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REFRESH! There are 6797 unanswered questions (91.2055 answered)
2 hours later…
Q: Casino Number Guessing Game

kit.kat.codeI have created a casino number guessing game in C++: #include <iostream> #include <random> void displayGameRules() { std::cout << "\nGAME RULES: \n" << "1. Choose any numbers between 1 to 100\n" << "2. If you win you will get 10 times the money you bet\n" ...

4 hours later…
Q: Ochiul uman albastru

Andrian IstratiSub CrearePrezentareOchi() ' Creează o prezentare nouă Dim pptApp As Object Set pptApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application") pptApp.Visible = True Dim pptPresentation As Object Set pptPresentation = pptApp.Presentations.Add ' Adaugă slide-uri despre ochiul uman AdaugaSlideTitlu pptPresentation, "

4 hours later…
If your code works and you are asking to improve it and make it more efficient, then Stack Overflow is not the right place. You could consider visiting Code Review, and check out their guidelines for asking a question there. With some revamp you could possibly ask your question there. — trincot 44 secs ago
If you receive correct results, then the question is off topic for Stack Overflow. If you confirm the results are correct, and are only asking for a review of your code in order to make it better in terms of efficiency, elegance, best practice, ... then you could consider visiting Code Review, but make sure to read their guidelines, which are different from those of Stack Overflow. — trincot 34 secs ago
1 hour later…
If your code works, but you are looking for new ideas, better efficiency, ... a review, then this is off topic for Stack Overflow. For a review of your code, you could have a look at Code Review, but make sure to follow their guidelines. — trincot 56 secs ago
Q: Pentomino solver in Python

RiomareWhen I was a child, I used to play Ubongo board game, recently I discovered Pentomino puzzle and I wanted to create a custom solver in python for it. Here is what I got: import datetime def solve(height, width, pieces): sorted_pieces = sort_pieces_by_length(pieces) # this makes it faster as ...

Open-ended code review (or pseudocode review) are off-topic here. It's not our job to tell you if something you wrote is correct. That's up to you: you're supposed to bring a focused, concrete question when you post here. — Chris 17 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: c# Diagonal winning condition / connect4

slyfoxI'm making a connet4 in c# but my diagonals winning conditions aren't working. can someone help me or explain me what i'm doing wrong? enter code here static void Main(string[] args) { /*This part of the program ask for the 2 names of the players and saves them in a string*/ TopScreen()...

3 hours later…
@CaptainObvious The first six words remind me of the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb
Q: Dictionary additional function implementations

LinnyI've written a utility class BetterDict to help me on some of my other projects. I've implemented the &, +, and - operators. It extends from the base class dict so I can use all the builtin functions without having to rewrite them all. I would like some feedback on my implementation, best practic...

Q: Data structure to hold elements for script execution

ImtiazI am building a solution to iterate over Python scripts in a folder and execute them. Each script will return a Pandas data-frame which needs to be saved as a Parquet file. The first stage is the data structure to hold all the relevant elements. The request here is to review class Job to see if t...

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