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RELOAD! There are 2624 unanswered questions (92.8435% answered)
As it stands right now, this does not fit the nature of how CR works and would be flagged as off-topic. That being said, though, you could rework this question to be on-topic. You have the basis for a strong question here. You just need to solidify your proposed change and design a full question around that. Don't worry about the old code. Only post the details that are needed to understand your app and how you want to achieve it. — Trojan404 2 mins ago
@Trojan404 Nice response, thank you
@CaptainObvious closed
@Quill The Stack Exchange Statistics Explorer I've been working on for, well, forever has some screenshots in chat.
And will be live here shortly.
Okay, not sure why you're pinging me about it, but cool nonetheless!
Oh, I thought you were one of the ones interested in it.
I haven't been in chat much lately, so I don't really know much about it, to be honest
One of the users in the PPCG chat is making a Data Explorer for chat
I started this project in April...lol
Yeah, but I haven't been following your updates, so I don't really know much about it beyond those pretty graphs and daily stats you used to do
Well I'm building a front-end for the graphs.
<-- Still looking for person to do critter colab with.
Nifty, you can now choose a field to filter on.
And they all work.
And theres nothing hardcoded for them as far as JS goes.
@EBrown What is this project about? I think I heard some about from Phrancis but I don't quite understand (unless this is differnet)
It's basically a portal/dashboard/whatever for people to view a bunch of data I'm collecting on all SE sites.
So you can select a site and see a plethora of stats on it.
Is it like an API?
It will have one, but it also has a GUI.
I'm about to deploy it live so that you guys can mess with it for a bit while I add the actual graphing.
Q: OOP Design: a flight booking system

AwesomeSauceI'm attempting to improve my OOP design skills through solving sample problems. Below is an implementation of a flight booking system where the passenger can only request a seat class, but no number. Also, flight statistics must be printed. In your review, please focus on design: How can I design...

Q: Simple parallel_for_each in C++

Jonathan.I need to parallelise a for loop, that does quite a lot of processing over thousands of items. I came up with this basic loop that seems to work quite effectively on a small test. template<class T, class C> void parallel_for_each(std::vector<T>* ts, C callable, uint poolsize = (std::thread::hard...

Well, this password quickly got out of hand.
Hmm...33 characters...
as long as you don't have to remember it :P
The thing is it's super easy to remember.
It's a sentence.
Q: Yet another lexical analyser

Gabriel B S MThe following program is a lexical analyser for a simple and small grammar. Please read my code and answer me these questions: Is my code easy to understand? Is my code well organized? Are there bugs in my code? Is the lack of comments a problem? Can you make my code more performatic without m...

And no, it's not "correct horse battery staple"
@Trojan404 It has numbers and symbols.
@EBrown here's your new best friend - passwordsgenerator.net
@Trojan404 No lol
random is as secure as you can get
16 random = more secure than 33 sentence
No, it's not, really.
from an instance of social engineering at least
if you're talking about pure digit tracking then that's different
Quite slow, though.
Never mind, it's fine.
Just compilation crap for first page view.
@EBrown the difference is most sights still don't realize they need to allow longer passwords. thus the limit is 16 usually
Why is IE so dumb.
Now Safari doesn't view things correctly.
Because IE does.
@EBrown just render everything on server and send image to user. Include some js to send clicks to server so it can rerender. (yes I'm joking)
I can't imagine the bandwidth costs or ttfb if someone actually did that
Feel free to play with that.
I need to fix one bug with the Sites Currently Logged page.
@Trojan404 Guess what? Most places don't accept passwords 2048 characters long.
As a matter of fact, it is having trouble downloading the remember tokens for one that long :P
@Hosch250 See my link above ^^
@Hosch250 which ones do?
@arda Don't know any off-hand.
I do 50 sometimes and consider that overkill
My U stops at 32 for some services, and 128 for the Google-based ones.
@EBrown Where's the graphs?
@Hosch250 Working on them now.
@arda That happens on small screens, I'm going to be doing away with that whole table most likely.
@EBrown ok :/
I need to get a bugs/features thing up quick for it.
for that matter, 1366x768 is not THAT small.
@EBrown just open a github repo
@arda Windowed or full-screen?
@EBrown full screen
@arda Alright, let me see what I can do with that.
@arda What size device?
@arda Does that on my 5K display as well. Definitely a bug.
I honestly have a hard time believing they make 15" laptops with that pixel-density anymore.
@Hosch250 15.6
I wonder if a reword of "Unanswered" and shrinking that column a bit would get more room.
@EBrown loads of free space around the page
Same as my screen, which is 1920 x 1080.
reduce the offset
@arda Well foundation makes it in the middle like that for a reason.
It makes it easy to make it responsive.
Yeah, you don't want the lines too long, typically.
@EBrown I know
It is, what, %25 atm? I'm recommending reducing it a few percentages
TBH, I didn't know Arqade had that many users and votes.
Oh, I guess the password generator figures that if your password is 51+ characters long, you can remember it without help :P
@EBrown arqade gets loads of new users. we are also a pro-vote community. There is literally one tenacious badge awarded.
@arda Fixed. :)
Just removed the parenthesis around the changes, should be self-explanatory.
@EBrown looks much better
@EBrown any raw links to data? wanna mess with it in pbi
@arda No, not yet.
Going to add those here shortly.
Those actually come with graphs...lol
@EBrown You should add one graph to the boxes.
It will make things look a little spicier.
@Hosch250 I can.
I was thinking that questions asked would be a good one for that.
@arda That's actually really good, though.
Do Questions Asked Per Day in a specific range.
@Hosch250 Last 30 days?
@EBrown yeah. Wish it was still at zero though. Can I like, refund the badge or smth?
No axis labels or ticks or anything, just a line.
@arda If only...lol
Yeah, just a line that goes up/down.
30 should be good, maybe 60 if it seems too narrow.
@arda Lol That's kinda funny.
@Hosch250 Should be fine, it's all responsive as is.
@EBrown yeah, having the only badge that was awarded once in a huge website is a weird feeling
Performance will be the only concern.
^bragging silently
@arda I'd bet! Lol
oh man 2 hours until gamejam ends and I still have loads of stuff to do :/
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by mizech: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/138421/revisions
Q: Javascript Meta tags

user115046 <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta name="fragment" content="!"> <meta name="description" data-bind="attr.content: (pageModel()?ko.unwrap(pageModel()....

Your question isn't quite on-topic for SO. Might I recommend CodeReview.SE? Only the first part of your question (a specific coding problem) is on-topic here. General code-review questions/requests for improvement suggestions should go to CodeReview. — Sebastian Lenartowicz 26 secs ago
Q: DateTimePicker validation doesn't seem to work

Anon private void btnsAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtsFName.Text != "" && txtsLName.Text != "" && txtsPost.Text != "" && txtsSuburb.Text != "" && txtsState.Text != "" && txtsAdd1.Text != "" && txtsPhone.Text != "") { using (Entities2...

You seem to have 2 different questions: "Why is srand not being stored in my variable" and "Please critique my code as much as possible". Are you looking for a code review? Please clarify. — Rakete1111 42 secs ago
Our site now has a live graph for Zombie Rate.
@EBrown looks fine
@Hosch250 Click the link above ^^^ ;)
I did.
this belongs on codereview — naomik 50 secs ago
Sorry, I should've linked. codereview.stackexchange.comnaomik just now
Q: Combine arrays and preserve ordering - but prioritize one array's ordering over another

max pleanerI recently posted this question on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38947923/combine-arrays-and-preserve-ordering-but-prioritize-one-arrays-ordering-over/38948853#38948853 Basically the situation is this: I have two arrays. I want to combine them both in a manner similar to thi...

I'm glad that I was able to help. You might want to consider posting your code on Code Review. You can get an in depth analyze of your code there. You can combine the Select and Insert statements into a single query. Something like: — Thomas Inzina 32 secs ago
I need a formula...
Got it, I think.
We'll find out later I suppose.
Q: Class that holds calculation results and has to be immutable

user77115I'm roughly trying to follow the guidelines in "Effective Java", "Item 15: Minimize mutability", hence the class is not "final" on purpose. public final class Result<T extends Number> { private final Map<String, T> result; public Result(final Map<String, T> result) { this.result...

SVG's are weird.
Got it.
It's just JavaScript being weird.
Which isn't weird.
possible answer invalidation by user77115 on question by user77115: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/138732/revisions
Q: Sorting using heap sort algorithm?

Nicholas LiuI tried to write a heap sort program myself for Leetcode 217. Contains Duplicate as below rather than using Python built-in sort method. Leetcode should accept heap sort method, but for some reasons I don't know, although my heap sort program works well, I still got the runtime rejection from Lee...

Q: Calculating costs with several objects

Enderycould you please help me to improve this code? I have a feeling that it is doing too much inside the method. How can I split it to smaller functional blocks? public class TestProcess { public static final double calculateActualCost(List<UsageIF> usageList, TimePeriod timePeriod, Report...

Q: Model design for Online Food order app

pythonLoverI have been trying to develop online food order application. I have taken the concept of zomato.com where a user or say owner registers his/her restaurant. After adding the restaurant, an executive from the company will fix a meeting with him/her, take pictures and menu of his/her restaurant by h...

Q: My first functional Makefile

James KoI use C# predominantly and just recently moved to C++/Linux, so I'm a bit of a newbie to Makefiles. After a few days of reading the GNU make docs and scouring StackOverflow questions, I was able to come up with my very first functional Makefile template. Here it is: CXX := g++ CXXFLAGS := -Wall ...

Goooood morning
@EBrown lol
So you've been down some kind of JavaScript rabbit-hole this weekend I take it?
Sorry for not being on, I've been busy wallowing in self-pity and despair.
@StackExchange HOORAY
@JeroenVannevel I pinged you in Nth but you haven't been in there so I'm pinging you here too.
Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Input form for MySQL database
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Backbone subviews and switch
Monking @all
Monking mr name in italics
@DanPantry IKR, feels weird.
Also fun though.
Using this or self as receiver is not recommended accroding to go wiki github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#Receiver_NamesSarathsp 41 secs ago
Q: What are the best practices when constructing a Javascript function?

user115060I created a script to get the click url (a href) on a landing page. For example http://www.example.com/go/amazon, where I just want to return the value “amazon” (Note: and capitalize the 'a' of the value "Amazon") Does the code below look like good practice of how I did this? function()...

Q: Checking validity of Eight Queens Problem board using C++

Joy Ram Sen GuptaI am solving a problem from an OJ Kattis named Eight Queens. I have applied a brute force technique of solving the problem. The problem Statement can be found here: https://open.kattis.com/problems/8queens My code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; c...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code reviewQuentin 17 secs ago
@Zak Hello slanted man =)
I've been in hell.
But I rose again from the darkness.
To defeat the evil JavaScript.
@arda The graphs for Arqade confuse me: sese.evbpc.com/Sites/…
@Vogel612 I don't remember saying that, but I wouldn't be surprised if I said something along those lines a year ago.
If I did, things have changed.
This is probably more a codereview question — Randy 28 secs ago
so .. you want to have a go at it, too?
also why am I the only one that seems interested in this?
I'd be honoured if you think I'm worthy of such a position.
You're definitely here enough
@Vogel612 I don't know. I recall you were the one pushing for more RO last time as well.
I posted it on Code Review yesterday but got no replies, so posted it here. — Mohima Chaudhuri 30 secs ago
yup ... interestingly I'm against using the (admittedly little) moderation tools that come with the title
it's more like a commitment to maintaining "room health" to me
Those moderation tools should be used exactly like that, with moderation.
You'd trust a Dutchman with that much power?
The world has gone mad
But sometimes, it's a necessary thing. And having a RO lurking most of the time has it's benefits to room health.
@JeroenVannevel You've had your chance. You declined.
Jan 20 at 2:13, by Jeroen Vannevel
speaking of which, where's my RO status?
I'm next in line for the RO throne
yield your scepter to me
I don't think we need any more ROs with @Zak now
at least, not yet
@JeroenVannevel I think there's more than one throne. More like knights of the Round Table.
but @Vogel612 is likely a better judge of that than me
@DanPantry And I trusted you
lol :)
@DanPantry why would I be?
I understood that reference.
@Vogel612 You're an RO; you know what ROs need more than I do.
I haven't been in here for ten days, I have no Idea of the situation in here
Not only that, you've been RO for as long as I can remember.
for all I know someone could've gone ogre in here and I wouldn't know
We don't have ogres in here, just lurkers.
@Mast since rolfl did some necessary cleanup, actually
I miss that monkey.
There's been a lot of shitposting here recently which I think is both a good and bad thing
It's nice to see people loosening up :)
I've been working on it
Feels more like a pub than a shirt-and-tie office gathering
2 days ago, by Dan Pantry
mods are away, continue s***posting
@DanPantry that's not really a bad thing. It helps retain users if it's not an office meeting in here :)
because office meetings are usually boring
Yeah, that's the good part
Sometimes it may get taken a bit too far
so for future reference: I sure wouldn't mind additional ROs
because that (most probably) means I can step away for things without worrying
If you need me, you know where to find me. I'm available if you do, but I'm not going to push for it.
In the meantime, there's questions and answers in need of some votes. I'll be out shooting some.
I'm also available, but I would be hesistant to accepting it before seeing my workload at Riot.
@EBrown whıch parts are confusni
I assume that means you got the job? Congrats :)
@Vogel612 Yes, the preliminary offer should be received sometime this week (I'm hoping today but it's likely not until Tuesday)
I can't help but wonder why sometimes getting an actual job offer takes so long after you went through all interviews
Well the situation is that after you go through all the interviews you need three references, one of which must be your boss at your work
On my last job I've had one interview (with CEO, CTO and a Dev) and I signed my contract not quite a week after that
I told my boss I was going to get the job at Riot on Monday but I needed him to be a reference
Riot emailed him the reference form, as well as my other 2 references, on Tuesday
But my boss didn't hand it in.... so his manager filled it in in his stead, which was submitted on Wednesday
@DanPantry Is that Riot policy or something you've encountered more often?
Given those timescale it would have been very unlikely to hear anything last week
I expect I'll hear something early this week. Today, or tomorrow
@Vogel612 I'm definitely a bigger fan of such timescales than the likes Dan encountered here.
I've been in close contact with the Hiring Manager since he submited the offer and I'm basically on the team in spirit now so it's just finalising how relo will work.
@Mast It's Riot policy, I've never been asked for a reference before.
That said, you could be a really good interviewee and a really bad colleague
or your boss could be out for you :/
He has no reason to be
I'm not on his project any more. From a selfish POV it doesn't matter
My boss was also going on holiday the next day so it's not unreasonable to think he would be busy
His manager didn't even bother to try to counter-offer. NOt because they didn't want to keep me (they did) but they knew they could never compete
my office politics skills are basically nonexistant
It's entirely possible he has it in for me, but I would consider it very very unikely
I mean, my boss literally said I could take all of my AL off to leave my contract early... (17 days => 16th sept last day)
IMO, taking an extra week or two before you hire somebody just to check everything on their CV that is confirm-able and ask for references is well worth it. But if you were going to be extra-awesome, you'd hire sombody immediately, with a proviso that they'll be fired if their references don't check out satisfactorially. Best of both worlds that way.
They have already hired me in essence, as I said. It's just a case of having a formalised offer on the table.
Plus, I would imagine, they wouldn't just take your boss's word for it if he decided to try and sabotage your reference.
I really, really should be looking into Dublin rental prices at lunch today so I can be prepared for how much to ask
@DanPantry Have you not discussed salary yet?
I am 100% confident my boss would not give a crap reference.
@Zak There has been a ballpark estimation
But it is still open for negotiation
@Zak Smells like a linked list problem
The ballpark is €60k/y. Given the rate of taxation in ROI, this works out to be approximately €3.5k/m, which is just not enough to have a healthy balance of rent costs if I want to live in central Dublin. I'd need to ask for 70-80k for that
@DanPantry did you work out how the brexit thing works with you and riot?
@Vogel612 No one knows yet, not even Riot
Brexit has not been negotiated
Hell, we haven't even pulled the trigger yet
I think if riot are willing to pay this much though they would be willing to get me a visa if it came to it
@DanPantry really? Because that's a solid amount more than I earn in Central London
@Zak That's what happens hear. Your first month or so is a period where both parties can decide it wasn't a good idea after all.
@JeroenVannevel renting for studios starts at €1.4k a month.
ah, living on your own?
@DanPantry youch that's heavy
That's more expensive
@DanPantry Maybe, but you have something of a problem in that you've already taken the job, in essence. So your negotiating position is limited.
@Zak I have not taken the job
@DanPantry In Dublin?
I have not said "Yes, I will work for you"
You've quit your other job though
@DanPantry No, but you have told your current boss.
I was going to anyway :P
Definitely limits your negotiating power
Q: Custom string formatters

t3chb0tSome time ago I was experimenting with an Extendable format provider but I wasn't satisfied with the implementation. It didn't feal very SOLID so I've rewritten it to this: The base class is the Formatter: public abstract class Formatter : IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter { protected Forma...

Sure, it does
@Mast Germany has a probation period by law. It can be at most 6 months and the contract can be terminated at two weeks notice during that time
But I have faith Riot won't low-ball me.
@Mast yes. check out daft.ie
the riot office is in Dublin 2
@Vogel612 I think it can be terminated with even less notice here during that period.
Of course, there is public transport, but I'd realllllly prefer to be nearer to the city center if possible - within 2km, which is what I do now to walk to the office.
I currnetly live within 1km of the city center of Cardiff
@Mast if you mess up hard enough you can be terminated without notice, so there's that
I see 800-1000/m for a shared accomodation
that's doable
Don't you want flatmates?
I am never, ever going to do shared accommodation again. It's just not on the table.
I've done it before, it didn't work out.
@Vogel612 Of-course, but the employee can decide it isn't going to work out as well. And IIUC he doesn't have to work a full 2 weeks from the moment he tells so.
Eh, you had some bad luck then. Could go a lot better 2nd time around
I have lovely roomies
And if I were, it would have to be with a girlfriend or someone who I trust. Not some random person.
@DanPantry Not a question of low-balling. But it is leaving money on the table. Have you ever read this?
@Zak, no, I haven't. Thanks for the link. Ill read it during lunch
I have 6 weeks after moving to Dublin to think about htis
My main concern is getting somewhere too expensive such that the deposit is too high to be covered by the wage of the first pay packet.
I have savings, of course, but I'd rather not dip into those to rent a place lol
eh, that deposit is offset after 1 à 2 months
And Riot have said they don't want the relocation to cost me anything
not really dipping into savings
so it's possible they may yet still offer help with that. Who knows. this is all TBD
@DanPantry IMO, this is one of those times when it's worth thinking about what's best for you first, and then figuring out short-term cashflow around it.
@Zak definitely.
I live 4 minutes by bike from the station. It would be 15 minutes walking. Consider getting a bike if you can get something decent just out of the range you got in mind.
Help with relocation is also one of those things you can negotiate over.
Going to get food, we can talk about this after I get back. @Mast My main concern is living too far from the city (and by extension social sphere). @Zak yes, that's will be part of the offer package I should receive early this week.
Win the lotto, buy a palace. Problem solved.
All dates are in the list, twice.
Best part of the joke? Same goes for the months...
Somebody should probably have a talk with whoever is responsible for that mess.
double precision
They also have links like localhost/path/to/link
Where the localhost part is obviously never going to work.
the is the result of craftsman at work and not engineers... unfortunatelly nearly no one is interested in good software... it should be quick&dirty
@Mast I've seen worse...
e.g. my bank that puts in the used TAN into a transaction "use for" field
oh and the timestamp as well... just to divulge more information
spending time with staring out the window and modeling your programm in your head is considered as waisting time :|
@Vogel612 I'd expect better from a bank.
@t3chb0t I prefer to use a whiteboard or pen & paper for it because it retains information even when I'm interrupted
i worked for a company that develops POS (point-of-sale) software, the one that the cashier useses... when starting it throws over 1k first-chance exceptions because some idiot didn't know about dictionary.trygetvalue
I wonder why so many "big" products seem so incredibly badly written ...
Q: Inheritance and small number of parameters

NarekUncle Bob in his Clean Code says: So all the same rules apply. Functions that take variable arguments can be monads, dyads, or even triads. But it would be a mistake to give them more arguments than that. void monad(Integer... args); void dyad(String name, Integer... args); void triad(S...

Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean greeting, programmer
Sure, in plain-text, why the heck not...
my bank shows all my cc details in plain text.
@EBrown I've checked a bit and think I understand the values there
I got the nagging feeling I just lost control of who has my personal info.
on 6th, pokemon go was released
@arda And the dip in front of that was probably the quietness of summer.
@Vogel612 it's easier to do it in your head because you can test many more designs much quicker :)
@Mast nah
as you can see, it got so many questions and answers that it took down the unanswered rate
as time went on, it continued to rise
very clear spike on jul6 here too
If your question is really whether there is another way to something you are already doing, then this question is more suitable for asking on CodeReviewtrincot 45 secs ago
I hear many being very impressed with Usain Bolts 9.58 run in the 100 meter sprint. However Is not his 19.19 world record at 200 more impressive?
Basically the same time over twice the distance. Crazy

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