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I take it that is good news?
You can never get too much good news
Huh, that's nice.
@rubberduck nobody saw the bugs in the python-inspired VBA list?
What bug? I didn't notice a bug.
Variant could be anything, right?
then his List can take Object values
and that breaks stuff
A: VBA Python-like List Class

Mat's MugIn addition to what was already said, I'll add these points: Public Sub Extend(ByVal sequence As Variant) Dim element As Variant For Each element In sequence collec.Add element Next element End Sub Here the only clue the calling code has about the expected type, is the ...

Smoking the documentation a ham... :)
@RubberDuck I like what the single Completed event is doing to my Assert class ;)
Public Sub IsTrue(ByVal condition As Boolean, Optional ByVal message As String)
    If condition Then
        OnAssertFailed "IsTrue", message
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub IsFalse(ByVal condition As Boolean, Optional ByVal message As String)
    If Not condition Then
        OnAssertFailed "IsFalse", message
    End If
End Sub
Q: Run length encoding of vectors in MATLAB: looped version and vectorized version

M AA project I'm working on requires something akin to run length encoding on a vector in matlab. The data is in the form of a numeric vector, and the output is in the form of two vectors, elems and lens that hold the elements and their respective run lengths. For example data = [20 13 12 12 12 18 1...

Ahhh man. I should have noticed that @Mat. I've already been down that road.
I like what you're doing with the assert class by the way. I think private subs make sense. I haven't figured out your issue with tests error ing though.
Q: producing pseudo code of excessive number, proper position divisor, defect number, and prefect number

keene Masitwaexcessive number when the sum of factors of number is greater than the a number that number is called a excessive number proper position divisor factor of number defect number when the sum of factors of number is less than the a number that number is called a defect number prefect number ...

@RubberDuck that's already fixed ;)
Public Sub RunTest(ByVal name As String)

    currentTest = name
    Set currentTestResults = List.Create

    Dim result As TestResult
    On Error GoTo CleanFail

    Dim output As New DebugTestOutput
    Set testOutput = output

    Dim test As Tuple
    Set test = registeredMethods(name)

    CallByName test.Item1, test.Item2, VbMethod

    If currentTestResults.Count = 0 Then
        Set result = TestResult.Create(Inconclusive, "No assertions made.")
        testOutput.WriteResult currentTest, result
could be cleaned up a bit I guess
I'm adding a Reflection.xlam project to my "solution"; going to try and remove that boilerplate setup code burden from the client
Sweet smell of oak burning away... fixing a ham, and also smoked salmon...
@Phrancis I can smell it from here!
I guess I never really understood (still don't) what "boilerplate" means...
it's code that has to be written, but is just tedious and boring
like in this case, the client code needs to write boilerplate registration code, to tell the framework what the test methods are that need to be executed
Ah, makes sense. Though the boiler reference is odd, IMO.
In computer programming, boilerplate code or boilerplate is the sections of code that have to be included in many places with little or no alteration. It is often used when referring to languages that are considered verbose, i.e. the programmer must write a lot of code to do minimal jobs. The need for boilerplate can be reduced through high-level mechanisms such as metaprogramming (which has the computer automatically write the needed boilerplate text), convention over configuration (which provides good default values, reducing the need to specify program details in every project) and model-driven...
Hmm... haven't read the word shebang in a long time.
> The system has been changed so that if a file being executed
begins with the magic characters #! , the rest of the line is understood
to be the name of an interpreter for the executed file.
It's magic.
> To take advantage of this wonderful opportunity,

#! /bin/sh ---it---

at the left margin of the first line of your shell scripts.
Blanks after ! are OK.
Q: Why is my random not getting the last character?

KLMI am trying to create a console application which is basically a very simple version of a security measure used by some websites and banks etc. The user will have declared a "Secret Word", after which every time the user tries to access the program/website etc they have to enter character X of t...

Hello @all
Hey @syb0rg!
Are all the mods asleep? I see two off-topic questions more than 15 minutes open.
Welcome to CR! Ideally you would submit code that works as expected; if your code is broken or doesn't work as it's supposed to, then it's not ready to be peer reviewed, and it makes your question be off-topic for this site. Please see our help center for details. — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
and commented :)
ey Hey @syb0rg
Some of this chemistry homework I'm doing is so pointless.... I'm writing a whole lab report on me weighing some aluminum cylinders.
producing pseudo title of excessive words, improper punctuation divisor, defect grammar, and arbitrary numbers
and it's a . Pity.
Pity indeed...
and yet, there's hope:
Hello Mat, Ok im sorry i seem to have misunderstood what this site is for, thanks for letting me know, i will return when i have completed the code to its expected result, Thanks. — KLM 41 secs ago
Comintern is back!
A: Searching a Word Document from Excel

CominternGeneral Notes First - In addition to replacing the magic numbers, I'd put your file path into a constant at the top of the module for easier maintenance: Private Const WORD_DOCUMENT_LOCATION As String = "C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\CyberAwareness.docx" Second - Get a reference to the Worksheet ob...

Welcome back, and have an upvote! — syb0rg 6 secs ago
@RubberDuck how do I pass another project's class into VBE?
like, am I replacing registration boilerplate with gimme-a-codemodule boilerplate?
@200_success The {} syntax is uniform initialization. It will default initialize whatever type is used. I'd need to dig more to see how errors accumulate compared to the naive version.
@syb0rg Um... not yet
@rolfl Perhaps @Jamal is, usually an off-topic question doesn't get past five minutes with him online.
No, it does not, and .... I've been binge-watching tv ... ;-0
What show?
Doc Martin
Hmm, haven't seen that one.
I lived in the UK for years, I would recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone who has an accommodating sense of humour for the british style.
Q: JavaScript path parsing -- can it be made simpler?

AlphaI was attempting to do some contribution to the underscore-contrib library, and I ended up writing a function that will parse a javascript path to later on expose through an API if the path exists or to get the value. However, a reasonable concern around it is the complexity. You'll see the code...

@rolfl Sounds like a good show for me then :)
@RubberDuck nevermind, got it
I love StackExchange more than any other website, but I have to get it off my chest... Every time I venture onto codinghorror.com, I leave with a sour taste in my mouth >.<.
I'm super late to the party, but I find this whole situation intriguing: blog.codinghorror.com/standard-markdown-is-now-common-markdown
Q: Java Word Switch in a String

user53135I am trying to find a way to switch the first and last letter in a string around. For example, "I walked my dog today" to "today walked my dog I". I am a beginner with Java programming and we have only covered using substring, indexOf, and lastIndexOf. I am really confused as where to go from her...

@RubberDuck @Phrancis here's what's left of the boilerplate:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Testclass.RegisterTestMethods "VBAProject", Me
End Sub

Public Sub RunTests()
End Sub
and I call that... a testing framework for VBA! :)
oh wait
2014-09-15 23:05:41 TestAreEqual: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Automation error
2014-09-15 23:05:41 TestAreNotEqual: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Automation error
2014-09-15 23:05:41 TestAreSame: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Automation error
2014-09-15 23:05:41 TestAreNotSame: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Automation error
2014-09-15 23:05:41 TestFail: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Automation error
2014-09-15 23:05:41 TestInconclusive: [INCONCLUSIVE] - Test raised an error: Automation error
(I vote this is added to the general lexicon of the 2nd monitor)
I'll let people puzzle over it while I get more coffee
TTGMB works, too
@DanLyons indeed
I am back from bowling.
Q: What can I do to make this simple script bettter?

ShadowFirst off I apologize if I'm not following the guidelines correctly in terms of asking a question, this is my first time asking one! I'm quite a newbie with Python, but I wanted to try my own little project, so I made a small script that puts all the desktop icons/folders into a newly created fol...

@Jamal Stttrrrriiiiiiikkkee!
Nope, that's baseball.
I'm off to bed, just completed my walk of shame from embarassing myself in front of other moderators.
Yup, Sep 11 is Sep 11, 2014, not september 2011.
Now that I am married, apparently I don't do dates well.
Q: To subclass or to have a reference?

justhalfI'm creating a toolset in Java consisting of many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, such as Tokenizer, POS tagger, Lemmatizer, Sentence parsing, etc. I want to put all good and publicly available tools into my toolset, all sharing the same interface, so that I can change library easily wi...

Q: Automagic testing framework for VBA

Mat's MugBuilding on @RubberDuck's recommendations, I now have something I find... beautiful. I'm sure there's a couple of things left to polish - this site is about making great code out of good any code, right? This code requires trusted programmatic access to Visual Basic Project. 1. Client Cod...

@CaptainObvious @rolfl Shouldn't that belong on Programmers?
Looks like it
Goddamn network level proxy @school
Monking @all
good morning
Q: Is SList class an ADT?

overexchangeI call SList class as an Abstract Data Type because it satisfies following 6 invariants. Multiple users of SList class should be consistent in usage with same SList instance. For example multiple users may insert items in same shopping list. No Runtime exceptions while using SList class, when...

Wow, someone just created . 200 was right; we probably would benefit from having the tag-creation privilege increased.
Q: Future proofing fluent-method-chained-DSL test code

CandiedOrangeThe current design is a pair of thin fluent-method-chained-DSLs that mix the "traditional" and "enhanced" builder patterns. That's just a fancy way to say some chained methods are optional and not ordered while others are required and ordered. If the method just sets a value the reasons for th...

@Jamal but then we couldn't catch such things with the mod-tools
True, but it's still an annoyance to have tags like these recreated. The user was probably trying to circumvent the blacklist.
Can somebody help me with my query?
I didn't know that it's possible to mix inline code and math typesetting in questions...neat!
Q: Is SList class an ADT?

overexchangeI call SList class as an Abstract Data Type because it satisfies following 6 invariants. Multiple users of SList class should be consistent in usage with same SList instance. For example multiple users may insert items in same shopping list. No Runtime exceptions while using SList class, when...

@overexchange unfortunately, I cannot
ok will wait till tomorrow
thank you bye
thank you Jamal to edit my question
Q: Java/Android application: suggestion/improvment

Yousha AleayoubThis is my first project, a Flashlight application for Android based devices... I tried to do my Best: public class main extends Activity { private static final byte MENU_EXIT = 0, MENU_ABOUT = 1; private static boolean FlashlightState; private static long BackPressed; private static ImageView ...

1 hour later…
@200_success Can you please look into my query?
@overexchange patience my friend ;)
Feel free to have a meta read:
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

@overexchange calm down a bit..
@Mat'sMug why not also link to your zombie-post?
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User
Q: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergWhat is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-specific memes are there? (As the number of memes grows and grows, and Malachi's wish to vote fo...

@Vogel it's @Simon's!
the one with the PVZ zombies
and the question difficulty ranking
That one:
A: Checklist for how to write a good Code Review question

Mat's MugHow to NOT write a zombie. A zombie is a question that remains unanswered. As a question asker, your goal is to avoid writing one. Beyond meeting the on-topic requirements, I think "good CR questions" can be broken down into several question types. This answer is longer than I would have liked...

Ah, couldn't find it!
Gotta go, later @all!
eh...I have class iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, proxy>, yet iterator::difference_type "does not name a type"? Shouldn't it be defined in iterator as the default ptrdiff_t?
Q: If Elif replacement for expandability

Martijn ClaesI am having the following problem. My code works, but it seems like it can improve a lot. I am fairly new to python and can't seem to get this block any better. The logic behind it goes like this. I have a dictionary that acts like a tree, it looks like this: SampleTree[10000000] = ['ACC','ARRA...

Q: Repurposing UITableView infinite scroll configuration/properties

benhowdle89Had my first go at implementing infinite scrolling for UITableView's in my iOS app last night, and I noticed I ended up copying/pasting quite a bit of boilerplate from one VC to the next (if I wanted infinite scroll on it). By the way, I'm fairly new to iOS, so this question is probably more bro...

@Mat'sMug Ding on you too
ah, a missing typename
yup, the duck was strong in this one
is there a common recommendation regarding bounds checking in iterator arithmetic operators? do/don't/(depends)?
@Christoph with such an open question it's most probably depends..
Hello @Chuan
@Vogel612 I guess my problem is that I'd have to think about what to do when it indeed is out of bounds. That's even harder
@Christoph well Java makes that one easy for me... Catch || bubble...
@Vogel612 embedded, I don't even get exceptions
@Christoph poor you ... That's why I didn't learn C / C++ until now..
Oh I love it actually, it's just that the usual suggestions (use boost, throw up, or run it with a debugger) don't work
Q: Weighting mysql full-text search results by date

AnthonyI'm using innodb full-text search to return a set of results where the newest posts are more relevant. Just wanted to check that this the best method: SELECT *, (MATCH(note) AGAINST ('$search' IN BOOLEAN MODE))/SQRT(GREATEST(1, DATEDIFF(NOW(), date))) AS score FROM notes WHERE userid = '$userid...

It looks like this might be open to SQL-Injection, but I am not sure, cause my php-knowledge is close to nonexistant.
@overexchange I've answered your question... if you fix the bugs and learn a bit more about the language I'd be happy to review it in full
Is it ok to use something other than a rubber duck for rubber duck debugging? Specifically, I have this flamingo pen^
Looks like it can work
I even used a (extremely bad) drawing of a duck for that.
@Christoph Yes, it is OK to use something other than a duck. I have a linux Tux I can talk to.... The duck tends to give well-floated water-dispelling, and sometimes harsh answers. The linux tux generates somewhat cold, utilitarian, and often submersible ones. I worry that your pen (though mightier than the sword), will produce fluffy, lightweight solutions that only stand on one leg
thank you very much!
@Christoph are you running KDE/Plasma? That task bar style looks familiar.
@amon yes
No such thing as privacy.....
I'd only worry if he had concluded that without seeing an uploaded photo
Only mods have that power .... ;-)
So I got called by a recruiter
for a JAVA position?
They didn't mention they were a recruiter, just "I'm from companyName" and then they went asking about the things I do right now...
So I asked "What's this conversation for?"
"Well, I like to get to know what people in software industries do and what they work on."
I told him that the company's URL is so and so and that if he wants information he can look it up there.
Pimgd, there are a few things that recruiters love.... and you handled that well.
They just kept asking for my tasks and responsbilities in my current position
They love getting an idea of the org-chart in a company, who you report to, etc.
whether you have people reporting to you.
So I asked "What do I get out of this conversation with you"
to which the whole response was ... wonky ... I think he dodged my question
so I just said "I have no intention to disclose that kind of information. You can find it online at url."
Then I hung up as he continued asking more stuff
Right response.
Is that a dickbag move
Details like that are often considered to be sensitive information by your company.
divulging it would likely get you in trouble.
I used to get called regularly, now I use mail more, but, I have found a sure-fire way to deal with this, is to say:
"I have in the past said things on the phone which lead to misunderstandings. Do you mind if I record this conversation so that I can reference it later?"
@rolfl (How) Does that deal with the issue?
@rolfl And then they back off?
Almost certainly. and you can then say: this conversation is being recorded, remember, I have told you already that information is sensitive.
When people come on 'fishing trips' it is often with the intention to use tactics to get data.
if they are willing to be recorded, then I am willing to talk with them.
if they are not willing to be recorded, then they are planning something devious, or to do things they would not normally do.
It is a great filter for sorting out those who want to speak to me, and those who want to speak with just anyone.
By the way, this also works with telemarketers...... to a large extent.
Now I need to figure out how to enable recording on my phone
You say, "I believe you are a telemarketer, and that you are going to make representations about what you will offer, and the service levels and expectations I will be able to have. Do you mind if I record this conversation so that I can hold you to your offers later?"
@Pimgd The NSA will do it for you ;-)
You don't actually need to record the conversation ... ;-)
@Heslacher Sadly I can't ask the NSA for a copy so I can use it in court
just threaten to.
But, recording conversations is worth figuring out anyway, just so you can post them to youtube and go viral later.
@rolfl Is there a way they can verify whether you are recording or not?
@rolfl "I'd just like to cancel my comcast subscription, can you do that for me?"
^^^ that one... ;-)
I hear lots of Comcast stories on the internets... it's that bad, isn't it?
The problem with Comcast seems to be the lack of competitors (disclaimer: I'm in some place where Comcast provides no service).
So they're not forced to step up their game to keep those customers. You either have internet by Comcast or you don't have internet at all.
It's practically the same in The Netherlands though for cable net, though there are other relatively interesting offers too
But they have way less speed
and actually fiber is also coming
but if you are intending to get cable internet, and they wouldn't offer good service, you would be screwed either way
Q: Design Suggestion - JSON parsing and processing of MSSQL DB records

willsteelI am writing a framework which needs to fetch large number of records from a MSSQL DB and each record/row has a JSON data which I need to parse and then do some computation out of that JSON data. Parsing and computation of each record is independent. So looking for some design suggestions for thi...

huh, I got an ad...... for biology
Those ads are nice.
Q: Mobile web refresher, part 3

SklivvzHere’s the final major installment of the mobile web redesign/refresher. We have also fixed or implemented a minimal large part of the issues and requests mentioned in the previous refresher questions. Changes Tag list, Badge list and User list New list style optimized for vertical scrolling...

I see a @JerryCoffin ;-)
In the screenshots
Q: Repeat....Until

SachinWrite a Code for this, PrintedTotal 0 AudioBookTotal 0 EBookTotal 0 REPEAT READ next record IF BookType = “printed” THEN PrintedTotal PrintedTotal + 1 ELSE IF BookType = “audio-book” THEN AudioBookTotal AudioBookTotal + 1 ELSE IF BookType = “e-book” THEN EBookTotal EBookTotal + 1 ENDIF END...

Burn it with fire!
He did have the courtesy to correctly tag it though.
deleted too now.
@Thufir, You Should read this Meta Post especially the first two answers, Before you ask your question And When you ask your question these will help guide you to what needs to be done to this question before it will be reopened. — Malachi 2 mins ago
@rolfl lol
Nice review @RubberDuck :)
can we get some more votes on this answer please or at least some more opinion on it. I like it, but haven't had a chance to go through it thoroughly
A: Application please send me an E-mail

drezaSome thoughts about the code itself. In general method names recommended as Pascal Case so sendEmail should ideally be named SendEmail I might consider trying to make the class a bit more configurable so that it could be extended in more ways without being modified. For example if you wanted t...

@Phrancis I voted to Delete, I don't think that question should be re-opened codereview.stackexchange.com/q/62736/18427
always vote before you edit, then you can change it at any time after that.....
I fail to see how this clarifies the OPs code. We were presented with a nicely readable if-elif structure, and now it is not a monotone structure anymore. — skiwi 7 secs ago
Monking @Phrancis and @Mat'sMug!
and more!
@Mat'sMug Thanks. =)
Monking, Monday King @Mat'sMug
Q: Look for reviewers for C++11 project

WinzI began on opensource C++ project which aims to provides few libraries: logging files/folders management date/time utilities events resource files management cryptography I need feedbacks and advices to make these libraries easily usuable. Every other reviews are welcome (such as performance,...

@Malachi the more I look at that question, the more I wish I could take my reopen vote back
you can
click the reopen link again
@Mat'sMug I'll be honest, I'll probably be working a lot of what you've done into my project eventually, but I want to solve the problem myself first.
It's an interesting one.
Ah nice, thanks @bikerProgrammer
I am trying to figure out why people upvoted that answer.... it sucks.
@CaptainObvious definitely off topic
@Malachi perhaps it does, but three people disagree ... ;-)
and also, that answer passed a first-post review, and then two other people passed it through the low-quality post review.
then more people passed it through the delete review queue
It seems, to me, that it identifies a problem in the code, and provides a review. Perhaps not a good one, but can they all be?
Q: Is the second code more readable than the first one? (perfectionistic approach)

ReviousI'm still not satisfied by the readability of the code. The wanted behavior which would be self descriptive would sound like: "I've two fields; one is for the date and one for the hour. This two fields should be in a UserControl of which I have two istances, one is for the event time and one is f...

Got a bounty expiring today on this question... If anyone wants to take a crack at it for 50 bucks rep!
Q: Cross-language constants

Dave JarvisI'm developing a web application that leverages multiple programming languages. The data flow resembles: Browser » PHP » PL/SQL » XML » XSLT » XHTML + JavaScript » Browser Using different languages makes it tempting to hard-code various constants within the different languages, which encourag...

Otherwise I'll award it to the accepted answer, even though there is not much to it
> You've earned the "mysql" tag badge.
@Phrancis lucky you!
Don't know if I should be proud of that or not, @Mat'sMug
Tony Stark uses Oracle Exadata, you must be an imposter! oracle.com/us/ironman3/index.htmlrolfl ♦ 17 secs ago
@Phrancis You can't be proud of everything, I have tag badge for C#, you have to just lump these things.
@rolfl I see.... I think we need some audits on those queues. if we had answers like that on every question on codereview........
Hey @Mat. What does this do? Google's not being real helpful.
Attribute assertion.VB_VarHelpID = -1
@Malachi I can understand that you disagree with that particular answer. So, let's go through the options:
you can down vote it, check.
you can vote to delete it, check.
you can flag it as low quality, check.
you can flag it for moderator attention, not done yet.
you can bring it up in chat and get lots of discussion going on it, check.
now, many of the people who passed that answer through, are currently in chat....
@rolfl I always assumed that the low quality flag is also a moderator flag, is that a bad assumption? I thought about flagging it again
yes, the low-quality was flagged for moderator too.
So, you have essentially shouted it from the hilltops that it is a bad answer, and done everything in your power to get it removed.
I consider this to be overkill..... and going against the system that is supposed to be there.....
the review queues are where these things should be settled (and low-quality flags by people with delete votes are something I consider to be.... overkill).
the delete vote puts things in to the review queue already.
Q: Loop through post and use in query

SjoerdDeWitso i'm using a foreach loop to loop through a form i've send with javascript. In this loop I use the keys(input fields names) and values(input values) and use them to build my query, I still check for nulled values and other field types and then i add them to a variable . I'm wonderin if this is ...

the flag is really designed for people who cannot vote to delete, at which point it hits the queue, and that's where the 'trusted' people cast their delete votes.
The low-quality flag irritates me because:
1. I am OCD, and we get this blue ugly flag marker on the toolbar
@RubberDuck no idea. probably the same as the help ID when you raise an error - it's somewhat tied to an old a dinosaurian help file format. I think.
Q: VBScript Code Highlighting

MalachiWould it be possible to use the same Syntax Highlighter that Wikipedia uses for VBScript If it is possible we could probably use it for all flavors of VB (vb6,vbscript, vba, etc.) Right now we have this and Wikipedia has this Answers that can only be answered by the Developers. Is thi...

2. I have just three options: mark the flag helpful but do nothing, mark it helpful by deleting the post, decline the flag.
3. anything I do removes the post from the review queues.
There is no option I can take that leaves the process in the hands of the community, other than to leave the flag unhandled.
@RubberDuck thoughts?
...and an unambiguous function signature: it documents that you're expecting more than one value. Taking in a Variant says nothing, you're relying on the user's knowledge that Extend should take an array of values, and you're not validating whether the parameter's type is actually an array. This is VBA, a Variant could be anything. I've been using a similar List class for quite a while now, and for me at least, the syntactic sugar has been much more valuable than the possibility for hypothetical eventual extensibility. — Mat's Mug 15 secs ago
These are our statistics for the past 30 days:
> 314 flags, average handling time 0 days 0 hours 11 minutes 0 seconds
leaving flags unhandled irritates all the mods.
So, what you are doing, when you flag for low quality, is essentially making 1 mod decide the fate of the question, which is fine, just so long as you are OK with me being that mod, because I default-to-decline on those flags.
Bad mod
And, in fact, I often decline the flag simply because you should delete-vote, and then I may delete the post anyway.
@Pimgd Not really, this is just a so-so mood ;-)
Seriously though @Mat, I can see both sides of it. It depends on how it's going to be used. But whether he uses a variant, or a param array, it needs a comment and description for doucmentation.
Q: Pow function optimization

cassandradiedAssume that we have a function that takes array and exchange all elements with their power with exponent 2: void pow(int* arr, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { arr[i] *= arr[i]; } } How can I speed up this code? I mean, the part with multiplication.

@RubberDuck I read "douchementation"... what would it mean?
it's mispelled duckmentation
@Pimgd It looks something like this.
' get the keys
@Mat'sMug s/duckmentation/tobacco/
That's douchementation @Pimgd. =)
Stop saying starrable stuff '~'
@RubberDuck I just find it odd that a method takes a Variant parameter and starts going For Each on it. I find it's making assumptions.
I thought it was more like
' get the fucking keys
@Mat'sMug Then suggest an IIterable interface. =)
been there, tried that. VBA doesn't like it.
(Also how do you censor parts of what you wanna say in chat when it's in code)
like this?
@rolfl I agree with everything that you said, I will try to space the actions from now on. I assumed that the Answer in question would have been obliterated early on. I make assumptions far too often.
@Pimgd like this:
The truth is generic lists will always face the issue of dealing with variants. They're inherently dangerous, yet powerful. I could see the code being written either way. You've both got valid points.
oh and you can't vote to delete an answer unless it is in the negative, so people can't vote to delete now.
@StackExchange Should I cross post this on Meta? @rolfl your thoughts?
@RubberDuck I wouldn't mind, if the code didn't assume it's iteratable - but it's not even trying to validate the passed parameter. You pass an Integer and wonder why it's blowing up with a weird error.
@Malachi Stack Exchange uses Google's syntax prettify.
all questions about syntax highlighting are directed back to that project.
@Malachi If you want to improve the highlighting, make a fork
and improve it to create a nice pull request.
Q: Syntax highlighting language hints

Rowland ShawDo you think it would be worthwhile to provide hints as to what language to use for the syntax highlighting? Sometimes I find the highlighting on SQL or VB.NET answers is more distracting than helpful; for example: Converting MySQL select to PostgreSQL Retrieving data from a VB.NET arraylist o...

duplicate already.
> If your post doesn't have the correct highlighting, it's possible it's not supported. Please look at the list of supported languages. If your language is not on the list, it needs to be created within the Prettify project before it can be deployed by Stack Exchange. If a language that could be applied to a tag is already on the list, please raise a feature request here on Meta to have it deployed on the network.
@Mat'sMug Agreed. What does that have to do with the ParamArray though?
Sorry if I'm missing something. Doing like three things at once.
@RubberDuck ParamArray items() is totally unambiguous, and doesn't require the client code to wrap the items in a collection or array: with a ParamArray, the code can assume that he's getting an array of values
But then you can't extend it with a another collection, List, or array. It's alot like the Merge method I wrote for Enumerable.
Which I really need to get around ti fixing thinking of.......
Like I said, you've both got points.
my point is, if you want to take in a Variant and you're expecting an array, then validate your parameter and make sure it's an array. Or use a ParamArray. OP is doing neither.
A: VBScript Code Highlighting

rolflAs per the Stack Exchange syntax highlighting guide: What is syntax highlighting and how does it work? Stack Exchange does not have its own syntax highlighting engine. It uses Google Code Prettify. Therefore, any bugs and feature requests regarding syntax highlighting cannot be handled b...

@rolfl VBScript is supported, but looks like crap. Wiki already has nice code highlighting, my question is can we use that highlighting instead of Google Prettify?
Q: User entity of my domain v2

Kid DiamondI would appreciate a thorough review of my updated User entity class. It's still an anemic domain model, but behavior will be added as I'm developing my application further. This is the first time that I'm commenting my code properly according to the phpDocumenter docs. So some feedback on that ...

Q: Is this Database wrapper really bad? - advice needed

Xefa974290823499093So @STTLLCU on stackoverflow said that this Singleton class is a convoluted useless mess. Now before everybody yell at me 'Why the hell you wrote PDO wrapper class??!' - To avoid writing try/catch, prepare(), execute(), etc. each time a query should be executed- I have pretty big website.... So...

@Malachi The answer is no.... I figured that was clear? SE uses google code prettify
if google prettify is doing a bad job, then the solution is to improve that instead.
> Therefore, any bugs and feature requests regarding syntax highlighting cannot be handled by Stack Exchange and should be directed to the team behind Google Code Prettify.
@CaptainObvious another database wrapper? '~'
Hello everyone!
Hey @Marc-Andre !
just an ornery monkey!
Huh .... oh, that's new.
new chat feature?
type a message starting with /me ...
/me types a message
/me wtf
Oh, that's right, I have a userscript installed..... wonder if it does things...
@rolfl Confirmed. Userscript does things.
IRC has had the /me thing since... The nineties?
IRC, I wonder if mIRC still exist!
/me has to say it would come in handy though.
In google chat, /me would insert my username.
/me <message> - wraps the <message> in a pair of * to italicise it in a lame attempt at emulating IRC /me
@Marc-Andre It does!
@Phrancis Nice! good memories! No problem
(sorry for the triple ping, BTW - couldn't get link to work right)
still ornery, apparently ... ;)
3K is so close I can taste it.
@Phrancis Does it taste good ?
Thanks Santa(s) :D
3k? the year?
congrats @Phrancis!
gz @Phrancis
and Toodles!
@Vogel612 Cya.
Thanks :)

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