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@rolfl Monking :)
How do I remove a folder (and files) on github while I want to keep them locally?
git rm with flags?
(take a backup).
then add to .gitignore
Q: Socket.IO handshake module

MikeFor the server of which this is part, it makes a request to one of our web servers to validate whether the PHP Session ID is actually valid. The location "this._options.url" is a URL that, given a PHPSESSID as a cookie, will return the user ID that is attached. One of the issues that has crept ...

I feel too unexperienced to be doing that...
git rm --cached -r folder-to-remove
^^^^ test it first.
I don't even know where my command line git is... :(
Ah wait maybe Netbeans lets me access github
It might let me, but before that I need a big fat backup when I'm teaching the nbproject folder
how about .gitignore folderbackup and cp folder folderbackup -r
Sorry but most sounds like magic to me...
 1006  cd junk
 1007  git init
 1008  mkdir subfolder
 1009  ls -la > subfolder/lsla
 1010  ls -la > myla
 1011  git add -A
 1012  git commit -a -m "initial"
 1013  git log
 1014  git status
 1015  git rm --cached -r subfolder
 1016  ls -la
 1017  git commit -a -m "removed"
 1018  vi .gitignore
 1019  git add .gitignore
 1020  git commit
 1021  ls -la
 1022  git status
 1023  ls -la
 1024  cd subfolder/
 1025  git status
 1026  cd ..
 1027  ls -la
 1028  mv subfolder subfolderx
 1029  git status
@skiwi - works for me ;-)
going to pimp some of my latest answers (seeing people returning to battle and all)
Q: Simplifying a repetitive event handler

Jrags87Is there a more efficient way of writing this? It seems like so much redundancy that this can be greatly reduced. Basically the only difference is if isNodeWebkit is true then run a function using key code 113 or 112 if (isNodeWebkit) { $(document).keyup(function (e) { if...

good answers on that one all around ▲▲▲
@rolfl Alright, I'll try it later then
If anyone has experience with continious integration:
Java Stuff looks fun to.
A: Solve the game "Flux"

MalachiWhy do you need to create a Variable here? @Override public void run() { computeAllBoards(template); solveAllBoards(); Scanner c = new Scanner(System.in); while (c.hasNext()) { String input = c.nextLine(); // <---- printSolution(input); } c.close(); } ...

Is the bottom command (mvn clean test jacoco:report coveralls:jacoco) being run or not?
A: Shortest, simplest code that prints an unexpected obscenity

DoorknobRuby require 'net/http' puts Net::HTTP.new('api.stackexchange.com').get('/2.2/sites?pagesize=74&filter=!*L1)ihKcOL.maYUC').body[-15..-5] Prints Code Review >:D (referring to our evil nemesis site Code Review Stack Exchange) If you're a CR user and you're reading this, I'm obviously kidding. P...

some people might be able to find some more to review on this one
A: Nodejs broker between mongodb and rabbitmq

MalachiYou have some magic strings: return amqp.connect('amqp://localhost') this.mongo.db = mongo('mongodb://', ['test']); These strings should be kept in a high scope variable, so that you can easily maintain them by changing out the strings in one place. Eventually you will...

@rolfl answered this question and didn't vote for me :p
Q: How to make sure all the threads are getting consistent data without performance impacts?

WebbyI am working on a project in which I construct a url with a valid hostname (but not a blocked hostname) and then execute that URL using RestTemplate from my main thread. I also have a single background thread in my application which parses the data from the url and extracts the block list of host...

Got to go
Bye :)
btw if someone feels like answering Java questions on SO (ever), then you should try this url:
It will take SO questions tagged with java, but not tagged android, with score at least 1, not cosed and no accepted answers.
Q: Calculate balance wages

ChathurangaIn following code I'm trying to calculate Net Wage of employees and classes Earning, Deduction and WageBalance has a composition relationship with WageInfo. And there is a class called WageManager which is having a association with WageInfo, handling all operations like BalanceWage(). DataService...

@Timtech I voted everything that mentioned Holy Grail insults.....
come on Tim I had one more on my Summary to Pimp
A: SEDE-Query for Rep-Trivia

MalachiFirst of all, when you are selecting and want to perform mathematics on it you should directly specify what you want done instead of Voters.Upvotes * 8 as [EstimatedAddedRep], it should be (Voters.Upvotes * 8) AS [EstimatedAddedRep] And Voters.Upvotes * 8 / Users.Reputation as [R...

Dangit @Timtech, y u do this to me :-P
lol @Doorknob you made me spend a vote on PCG!
I was skimming chat history, and I thought you said,

That's why women are dominant
qoute of the day :
I find it absolutely hilarious that 40 people upvoted a copy-paste from the second line of the question. — AnthonyW Jul 24 '13 at 16:39
FINALLY, it works!
gratz skiwi
@skiwi And you don't know why
@BenVlodgi I in fact do know why.
Then @skiwi you have ascended to a new level of programmer, or your ignorance of the raw code has blinded you to its own complex glory
congrats either way ;)
I'm pretty sure I have ascended to a new level.
Q: Stack Exchange websockets wrapper

Jeroen VannevelI've been writing a small library that allows for easy querying of the Stack Exchange websockets. I'm going to add an enum to replace the manual SiteId at every RequestParameter so you can let that one slide (unless you have something else in mind). A few thoughts I have: RequestParameters de...

@SimonAndréForsberg You wanted code coverage numbers? Here you have them! coveralls.io/builds/791406 Took me only 4 hours to set up, but was worth it.
@rolfl I think I also beat your code coverage tool...
can someone help me out I am confused
is this correct C# for a list inside of a for loop
> var totalDeductions = deductionList[i].Sum()
Not bad.
when DeductionList[i] can have properties like this deductionList[i].EPFAmount
@Malachi does deductionList contain IEnumerable<T> in its indices?
@JeroenVannevel I can only assume
.Sum() needs an IEnumerable<T> to work with, so if it contains something selfdefined as .EPFAmount then you'll need to look at the class definition to see if it does
or look for a selfdefined extension method, but that's less likely
can I just run .Sum() or do I have to have stuff inside the parenthesis?
Q: Calculate balance wages

ChathurangaIn following code I'm trying to calculate Net Wage of employees and classes Earning, Deduction and WageBalance has a composition relationship with WageInfo. And there is a class called WageManager which is having a association with WageInfo, handling all operations like BalanceWage(). DataService...

I posted my answer, with what I was thinking, but the syntax is most likely wrong, because there isn't enough information about that object where the deductionList comes from
Where is @SimonAndréForsberg anyway?
That doesn't look right
my answer or the OP?
Yours about the .Sum()
should it be Sum(deductionList[i]) ? or something like that with Linq?
He has a class defined Deduction so I assume that's the class he receives
What exactly are you trying to sum?
That Sum thing will not work, as he sums up the properties of a single entry in the List.
All these different amounts?
they are properties of an object in a list
You can't .Sum() properties (or fields while we're at it)
That's not how .Sum() works: you're arbitrarely (trying) summing fields now
.Sum() gets the sum of an IEnumerable<T>
not the fields inside an object
Instead you can define a public convenience method..
public double Sum()
     return //sum up all the properties
I haven't used Func<A, B> yet, but I'd look into that for a helper method
so you can call someDeduction.Sum(x => x.AdvanceAmount, y => y.OverTimeAmount);
Oh... the joy of doing things correctly.
I don't know what I am doing, this answer is going to be messy
how does this look?
var totalDeductions;
foreach (DeductionType Deduction in deductionList[i].GetProperties)
    totalDeductions += Deduction;
I don't know the types, I just used generic typing here to get the idea across
Guaranteed problems with different types
ugh. just hit a bug... a log table is being used as part of some business logic, it's deleted from and then inserted into... somebody shoot me.
@Mat'sMug BANG!
and you won't be able to exclude certain properties like TotallyIrrelevantAmount
@Mat'sMug Your job is always fun.
For us.
I assume that is done when they create the list @JeroenVannevel
@Morwenn I want to cry
checking the values I mean
@Malachi That collection is just of type IEnumerable<Deduction>, a single Deduction instance inside that collection might have fields you're not interested in calculating it
But by getting the properties through reflection you're getting all properties in that object
Including those you're not interested in
totalDeductions = deductionList[i].getProperties.stream().sum(); ? If it were Java
@JeroenVannevel now we have to review theoretical instances? it looks to me like they want all the Deductions from the deductionList object indexed i
@skiwi Still gives you the problem with incompatible types and the TotallyIrrelevantAmount field that can't be added to the calculation
what about this @JeroenVannevel
var totalDeductions;
foreach (DeductionType Deduction in deductionList[i].GetProperties)
    totalDeductions += Convert.ToDouble(Deduction);
@Malachi The way I read that code is that there is a collection deductionList defined as IEnumerable<Deduction>
But Deduction is a type itself
It has 15 fields
One instance of Deduction has fields like AdvanceAmount, CarriedForwardAmount and DeathDonationAmount
in other words, the TotalDeductions variable should be a property of the Deduction Class or a Method inside the Deduction class.
I would go with a method, but yes
Damn hell, I've been drinking 4 Litres of water over the last 8 hours and I still feel dehydrated and can't really concentrate..
Either that or you create that helper method in the calling class that uses Func so you can specify the fields as you want to
Drinking is bad during the week @Vogel612
instead of hardcoding them inside Deduction
@Vogel612 Coffee != Water
@Vogel612 Overhydration?
@Mat'sMug Water == Water...
just 3 cups of coffee today...
additionally, that is..
(needs a refill)
@Vogel612 You can't compare types with ==, be careful!
Ooh, my OCD kicks in
(could probably use one too, but can't get himself to stand up)
Q: 3 tier architecture ado.net application

Tech JerkWould like to develop a student management system with repository pattern using ado.net (no EF or MVC) I decided to create the model (business objects) and interfaces as one project "StudentModel". Implementing the interfaces to fetch data from DB as one project "StudentImpl" and the third will ...

@Morwenn assume: Fluids.Water == Fluids.Water ;)
7,150 reputation, 1 gold badge, 15 silver badges and 50 bronze badges, it feels so OCD-correct!
or rather: return true;
@Vogel612 Huuum. Boost.Units may be useful there.
@chillworld - I'm not sure I followed your answer particularly well.... and I don't know if an AtomicReference on a set is enough? With the set being modified in other threads....
@skiwi I'm evil
@Marc-Andre Noo, you evil ... ... .
this also looks like a linked list thing too........
At least I screenshotted it.
looks like earningList is supposed to be linked to deductionList
quantity<Water> glass = 0.25_liters.
Tuple<Double, Unit> glass = new Tuple(0.25, Unit.Liters);
@skiwi Do you always have porn those sites open in FireFox?
@rolfl: can you change to ? I used the wrong one and now it's not consistent with SO. I'd just change it in my post, but I have a tag wiki pending on it and I don't want to mess with it
@rolfl You mean the small icons (pinned ones)? Yes, that's why they are pinned.
I can look.
@JeroenVannevel - if you want to keep the 'I created the tag' taxonomy thing, then.... what you want to do is:
copy your pending edit content.
@skiwi D3 player!do you still play ?
remove the tag from the question.
replace the tag with a new one.
apply the wiki edit again.
I can follow you through and approve as you go.
@Marc-Andre Not recently, that's been a month ago already... Did play it quite some itme though!
Otherwise I will do that.... (and potentially get the taxonomy badge).
@skiwi Same here!
@skiwi Does "BL" stand for "Boy's Love"?
Heading home, brb in a bit
Oh, I wasn't worried about that. I just wanted to make sure the tag would be gone if it had no questions but does have a wiki
@Morwenn Battlelog (Battlefield 4)
but sure, give me a moment
Not even fun :(
@JeroenVannevel The tag would be gone if it has no questions.
@rolfl You have to do it. "You are attempting to create the tag [websocket]; however the tag [websockets] already exists! If you think this new tag should be allowed, raise it on meta"
You going to do it, or should?
I'd rather just synonymise it...
@Vogel612 Yeah, that might be best
"Websockets API" sounds better than "Websocket API"
Try now.
also, why the heck can't the servlet render my jsf-view with a StringIndexOutOfRangeException??
this is going to be bad, I can see it already.
@rolfl still exists, can't add
a second answer on that question @JeroenVannevel
Stupid caching... OK... I'm on it.
A: Calculate balance wages

MalachiThe more that I look at your code, there are more things that I would change. your Deduction and Earning objects are created and maintained by your WageInfo class so really you should be using a wageInfoList and each item in that list will have one Deduction object and one Earning object This...

And ................... ATTACK ▲▲▲
Y u no merge them???
@Vogel612 because I was scared
this looks somewhat like rep-whoring IMO (:
not that it matters, right? Right!
@Vogel612 well I am trying to learn from this piece of code so I want to see that my answer is either corrected or validated
so......yes I am rep whoring
I want to pass @Syb0rg by the end of the week
lol;) Even in my current state I can tell you, you are raising valid flags in that new answer ;)
other than that, you're capped at 200 either way...
@rolfl could you vacuum a little slower? I can't keep up!
That was not me ;-)
@Vogel612 I am not capped at 200???
well I mean I am unless you are counting Accepts and bounties
rather not counting them to the cap...
OK, @Jeroen you should have the credit for the tag edits, etc. approved suggested edits). The question in that tag has been moved to websocket, and the synonym has been created from websockets -> websocket. I've put the same text in to websocket as was pending on websocekts. Please check to make sure it's as you expect.
I only need like 70 rep to pass Syb0rg unless he starts answering or asking questions again
Sometimes, I wonder whether the reason for CR not graduating is that SE mods want to see what new thing we can invent to try to graduate.
btw, is it just me or is there less [java] and [c#] questions lately? And more [python], [c/c++] and [javascript]?
@Morwenn can't you have a normal picture like the rest of us? JK LOL
@rolfl Looks great, thanks for taking the time
No problem.
@Malachi define normal() { }
^^ that
@Vogel612 where Picture <> 'Accidental'
Oh.... bonus: You've earned the "Synonymizer" badge for the tag synonym websockets.
just doin' my job .... honest....
@Jeroen - if you want to work your way to a different badge, consider: codereview.stackexchange.com/…
This is my first time touching websockets, I'm still too new to it to be any help. I actually based myself on a CR request to get started
OK, no problem.
there's very little examples to find online about using the newest API for websockets in C#
@JeroenVannevel those two answers are totally different directions to take the OP on, I don't think I should merge them @Vogel612, what do you think @Mat'sMug @JerryCoffin ??
@rolfl Oh, you were suggesting I tagged them. Sorry, I misinterpreted the search query
It's just some questions that may be useful taged with as well ... yeah
And re home
wb @skiwi
I think it's kinda weird, that CR, as my top-rep account hasn't got a single gold-badge yet...
But the fanatic badge is so easy to get
I think it's kinda weird, that CR, as a top-active beta site, hasn't got to graduate yet...
@JeroenVannevel 16 days to go, consecutive since my first day here...
539 days, 539 consecutive on SO here
pulling a @rolfl?
@Vogel612 Not just you I think...
Going for the 1000
@Vogel612 Just be there 100 days consecutive
@skiwi well I am member for 84 days, It's a little hard to have 100 consecutive then...
@rolfl Did you consider continious integration for jdom? I think it's really nice
@Malachi Which two answers are you talking about?
Q: Calculate balance wages

ChathurangaIn the following code I'm trying to calculate Net Wage of employees and classes Earning, Deduction and WageBalance has a composition relationship with WageInfo. And there is a class called WageManager which is having a association with WageInfo, handling all operations like BalanceWage(). DataSer...

I keep missing a day when I get to like 80 days. I almost cried the first time..... :(
for fanatic badge ▲▲▲
@JerryCoffin: Hey! Any ideas on reviewing the two featured C++ questions?
Continious integration with Travis CI also allows you to test the code on different JVM's automatically
@Malachi Could go either way. If they were in the same answer, they'd definitely deserve separate headings, something like "organization" and "formatting". My only real concern with leaving them separate would be that some see this as kind of a cheating way to try to gain extra rep.
@Jamal Can't right now (need to leave for work) but I'll try to remember to take a look after work tonight.
@JerryCoffin Alright
@JerryCoffin I will Merge them
And Done
@Anonymous must be @rolfl's alter ego or something....
that person is going to put us all to shame....lol
Q: This snippet of scheme calculates a value in pascal's triangle

stantonaI'm working through SICP and have implemented exercise 1.11 (Pascal's Triangle). What I'm curious about here is performance considerations by defining functions within the main function. I would assume they get reassigned with each invocation of the function. In saying that, this style appeals to...

I haven't reviewed anything in two days, and this is my third consecutive day with no rep gain. Maybe I can find just one zombie.
-36 places this past week.
I'm -97...
@JerryCoffin I do a lot of answer pimping.
I need to Get BTW.Work
@Malachi You do
This may be my last bounty for a while, whether or not it gets an answer.
@rolfl the set is only altered in clientData right? so there it should be enough.
But actually you nailed it with your answer. He is stupid to keep the bad ones. Just keep the good ones and fetch from the goodlist
more performant then to check everytime if it is a bad host
I would try to tone it down...... but I don't want to, I like my answers!
@Malachi I don't think there's anything wrong with it or any real need to "tone it down". I do, however, think that multiple answers should usually be reserved for cases where the advice in the two is more or less mutually exclusive, not merely orthogonal--as in you can do one or the other, but probably not both.
I have still an open question on SO.
Q: Maven surfire tests reusefork vs parallel

chillworldNow I have a complete project and I wanted to parallel the testing in maven. If I set the parallel option, mine tests fails cause of DirtiesContexts. (Even if I annotate the testclasses with @DirtiesContext(classMode=ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)) I'm not putting the stacktrace here but its failed to l...

if someone know the answer :)
@rolfl Where does that overview come from?
@rolfl I'm not in that list, even not with total rep :s
+32 woot
Q: Dynamic library for oddsocks interception

phyrrus9Just for the fun of it, I decided I would try to create sort of an intermediate DNS system for a SOCKS proxy. With this, the domain name extension .unet is statically resolved when requested. All of this is hooked into the oddsocks proxy system via inserting into the DYLD before libevent does. Te...

@chillworld stackexchange.com/leagues/86/week/codereview/2014-05-11 previous week #46, change -37, +80 ;)
lol thx
next week working on that
Finally got another answer in: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/51318/22222
@JerryCoffin that makes sense, thank you for the insight
sorry. My program for formatting to stackexchange sites looks for braces to do tabbing when it reformats. Since it was missing the brace, it got untabbed. I will correct those. — phyrrus9 41 secs ago
@Jamal LOL I saw that
I'll let it slide, then. Shit. Back to square 1.
now do you rollback or edit your answer?
he still isn't using Braces
on a while statement even
@Jamal how does that even Terminate?
    while (readcode > 0)
        node_list = insert_from_file(node_list, fp, &readcode);
@skiwi Here I am!
is & a special decrementing function?
@Jamal +1, it's reviewing the code that was posted ;)
@Mat'sMug Roll it back, then?
If not, I may just revise the answer.
your call
I'd revise the answer
I'll do that. Would this be worth a Meta discussion?
it was a formatting error I would leave it be, but mention why we don't like editing code in questions once they have been answered
nah, a comment can do the job
like, "as you see peer review can include things like indentation, please be more careful in future posts, we don't like edits that invalidate existing answers ;)"
@Jamal I followed the code and the While statement looks like it most likely will terminate, but I started to get lost after the fread function and realized I didn't know what was going on in there. I still think it needs Curlys
@phyrrus9: I've edited my answer to address something similar instead. Since this wasn't intentional, I'll let it slide. For future reference, please don't make corrections on the original code from answers, even if it's a simple fix. — Jamal ♦ 8 secs ago
Phew. Not my best answer, but it's something. Gotta help promote proper maintenance.
@JeroenVannevel I had some difficulties getting started with Websockets in Java, but once I found a neat little library for it, it was a piece of cake.
Hey @SimonAndréForsberg, there you are
@skiwi No, here I am.
Q: C# ASP.Net web service getting value using LINQ from queue table in SQL database

user3284707As a test of my C# skills, I have been asked to create a simple web service which will take a message from a queue table in a SQL database and send it to a web application when a button is pressed on the application. I have never written a web service before so I am going in a little blind here ...

@Malachi Isn't that just putting a reference of readcode (some kind of integer) in the method, such that the method can change it
@SimonAndréForsberg Did you manage to take a look at my code coverage already?
@skiwi Looks impressive. Seems like you boosted it up quite a lot
Do you have yours on github yet?
Bcause I think Continious Integration is awesome
Also it automatically builds and tests pull requests ;)
+1 for Continious Integration!
I still don't know why or how I found this whole thing, I must've spotted it somewhere this morning.
Because early this morning I had totally no intention to start implementing all this ;)
@skiwi Continuous integration? What does that mean exactly?
every commit gets automatically regression tested
No, I don't have mine on Github yet. It will come, some day...
Regression tested?
Tested to make sure it does not do anything it should not do.
A regression is something that used to work, but now does not.
And it allows for other sites to interact with the builds on the CI-platform, such as Coveralls, which reports code coverage
JUnit testing is regression testing
And I can have nice badges now!
@rolfl wait, that sounds way too familiar...
@skiwi No clue. it is like using an Out Parameter or ByRef. in other words the variable is pulled in and changed by the function. the function changes the variable eventually to 0 I hope otherwise OP has an infinite loop
@Malachi Well, else it wouldn't have passed the unit test either way. Unit tests, right, Right?!
@skiwi I need to learn about those too......... but yes
It's even so kind to email you when your build doesn't pass.
going to take me forever to make it to fanatic. going on vacation in June so I will not be online a whole lot that week. ugh!
@SimonAndréForsberg If you check right now, you can see it building/testing:
@Malachi phone. app.
The Answer to the Question is 42. — Malachi 7 secs ago
I changed the readme, this should not make my build fail by the way.
@Mat'sMug that is what I was thinking
Q: How to Make Strongly-typed References to Web.Config?

Rakuen42Let's say I have a configuration file with a property in it: <add key="LoadedCode" value="L" /> I know I can reference this using the ConfigurationManager: System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoadedCode"]; This has some drawbacks. It can get bulky when it gets used in mu...

It's appereantly still queued, but not for long I guess
Unfortunately it doesn't feel much like building now.
18 short of 13K :)
@SimonAndréForsberg now "only" ~400 points behind... what's wrong with you, feeling all right?
here is a horrible one, @Mat'sMug tell me what I did wrong here, hopefully nothing though
A: How to Make Strongly-typed References to Web.Config?

Malachiyou shouldn't have to use the fully qualified name, you should be able to do something like this Use System.Configuration; public static string LoadedCode { get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoadedCode"]; } } I think you can even go farther depending on how you set up your Re...

hmm I think OP is seeking to avoid the literal string
if they want an Integer then it would be Convert.ToInt32(); instead of the ToString();
@Mat'sMug I know, I know, I haven't answered much lately!
I am 24 points from overtaking Syb0rg
201 points from william morris
I think I finally got my git console so far that I can remove the remote files
@Mat'sMug Hey congrats on 13k :P
@rolfl I managed to succesfully delete the files, now I feel somewhat more of a git guru
congrats ... ;-)
Did my suggestions help?
Yeah definately, ended up using those
Wow.... excellent, it was a good guess then
My main worry was that I would be comitting files not ready for commit yet, but figured out how git status worked
(I also doublechecked SO to be sure)
@Malachi sorry
@Marc-Andre can web apps have an app.config?
@Mat'sMug Sorry it's so far in my memory I can't really help you. I haven't done asp.net since my first year of cegep :P
@Marc-Andre you're shitting me! My first year of CEGEP was VB crap! ...but that was before .net 1.1 was even thought of...

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