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lucky duck...
it is 14 and raining here
Hey, here again
I am getting a free private JQ lesson in chat skiwi :)
@DatLumberZach What exactly did you think of us btw...?
I just didnt expect someone to take a bunch of their time to teach me a new language is all
@DatLumberZach You've never been to the "Rebol & Red" chatroom on StackOverflow then :p
When I went there, they totally taught me how to use REBOL.
@SimonAndréForsberg So he should he should do somethign like Lod.d(TAG,message) ?
@Marc-Andre Exactly.
@DatLumberZach It's different. Communities tend to become more closed and less cool when they grow bigger. Try to imagine how horrible we, "regulars", will be when CR will finally grow out of beta :D
Need to read back some I see
We will be MONSTERS D:
You still have some hope, you're new here.
@Morwenn I think even after graduation, site regulars will still be site regulars.
@SimonAndréForsberg Edited thanks a lot, hope it's good.
@SimonAndréForsberg We'll probably remain regulars, but will we still be the kind type or the "RTFM, ya code is sh*t, learn Haskl better and yo question is f*ckin' OT!" type? :p
Nostradamorwenn has spoken!
@Morwenn I think we will always be kind :)
(not going to happen)
@SimonAndréForsberg Let me take a screen capture of that.
(Mat will lead this revolution)
See you later people! :)
@Jamal watch this one please, check out the Edits, I have to get out of here
looks like we will get our 40,000th user somewhere in the middle of next week!
Q: Making a simple session class more secured

dotman14I just wrote the session class below. I humbly request for a review on how to make this even more secured/ how sessions are normally written. The code below works, but I would love to make it even more secure and robust. <?php session_start(); require_once('classes/function.php'); require_once...

cya @Mat'sMug
wow we're at 31.8 Q/day. Never seen it that high
@Malachi Okay
@Jamal thanks....later
Ugh, I hate pgSQL esp. when used by a sloppy programmer...
hehe... I would know nothing about sloppy programming...
what is the estimated time in which i might get a few answers!!
I usually see them withing a minute or two of posting
new guy's answer... read and vote accordingly... and don't forget to look atht the other answers... this is a low voted topic
A: Number Of Matching Elements In Two Lists

tuxtimoWhat's about: def count_score(guess, solution): score = 0 solution = list(solution) for g in guess: try: solution.pop(solution.index(g)) score += 1 except ValueError: continue return score If the current char from guess (g) is...

TBH not sure how much of it is answer
@blackbee back in November 2013 we averaged 8-12 hours for an answer. Things have considerably changed since then, more and more questions are getting answered relatively quickly.
thats cool ...
but reviewing code does take longer than fixing a bug (like, SO questions)
it is more fun though too
Zombie kill!
A: Interface for a tree node in Qt

MarioBlueSkies Is this interface complete? Does it attempt to do too much or too little? In my opinion, interfaces should be as small as possible, providing only methods that are really required to be called without knowing (or casting to) the actual subclass. I don't know how you use it, but my first impr...

@blackbee - what's with the link on your profile? (is it spam?)
he mods tokyo? lol idk
For me it is a link that redirects to "funny" places.
(i.e. don't click it...).
i need to check. this profile has a history. i don't use it that much. untill today i figured that my rep of SO suddenly became 527
I like comparing these stats with the current ones. Always a shock!
I wasnt planning on it... NSFW "funny" or ABORTABORT "funny"?
i remeber
Perhaps abort-abort.
that was an website actually. i hosted it on 000webhost.
Q: Java Interview - Missing level of technical depth (Flatten Tree)

AAhadI recently have given a coding test in a reputable IT company. There were three coding questions. They refused me by saying that "as we felt they didn't demonstrate the level of technical depth we're seeking from candidates" Question 1 : Java Interview - Missing level of technical depth (Recurs...

Q: Java Interview - Missing level of technical depth (Common Ancestor)

AAhadI recently have given a coding test in a reputable IT company. There were three coding questions. They refused me by saying that "as we felt they didn't demonstrate the level of technical depth we're seeking from candidates" Question 1 : Java Interview - Missing level of technical depth (Recurs...

Well, it probably needs to be removed/replaced/etc.
Finally, I read back! It didn't help that people were actively talking though :p
@rolfl I'm on my way to win the race!
A: Fastest way to check if a byte array is empty

skiwiI have rewritten this answer as I was first summing all bytes, this is however incorrect as Java has signed bytes, hence I need to or. Also I have changed the JVM warmup to be correct now. Your best bet really is to simply loop over all values. I suppose you have three major options available: ...

the website was like there were a few set of moods on your left side, u select one mood and then post an 200 character update. then it had lot of in activity, got taken down
        Stat      day 960    day 1219
        Q/Day     19.4       31.8
	%answered 89%        96%
	avids     859        1406
	total     26655      39665
	A/Q       1.9        1.8   <<<< that
	Visits    8064       21679
ugh got it
If this question will stay on the hot tracker like till... tomorrow? Then I might get a badge :p
I shall give it a +1 :)
^^ ditto
I find my lack of gold badges annoying on SO with a relatively high rep... But there's not much you can do to fix it :p
the exception/user input thingy?
@blackbee - well, it ain't working now, you planning on fixing it?
yeah I checked it just constantly loads
the website is gone...
then remove it from your profile?
i think i removed it a few minutes back
yep :)
I noobed...
in your Bio
i don't understand
your website is in the "My Website" thing
edit your bio and remove it
"My Website" is codereview.stackexchange.com :)
@Mat'sMug Mine is my profile link for improved recursion
haha nice
mine is empty .-.
stackoverflow.com/users/1503615/blackbee when i first made this account, i was learning php. posted a few crap codes, everyone got pissed .. -20 downvotes on 2 question. i was qblocked. I started answering questions , to get to chat rooms.
Wow holy load of java questions...
soon people in chat rooms got angry too :D , because i was ignorant and they were super-learned , they said indian people were spoon-fed .. (have no idea where they get that idea) ... then i left SO .. but after half a month i had to had to ask a question , so i made this : stackoverflow.com/users/2974953
first answer was
> First, use the excellent search function on stackoverflow to find all questions that are similar to your problem. Like this: stackoverflow.com/search?q=fit+points+to+bezier+curve
Q: Missing level of technical depth (Common Ancestor)

AAhadI recently have given a coding test in a reputable IT company. There were three coding questions. They refused me by saying that as we felt they didn't demonstrate the level of technical depth we're seeking from candidates Question 1 : Java Interview - Missing level of technical depth (Rec...

That companies' code needs a code review.
When I start applying for jobs, in 3 years I hope, should I run away from companies that have incorrectly coded interview questions (unless explicitely mentioned)?
Or should I still try them ^^
Monking @Nobody
@skiwi like, "uh, dude, there's a bug here, here, here and here. Fix that and then I can answer your question"
how did you know at the first glance they had mistakes in their code!!
^^ yeah, how?
@Mat'sMug Well about the java question I posted here, if I were to take such interview, I would be a bit offended by the abuse of the String[] and String[][] to denote objects...
@skiwi: if programmers were more social, I could totally envision a flash mob were about 100 programmers apply to a job, turn up to the interview and then flat out leave on the first interview question with the words: If that is company code I won't work here
might get management thinking ^^
of course you would at first need to make sure that they have some connection to the code
can we do this at my job, please?!!
and the nice (or sad) thing is: for most companies it would be right to make them think more about their code's quality
On the other hand, if it's a big company, you can end up in a division where you can do things your own way I suppose... At small companies you maybe can better run
it's not about the size, it's about the level of awareness of crap code having high maintenance cost.
lunch time, later!
@Mat'sMug: most people are aware of crap code making costs higher
who here knows how to refresh the value of a variable in JS without refreshing the page?
however, there are short deadlines and future costs are taken more lightheartedly
with excuses like: this crap won't be maintained anyway ^^
and then it ends up running your government
@DatLumberZach How do you mean exactly? You can assign a new value like at any moment
I don't want it to do that, look at my Slot Machine Simulator Q
On the other hand, I'm not sure whether working for the NASA would be that much fun with respect to coding either
I just need to refresh the values of 3 variables
@skiwi: nasa has some pretty legacy systems
I should read up more on automated branch testing... or how it was called
It was that every possible path of a method would be tested
I wonder though who needs to spcify the output and in waht format
@DatLumberZach why do you have script tags spread all over the code.
because I use JS more than once
@DatLumberZach Maybe AJAX is what you're looking for? If you want to update the variables based on the result from another site for example
so you could have put all the script under one hood
oh well, this is old code I am revisiting
I wrote this when I was still learning JS
I have now moved on to pure JS code
like my Bin Problem solver
plus one more question, if you are refreshing the page, are you not supposed to loose the number of counts unless you use localStorage or something to store it.
I will be posting an update soon, I need to learn how to refresh the values of just 3 values so that the whole script doesn;'t have to refresh
damn, typo city in my chat today
@skiwi: Are coverage reports not enough for you? ^^
u store rest of the values with localStorage
how are they then recalled? because won't declaring them again refresh that?
Someone help me get this zombie out of Unanswered please?
By reviewing my answer :-)
Q: Find element yielding the largest value w.r.t. custom function

qorillaI made a function to find the element that yields the largest value when put into a custom functor. I think this is missing from the STL. I can think of two ways to do this in STL: Transform the container by the functor. Find the maximum in the transformed version. Take the corresponding eleme...

@DatLumberZach thank you sir!
@Nobody Well... for now they are! But it was some interesting technology we heard about on university.
@skiwi: I would count that towards some static analysis tools
Perhaps might be, they also mentioned that it was really expensive so it couldn't be ran on lots of code yet.
@Phrancis: Please see my edits regarding formatting numbered lists. If you have, say, 1. "text...", it'll render automatically. It doesn't work for 1) or anything else.
Ah, gotcha thanks @Jamal
:( The test coverage went down, because I removed some incorrect functionality and thus had to remove its tests aswell.
The only downside of Code Review is that you can never be happy with your code until (you believe that) it's really perfect.
Cool, the SO mods were so nice to fix a typo in one of my comments somewhere after a flag, and even mark the flag as helpful.
new reviewer
A: HTML / JS Slot Machine Simulator

ChococrocSome improvements: Use of refresh() as a function used to generate the number values, which generate the values AND writes into the DOM element. Use of a function to manage all user messages, write_message() Remove of all the old fashion HTML tags, and change it for CSS. A function for manag...

@Corbin Technically not my code, I modified this example from the PortAudio library: github.com/eddieringle/portaudio/blob/master/examples/…
I'm still stuck on this same code...
A game needs to know its players.
A player needs to know to which game it belongs.
And I want a non-dirty solution.
I would rename game to session
also, what solution did you consider dirty ?
public Player(final Game game, final String name, final Hand hand, final Field field, final Deck deck, final Graveyard graveyard) { }
While in practice a player is pretty useless without a game, I would want to have the game out of there for unit tests
Current code in action is:
Game game = new Game();
Player playerSelf = new Player(game, "Self", new Hand(5), new Field(5), Deck.newShuffledDeck(cards), new Graveyard());
Player playerOpponent = new Player(game, "Opponent", new Hand(5), new Field(5), Deck.newShuffledDeck(cards), new Graveyard());
The most logical solution would be to add a setGame method to Player, but setting things up becomes harder then.
should the game know who is self and opponent at that time ?
I would rather see game.addPlayer( self ) and game.addPlayer( playerOpponent )
Well it'll always be a two-player game
so I figured I might aswell hardcode it then
okay, seems like coding yourself into a corner, but to each his own
also curious about providing the Hand to the Player, seems odd
In my mind, the Game should assign the hand to the player
For that concern I had thought about dependency injection... which is what I do here
@skiwi How can the functionality be incorrect when it was tested? :)
Also, what is field ?
@SimonAndréForsberg Well in a more broader sense, if I were continued that path, it would have led to trouble in later code/classes design ^^
is that where you can play the cards ? Like a zone on the table ?
@konijn Correct, but only one side (each his own for the player)
113 messages .... :(
In essence the uglyness comes down to the fact that there is a cyclic inheritance in Game to Player
One thing for sure is that every player needs to know it's opponent somehow, there is no way around that.
It should be game.addPlayer( 'Self' , Deck.newShuffledDeck(cards) )
@konijn Creepy. Seems like you have looked at my code...
Noops, but I am registered to TCG on github, so I see progress there
@skiwi In my code, I let the player create it's own Hand. Why do you pass the Hand and Field to the constructor when you create them while passing the parameters?
@SimonAndréForsberg Dependency injection is the answer
it can be tied to gamerules, such as in this game being the limit 5 cards on each hand and 5 monsters on each field (for testing purposes)
unfortuantely I need to have dinner now, but then again I'm also hungry ;)
@rolfl Why :( ? You should be happy that we're active!
@konijn Registered to @skiwi's TCG, I assume?
@rolfl Better than 113 flags. :P
No CR project should use Dependency Injection, it is an abomination :P
@skiwi Then I would recommend passing a Factory, although I'm not sure you really need the Dependency injection there....
btw. Is it even if I add tags to a SO question on which I have a high scoring answer?
@konijn First time I ever saw disadvantages to Dependency Injection. Most of it makes sense but I'm not sure I understand/agree with all of it
I don't claim I understand it all either, but it really seems to be a way of coding that puts flexibility of design over readability
Anyone interested in vetting this answer? I like feedback as I am new here. Thanks!
I have nothing against flexibility, but I believe it's often possible to achieve flexibility without the use of Dependency Injection
@Phrancis Looks good. Although I think if others have something to add, it is better if they write an answer themselves
Well, I have some catching up to do.
Oh, and, happy memorial day weekedn to those who care.
Sure, thanks! I find PostgreSQL a little weird in its syntax compared to more common DBMS SQL.
@rolfl Likewise!
Now, if that wasn't messing up my calendar for today ....
@Phrancis - I'm Canadian ... Memorial Day is a PITA for me ;)
AH- Well sucks to be you I guess lol.
Oh, I got an accept. It was time! Thanks @skiwi
You had last Monday off didn't you though?
this guy is starting to slip through the cracks
Q: How does this look? - Foundation Orbit Image Gallery refactored

LarzI decided to refactor the code for a responsive image gallery, that I setup not too long ago. Following the suggestions @joseph-the-dreamer made, and some other best practices, I cut down on the number of if statements. Is there anything else I could do to make the activateSlider function more c...

Q: Generic util method to convert in single map from list of array of Object generally result of JPQL/ hibernate

khushnoodI have designed a generic method to convert list of array of Objects to result into single map. This is working fine, but I want to check weather a key object is valid key (whether it is overriding equals and hashcode method or immutable instance). Am I missing anything else in my code? /** @pa...

Q: Justification of my current approach and possible suggestions about alternative to a Grid in a StackPanel form for an easier way of inserting new rows

me howIn my real life example I am at a layout stage and before I actually move any further I would like to review my current approach. I am still learning about UI, XAML on WPF technology and I guess I haven't gotten my head around all the possible approaches yet. I have build this very simple SSCCE...

oh.... I totally answered that one
created again? Should we just merge it with ? That's what SO has done.
Q: Employee wage/salary calculation MVP solution

ChathurangaIn this project (C# Win forms) I'm supposed to calculate wages of employees. So these are the steps... Calculate earnings from Attendance data. Here all regular earnings like BasicSalary, OverTimeAmount etc will be calculated. Then these earning details will be shown in a grid where user can en...

@Jamal yah
@CaptainObvious Yeah, that.
C# .net
2 separate things
should be separate tags
@BenVlodgi You mean we shouldn't create ?
@SimonAndréForsberg well, I'm sure there is that edgecase where we will need that
@SimonAndréForsberg that solves everything!
@BenVlodgi: are you anticipating some distopian future where 90% of CR questions should be tagged that way?
123 new chat messages..
Can anyone give a better answer to this? I'm tired of seeing it as unanswered but the question is so odd, I can't think of any other way to do it.
its already begun @Nobody ... in the depths of our code bears the seed of the Uni-Lang
@Mat'sMug Imagine how I feel when coming home from a one-week vacation :)
Anyway, if you think the tags should be separate, go ahead and fix them. If not, then the synonymization can be proposed (unless a tag score is needed for ).
C# doesn't exist outside of .net - there's no such thing as C#.net, I've edited the tags; please use existing tags, nobody is following c#.net ;) — Mat's Mug 6 secs ago
@BenVlodgi: It is dangerous out there, take this tinfoil armor and be pure in your COBOL heart!
Reminds me of the time when there was and ...
@Mat'sMug: Nope
nope what?
@BenVlodgi Beat me to it!
@Nobody aslong as I have my trust python by my side, we can slay em all..while singing our songs in C# ofc
@Mat'sMug Team Fortress 2. Best multiplayer PC game ever.
what, it beats Duke Nukem 3D?
add me on steam guys, Lumber Zach
@Mat'sMug LOL
@BenVlodgi TF2 after work Benji? ;)
Postal 2 is the best game to play when you have friends over
@DarinDouglass yes
@DatLumberZach hi
nope.avi for 10 HOURS
uh, hi xD
TF2 is quite good when it comes to casual Multiplayer I'd say.
@DatLumberZach do you still play portal 2?
Wait, that uploader's avatar looks familiar...
But premium servers are hella annoying.
I said Postal 2
but yes I do have Portal 1/2 too
@DatLumberZach then nevermind :P
@DatLumberZach I just happen to spend a lot of time working on portal 2
@DatLumberZach Portal One-half O.o
hilarious darin... xD
if you do not know what postal 2 is, then google it
I've seen gameplay :)
wait is it Portal or Postal?
@DatLumberZach I try
then imagine a bunch of drunk/stoned... erm mild mannered teens playing it while listening to their favourite music
it is a favourite game of most people in my school
I'm working on a full game mod for Portal 2's Engine and have been the last 3 years.. called backstock http://www.moddb.com/mods/back-stock/

Then along the way created these two Tool mods for Portal 2
83 messages...
Postal 2
kitty silencer
wow I rembembered the graphics to be much better than this
@Ben What do you mean by "Portal 2 Engine"?
nope, the game is very old though
The Portal 2 Engine is a branch of the Source Engine 2011
Kerbal Space Program is another great steam game
A: A method which, given a string, returns a string in which each character is separated by an asterisk

Greg HewgillWell, you've used recursion, but I wouldn't say that's a recursive solution because you have variables outside your functions that control what your functions do. A recursive solution will have a function that is repeatedly called with smaller and smaller sub-problems, terminating in a base cas...

^^ guy has 300K on SO
@SimonAndréForsberg Would providing static factory methods, with only numbers instead of classes, provide a fix for that?
@Mat'sMug guy has 347k rep on SO
that's what I meant
how the heck does one get such a high rep? does he live on SO
@SimonAndréForsberg No problem, I saw I had about 5 accepts-todo in my queue... And two questions still have open answers meaning that I don't agree witht he current answer
Q: How to do a "git export" (like "svn export")?

Greg HewgillI've been wondering whether there is a good "git export" solution that creates a copy of a tree without the .git repository directory. There are at least three methods I know of: git clone followed by removing the .git repository directory. git checkout-index alludes to this functionality but s...

@Phrancis in CodeReview, no matter how functional the code is, if it looks ugly, it looks ugly ;) ( re the weird month-1 question )
asked October 2, 2008. He's been around
@Ben Didn't now that. Cool. And good luck. ;)
@skiwi Personally I use something like this:
damn now I want to play Postal xD
    Player player1 = new Player("Human");
    game.addPlayer(player1); // this sets player1.game (which is a default-visibility field)

// Inside the constructor:

this.hand = new Hand(SIZE);
this.library = new Deck(ANOTHER_SIZE);
But but... hardcoded
I think I know my solution!
I'll use a static factory method which has a "gamerules" (tentative name) object as parameter, in which the size of the hand, field, deck, etc. are stored
@Mat'sMug I was in HS then.... I took more than 4 years to get through college, and I'm now graduated
exactly @Skiwi
hes been arround longer than my college carreer
@skiwi Sounds like an acceptable solution, yes.
I would have this.hand = new Hand( game.config.HAND_SIZE )
@konijn Do you get a notification on every issue and commit in my TCG?
of course, there is YAGNI to be considered
@skiwi yes
That's some hardcore following
@konijn Which is exactly why I do what I do already
If you didn't notice already :p
@SimonAndréForsberg I assume SIZE is available throughout the code base though
it is not stuffed under a config class as I would do
@konijn Well, actually, I don't have a size limitation usually. For HS though, where the hand is limited to 10 cards and the battlefield to 7, I use if-statements when adding/moving cards. Because if you draw a card when having 10 cards already, the card you were supposed to draw gets destroyed instead.
	public static final int	MAX_CARDS_IN_HAND	= 10;
	public static final int	MAX_BATTLEFIELD_SIZE = 7;
@SimonAndréForsberg A legit point there... I think I failed on that one in some code that isn't on github yet
@konijn: That is true.

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