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Fun thing is that they instantaneously backed off at the word "confidential"
At IBM confidential has a specific meaning. We also have 'sensitive' which is more broad.
We're a tiny company, where our monitors wobble whenever a truck drives by.
Oh, that's funny.
I worked in a big company once, for a small project though, and they put us in a basement room.....
under the kitchen....
it was ... hard.
Did they slide pizza under the door
That was my ideal image as programmer when I started studying
Put me in a dark room, give me something to build and provide coke and pizza on a regular basis
Working software will come out
Not a Cliche at all :P
I once worked in a basement near the servers and the coffee machine.
At the end of my studies I held a presentation on how I've changed and instead value the complete opposite of the spectrum and how I'd wish the school facilitated pair-programming more
But I prefered the time when I was at the third floor on the harbor.
@Morwenn how come?
@Pimgd Open window combined with the sound and the smell of the sea are great.
Erm... I'm not sure what kind of harbor and sea you're referring to, but here we've considered shooting the darn seagulls
Haha, one almost entered the office one :D
at some point they're not pleasant anymore
They can be loud, but it's fine.
Q: MinGW GCC 4.9.1 and floating-point determinism

MorwennI wrote a small program to compute the Euclidean norm of a 3-coordinate vector. Here it is: #include <array> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> template<typename T, std::size_t N> auto norm(const std::array<T, N>& arr) -> T { T res{}; for (auto value: arr) { res += val...

what is the link for when I roll back an edit for invalidating an answer? I can't seem to find it, my search fu is not as good as my google fu
when you what?
so far I found this one.
A: About answer-invalidating edits

JaDoggCode must not be edited after an answer has been posted Code must not be edited after an answer has been posted even if the answer is still valid after edit. Help Center states However, any aspect of the code posted is fair game for feedback and criticism. And answerer can edit his/her ...

but I don't think that is the particular one I was looking for.... @Jamal has one that he uses all the time
I'm one year old on 1337 day, this is an honor
@Malachi That's mine, You are welcome to update it
Q: For an iterative review, is it okay to edit my own question to include revised code?

JoelIs it okay to edit the question to include the improved code? I would like to do so for the following reasons: To share the improved code with others To show the answering persons that I take their feedback seriously To make sure that I understood (and implement) the feedback in the right mann...

Isn't it that one?
@Pimgd yeah. I saw it too. had to take a second look! thank you
oooh I just saw @Malachi wonder about something and then suddenly realize it... I'm glad to have witnessed an epiphany today
@Pimgd LOL
Found out that I have Hero's Blood in me!
went to give blood yesterday for the first time and found out my blood type is O-
@Pimgd see if you can find the epiphany I edited in... codereview.stackexchange.com/a/63067/18427
@Malachi Not very hard, all I have to do is look at the diff
@Pimgd LOL IKR
You seem excited today
I am in a relatively good mood today!
Hello, World!
Hello @Phrancis!
And... Happy 1337th
Spot the problem : #java #jobs #IT
JavaScript Engineer
14 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
Beta day #1337 starts in less than 4 minutes
@Marc-Andre stupid recruiters
Ohh I see!
Today I had a stupid recruiter on the phone... He insisted that Ubuntu was a Java library. After all, knowledge of it was required for this Java position.
javascript! why can't we just use VBScript. it is VB unlike JavaScript which is not Java....or JAVA
I kinda wanna learn a bunch of 1-character languages just to mess with recruiters
JAVA programmers are the BEST
I am catching up to Jerry Coffin!
you know why JAVA programmers need glasses?
because they can't C#
"Hello World" from #java program compiled and executed at runtime. http://t.co/6fwAwSUm5D
That Hello World!
dang... you could know B, C, D, E, F, G, J, K, L, R, S, T
@Marc-Andre what... compiling runtime...
He's messing with compiling Java code in Java :P
That's runtime reflection used for evil purpose.
Sure it is :P
It makes me want to drink a coffee.
Greetings, Programs.
This answer suggests splitting the header into a declarations-only part and an implementation part:
But I can't figure out how I should define for example
PackedBitfildArray<Bits, Elements, V>::proxyT<isConst>::operator PackedBitfildArray<Bits, Elements, V>::value_type() const
It must be some obscure nesting of template and typename, but ... I'm lost
Q: CSS newbie. Tips on improving this page?

aliteralmindI am a CSS and HTML5 newbie. I'm creating a minimal web page to demonstrate something in a blog post. So although it doesn't need to look great, I would like it to make sure it's solid. It has no errors or warnings when I validate it with http://validator.w3.org/. Any tips would be appreciated. ...

Q: Formatting in Excel and exporting to Word using VBA

BWMustang13I am trying to export an excel table into a new word document. The excel data I am trying to export is dynamic inputs that each user can select and VBA will export as string values. I have three columns B,C and D. The header row is on row two and the cells go down to row 80. I tried using a condi...

Q: optomizing recursive reading of a UI configuration file

user1741928In our project(windows app, winforms) the UI is designed based on XML configuration file. I have a program to read the UI configuration file and Parse the configuration and design the UI. The Configuration file is designed for a complex UI, The UI has Frames, Frames can have Tabs, Tabs->Tabs-> f...

Hi @Donald.McLean
the uglyness!

template <size_t Bits, size_t Elements, typename V>
template <bool isConst>
PackedBitfieldArray<Bits, Elements, V>::proxyT<isConst>::operator PackedBitfieldArray<Bits, Elements, V>::value_type() const
... implementation here

That compiles, but is it correct?
OperatingSystem danOs = (Ubuntu) windows;
I have been converted :-(
Q: Is there a better way to map object values from one object to another in javascript?

timI have an object called defaultOptions and a function that accepts as an argument an object called newValues meant to override the values in defaultOptions with it's own. The values that are not specified in newValues should remain default. var configOptions = { isActive: false, name: "...

@rolfl when you have a minute, can you look at my question and tell me if you think this is the wrong approach? I seem to get that impression from the comments I've been getting... should these operations be at the application level instead of DB level?
I feel that I'm missing something important...
@Marc-Andre You're an optimist. I like that. — Butt4cak3 2 mins ago
I guess I am, I'm to help people here on Code Review !
Hey @Mat'sMug !
Hey Mat :-)
Haha, I earned the badge pundit with a rant on SO.
That shows how much SO is fun.
@Phrancis What you are doing is, depending on context, considered a form of best practice.... but it is debated heavily.
There is a school of thought, that applicatoin programmers should not need to know the database implementation.
It has a practical use as well because it solves certain types of maintainability problems.
(but introduces others).
I can easily see your function being part of a suite of procedures/functions used to manage the data in the database.
The application does not need to know the database implementation to call the function. That's good, in theory.
That was my initial thought
What people are saying is that your function, by itself, is not enough, or 'right'.
if you make the leap, and say 'let's abstract the database implementation by using procedures', then you commit to a strategy where the procedures interface with the applications. Your function would be one such interface.
But, you would also need an interface to change an e-mail address, or add one, etc. without also creating a new user.
And, if you don't provide a function to do just the subsets of the data, do you really need the independent tables?
Perhaps I have a bias from seeing people concatenating SQL into PHP and strive to avoid that, but I do see the other side of the coin now... that would be a lot of functions, or, having to interact ad-hoc with the database otherwise
well, exactly. Which is why many people just do it from the application (ad-hoc).
but, that means that when you change the database implementation, you also have to change the applications.
procedures allow you to provide upgrade paths, backward compatibility, etc, that adhoc does not allow.
In places I have worked where procedures were used, it was common to implement a standard set of procedures to do the CRUD operations on the data, but then to provide more comprehensive/complicated procedures as well.
each table has an insert, update, delete, select procedure, etc.
I see. I like the degree of standardization that the functions/procedures offer, at least while dealer with multiple tables at once to make sure all the data is in the right place.
That's right, so, the procedure you show is the sort of procedure that will support a 'create user' page.
but there would also have to be an update-user-mail page, or add-user-contact page, etc.
each with a procedure to support it.
But I would like the flexibility of making small inserts/updates to the outer tables like email or phone. Would something like, say a drop down menu that selects the table and field, and a way to search for a customer... a fairly simple matter to make in say, Java?
Or does that sound like a hack?
using procedures, the right way would be to have a pocedure that selects the users based on criteria, and you choose one, edit it, etc.
Q: Powershell Windows Service Deployment

thedevBased on this with a couple of changes: http://www.geoffhudik.com/tech/2012/3/22/install-a-windows-service-remotely-with-powershell.html Any issues you can point out would be great. Thx param([string]$targetServer, [string]$user, [string]$pass) function Get-Service( [string]$serviceName...

what it boils down to, is that a good solution of a procedure-backed system, is that your code would never call direct select, insert, delete, update queries from the application, but always call procedures.
Note that JDBC supports returning multiple result sets from a single procedure.
You could have 'select customer details' query, that selects the core data, all the contact data, etc... in different selects, and then return them all with a single executeProcedure call.
As your application matures, you end up with different versions of procedures to support different versions of the app, and different 'screens' within each app. Naming and management of the procedures becomes a problem.
This sort of mentality has been disappearing recently though, with short support cycles for applications, rapid upgrades, and new interfaces like JSON.
'MVC' type modelling.
Hmm. Dilemmas, dilemmas.
Well thanks for all the information, gives me something to think about!
So this problem is new
it works in production... but not locally.
... or maybe it's supposed to do that...
now that we aren't making things community wiki based on the 10 edits thing, have they removed the community wiki from some of the questions on our site?
If it works in production, it ain't broke anywhere.
I'm getting my HTTPS connection to localhost denied
@rolfl that's why I test in Production
@Malachi No, there's no auto-revert-from-CW.
The auto-convert-to-CW has also been replaced with an auto-mod-flag.
we have 4 environments train, test, stage, prod for our case management system, and they are all different versions. so sometimes I have to test in production....
And we have, occasionally, converted abusive edits to CW.
@rolfl can you convert from CW to normal? like the old ones that were converted to CW that wouldn't be converted now
Yes, I can, but, there's a few things about that.....
1. at the time the conversion was made, it was the right thing to do.
2. changing rules don't automatically mean that those conversions were wrong.
3. reverting them to normal will not give the person a sudden whack of rep.
So, unless the posts are still active, and being voted on, it just becomes a case of janitorial work for no gain.
@Monkey is something like this an example of the sort of "other approach"? (making the application do ad-hoc DB queries)
okay, I was just curious, the one question that made me wonder should be CW and not be converted back.
Notwithstanding that, if you see CW posts that you think have reason to be reverted back to regular, then flag them for Mod attention..... but, there has to be a decent reason.
@rolfl Stargreed
(sorry address site concerns first, did not mean to interrupt)
Welcome @user2350459
@Phrancis you are fine
@Phrancis yes, that is what I would call dynamic sql from the application side. Also, any time the application creates a prepared statement, or does a direct Select, insert, update, etc.
In fact, any time you see something with a table name in the application, I would call it the 'other approach'.
Is SQL injection a concern with something like that?
(Assume Java as the app language... though I guess I could use PHP... or not)
hi to Super User ....
just me playing with things.
(no, not those things...)
What's a Java Cursor? I checked the glossary on Oracle but it is not in there...
Well where did you see Java Cursor ?
OK thank you sir :)
No problem!
I just noticed how funny your avatar is... is that called dino typing?
That is what I look at work when I'm working on old code!
I guess it's just as good a way to fix JAVA as anything right? ;)
Yes :P
If someone wanted a programming puzzle to solve : blog.coverity.com/2014/09/17/spot-defect-randomness/…
@Malachi yay upvotes! !!
Well, +1 for unit testing. I just found a bug in my Enumerable class.
Yep there is at least one person who is reading all the tweets from people of CR :P
Protip: Don't let a Github bot post all commits to your room.
uggh, sometimes I'm really shocked at my own typos
"the multiplication operation could be apply to segments of the array independently"
"I you have N cpu cores"
*"Finally, **you're** placement of braces is inconsistent"*
unbelievable that I write rubbish like this
@RubberDuck nice!
Could be worse, just seen this in Marc Andre's answer:
 * handels recived messages
if you catch me writing such rubbish... please please do slap me
@Phrancis Why not massages?
in TCG Creation, 25 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
user image
Wow @Duga has been busy ;)
Java sure does have a lot of exceptions...
@Jamal It's truly exceptional, isn't it?
We are told we have to use them in order to have robust programs (at least for the assignments). And if there's not one already provided, we make our own.
@Jamal I think rolling your own only should occur in exceptional situations
I don't often do it myself
I know. With so many of them, and due to the simplicity of our programs, it may not be needed. But I'll surely have some fun fishing through the list to find what I need.
Remember that programmer/user errors go into RuntimeExceptions and other errors go in regular Exceptions
@Jamal And the more you will use checked exception, the more you will hate it. So much boilerplate !
While you are learning Java, I really need to start to learn C in this weekend
@Marc-Andre Yes, avoid at all cost!
@Jamal my [relatively limited] experience has been that most of the time, all you need to throw is an ArgumentException (or ArgumentNullException), or an InvalidOperationException ...well their Java equivalent, that is (these are .net exception types).
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
    throw new UncheckedIOException(ex);
@Mat'sMug I haven't gotten any upvotes..... :(
Code Review is acting weird though, I may have to restart my browser
BTW thank Santa(s) ! Reputation on old post always feels good!
True that ^, I keep getting them on SO every day
Santa rewarded me today, but only because the question was bumped. Not complaining, though.
Averaging 10 rep/day, almost on the Jon Skeet level
And I'm having to juggle two CS assignments now, so I have to spend time on that. This new Java assignment is even larger.
In C I'll need to program something that can fork off children processes and work together with the parent process
on Twitter when someone says #RT does that mean I need to retweet the post?
No it means it is a retweet
It's a disclaimer of sorts to avoid an accusation of plagiarism
@skiwi What is this that I C? Why you need to learn that?
@SimonAndréForsberg Because we need to access the low level POSIX libraries, also forced to use Linux pretty much
@Malachi They were asking to RT to participate to the "concours", you are right
@skiwi At work? Or at what project?
@SimonAndréForsberg That's practical for the Operating Systems Course
@Marc-Andre @Phrancis I think that it can be meant as either, so it depends on the context of the #RT
thank you guys!
Makes sense
@Jamal Why was this closed?
Q: Naming of methods that perform some actions under some condition

Leonid SemyonovI often write such methods to avoid duplication in code and I give them name such as doSomethingIfSomeCondition(). For example: public class TaskDownloadFile { private boolean started; public TaskDownloadFile () { started = false; } public boolean isStarted() { ...

Q: Too much fun with EnumMap-related features and lambdas?

h.j.k.I have created an utilities class to handle certain EnumMap-related features, such as creating and converting between Object -> Enum and Enum -> Object maps. To better my understanding around lambda expressions in Java, I have used a great deal of streams, collectors and functions, and I'm not su...

Q: Improving Heapsort in Go - language level tuning

CodeFarmerpackage main /* Follow graph on http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/24pq/ for viewing heap structure. p.s. Heap is of binary tree form with root at index 1 Index spread out by tree's level order (left to right, up to down. */ import ( "fmt" ) //TODO: more generics param need...

@SimonAndréForsberg It was originally migrated, but was rejected.
@CaptainObvious that Java programmer is comment-happy, isn't he?
too much fun with comments JavaDoc
@Phrancis JavaDoc != comments
or rather, so you will understand..... JavaDoc <> Comments
Given the value of most comments, wouldn't the SQL equivalent be "JavaDoc Is Not Comments"?
@CaptainObvious - that SQL programmer is star-happy, isn't he?
@DanLyons Good question, I have never seen 'is not' or 'is' when equating with a lvalue.
is not null, not in, exists, and not exists.
Q: Extension methods for Daylight Savings Time dates

M. CooperJust wondering if anyone had any suggestions for improvements. I created these extension methods so it's easier to get the start and end dates of Daylight Savings Time from the TimeZoneInfo class. public static class ExtensionMethods { /// <summary> /// Gets the TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRu...

TIL travis-ci doesn't support Chrome. :-(
@Jamal Migrated to where? I really don't see anything big indicating that it's off-topic for CR
> INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.23 server started at http://localhost:9876/

INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox

ERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox

INFO [launcher]: Trying to start Firefox again (1/2).

ERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox

INFO [launcher]: Trying to start Firefox again (2/2).

ERROR [launcher]: Cannot start Firefox
also, I mentioned I needed a new screen
who needs 2 screens when you can have 6
@SimonAndréForsberg Programmers
@Jamal Why do you consider the question not on-topic for CR?
@DanPantry How not? Or what are you exactly trying to do
It didn't seem like actual project code, nor did it ask for review.
Q: Implementation of Doubly Link List in Java

Arun PrakashI'd like to improve this code. DoublyLinkList.java public class DoublyLinkList<T> { private static class Node<T> { private T data; private Node next; private Node prev; public Node(T data) { this.data = data; } public void disp...

Well he is a beginner, I guess it's not that bad for a beginner !
System.out.print(data + " "); Well that a good toString()
@Jamal "Is there any disadvantages in using such methods? And what do you think about naming?" <--- that's looking for a review in my opinion
Nice setup @DanPantry
Q: sql IN statement with long list of params

user30586These IDs seem like they should be a table as there are several queries that use the same list of IDs. The following needs to be refactored. SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN s.TypeID IN(1,2,3,4,7,8,10) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Sales s The problem is a subquery can't be used in an aggregate function. The ...

@SimonAndréForsberg doesn't the code look like example code though?
@DanPantry so we should rename the chatroom The 7th Monitor?
aw, I bet this one will be answered when I get home:
Just a quick comment: ExtensionMethods is a rather vague name for a class. Remember that these methods can also be called as static methods - hence, I'd suggest you rename it to TimeZones, so you can call TimeZones.GetAdjustmentRuleForYear(foo, 2014);... or perhaps TimeZoneExtensions would be better. In any case, ExtensionMethods is too vague for such a specialized class. — Mat's Mug 2 mins ago
@Phrancis That I can semi-agree with. I think it's grey, but I think it's on the good side of it
@CaptainObvious well hey there, inline SQL query
@skiwi travis-ci
@Phrancis plot twist - virtual desktops on ubuntu
@DanPantry Well yes, but what is going wrong with it?
it wasn't liking me trying to open firefox with Karma
Just had to open a virtual screen and all was good :) Works now
Hmm ok, I know headless testing can be a pain
Q: Python static blog generator

Stas KurilinI want to put on review yet another static blog generator script. I don't have much Python experience and would be very thankful if you would explain how I can improve the code. # #Static blogs generator. #See https://github.com/st-kurilin/blogator for details. # #Main script. Used to build fina...

Q: Parsing data from XML in C#, filtering, categorizing in LINQ, displaying on Chart control

Mariusz IgnatowiczThis is my sample XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <receipts> <receipt id="F66BF89E-1070-4E02-9B98-B934A66D0E16" year="2014" month="9" day="17" place="Place#1"> <purchase name="Coca-Cola" quantity="1" price="3.99" category="Drinks" /> <purchase name="Watermelon" quantit...

This may be a stupid question, but isn't this the query he's looking for? ->
SELECT count(*)
FROM Sales s
JOIN SaleTypes st
ON s.TypeID = st.ID
WHERE SaleType.Desc = 'US'
Watson.query("select amount of sales based in the US");
Let me look at it again. He did say his 2nd query was broken
I thought his main question is how to avoid hard-coding 1,2,3,4,7,8,10
for that, he tried the second query, but he couldn't figure out how to make it work
You're right, one moment let me edit it
I was wondering why someone didn't respond to my email... Well I guess that if I had send it earlier it would have been easier to send a response!
@Marc-Andre related: a car is easier to start when you have the keys.
If it is not working, switch it on, @CaptainObvious
I put my answer code in the question edit
@rolfl can you roll it back?
I rolled it back ;)
Thanks dude
(you could have, too)
There we go lol.
^^ that. My avatar agrees.
The best thing is that it will be forever in the edit summary! Nice one @Phrancis you literally made me lol.
all aboard the star-train
choo choo
quick, say something funny to continue the star curtain. Preferably something with “LOL”…
hear that? that's the sound of star-napalm
new hairstyle @rolfl?
Grown ups, stars... and monkeys.
That's real creepy.
me too :|
Was worth it though
still has stars ;-)
43 44 stars... in 20 minutes...
Lol, I found a bug in my bug! Whenever I put my mouse on it, it stops moving!
The last one flew away.
Now it's terrified to death by seeing the image of the monkey.
Q: Electrcity Calculator

TechandmusicThis is a calculator for Ohm's Law and Power Law. It works but I'd like some suggestions on making the code look a little cleaner, or run more efficiently. # ohm's law calculator #These functions perform ohm's law and power law calculations based on variables from user input. def voltage(i, r)...

it's electrc!
@CaptainObvious Electrcity?
isn't Ohm's law about resistance?
Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points. Introducing the constant of proportionality, the resistance, one arrives at the usual mathematical equation that describes this relationship: where I is the current through the conductor in units of amperes, V is the potential difference measured across the conductor in units of volts, and R is the resistance of the conductor in units of ohms. More specifically, Ohm's law states that the R in this relation is constant, independent of the current....
Q: The Electric Calculator

TechandmusicThis is a calculator for Ohm's Law and Power Law. It works but I'd like some suggestions on making the code look a little cleaner, or run more efficiently. # ohm's law calculator #These functions perform ohm's law and power law calculations based on variables from user input. def voltage(i, r)...

Reminds me of that old electro song by... is it Kraftwerk?
note to self: copying 151,433 rows from MySQL Workbench into the clipboard, will freeze up Workbench. #facepalm
@Mat'sMug No........ shit
@Marc-Andre congrats!
woah, it actually worked!
aw crap, one of the records had an apostrophe... gotta start it over :(
@Mat'sMug don't break MySQL any more than it already is.
I'm migrating data to SQL Server!!
(yes, manually)
Couldn't you just link them?
.... manually ... really
Not proud of you there!
I... don't want to do that through OPENQUERY
yeah I'm dumb.
^^ haha and you're all out of stars!!
@Mat'sMug Nope!
skiwi to the rescue!
(define-syntax (define-ircbot-listener stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(define-ircbot-listener name)
     #`(define (#,(format-id #'name #:source #'name
                             (syntax-e #'name)) connection callback)
         (set-box! (#,(format-id #'name #:source #'name
                                 (syntax-e #'name)) connection)
                   (append (unbox (#,(format-id #'name #:source #'name
and people say my lambdas/streams are bad to read?!
Does LISP\Racket use a Greek mu for real?
@skiwi Your lambdas/streams are hard to read... ;-)
That is... ugly...
Lol... the glorious internet
Appereantly there was a trigger that updated 600 rows somewhere
Q: What is a good way to App run time quicker

HillelI wrote a speech enhancement code for an andriod App. Algorithm runs on 256 size frames of voice samples. On my PC the code runs per Frame about 5ms while on my Nexsus5 it more like 50ms making the speech enhancement on a 30sec long recording run for over two minutes, on my PC enhancing the whole...

What is a good way to Title make better
when I read it I though at Google Translator
that feel when you look at your bank balance
and have more than you thought
and you still have money pending to come in
Q: BST remove implementation, seeking for improvement/critics

sealifeAs a practise, I implemented a BST and also the remove method, but I figured I always have to check if the node being deleted is coming from the left child or the right child of its parent, then reset the pointers. I basically check that in all cases in my remove. Is there any way I can avoid thi...

Q: Bash script, redundancies in the tests

loxaxsIs it possible to improve the code of this bash script ? ... or should I just use another language ? (If so, which one would fit the best the situation, according to you?) Here is the code (simplified, to emphasis the problem): #!/bin/bash # mountDDE mount the partitions of the disk b. # If ar...

oh, checkmarks! thanks @rubberduck!
Q: Model with many associations produces code complexity

MagicmarkkerI've refactored this model about 50 times according to codeclimate, trying to get the codesmell down. With all of the associations, I feel like this is as bare bones as I can get it while still keeping the necessary associations. I wanted to throw it up on here and see what people thought or if a...

Q: jQuery Widget - Progress Tracker

slicedtoadThis is a follow up on JS Progress Bar Widget I've rewritten it as a jQuery Widget Factory widget, attempting to follow that standard as much possible and fixing the various problems pointed out in my first question. Here is a demo fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/slicedtoad/eo5hy4LL/ Ooh, I didn't...

(can you tell I'm bored?)
@SimonAndréForsberg incorrect meme usage :(
> [JIRA] Created: (DM-6470) HVAC_AddProductUpdates_091714_VF

Please insert 5 product recrods.
user image
(goes back to work)

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