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RELOAD! There are 5863 unanswered questions (89.9247% answered)
Hi, have you considered posting this on Code Review ? I believe it might be more appropriate. — Benoît Pilatte 43 secs ago
I appreciate the code. I have implemented it. Unfortunately I am 1 of 2 Developers rapidly working for our company and I don't consider always efficiency with the code, just something that works. I was new to memory streams and looked for a solution on stackoverflow and used that. I might try using the site CodeReview to get some feedback. It was good to get some feedback though. I have learnt something. — Darren Wood 22 secs ago
Q: checking code if violates in c++

MikeHi all I need a code check up from all C++ experts. Basically, I need make my code not use these restrictions as shown below: Can you check if I am using while(1)? thank you. No global variables No labels or go-to statements No infinite loops, examples include: for(;;) while(1) while(true) d...

3 hours later…
Q: Deepest pit of an array with Javascript: test on Codility

James RayThis is the question from a Codility test, as a task in an interview: DeepestPit - problem description A non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers is given. A pit in this array is any triplet of integers (P, Q, R) such that: ·         0 ≤ P < Q < R < N;·         sequence...

1 hour later…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com. Outside of direct problems for correction, style of implementation is largely opinion based and therefore off-topic — Neil Lunn 30 secs ago
Q: Regex Version of Strip(): Using Optional Function Parameter in Regex

hseekThe code below is a regex-based version of the strip() string method. It takes two arguments: a string (inputString) and a character (char). The second argument is optional. If a second argument is called, all instances of that character at the beginning and end of the string are stripped in th...

2 hours later…
Q: Filling divs with Vue

AlexI write a web app that shows events on a multi room scheduler. I use VueJS for the first time on a real project. Here, I loop through the events array every room column (two nested v-for). In jQuery I need to loop once through this array to fill all columns at once. My question: is there any ot...

Q: Which is best python Encyption/decryption algorithem?

Anil JagtapI'm very new with the encryption/decryption. I want to use encryption/decryption algorithm in my application to encrypt following string. There is so many different algorithm in python when I searched on google. But didn't get which is best and most secure algorithm in python. My code is: def en...

Q: How to code items / pickup function in python for a text based adventure

JordanI was wondering how would I code items and the ability to pick them up in my game? I would also like to implement a system that the items you currently have in your inventory affect the ending. Could anyone help me with this, I've only just started using python. You can find my code here: # N...

Q: JavaScript - Difference between two dates in days or less

Mouad EnnaciriI have 2 dates that I would like to have the difference between them in days and if less than a one day simply show "less than a day". remainingTime() { // Scientific notation of 8.64e+7 const DAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 8.64 * (10 ** 7); const date1 = new Date('2019-02-28T01:22:06.671Z').getTi...

@Heslacher Monking!
1 hour later…
You want to use filter not map. There's also a site on the exchange network specifically for code-review. — Adriani6 53 secs ago
Q: What is a best practice for dealing with an AJAX post response on an MVC action method?

Davide VitaliI'm a junior developer (couple years into it) and very new to AJAX. I'm writing an internal inventory application built on MVC and right now I'm dealing with adding and removing items to/from a cart. When the user select an item to take in or out, s/he is brought to the cart page, where they can...

you publish your question here: Code ReviewMaciej S. 58 secs ago
Q: Get length of the longest sequence of same sign numbers

eanmosI need to get length of the longest sequence of same sign numbers. Assumes that zero is positive. For example: {10, 1, 4, 0, -7, 2, -8, 4, -2, 0} → 3 {0, 1, 2, 3, -2, -4, 0} → 4 {1, -2, 0, -1} → 1 I wrote a function: unsigned getLongestSameSignSequenceLength(std::vector<int> const& a) { ...

This is not really the kind of question that's on-topic for Stack Overflow. This site prefers questions that have a specific, factual answer rather than ones whose answer will be primarily opinion-based. Since what you are asking sounds more like code review you could migrate the question to Code Review StackExchange forum where it could get an satisfying answer. — sophros 47 secs ago
How not to create a legend:
pylab.legend(handles=[myplots[0][0], myplots[1][0], myplots[2][0], myplots[3][0], myplots[4][0], myplots[5][0], myplots[6][0], myplots[7][0], myplots[8][0], myplots[9][0], myplots[10][0], myplots[11][0], myplots[12][0]], loc='upper right')
It works though...
Q: escaping special chars in XML via Python

JamikI have multiple XML documents that were generated by a specific service. The issue is that the characters there are not escaped. Example xml: <plane> <year> 1977 </year> <make> Cessn'a </make> <additionalInfo> <model> Sk"yhawk </model> <color> Light blue and white </color>

SO is for specific question. I read your post twice and did not find such a question. If you need a peer review you might want to ask at codereview.stackexchange - but make sure your program works before asking there - they do not fix code. If you have an error - make it more clear so we might be able to help. — Patrick Artner 7 secs ago
Semi-automatically generated crap, hooray!
import pylab

x_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

plot_data = [
    [60, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 70, 80],
    [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15],
    [150, 150, 140, 100, 100, 70, 50, 40, 0],
    [150, 150, 150, 140, 130, 120, 90, 60, 50],
    [125, 140, 150, 130, 110, 80, 70, 50, 30],
    [35, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 40, 40, 40],
    [20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [25, 25, 25, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 25, 30],
    [85, 90, 110, 140, 140, 150, 150, 150, 160],
    [45, 50, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 110, 130],
this is entirely too much code, no one is going to sift through all that. if you’re looking for a performance boost I suggest checking out code review, otherwise you will have to trim this down a lot — aws_apprentice 32 secs ago
This is more like a code review type of question and/or review of your homework, please narrow down your question to some specific question or issue you have with inheritance, encapsulation etc. — Joakim Danielson 15 secs ago
Q: Confuse a text without making it unreadable

VengeancosScientists have found that a text can still be read even if only the first and last letter of a word are in their right place. The remaining characters within the word can be arranged randomly. Suppose you want to send a text whose content is checked for specific words by a filter. Instead of en...

Looks like you're having fun there @Mast
@Peilonrayz Yes, although it will take a while before it's doing something actually useful.
Q: Copy values between pandas dataframe columns

recurvataI spent a good deal of yesterday trying to copy the values in one column (columnA) of a pandas dataframe to another column (columnB) in the same dataframe. The columns are floats with numeric and NaN values. I researched this site, Stack Overflow, Google, etc., and everything I tried either fail...

Q: fastest way to replace key names

Ryan MORAN_state_dict_rename = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): name = k.replace("module.", "") # remove `module.` MORAN_state_dict_rename[name] = v MORAN.load_state_dict(MORAN_state_dict_rename) trying to replace key names and feed them to another dict. Can this be made faster?...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this fits better on Code Reviewglee8e 7 secs ago
@Duga Are questions that ask if something is working correctly on-topic?
@Peilonrayz not to my knowledge...
Q: How many questions with same script can I ask, if code not only merged reviews but adds new functionality

LeonidMewHow many questions with same script can I ask, if code not only merged reviews but adds new functionality? Can I submit part of code(fully working part with new code) together with full code or without(but with github link)? Will it make users bored? :) It's bash script, not most popular on this...

@Vogel612 Thanks, thought so
@glee8e Unfortunately Code Review requires the author's code to work the way they intend. If they don't know if it's working that way then they do not know, and so would be off-topic there. Please don't suggest other sites when you don't know what is on or off topic there. — Peilonrayz 27 secs ago
@Peilonrayz No. Code has to work to the best of OP's knowledge. If they don't know, how should we?
Q: How to graph a graph with user count daily, weekly, monthly, and annually

yukiI'm not confident in the queries that I created to I'm just asking if my following queries are correct, What I'm trying to do is to show the queries for patient count daily, weekly, monthly and yearly that I will be putting in my graphs Queries for my Daily SELECT COUNT(PatientID) AS PCont ,...

Welcome to Code Review! Since you're not sure whether your queries are correct, we can't be sure either. Basically, you're too early in the process for Code Review. Code Review can help if you know the code works the way it should and you want to make it better. If you don't know, we can't help. That's not within our scope. Please take a look at the help center. — Mast 16 secs ago
@Peilonrayz ^^
In fairness though, we do have this meta. CC @Vogel612
ffs, they really need to make migration suggestions invisible to posting users.
That's a very old answer though.
@Peilonrayz Did you mean duplicate suggestions?
In that case I'm not sure what you mean.
@Duga IMO Migration suggestions like <, shouldn't be visible to low-rep OPs. Just like how the old close vote method was
Q: my 2048 moving is bit nasty

김태홍 KIMIt's a program on 2048 where you play 2048 for some input, play for 5 turns and print out the maximum value of it. Mine works almost correct, except for some inputs I can't guess why it happens though I believe I can fix it somehow later. But What I have problem with is that my move() functi...

@Peilonrayz Ah, like that.
Blame the system for automatically creating a comment when a custom close reason is used.
Oh, that why there's so many of these. -.-
If you have working code but are looking for improvements you're at the wrong place - you want codereview.stackexchange.com instead. Else - if your code is not working - edit your post to include a clear problem description ("partially working", "doesn't work" etc are NOT a clear problem description) and a proper MCVE (stackoverflow.com/help/mcve). — bruno desthuilliers 59 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Yes. People feel the need to make a custom close message because they want to migrate it to CR, but CR is not listed (with good reason).
Nobody ever figures out (it seems) that exactly because it isn't listed, people shouldn't VTC and request a migration.
They probably go: "Oh, they forgot CR. I'll just monkey patch it."
How do migrations work ATM, you get 5 VTM and then woosh it's on the other site?
@Peilonrayz Generally, IIRC Mods can accept/reject things that are migrated.
Migrations are complicated...
More suited to codereview.stackexchange.com. (Note: Why can't I flag it as belonging on Code Review when going to close > off topic > belongs on another SE site? Code Review, and many others, aren't listed.) — Utkanos 17 secs ago
For one there's migration paths.
there are at most 5 migration paths for all sites to other sites. The target site of that migration path must be non-beta.
The migration path is only in one direction. If 5 users vote to close with a migration path, the question is migrated
A mod can migrate a question to any target site (not quite sure whether that's also applying to betas)
Only questions newer than 60 days can be migrated
When a question is migrated, the post on the origin site is closed and automatically redirects to the target site
If the question is closed on the target site, the migration is rejected, the question is closed and locked on both origin and target site
Oh and there's a minor bit of complexity around user profiles, but that's not really relevant here
note that custom close reasons are not migration votes
Ok, it works roughly how I remember it then. The "5 migration paths" thing I'd totally forgotten however.
Please move this question to codereview. — 21koizyd 20 secs ago
@Vogel612 They should've nuked that system years ago...
Q: How do I reduce the cyclomatic complexity of this function?

user194450I've got the following function: const retrieveAmounts = (value) => { if (typeof value === 'undefined') { return null; } const { amount, code } = value; return { amount: isStringDefined(amount) ? amount : null, currencyCode: isStringDefined(code) ? code : null }; }; ES lint current...

@Mast yea... they should've
@Mast IMO it could be good, and is better than comments if implemented correctly. IMO the origin site should be focused on closing questions, with the option to start a migration suggestion for the target site to accept/reject. (independent of VTC system. E.G. code hidden behind link may be a good but off-topic question)
IMO sites should try to close and try to salvage off-topic questions instead of referring them to a place that potentially doesn't want them either.
If the crap gets posted here, it's our problem. If the crap gets posted at SO, it's their problem. If we start migrating, there's at least double the problem.
@Mast That works until someone says "This should be posted on X site". IMO if the option is there people won't make that comment.
@Peilonrayz People will spout crap anyway, regardless of what options you provide them. It's the inherent risk of allowing people to comment at all.
@Mast My bad, I meant to say reduction. Yeah there'll always be a percentage of comments. I think if there's a mechanism there then it'll reduce the percentage.
@Peilonrayz Could be, but at what cost?
I can write up my opinion, in full, so you can better comment on it if you want?
Sure, why not.
Q: Double nested RxJava switchMap

MosesI am new to RxJava and have the following code which I use to search YouTube videos via the API and ultimately display them in a list. private fun showYouTubeSearchView() { val youtubeSearchView = viewFactory.getYouTubeSearchView(null) val contentView = youtubeSearchView.rootView y...

Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Hello there, I should have time to take a peek at your email this week. :)
@DerKommissar Excellent
Q: Optimizing splay tree

ДанилI wrote an splay search tree using the algorithm description and debug and now I want to find out how I can optimize it, maybe I have some obvious errors and I will be glad if someone shows them to me. Java code: private final class SplayTree{ private Node root; private void keepParen...

Q: Project Euler problem #4

tazajaI'm a new coder, stuck on this problem, please could someone help with what I've done - I want the function I've created to run for all numbers in the range and pick out/print those that are true. def is_Palindrome(n): if str(n[0]) == str(n[-1]): return True else: return ...

Q: Dropping and creating table function given SQL Alchemy connection

Jake PriceWrite a Python function: dropcreate_CUSTOMERS(conn) That, given an sqlalchemy connection, will perform the two steps of dropping a table if it exists, and then creating a table. There needs to be strings for each of the SQL commands, and the ability to execute. My current code does not include...

Q: vlookup in python with different header name

Abhijit DasI loaded two csv files into dataframes df and df_cal. df dataframe is like: And df_cal is like: I am using df=pd.read_csv("abcd.csv") df_cal =pd.read_csv("date.csv") df["Quarter"]= pd.merge(df,df_cal,left_on=['Date'], right_on=['Dt'], how='left') I want to insert Quarter new field in d...

Q: Operations on Services / Repositories instead of Domain Objects

JamesI'm using the controller - service - repository pattern. The repository via Spring Data has an existsById method that returns a boolean. My service calls it such as: public boolean isAlreadyUsed(Order order) { return orderMapRepository.existsById(order.getId()); } And in another service I ...

Q: How to hide the internals of one class that can only be instantiated with an object from another class?

Tobias HermannDuring some running process, a histogram of values shall be build up. When done, the CDF shall be derived from it and used to get the quantiles for some values. My current implementation (simplified, to show the essence of the problem) looks as follows: import java.util.* import kotlin.math.max...

Probably, but SO isn't really about code reviews. Is there a problem with your code? What have you identified as a problem? What steps have you taken to solve those problems? Hint: maybe you read the directory for XLS files and add the details from that to a dictionary? Or maybe you process them in a loop? It depends on what you want to do with this data. — jdv just now
This seems like more of a fit for codereview.stackexchange.comDavid 56 secs ago
Q: Text2Vec - fit_transform, $transform TF-IDF

Kamil LiskutinI am sorry if this is a wrong place to post a question. I have two questions: ~ A) I am trying to do text similarity using TF-IDF cosine similarity. I somehow managed it in the fallowing code, reading the documentation. However, I have a question. I have 17 speakers, each speaks 20 times. So I ...

Q: Laser Mouse control C++, Python 3, Arduino Uno

ConnorGI will be buying all the equipment soon to make a laser that point wherever the mouse on my PC controls. It will consist of: -An Arduino Uno connected to my PC -2 6V servos -Some other stuff that is irrelevant I have written a draft sketch in Arduino and Python. But, I'm not sure how the Serial W...

Q: Make filtering function more clear

JotakunI have a web component that is rendering a list of items and I have this method for filtering these items based in a filterBy object that is being updated by other events and stored in the same component class. filterBy = { comment: '', // string rating: [] // array of number...

Thanks, David. I posted this to code review. — EastCoast2234 18 secs ago
There does not seem to a be a problem with your code. If you are looking for code review, then your question would be more suitable for CodeReviewtrincot 5 secs ago
Q: Convert basic code to OOD or advanced

EastCoast2234I am new to Java and just in my third week. I picked up the basics OK but now that our professor is asking for more advanced techniques, I am struggling a bit. I was given a few problems and asked to create programs in Java. I successfully built those programs but he sent out a notice to everyone...

Q: Socket chat room made with Tkinter

colkat406This is a real live chatroom that I have made with Tkinter Server.py import socket, threading host = socket.gethostname() port = 4000 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind((host,port)) s.listen() clients = {} addresses = {} print(host) print("Server is ready...") serverRu...

Q: Converting an enum class from Java to Qt/C++

DjangoI have some enum classes for units, like Weight units (KG and LB). I am translating the code to Qt C++ from Java, and I'm wondering what the best way to do this is as enums cannot have constructors in C++ that same way they do in Java (as far as I know). Here is the Java class: public enum Weig...

@mjwills: Sure thanks a lot; that's out of the box thinking. I worked with a 60 years old guy , he fro europe, he is very sharp and fussy in small things like that and always give me code review feedback (Of course is great to receive such feedback). I cherish that lol speaking to you :) :) He was my client :)...Of course his attention to details and even small things it matters and he is quite fussy lol, good thing and learning working under him.. — Learner 35 secs ago
This is more a question for code review, but one thing that should speed things up is to merge ranges and hide and unhide them at once. — JvdV 14 secs ago
Q: Encapsulation best-practice in Javascript

gnidocWhy does the following work and print 'xyz' function WordPair(_wordA){ let wordA = _wordA; this.getWordA = function() { return wordA; }; } let arr = []; arr.push(new WordPair('xyz')); console.log(arr[0].getWordA()); but the following two versions don't function WordPair(_...

Q: Alternative to a utility class for extension methods in C#?

Tara StahlerSo I understand that in OOP languages like C#, it is generally viewed as bad practice to create utility classes, and it's preferable to put methods in the classes in which they will be used. To that end, I wanted to create a transpose() extension method for double[,] types; however, it told me th...

Probably a better fit for CodeReview since the code works. — takendarkk 53 secs ago
@takendarkk protip: you can use [codereview.se] to generate a link to Code Review. See meta.stackexchange.com/questions/239707/…Amy 52 secs ago
If you are seeking peer review of your code you should post this on codereview.stackexchange.com instead of here. — Blastfurnace 33 secs ago
@unix-people Does this look okay to you? [[ $(docker ps -q -f "name=mfe_server_prod" | wc -l) == 1 ]] || echo "Not running"
to test if a Docker container is running or not
why check for exactly one?
@Vogel612 because I'm not sure how to check for multiple :P
I tried using -ne 0 but that didn't work as expected, probably because the output from Docker command maybe is not an integer
There should only be one though, there will only be more if I use a container named mfe_sever_prod_2 or similar
Ok, I will post it to code review, thanks everyone. Sorry for the off-topic. — Anderson Montelo 13 secs ago
in Coding Projects and Vue.js Heaven :), 2 days ago, by Simon Forsberg
@Duga I am the worst sysadmin ever.
in Coding Projects and Vue.js Heaven :), 2 days ago, by Simon Forsberg
@Marc-Andre When building develop Jenkins did docker ps -q --filter name="mfe_server" | xargs -r docker stop but when you have one container with the name "mfe_server" and one with the name "mfe_server_prod", well.... it just so happens that --filter does not need an exact match for the name.
Q: How to write a performant and short "from array" ship-recognition code for battleship?

AlphaI wrote server-side battleship code in nodeJs/Javascript. Its source code is available at: https://github.com/ndsvw/battleship It allows to: find out if all ships are placed correctly (regarding options). simulate a match (starting a match => a random player who begins is chosen. Both place t...

Q: HSL->RGB and vice versa, plus Harmony and Tint, Tone, Shade, Saturate

Major DespardI wanted to write an After Effects plugin which generated a shade of colors based on harmonies such as Complementary, Split-Complementary, Triadic, Square, etc, which are all explained here: http://www.tigercolor.com/color-lab/color-theory/color-harmonies.htm And Tint, Tone, Shade, Saturate op...

@SimonForsberg What specifically are you trying to do?
Note that if this is code you've written, and you want a review of all of the code, you may find it better placed on Code Review, but please read their help center about what's on topic there. — Heretic Monkey 59 secs ago
Just make sure you don't start another container up with that name:tag?
@DerKommissar I want my Jenkins to start a Docker container with a specific name if it is not already running
So you probably want to go a different route: [[ $(docker ps -f "name=$name" --format '{{.Names}}') == $name ]] || docker run ..., that's how I do it when I want that guarantee.
You could also take advantage of docker start ... if you wanted, and then || docker run ..., because docker start will return 0 if the container is running, though I'm less a fan of that route.
@DerKommissar Yeah I was considering that too... but I thought I wanted to avoid duplicating $name twice
@SimonForsberg I look at it as "things happen", you know?
If you make it a variable it's much safer.
@DerKommissar 1) If my container is not started but exists then I don't want it to simply start it again, I would like it to be re-started. 2) As I do docker run with the --rm flag, it will never be simply "stopped" - it will be removed.
3) Jenkins seems to have a problem with the ||-thing
Ah, then that changes things for sure.
Q: Optimise time and help in indentation (either K&R or Linux Kernel)

Ashok SinghI have written a code to find histogram from a raw image . please, tell me how to reduce time and properly indentate this code . what else can I do at my best as i have to run this code latter on Complete ARM®-based processing system . #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h>...

@SimonForsberg I do cleanup first: docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q --filter "ancestor=$name:$tag"), but I always want to kill the existing container.
@DerKommissar I used to do docker ps -q --filter name="mfe_client" | xargs -r docker stop, but if a problem occurred between shutting it down and starting it up again, then.... it would just be dead for a while.
Yeah, that's the downside of my method.
(and this happened earlier today, it was dead for two hours until I realized the problem)
You could, potentially, start a new container with a different tag, and then once it starts successfully kill the old one.
@DerKommissar but both of them are competing for the same ports
So when the second one starts it will get "Address already in use" and fail
Dang man, you gotta make it tough lol
Never said it would be easy :)
I think what I have now is quite okay: If docker gives any output for docker ps -q --filter name="mfe_client", then don't start a new container.
Yeah, probably best.
You could also just stop the current one, build/start the new one, if it fails, restart the old one?
If it success then remove.
I dunno, I really don't know much about docker so you should probably ignore me :D
@DerKommissar How do you "restart" a Docker container?
docker start
Oh, docker restart <container>, d'oh!
And that
Wonder what the difference is
> Start one or more stopped containers
Restart removes it and then starts it again
Ah, nice
Start is like hitting "Play" after you've hit "Pause"
Ah, that's why I usually use it lmfao
(this is just mainly guesses though, but partly experience)
I should probably switch some of our stuff to restart because we probably need it realistically
I've had issues with some Nginx images that if the container is stopped, then starting it again nginx is actually not running in it, so I have to jump into the container and start nginx before it works
Yeah we have some code that runs at startup that probably gets skipped if we stop >> start.
@DerKommissar Or at least investigate the difference a bit more
@SimonForsberg Yeah, that's my plan, putting it on the other guys board lmao
Q: JavaScript that deletes everything inside a folder on Box.com

midnightnoirI just finished a simple script for Node that will delete all the folders and files inside a specified folder ID through Box's API. It works by getting a list of items inside a folder, then generating a list of File IDs and Folder IDs, then making parallel calls to Box's delete file and delete fo...

Q: Java Expiring map example

SaiI have an usecase where I load the data from CB on the startup of the app, where I build the hashmap with . When a request is made to the app, it checked for the key in the map to load the object and makes downstream calls to another service based on the fields from the object value. Now, there ...

Q: May I ask for comments on whether I am following the MVC pattern properly in Tkinter?

butterflyknifeThis is my first post on this site, so I'm sorry if this post isn't what the site is about. Please see the repo here: https://github.com/masumshaikh/UdemyPythonMegaCourse/tree/master/003%20Tkinter instructor.py is the code that was presented in a lecture, which I have tried to translate to th...

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