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@Morwenn What kind of answer did you expect? "Charles Babbage wrote in RFC 0 that 0 should be false"?
How does this answer get so many upvotes?
A: Which number is larger and Why? 1.7 or 1.73205

amWhy$$1.73205 = 1.7 + 0.03205$$ Put differently, $$1.7 = 1.73205 - 0.03205$$ Now can you answer which of you given numbers is larger?

and 0 upvotes on the question
@BenVlodgi It has lots of upvotes and downvotes on it, though I can't see the exact count.
oh Isee
Answer here: immediate upvote and accept.... fool. I am not the best C++ person ;-) I expect an unaccept any moment now: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/46837/31503
User earned +24 reputation. Possible votes are: +3/-3, +4/-8, +5/-13, +6/-18, …
dat math
Score 24 in his profile.
Must be 6+ and 6-
on the question.
current score 0.
For every C++ question that monkey answers, I'll answer a Java question. :P
Oops, questions votes are +5, not +10. rolfl is right.
Except, it is 8+ and 8- ..... down-votes are -2 not -1
it is kinda a weird question
@Rep max ... first time since 20K....
w00t w00t
What it really means is that i am working hard at work :( Lots of compile/run time).
@All ... My spidey-blog-senses are tingling ......
@rolfl: I've added a few things to the primes question:
A: Project Euler Problem 10 - Sum of primes < 2mil

JamalI just have a few things from @rolfl's great advice: I might still make the 2000000 a constant to make this more understandable for users without the full documentation (someone might otherwise think that there should be 2M primes). It would also help in case you'll need this number elsewhere....

@Malachi @Mat'sMug what was the holly mother of loops chat for, and why's it dead =\
@Jamal - looks great (but I am ... ;-)
@200_success I was actually waiting for an answer which stated that it was almost totally arbitrary.
Q: Communicating between plugins whilst maintaining context in Javascript

tr3onlineI'm making some changes to a JavaScript plugin on a site I've been made steward over. This main plugin has it's own sub-plugins and I'm trying to make certain aspects modular. Currently, I'm attempting to make a reusable modal window that the sub-plugins ferry data to. This main plugin uses ext...

Q: Is this Shell sort?

KalecTrying to learn shell sort, I kinda understood what wikipedia was trying to say, but I wanted a bit of confirmation, so I went on youtube, here, but this code does not work and does not look like what I read on wikipedia. I go to hi's website just in case I misspelled anything to copy+paste hi's ...

Q: Python Port Scanner 2.0

Jeff GohlkeA few months ago I put up a port scanner for review. Now, I've updated it with some new Python knowledge and integraing the feedback I got. Some things I specifically think might be wrong with it or feel clunky to me: Default argument values for the scan_ports function. I set the default val...

@rolfl I'll remind you if needed. ;-)
@rolfl I also got an immediate upvote & accept for a Python answer today. By no mean I am the best Python person either. Some people are just too happy to have an answer :p
@BenVlodgi no clue, I think @Malachi had set it up for some discussion about a specific post with a specific user
oh boy
@Mat'sMug wonder if that was me o_O
@rolfl what's that about?
the "seen 10 mins ago" part? (you're such a creep!)
Sneaky, and snoopy ....
Q: Reduce similar methods via pattern?

FlipflopPancakeI've put together a simple application in order for me to learn sqlite and OOP in PHP. The application basically outputs two random words, e.g. "Angry Badger", from two database tables, one called Animals & the other named Adjectives. At present both tables contain the same columns (but could cha...

Finally, Electorate badge, that Fanatic badge was feeling so lonesome
Ugh, I can't bear those "it's mainstream, so it's basically shit" guys -_____-
@Morwenn like the "C# is mainstream, so it's basically shit" guys?
Just thought I'd mention your brackets are Java-style. Not to start any Holy Wars, but C#-style curly braces go on the next line ;) — Mat's Mug 6 mins ago
@Mat'sMug For example. But I mean those who seriously think it's shit and can't admit they don't like it only because it's mainstream :)
oh, like the iFanBoys :)
But the guys I was talking about were talking about metal, not about programming languages or anything computer-related.
oh. is Avenged Sevenfold mainstream shit?
Actually, they were talking about bands like Black Veil Bribes or Asking Alexandria.
neither can be "mainstream", I never heard of any of 'em
(mind you I'm more into good ol' Metallica and other goodies from the 80's, so...)
The word "mainstream" is kind of relative with metal music.
People are often ok with old mainstream, but can't bear young bands that gather crowds of even younger people.
It probably has to do with the clash of generations :p
On a rather small scale though (5~10 years).
aah, I see now.
So basically metal fans are just hipsters in disguise? :D
The enf of the song with tons or autotune is arguably awful though.
you mean 100% of all songs today? (autotune)
this is more my kind of metal:
@Corbin Many of them totally are. They like to complain and say "but nobody likes metal, everybody listens to shitty mainstream music" and then also begin to complain about young "mainstream" metal bands that "make shit music".
Hah. I guess every genre has those people though.
@Mat'sMug To sum up, you're in good ol thrash metal :p
yup :)
@Corbin Yeah, but it cannot be acceptable from metalheads who like to say "other genres don't have a soul, we're all brothers of metal!".
@Morwenn I like a lot of what In Flames did, too.
its funny, I grew up listening to screemo and metal and people always said that ... that was rock and roll... then when I heard the beatles for the first time I just assumed they were some pop band... everyone told me they were rock, and I was like... no
Eh, every genre does that too. United from outside, but complete chaos of bickering and flaming inside.
And also from the metalheads who dare tell other people that they don't have broad enough music tastes while themselves despise everything that's not [insert a subgenre of metal].
Then again, I've never been even the slightest bit involved in metal, so perhaps it's markedly worse :/
Haha, I'm said to be a metalhead, but I listen to other genres at least half of the time :)
The problem with calling music 'Pop' music, is that by definition the genre is always changing.....
Yeah, that's pretty dumb...
like, The beatles were popular, hence pop music..... now it's 60's music.
And even "60's music" is a pretty broad genre.
Simon & Garfunkel
That was pop once.
Hello Darkness. my old friend .... ;-)
tu-tu-do-tooo feelin' groovy...
An'd I'm sitting in a railway station ...
AC/DC were considered violent at a time...
The souuuuuunds of silence.
Who was it that was ripping heads off bats?
Now we have twerking ......
Bring back the bats.
Naah... poor bats.
Bats are cute :3
But, I was dragged to a clothes shop by my wife who wanted some new togs.... I was browsing the leather jackets, and commented to the assistant I would like my wife to try it on to see what she would have looked like if she was a biker-chic..... the assistant turns to me and says: Sorry, we only have Vegetarian Leather Jackets, and that just won't do. ..... maybe we can get "Vegetarian Bats" for Ozzy to shred.
^^ WTF is a "vegetarian leather jacket"?
Sorry, the official term is "Vegan Leather Jacket".
I randomly look into the chat, wat
The band that still amazes me is Infected Mushroom: they make psytrance, have been considered one of the best psytrance bands in the world, but the genre of their music kept evolving through the years. Now, they have also mixed rock, metal, house, drum'n'bass, reggae and dubstep in their music. The original fans are crying tears of blood and beg them to go back to their old style, but they don't give a single fuck.
:o I found a bug in the chat. If you star a message it is yellow, if that person edits the message, the yellow star is gone and it's black again!
@skiwi and then you hit F5 and it's yellow all over again!
@Mat'sMug It's still a serious chat-breaking bug.
Very serious.
I always thought "house, drum'n'bass and dubstep" were the same .... cr*p/
has anyone figured out how to be the first to star a post with phone chat?
@Mat'sMug Enter the manual link of starring a message, which the browser also calls via javascript.
...with a phone?
@rolfl They are subgenres of electro. Electro is probably even broader a genre than rock and metal combined.
@Morwenn "crap" makes a good sum-up ;)
(kidding, I've listened to dubstep before, good for coding too!)
@Mat'sMug That's pretty mean, i'm offended :o
Hey GraceNote ;-)
@GraceNote comes to save the [chat]day!
No saving to be in the doing here.
@GraceNote Hi, and also bye. I'm leaving :)
@Morwenn later!
@Morwenn - ut this is your baby too.
Take care
I get the impression everyone is holding their breath.....
(face turning purple)
@Morwenn infected mushroom?
meh. dubstep's not my thing
@GraceNote if blogs are only for graduated sites, ...then we need to update the "advantages of graduation" meta-post ;) ...are they?
@Mat'sMug No, they're for all levels of sites.
(happiness ensues)
The documentation on the blogoverflow is relatively dated.... and the chat room is quiet.
In fact, the blogoverflow was not even able to show me the current sites with blogs.
Oh no! Grace Note's here! Hide the bear traps! :D
all seems vary 'bare'.
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

MorwennMeme: Exploding bear traps Originator: Grace Note Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor, Website Graduation Background: During the endless talk about Code Review graduation, some were wondering whether Code Review could even graduate some day or was doomed and would close. The answer was as follows...

^^ exploding bear traps have been immortalized ;)
@Morwenn Hard{style|dance|core|whatever} first, then House, then Electro, then Good Prog House, then Glitch Hop, then Nu Disco/Indie Dance, then Drumstep, then Trance, then Dubstep, then DnB and finally then Shit Big Room
There's some underlying work being done about how the blogs are hosted and the like.
So there's bound to be some quietness. Also the blog chatroom is always quiet.
I think we can be patient, especially with MSE/MSO happening... I imagine folk are busy...
I think the critical aspect is whether there are any blockers/hurdles we have to cross to get there.
@GraceNote we are beyond saving
At the moment it appears we have significant momentum on this one too.
@rolfl maybe they're going for the minimalist look.... like a whiteboard, nice and clean
That would be for the Programmers 's blog ... they like the whiteboard style ;-)
It concerns me that some people think we're penalizing the site's path to graduation on account of "having an influx of new users".
I think that's about one of the comments I made, hold on...
Over on the meme post, in the comments.
I am not sure I have heard it expressed that way .... the only concerns I have heard are that we have a fair amount of low-rep users who have not been active since before the 'upsurge' last November.
oh, that
Lest it be misunderstood, my using "exploding bear traps" in that context was meant to be a "reductio ad absurdum": to cast doubt on the usefulness of a metric which (it seems to me) will penalize a site for having a continuous influx of new users; and not to suggest that new users are unwelcome. — ChrisW Apr 3 at 13:08
Which given Mat's reaction, that justifies my having used "some people".
Influx of new users is a good thing. We want sites to have more people, after all.
totally (still looking for that comment of mine..)
Well, it would help if we were given more guidance about exactly what criteria we're missing for graduation. Is it just the number of high-rep users? Is there anything else? If the former, could we agree on some numeric targets?
Don't shoot for numeric targets.
Then some other guidelines?
We don't go purely on numerics, so you shouldn't just try to "meet whatever thresholds there are". Your goal is to focus on overall growth in all departments.
Do we just need a few more monkeys?
^ probably
It doesn't matter if you've "met" any of the "thresholds" that we might have for certain categories. Graduation is a sign of sustained and sustainable growth - so you want to always be focusing on improving all facets.
I still personally find issue at the rep distribution, but let me go break the numbers from our wider time span and focus solely on what's been around since December.
I keep getting the message to just keep doing what you're doing, and it will happen ... sometime.
So whoever wins the race only earns bragging rights...
Q: The race has started. Are you running?

Mat's MugPCG.SE is going on a mission. And so the race begins. For Code Review!! -- syb0rg 2 days ago Let's see: Programming Puzzles and Code Golf Voting & Activity PCG.SE Voting and Activity Chart Compare to: Code Review Voting & Activity CR.SE Voting and Activity Chart ...

@rolfl I hate to be simplistic but that's kinda how it is.
I was not being flippant ... ;-)
It is very much a "Keep doing what you're doing".
Anyway, so numbers.
watch us with a blog!
I think the whole... general progress thing hurts programmer's brains, we're programmed to do things very specifically :)
@GraceNote - I know I am, and I imaine a lot of us, are goal driven, and we seem to have latched on to graduating as a 'goal'.
It is hard to undo that mindset and be patient.
Out of our numbers, 800 users basically haven't been seen since December, so our "active user count" since your big shift we'll call this at 1804 users.
@rolfl how about we make not graduating for as long as possible our goal without trying to hinder ourselves
So really it's rates of change that matter, not the actual values?
(looks at the time) darn, gotta run - I'll catch up later...
ohhhh calculus
Hah. Didn't mean it in a calculus way, though that could certainly apply :p
byte byte @Mat'sMug
by the way, graceNote, when you see shog9, and Pops, tell them that we are loving the MathJax.... and thanks.
@Corbin acceleration vs velocity... I remember derrivatives
803 (~44%) - 150-200
717 (~40%) - 200-500
151 (~8%) - 500-1000
74 (~4%) - 1000-2000
18 (~1%) - 2000-3000
15 (<1%) - 3000-5000
17 (~1%) - 5000-10000
9 (<1%) - 10000+
That's the numbers only looking at people who have at least contributing or moved within the past 120 days. The percentages past the fourth one are largely not something to think about.
(it should be noted that we have a few people who are on the threshold of 10K as well... expect that number to be 11 within the week... if they keep up their rate
Argh, I have to go rescue my daughter ;-) apparently she likes going home each day.
byte @rolfl!
I want to see that giant chunk that is currently ~84% of the site being under 500 reputation, I want to see that shift some of its bulk into the higher values. That's what I want to see.
Let me bring up for a moment, Robotics. Robotics is a smaller site than here. Not nearly as far down the road. And when I did their review last week, I noticed something odd that I decided to investigate further. Every single question that turned up in their site evaluation, as well as basically every single new question I saw on the front page or from a short query of new posts, was asked by someone either under 50 reputation, or at 101-125 reputation.
Raspberry Pi beta is the same way.
Are you saying that we need more repeat customers?
This is an extreme case of low engagement. You guys aren't going down this road, but I want to bring it ups as an extreme case of low engagement. No one is sticking. Nothing is convincing people to stick around because there's no progress to be earned. So no one is moving up in the ranks. With no rank movement, things stagnate. Which is sad because Robotics has some REALLY cool answers that I loved reading when I did the review.
Oh, Grace is here. Is it good news or bad news?
Good news.
It's Friday tomorrow?
I'm earning the Fanatic badge tomorrow?
@200_success We want more repeat customers, yes. And getting rewarded is how we usually keep people engaged. A sense of accomplishment is not just something that feels nice, but it gives people the devotion to the place to keep it running, and that's largely what the community is responsible for as a whole. You have the 59 users up there at 2000+ reputation who will be in charge of the "community maintenance" so to speak, and the moderators in charge of the moderating.
We're graduating?
@SimonAndréForsberg It is in fact Friday tomorrow. For me at least. If it isn't for you, then I will laugh at you. Even if it's already Friday for you.
@SimonAndréForsberg Not quite yet. I think.
Only one hour until Friday... now I'd better read some chat history here so I understand what this is all about...
Thought @GraceNote was talking about SO for a second with the whole low engagement thing
When I say that I want to see the numbers shift, it's not because I think there's too many people on the lower amounts - I just want to see more people in the upper amounts. I want to see people moving on up, I want to see what shows up to me as signs that there's a continually growing community, often silent, but still there, that is helping make the community thrive.
@SimonAndréForsberg lucky! it is thursday for many hours more for me
I think this is relevant for this conversation:
A: The race has started. Are you running?

syb0rgThis is just a friendly reminder to vote. You have 40 votes to use every day, and I don't see many reasons to not use them all. Your voting on answers is what makes the reviewing process fun. In case you don't think I practice what I preach.

man I miss all the good conversation because of work
@Malachi I almost missed it too :)
@syb0rg I love my job, (cuz I getz ta Code) but I miss my Code Review
Oh, and since you guys mentioned @Pops, here he is~
Hello @Pops
Hey @GraceNote
Dangit, mod invisibility cloak must be broken.
@BenVlodgi why were you asking about my Holy Loops Room? you were in it
@Pops sorry
Hiya @all
@Malachi I know, but what was its original purpose... when I joined there was no talk of loops
We were talking about while vs do while loops
@GraceNote Regarding our , I'm almost at 11K now, I'll be going on vacation for a week shortly but then I'm aiming towards 20K, but after that there's not so much more I can do personally, is there?
You mean while (true)?
@SimonAndréForsberg I would've gone with "You should take a well-earned vacation" but I think you already got that part down.
@GraceNote yeah
(Totally you should spread the word while you're out there)
Q: Can this list comprehension be made more pythonic

user1741339So quite a specific question can the below code be made more clearer / pythonic in any way. Essentially based on the condition of the string x((len(x) / 3) - 1) I use this to extract out parts of the string. def split_string(x): splitted_string = [x[counter*3:(counter*3)+3] for counter in ra...

lol, earning 10K rep in 5 months earns me a vacation? Gotta tell my boss that...
@SimonAndréForsberg you would have gotten a raise too but it took you too long
Yes, I do plan to spread the word while I'm out there. Hopefully I'll meet a programmer who loves clean code as much as I do.
@SimonAndréForsberg not likely... its a dirty code world out there
Preferably a female, there's definitely too few females around here (both in my life, and on the site)
@Malachi oh.. I thought it would have had to do with massive amounts of nested loops...

do{}while(true) == boss
Hello @LokiAstari
@syb0rg Ping
@LokiAstari ding
@LokiAstari Do you not like when I ding you?
@BenVlodgi only when it is used correctly
@SimonAndréForsberg Oh, you started out only 5 months ago?
@Malachi I think you mean... while(true) ;)

    bool isDoWhileTrueBoss;
        isDoWhileTrueBoss = true;
@GraceNote I sure did! About the same time as @rolfl started here, although he's gained reputation twice as fast as I did.
Hi @Pops (hello from phone chat - / parked of course)
Safety first!
I see, I see. I like that, I like that.
@sim it's the monkeyface
I guess I don't have too much to add to what Grace said. The big thing is that I do have access to voting data, so I ran one query you guys can't do in SEDE.
@Mat'sMug Yeah, I thought that was the reason...
@LokiAstari What is that for?
Voting has increased, but it's almost entirely thanks to a small group of really enthusiastic users.
@Pops what is that? can you share? more?
@Pops Was one of them me?
It explains Ping
@syb0rg All of them were you.
Over the past month, the most active voter voted 1277 times.
(Sorry, I can't read across a straight line of a spreadsheet apparently.)
cough cough
I was overtake after I got that one badge
I didn't look up who it was, I was only interested in the totals.
@Pops That's what I said!
A: 100 days later: what's up?

200_successA lot of progress has been made, but we're not there, yet. In the one month since we've had access to the data, we've barely made a dent in the distribution of avid users among reputation tiers (the "Grace Note query"). There is still a massive backlog of users who are still suffering from the ...

The top three voters accounted for almost 25% of all voting in that period. The top ten voters accounted for 50%.
@Pops sorry?
But only 40 users cast more than (on average) one vote per day.
I hate VB sometimes.... it's just so hard to read without all the brackets and Semi colons
Hello @nhgrif
I try to log on every day but I keep falling short one day out of 100
@200_success Yep, and you were right, but I wanted to get real numbers. (And remember how to use SQL.)
@Pops What can we do to get our non-regulars to vote more?
We've been experiencing FTP issues with the app I'm working on... and I don't know anything about FTP or servers or networking, but I'm convinced the problem is server side and not with the app.
I don't know how to diagnose the problem..
Getting non-regulars to vote has been an issue for a while now. I notice it especially when a CR question hits the "Hot Topic" list on the network.
"Here are a few little problems I found with your code. But I found this really cool obscure bug! Upvote me and I'll tell you the rest!"
@SimonAndréForsberg invite everyone to this chat, maybe make a blog post about being in the CR community with links to meta posts about zombies and stuffs... link to the chat
@BenVlodgi I already invite a lot of people to chat.
@when I started coming here I wouldn't have joined the chat except @Malachi invited me
@syb0rg that is good... it is where I learned about how this place works
@nhgrif What convinces you of that?
and it is TTQW
For starters, the FTP code is almost exactly copy pasta from an Apple example.
@nhgrif what is happening?
@nhgrif Who is in charge of the server?
@SimonAndréForsberg Good question, but I think it might be backwards. Typically it seems that regulars tend to vote, so it's an issue of turning more people into regulars.
are you trying to FTP from inside of an application you are programming? or are you trying to FTP files to a server?
People who don't necessarily know a whole lot about it either... this has been an ongoing problem.
Welcome back @Morwenn
@syb0rg Ow, thanks :3
The nature of this site really lends itself to drive-by askers, though, more so than many other sites on the network.
I'm uploading and downloading, but the errors are happening sporadically while trying to upload.
what errors?
Today, one device logged about 10 errors. Most were Broken Pipe. One was connection reset by peer, and another was something about a socket.
@Pops I think it's better than a site such as Raspberry Pi.
Is your wifi connection reliable?
There is so little retention of users on that beta site...
Broken pipe, reset connection, etc implies connection is stuffing up
@nhgrif what I have found out about FTP is that you download the files from the server then you disconnect, work on the files, then you connect and upload. I was trying to keep the connection open while I worked, that is not a good idea. is that what you are trying to do?
The good news is that leading by example does seem to be having an effect, and hopefully that will snowball.
Not 100% where the errors are usually happening--there are some deadspots. But the error has also happened on occasion in good wifi spots.
And no, I don't keep connections open.
I'll keep thinking about other initiatives you might be able to take.
They're closed immediately after transfer, no matter what the transfer.
@Pops Perhaps ads?
well there are more people here than when @Mat'sMug @Jamal and I started Chatting in here back in like October
@syb0rg Ads with what message?
@Malachi That was around the time I became active on this site again!
What percentage of connections would you say result in an error? If it's less than 1% or so, I would just make sure your error handling is good and chalk it up to WiFi being a pain.
@Corbin I agree
If it's like 20% though, then yeah... something is wrong.
@Pops Idk, something like "Your code probably sux, get it reviewed to make it better".
(Or your connection is terrible)
Along the lines of that ^^
I don't know. The error logging was put in this morning... and I realized, I have no way of keeping track of successes versus failures, so tomorrow morning I'll put some code to track successes versus failures.
FTP over WiFi probably isn't the best way to do it, but I don't know what you are doing either @nhgrif
@nhgrif that sounds like fun, what language?
Well, there's not really any other great options for transferring files to and from iOS devices...
@Pops And obviously worded better than my example ;)
@nhgrif there is your problem. iOS JK LOL
Oh, a question!
... that is off-topic.
@Pops Are you able to perform SQL queries on Chat data as well?
we take spaghetti and turn it into linguine!
@SimonAndréForsberg whoa hey I don't need to get in trouble here for starring messages now
@SimonAndréForsberg I've actually never thought about that before. Let me see.
@syb0rg That might bring in more people, but I don't think it would do anything about retention.
don't do it on the amount of stars I give out. you might crash the server
@Pops how about
@Pops I don't know. The more people that come through, the more that some are bound to stick.
1 min ago, by Malachi
we take spaghetti and turn it into linguine!
@syb0rg "My code is correct... but it does not work..." xD
sorry bout the pings
@Morwenn I don't get how people think sometimes.
@Malachi As long as you stick to your limit of 20 stars per day, I don't think you'll get in trouble
Then again, I have .
@SimonAndréForsberg what if I had more.....I did some indian giving a couple of times there
Q: Having trouble converting a whole sentence from uppercase to lower case in C

ModuleMy code is correct as I can see it has no errors at all, but when I execute it and say for instance I type in "MY NAME IS JACK" it only converts "MY" to lowercase. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char str[20]; int i; printf("Enter any string->"); scanf("%s",&str); ...

@StackExchange BURN!!!
@StackExchange You're always too late.
On further reflection, I have thought about it before, and the answer was no. Would have to get a dev involved.
@Pops You can see some basic stats on this page anyways: chat.stackexchange.com/…
@Pops for the chat thing?
Just hover over the avatars.
@Malachi specifically for running SQL queries on chat data.
@Pops is there too many locks or something? I would imagine that the chat data changes so quickly with people chatting, I haven't tried to query a chat DB before
@Pops Ok. It would be really interesting to see some stats on this room, such as "number of stars given per day", "number of unique users chatting per day", etc... I have considered writing a program to do a lot of HTTP requests to gather a bunch of data and then analyze it locally, but it feels... non-optimal.
@Malachi I don't think I have access to that table at all. CMs don't get as much as devs do.
@Pops lol that sucks a little bit. but less of a headache at the same time too right, SQL is both Fun and Frustrating at the same time, or maybe I just don't know it as well as I should
be back in about .5 hours
Be back in 9 to 10 hours :p
Well, commute done, and daughter rescued, and caught up on chat.
@GraceNote - closing the loop on the blog for Code Review.... I don't see any 'next steps', or 'issues' in the chat history, did I miss something?
(The discussion on user retention and numbers is pretty consistent with what's been said in the past... - what I think of as the great divide)

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