours ;-)
@janos Couldn't you up-vote mine tomorrow instead!?
@SimonAndréForsberg Creative, yes, but I hope that it doesn't catch on.
Q: Call to action: fill in image descriptions

Matt ЭлленWe had a request a couple of years ago to replace "enter image decription here" with some sort of generic text. I think this is a bad idea, as it doesn't add anything. Shog's comment on the proposal essentially articulates how I feel: I would rather it changed to something like, "Author hates...

@200_success that I totally agree with.
@rolfl Nice one!
(The people at English Language & Usage aren't into SEDE.)
@SimonAndréForsberg ugh, I forgot. and strangely, I cannot undo anymore. I thought the time-frame for undo was longer
@200_success Excellent query you created for that.
@janos Don't worry, I've also upvoted you today even after you hit cap :)
Q: Node/Express-based authentication implementation with session

diegoaguilarI know that Passport.js exists, however, I wanted to code my own implementation using express-session module. I'm using: Express Mongoose express-session So I basically have 2 routes for handling auth, POST /signup and POST /login. This is what I've got, which I think is actually working bu...

@janos The part about unit testing is still valid though, and something I bet the OP could learn from.
no. those tests are not even interesting. a good answer should be better, and more pertinent to the code under review. this is marginally useful
Alright then :)
The more same amount of votes for the other answers, then
sometimes suboptimal answers can get ahead of others with a little luck. I deleted because I don't want to risk becoming that answer. In any case, I'm capping even without it, so nothing really lost, only the time I spent, but that was worth it
@janos if you haven't seen it already, you might be interested in this:
Q: Generic Timing Class

timI have written a class which can time functions, and I'd like to have it reviewed. I'm interested in everything (better naming and commenting, accuracy of measurement, usability, structure, use of lambda, etc.). import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; imp...

perhaps you can find some parts of this to include into your framework?
I really think that your framework might be a very useful one, @janos
I almost napalmed.... but both of them capped already ;)
thanks, good idea, will look at it tomorrow (then, those two can enjoy some sweet hot napalm ;-)
actually I have a question about "serial upvoting reversed"
just out of curiosity: I got a -20 the other day. What I find interesting, how come only -20? I mean, a "serial upvoting", sounds like, should be something detectable after a larger number of upvotes from somebody, like at least 5
so if somebody was "serially upvoting" me let's say 5 times, then I would get -50. So my question is, how can this be so low as -20 ? How does that work?
@janos that's a good question. I remember when I got massively upvoted by one user a while ago, I got about +100 I think, but only -40 or so.
I believe the system tolerates a certain amount of 'reasonable' serial voting.
then, it only reverses the excess.
I think it takes in to account a lot of variables, and what it reverses has a dependence on what was up/down voted.
so if Santa goes a bit overboard, only part of his doing will be undone?
the details of the process are secret to all but the devs, and cm;s.
@janos I believe so.
good to know
Also, that day you were at cap, so, some of the upvoting was not reputation-earning anyway
@rolfl you remember your recent SO experiment? was anything reversed after that day?
Nothing reversed, no
ok that gives me some idea
@janos For the record, I don't think I ever have had one of my serial-votings Santa-attacks reversed.
how would you know?
What I cn tell you, is that serial upvoting is one of the reasons my reputation scripts don't work well ;-)
@janos the people I have been voting on are members of The 2nd Monitor, and no one have been complaining about it.
In fact, they have many times thought that it was going to get reversed, when in fact it wasn't.
@rolfl scripts, or queries?
alright. this was a good day. ttgtb. catch you guys later
Right, Pizza & Movie time.
Later, Janos
@janos agreed. good day today.
TTGTB here as well.
A: Let's make More Community Ads!

Flambino I admit this is pretty abstract, but that's the sort of thing I like. I tried with "make your code..." at the start or just "... code" at the end, but either thing detracted from the visual impact, I thought. Edit: Speaking of visual impact, here's a true "block" of text CR makes your cod...

Edited ^^^
Very neat!
Nice it is
when right
Hey @TheKittyKat - poor timing, I'm leaving ;)
wow that's... ...unexpected!
Q: Assigning values to a vector after initialization

romadaI have this code: #include < vector > `class abc{ std::vector > controls; void func(){ controls = new float{ {159.0, 84.0, 123.0, 158.0, 131.0, 258.0},{139.0, 358.0, 167.0, 445.0, 256.0, 446.0},{345.0, 447.0, 369.0, 349.0, 369.0, 275.0},{369.0, 201.0, 365.0, 81.0, 231.0, 75.0} }; } ` A...

Hey @Mat'sMug !
For the record, I like that word cloud much more than the Skeet joke
Q: Text-Based Calculator having errors with the Scanner

battleskiesThe goal of this project is to create a program that reads from an input file and process the commands. It compiles but I get an error when I try to run it from the Scanner that I'm using. Here's the error: Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException at java.util.Scanner.throwFo...

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