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Q: Calendar Print Method in Ruby

Leo NetI'm currently learning Ruby and need help in editing code to be more idiomatic. I have the method below I could use some pointers on how to make more "Ruby" :-) def print_cal(day_of_week, month_len) days = %w(Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun) days.each { |day| print "#{day} " } puts day_num...

Say, @ZJR, where's your CR.SE account? ;) — retailcoder 19 secs ago
@rolfl Public Sub >> VB is a safe bet. Imports xxxxx >> VB.NET
thanks, and comments cleaned.
We're about to roll out a configuration change to our load balancers to make them happier; hoping for no visible impact.
That change has been rolled out. Let us know if you're seeing any problems.
rolfl has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
rolfl has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
rolfl has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
@rolfl I don't understand... what has changed?
Been tinkering about with SE iOS app on iPad. Pretty cool. A few things directly related to CR...
1. It eliminates the scrolling code block, instead it's all on the page and you just normally scroll on the web page.
2. There is no easy way (that I can tell) to embed a code block. I might inquire about that on Meta.SE if I still can't figure it out
Also, writing code on an iPad is freaking hard.
Everything else, except chat, seems to be working pretty good. The interface is sleek especially if you have profiles across multiple sites.
Q: Error checking a string switch statement

momofierceI'm working on code for an assignment and I was hoping you all could point me in the right direction. Basically I had to write a program that will issue out a multiple choice test. Basically I'm trying to figure out how to error check my string switch statement. I have 4 options, A, B, C, D and i...

We broke the mobile apps there for a moment, but everything should be good now. Let us know if you see any issues!
@rolfl did you find out if 200-minus-bounty-cap still counts as a rep-capped day towards Epic/Legendary?
Simon says a day only counts toward legendary if you have >=200 rep that day, not whether you hit cap, or not.
So, by awarding the bounty, I reduced the cap to 100, and I did not get enough accepts and other awards to go >= 200, so no, it did not count
Epic: Earned 200 daily reputation 50 times.
not 'hit cap 50 times'
Hmm yeah, ok. Note to self: put bounties up at 5 minutes to midnight UTC on a day where rep cap is far, far away.
"Any sufficiently complex C++ code is indistinguishable from trolling" - Arthur C. Clarke
Haha good one
Q: First impressions on iOS SE app, as relates to Code Review

PhrancisI have taken a number of screen captures of different interactions one would have with SE, specifically on the Code Review site. Here are some of my early observations. Please note: Throughout this trial the iPad has been held horizontally. The layout is not quite as good with vertical orientat...

I couldn't think of any other relevant tags... I tried to use but it didn't exist and I guess I don't have rep to create it on meta.
Q: First impressions on iOS SE app, as relates to Code Review

PhrancisI have taken a number of screen captures of different interactions one would have with SE, specifically on the Code Review site. Here are some of my early observations. Please note: Throughout this trial the iPad has been held horizontally, mostly. The layout is not quite as good with vertical ...

@Mat'sMug I just had to... use that one...
@Pimgd, genius title!
Q: Regularity in the "Rusty Towel of Mutual understanding"

NitI have the following Java class: import java.util.Random; public class RandomNameGenerator { private Random rand; private static String[] prefixes = { "Ultimate", "Bloody", "Crooked", "Hallowed", "Magnificent", "Heavy", "Jagged", "Grand", "Shiny", "Rusty" }; ...

cough ... thanks ;-)!
Was that you? I can't read today.
First I ping Simon when I meant Vogel.. Now I'm giving Monkey's credit away...
... that's OK, I did an SO experiment today (yesterday).... it was depressing.
it has emotionally drained me... seriously.
Check my profile there: stackoverflow.com/users/1305253/…
19 answers in 24 hours.
rep? 202.
That is depressing.
Q: Immutable Matrix

chaisI'm writing implementations of some numerical methods to solve linear equations systems, those implementations use the following Matrix class. I'm trying to get this class immutable, due to that the constructor and some methods create a copies of the backing two-dimesional array. The class have s...

And I had to beg for some of that ;-)
For a while I was ok with answering SO questions just because it felt like I was helping people, but then I realized that the vast majority of the people I was trying to help suck.
I have a goal to get > 10K there.
I want to be able to see deleted content ;-)
Not sure if it is worth the work though (or rather, the lack of work).
That ^^
I don't think it is, but I just can't do it anymore. It's a sad shell of what it could be.
On SO I need some upvotes to keep the motivation up. Here, I couldn't care. Here I know people actual care.
I hope that feeling continues as we grow.
Well, my experiment was in part to re-understand the culture there, and to identify what makes it bad, and what lessons we can learn for CR.
At the moment, I am a bit shell-shocked still ;-) No conclusions yet.
but, voting has to be part of it.
@rolfl Play on words with the recent bash exploit?
I have patched 7 machines at home.... (my internet facing one was patched within an hour of the announcement)
Idk. Maybe if I found a different tag to trawl. tends to drag in a lot of rookies who don't know how to search...
the pun was somewhat intentional.
My guess is that the answer quality decreases proportionally as question volume increases, on SO.
My university servers still aren't patched :p
Maybe it's like car racing... Throttle, brake and steering are in a triangle-like connection, where you put tension on one, the others suffer. CR's steering and braking is high-demand, so if we try to get more throttle (active reviewers) we can maintain a balance!
Seems like SO is all throttle... '~'
Crud questions + Fastest Guns in the West = SO terrible user experience
@rolfl have you tried changing your SO display name to @rolfskeet?
19 answers in 24hrs is.... quite massive a contribution
I suspect your non-working code block was because it's located just below a list. You need to put an empty html comment to make the code block not part of the list, or add a bunch of more spaces (6 IIRC) to make the code block part of the last list bullet - in which case the code block gets indented in line with the bullet/numbered list items. This behavior is normal stuff, does it not work in IE? ;) — Mat's Mug 5 mins ago
@Phrancis have you tried the same thing in a normal browser?
(i.e. not IE)
posted on October 02, 2014 by Shea A.

Python 2.7 Windows 7 When I type 'play' once: if(game == "play"): print("Make sure you type 'Play', CaPS MaTteR! ") startg() elif(game == "Play"): playg() It does what it is supposed to do. When I type 'play' wrong two times, instead of looping it just exits. Why is it told to do this? Code: name = raw_input("What is your name? ") gender = raw_input("Wha

I've got nothing.... I don't like having multiple asserts in a test, but how else would you test TestTraceLoggerEnablesAllLogLevels()? — RubberDuck 6 hours ago
@RubberDuck I'll put a bounty on that one, too.
@Phrancis ah, I knew it had to do with the list!
Yeah, formatting is a little really wonky, using a tablet.
Chat is wonky, using anything other than a desktop browser. I hope SE has something like a decent chat API in the brewer.
But the list/code block behavior seems consistent with other platforms.. markdown is markdown right?
Q: Had a jQuery scale on scroll function created, but I need help optimizing it due to performance issues

user3775937I had a scale on scroll (background image) created, but if a user scrolls up and down very quickly, it flashes white boxes towards the header and/or footer. I'm guessing because the browser can't render the calculation fast enough. If drag the scroll bar up and down, that's no problem. But when I...

"but I need help optimizing it due to titling issues"
Wow we really need to do something about question titles. OTOH it gives Jamal us opportunities for edits
On the Other Hand ... ;-)
Oh.. was jamalized!
> question eligible for bounty in 51 seconds
Bounty up, rep score down!
And there are now 8 active bounties!
And, are you ever going to get to 23K ?
lol... I made over 20K in a year's time... I'd say yes :)
Especially if I answer more JAVA questions apparently ;)
I saw that .... and, not bad answers... about as good as my C# ones ;-)
although, I chave C# bronze ;0
Anymore VBA questions, someone may be tempted to actually use it...!
This year I want to get into reviewing other languages than C# and VB. JAVA is a good candidate I find. Then Java.
Did you know you can do date-searches?
Well, a bunch of them are closed, and will be deleted.... hmmm fix that query...
Some of these will be on my copy of the newsletter tomorrow. Towel of Mutual Understanding FTW
Bloody Towel....
Yeah, me too, I guess.
@rolfl very nice answers
Someone is serial upvoting my SO account now .... hmmmm
Oh... you... ;-)
Thanks santa!
but you already knew that SO is an ungrateful place
The degree shocks me though.... it's seriously... 'depraved'
And... are you awake already, or not yet asleep?
true, I feel the same way
awake already
5:48 here (had a bad dream)
and of course, other people answering the same thing you already said, one hour later...
sometimes they can get 3-4 upvotes + get accepted instead of you
to me SO was a good training in tolerating unfairness, I kid you not
that makes a lot of sense.... it's... a crap-shoot.
seriously, tolerating unfairness is hard for me, and SO helped with that, and I kinda needed that
anyway I thought you were on your way to bed
I was... was in the middle of aanother answer I am being criticised for ... ;-)
That's true, but it has nothing to do with the OP's question. I'll hold off on a downvote to give you time to figure out the real problem and include it in your answer. — Jim Garrison 3 mins ago
not a small name in SO either ;-)
but is CR rep is puny ;-)
I've seen very high rep users do very bad things
and 40k on SO is nothing special
"hold off on a downvote"... how gracious it is of him
Drat, he's right.....
it's still not a nice thing to say
Nope, but I fixed my answer, and presumably got his +1 on that ;-)
so optimistic
that's not his ;)
What, it was yours? ... jk.... I am really off to bed now. and thanks for the +1s.
all deserved
@rolfl wow, that took me ages to find the bug
Hey all
hey Alex
Hows it goin in here?
kinda slow
morning @all
and gratz to all with the graduation
morning @chillworld
hey @janos
gratz to all of us
There is always this...
yesterday, by Doorknob
grumble grumble must hijack CR gradua- Oh, is this thing on?
is French your native language @Phrancis ?
ha! I guessed from "there is always this" ;)
I'm curious to the design
do we have also thing to say about that?
@janos you would be surprised how English that sounds, even colloquial American English... But; you guessed good (somehow)...
I think it should have been "there is still this", no?
Maybe in U.K. ?
my French colleagues do this all the time, using always == still
That's very interesting! I guess, technically, the same word is used for both, in French
in dutch it's different word
It really depends how you phrase the words around it
I wouldn't recommend French to anyone; it's a pity, really...
@chillworld speaking of dutch, i found this yesterday reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/2h8556/…
@Phrancis you are so right, I never understood why they invent for each new word a french version
computer => ordinateur
And why you have to give each noun (and object) a gender
lol dutch spanish, big difference
twee pintjes or dos servecas is big difference ^^
i love when she changes it to spanish and claims to have typed it wrong
@Phrancis and discriminating to => a group of females => female. A group of females with 1 guy it becomes male
@chillworld Do you speak Spanish?
@AlexL lol no, I just know how to order beer
Lol could come in handy
To me, Dutch seems more instinctive than Spanish, at least in this case... "dos servecas" sounds like... two towels, in French...
I appreciate all the cognates between Span and Eng
lol idea = idea ;)
@Phrancis I always like this one : un ver vert dans un verre vert
@chillworld that male/female grammar always seemed wonky to me
translation : a green worm in a green glass
Also one strange thing, why do poison and fish are so close in writing and speaking.
If someone sell's the 2, I hope you order the correct one ;)
You're underestimating the presence of a single extra "s"... ;)
mhh, have to reparin our RAD (rapid application development => don't change a thing or your messed up :s)
I hope it's mid-morning where you are.
7 am
yesterday "sportsday"
Oh @chillworld congrats on the 2k!
went for a walk of initial 11 km (we had choice of 11 and 16)
thx @AlexL
now, we saw arrows, what was pretty correct upon the checkpoint of the 16 km
oke, 16 km then, no big deal
@chillworld when I click your name it sends me to SO... wtf?
and later on we discovered that the arrows where for the bikes, 30 km
of course we where already after the half before we discovered that
so now a little pain in the feet and legs ;)
@Phrancis no idea, not misclicked by user on SO?
"user profile on stackoverflow.com"
indeed, same with me
no clue how that come (Think it was always like that, maybe head account?)
I don't know if it has anything to do with recent activity, rep, etc.?
oke fixed it
But it could be, indeed, that your main account is on SO
was in mine prefs, parent user
That did fix it!!
mhh, looks like I have a lot of work ahead :s
I rejected that weird edit
he did it 2 times
can we flag users?
or wait calling the big shot ;)
@mods: This edit changed the question (and code) completely. Should it be rolled back?
Wow. Got four flags on it all at once.
lol, seems like every answer there was downvoted too
well, except janos's
@200_success I think someone deserves the time-out bench
I'm looking for the culprits responsible for approving that.
what's the thought process, i wonder? do they think they can only post one question?
and they've edited the question again...
Could be newb user, could be troll. We better let mods look into it
with... one of rolfl's questions, i believe
@200_success none, it was his own post
Q: Git hook that checks out branch

user4097000There are quite a large number of existing implementatons of FizzBuzz but I awoke this morning in a cold sweat with the terrible revelation that Code Review had no FizzBuzz implementation in Forth! To redress this terrible oversight, I wrote this while sipping my first cup of coffee. : FIZZBUZZ...

@200_success again reedited
That's weird. I can't even view the question anymore. Too many redirects, it says.
whoops, one of Edward's questions in fact
@200_success this seems to be the latest version that made sense: codereview.stackexchange.com/revisions/64334/2
Then it just got borked and edited into several completely different questions... it seems...
can't we block that user temporary?
looks lik ehe is frustration and for what :s
I'm planning to delete the user. But first I want to gather more information.
so strange, it was such a promising first question
There appear to be associated sock puppets too.
Go @fishy!
Q: Multiple return vs goto

Nayana AdassuriyaCheck these two coding patterns In C++ sense In C# sense Which pattern is more batter? If one there why is it? Pattern 1 void foo() { if(!foo1()) { setLoadingCursor(); cleanTempFiles(); return; } if(!foo2()) { setLoadingCursor(); cleanTempFiles(); return; } } Pat...

Any Angular users in here?
Not me.
Monking @all
The user who posted the Iceblox question has been destroyed, and the question deleted along with it. The code was plagiarized, by the way. Apologies to @mjolka, @janos, @bazola, and @SimonAndréForsberg who spent time answering it.
no need to apologise, @200_success. thanks for cleaning up the mess :)
It's unfortunate that no one else could've determined this beforehand, but these things can happen. The most common (and public) action is vandalism, so if you see this going on, and a mod hasn't shown up yet, please flag. It's good that we were able to put a stop to this before it received more answers.
I've used Angular before. I wouldn't say that I have a deep understanding of it, though.
@200_success I just started a fun little project looking to use it. How have you liked it?
It's very nice having the data magically appear and update itself due to two-way bindings.
On the other hand, it's rather complex, and you really ought to do everything the Angular way for best effect.
Yes it seems convenient to have that "magic" appear!
@200_success ouch... I lost a rep-cap day for that. It's alright, shit happens
Rep-cap? What's that? ;-)
Q: Speeding up a length calculation for a QGIS plugin

user25976In a qgis 2.0 plugin for windows, I calculate length and update a field with the values. It works, but takes a lot of time. Execution for this part only takes about ten minutes. Can anyone suggest anything to speed things up? def calculatelength(self): idx = self.resLayer.fieldNameIndex('Lon...

Just random fun Douglas Adams nerdy stuff...
> Letā€™s not mince words. Hyde Park is stunning. Everything about it is stunning except for the rubbish on Monday mornings. Even the ducks are stunning. Anyone who can go through Hyde Park on a summerā€™s evening and not feel moved by it is probably going through in an ambulance with the sheet pulled over their face.
Good night... and Monking @skiwi :)
My keyboard broke :(
@skiwi good excuse to buy a fancy keyboard
At work now though and connected via Remote Desktop Connection to that PC
@mjolka Unfortunately, it's already a fancy one... A Corsair K70
@skiwi oh :(
I do see an unknown USB device in the device management
is it a toaster?
Q: Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?

ydaetskcoRI've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise: Two questions spring to mind here: Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster? Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?

Nope... unfortunately not
I can only wait until I get home again this evening and unplug & replug everything
Q: Speeding up vba query - help needed

Michael AlesandroI have written some vba to loop through a directory of 15,000 XML files and extract key information from these files into Excel - this is unbearably slow. Can someone please assist me in optimising the module? Sub ImportXMLtoList() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.ScreenUpdating =...

Q: awk + run awk command without output from pipe line

maihabunashthe following awk code created in order to verify if free memory from top command is less them 20% from the total I notice that actually I not need the "top -n1 | grep Mem |" , because FREEM and TOTALM parameters are inside the thired awk line but on other hand I could not run the awk as: aw...

Monking @Christoph
@200_success Oh, that explains why it turns out I got only +190 yesterday... so close to cap... on the positive side, @janos didn't get rep-capped either, and so the race to Epic continues :)
And monking to all
@RubberDuck I did come up with the whole rusty towel thing.
yeah, that's "positive" side huh :p
Any Java Serialization expert around? :)
@Jamal I think his code works, the awk question
@skiwi Monking!
@SimonAndrƩForsberg Monking!
the thing is, I was just about to submit my answer :s
I just loaded up FindBugs to the company project... so now I see interesting bugs
a potential very good answer to a crappy question
It seems that the OP was asking for new implementation.
it's borderline
When using Serialization, I'm currently using the Serialization Proxy Pattern, but I notice that I do not write an implementation at all for writeObject, this is no good, right?
ok, I'll let it go, it's too bad though, it would have been an educational answer for awk afficionados
A: Regularity in the "Rusty Towel of Mutual understanding"

James T. HuggettWhile numbers returned from a single Random object are random with respect to each other, There is no guarantee that sequences returned from different seeds will not be correlated in some way. Perhaps this is the problem if you are generating just a few numbers before restarting the program. The...

it got updated, at last
@Jamal @janos I've edited this one:
Q: awk + run awk command without output from pipe line

maihabunashthe following awk code created in order to verify if free memory from top command is less them 20% from the total I noticed that actually I do not need the top -n1 | grep Mem | , because FREEM and TOTALM parameters are inside the third awk line but on the other hand I could not run the awk as:...

IMO, it is more on-topic now.
nicely done @SimonAndréForsberg, I voted to reopen
finalizing my kick-ass answer.... ;)
yoohoo. thanks!
@Malachi What is a B.S. in BS? (And why is that message pinned?)
@SimonAndréForsberg Bachelor of Science
I hope you agree it was worth reopening:
A: Awk + run awk command without output from pipe line

janosOn my test system, the output of top -b -n1 | head looks like this: top - 09:33:08 up 9 days, 23:07, 7 users, load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.13 Tasks: 125 total, 1 running, 124 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie Cpu(s): 0.2%us, 0.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 99.7%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st Mem:...

THX Jamal on your update -:) — maihabunash 1 min ago
That seemed worth it, though.
If the community still thinks it should be closed, then okay. Maybe I was a tad hasty there.
it was really borderline, especially in its original form. Until Simon improved it I couldn't really bring myself to vote to reopen, so you were not wrong
@Jamal I was the one who made it on-topic and he thanks you? Mutter mutter...
nice sportsmanship Simon, despite the Epic race ;) (pun totally intended)
back to work (I just couldn't resist a bash / awk question)
For you Java freaks...
Q: Is writeObject() not neccesary using the Serialization Proxy Pattern?

skiwiI am using the Serialization Proxy Pattern for a bunch of my classes and recently added FindBugs to my build process, and now I am wondering whether FindBugs is correct... This is the class in question: public class Block implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID ...

Q: Avoid repeating similar code in if else

John SmithI'm focussing on trying to write clean, modular python 2.7.5 code. I have written the following code: def main(): type = sys.argv[1] dataPatient = parseJSONFile(fileName) if(type == "type 1"): patient = [d['patient_family_member_id'] for d in dataPatient if d['id'] == sys.argv[2]] ...

Lol, FindBugs found something that looked suspicious, I open that class and I am immediately greeted by //TODO upgrade to singleton pattern
Pimping for Epic badge:
A: Hangman game in Java - second try

Simon André Forsberg//Math function returning a random number public int randWord(int length) { return (int)(Math.random() * length); } A better way to return a random number is to use the Random class. random.nextInt(length); is preferred. Also, this method does not need to be public, it should be private as ...

@skiwi "upgrade"?
@SimonAndrƩForsberg Hey, don't judge my few months old self!
final public class Config {
    //TODO upgrade to singleton pattern
In this context though
public final class is preferred ;)
The warning is fair enough though...
It is a config class that is mutable
Not sure how to fix it yet though
The problem is that I want it to be globally addressable in all of the code (not the best pattern, but the best possible solution right now)
Is it in one of your projects at work?
then I can't really help you I guess
Using final globals would be kind of acceptable, but I need to be able to load those globals from a config file
@skiwi Programming as a baby? Hardcore.
@Pimgd And no way to fix it now anymore...
That's what the slight delay before pouncing on it is for =)
I feel evil now, I'm using FindBugs and putting @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings on this class
@skiwi You are evil.
on the class scope or on the class definition?
(is it possible to do either?)
On the whole class scope
@edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings   //TODO, find a better method
public final class Config {
    //TODO upgrade to singleton pattern
Like this
As in "Ignore everything bad about things that happen in this class, including its methods"
That's evil, yeah
Also really nice that they (FindBugs) also named their annotation SuppressWarnings, while the JDK had already defined one
Namespaces exist for a reason.
@Pimgd java.lang is by default imported, so you always have to refer to the FindBugs version using the fully qualified name
Q: TicTacToe game CPU move does not work in c

codermasterI have made this TicTacToe game where you play against the CPU. But the CPU's move is sometimes invallid and the game crashes. Can anyone help me to write a better function for the cpu move? Not that you have to write it for me because I want to learn this myself. function for cpu move: int...

Ouch... FindBugs found a severe error in third-party automatically generated code
Lucily I can exclude a whole package or file
I asked for a quotation and a guy send me that ^^
They are going to give me "1GB SATA HDD" and a "Vega Cared"
@JaDogg Nice... I guess
I hope I can play games with my "Vega Cared"
Q: Reporting progress to main form's controls from within a threaded heavy task

user1306322I'm trying to figure out how to nicely write a Winforms app that reports the progress of completing a long task onto the main form's controls without causing Cross-thread op exceptions and such. So far I've come up with this scheme which at least works, but doesn't look very nice: Progress<MyPro...

Yes, building takes two minutes!
@skiwi hmmm how do I have findbugs analyze my project?
Now need to enhance it to 10 minutes such that I can do something useful meanwhile!
You add Findbugs by adding a compile-time dependency on:
That way you can use annotations, for example to suppress invalid warnings on a case-by-case basis
And then you need the build plugin:
isn't there an eclipse plugin to... not have this done via maven??
@Vogel612 No clue... Isn't the whole Eclipse build process backed by Maven/pom either way?
no idea..
A: Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?

Shog9So I've been kinda chewing on this since your email, because... It's one of those simple questions that defies a simple answer. You're not the only person to raise this concern, of course: several respected users, moderators and even co-workers have expressed dismay upon seeing reasonable questio...

wow.. shog9 answers still flabberghast me every time I see one..
Q: Optimization of angularjs function to load images on the page

donquixto DacI have two angularjs function in my dataContext object that receive data from an webapi as you can see below (function () { 'use strict'; var serviceId = 'datacontext'; angular.module('app').factory(serviceId, ['common', datacontext]); function datacontext(common) { var service = { ...

Does this seem a reasonable way to check if a List<String> contains words that contain a letter or a digit?
boolean validate(final List<String> invoiceNumbers) {
    return invoiceNumbers.stream()
        .anyMatch(invoiceNumber -> invoiceNumber.matches("(?i)[a-z0-9]"));
I should probably compile that into a pattern
depends on what exactly you mean with "words", because then I'd change the pattern, but yea..
also nice rubberducking there.
-1: no Unicode.
+1: lurker
@Vogel612 That was a looooo-oooooo-ooooooong post
Q: Correct MySQL DB Query and processing

Cone EnocI ve got a table called EXP it looks like this The table contains REG_ID - (id of the registred users) TRA_TYPE - (type of transportation the user chose 1-export 2-import) PRO_ID - (product id in rande [1-16]) When a user registers he can choose transportation type EXPORT and products fo...

Q: How to refactor this big switch

szpicI have a webpage with table. Table can be sorted by each column ascending or descending. Table has 10 columns. At this moment I control order by big switch: Func<IQueryable<DeviceUsage>, IOrderedQueryable<DeviceUsage>> orderBy; IOrderedEnumerable<DeviceUsage> info; switch (sortOr...

Q: Concurrent Task Waiter 2

Nick UdellThis is an iteration of my previous question: Concurrent Task Waiter Summary from before: I have some code designed to simplify managing multiple asynchronous operations. The code creates callback actions that, when executed by the asynchronous operation, track which asynchronous methods...

Q: QueryDsl booleanbuilder, check a List for date before and date after

chillworldTransport.java : public class Transport extends PersistentEntity { @Id @Column(name = "TRANSPORT_SID") @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST) @JoinColumn(name = "TRANSPORT_SID", r...

not mine best question ^^
eating time
Does anyone know if (gamer) keyboards can "crash" and if you can "reset" them? Do such notions exist for keyboards?
Q: How do I drug a population in the most efficient way?

FulliI want a whole city to be on drugs secretly, so they donĀ“t know they are drugged by their government. The city is about 2 billion people and roughly structured like a Makropole from the Warhammer 40k universe. This means: Many levels 4 classes (Lower, higher, worker, and government class) L...

Worldbuilding at it again
Q: Basic search engine

RalphI want to improve efficiency of this search engine. It works in about 10 seconds for a search depth of 1, but 4 minutes at 2 etc. I tried to give straightforward comments and variable names, any suggestions for improved clarity or style/form would also be welcome. import urllib2 import collect...

@skiwi Depends on the keyboard.....
Nowdays you get keyboards with imaged keys, that change what they look like, etc.
@rolfl Corsair K70 in my case, I expect that it's more as a dumb terminal
Well, with individual key backlighting, there's some smarts there.... I would say: yes
Q: Simple javaFX example on nashorn javascript

ChrisI'm hacking together some first examples on javascript (nashorn) for viewing a simple chart. Since my background is "java programmer" I'm sure there are ways where I can have more benefit from js syntax than I'm using. So here's the code, I'm open to criticism to get it more shorter, more elega...

Why haven't anyone told me that it's so easy to host your own Maven repo?
Q: code improvement for generate dict from two list

TutunakI create script for union 2 lists. one list have keys, second have words. need create dictionary. if keys more words,missing words replaceable None. if more word - excess removed How I improvenent this code more compact, more fast. #! /usr/bin/env python3 import random import string from iterto...

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