@AlfredCentauri Sigh. How many times do I have to repeat that "The chemical forces cannot be explained by classical electrostatics, which includes Maxwell's equations"?
I am not sure how else to convince you. As far as I know, there are quantum-mechanical effects involved, and Ben Crowell has explained them in his answer.
Once again, you're avoided answering the simple question I've asked. Ben's answer is clear as is the Wikipedia article. The emf due to chemical and thermal forces does imply that the electric field is non-conservative (look closely at the three integrals for the emf at the Wiki article). You've stated that the electric field of the battery is non-conservative but, if that were so, there must be a time dependent magnetic field.
2 hours later…
@AlfredCentauri The answer to your question is "There DOES NOT need to be a time-varying magnetic field to have a non-zero curl". In how many ways must I tell you this? In Japanese maybe?
13 hours later…
Correct, there is no magnetic field, time varying or otherwise and thus, the electric field is conservative. This is just the way it is. The chemical forces that produce the emf are not identical to the electric field which, again, is conservative. This is not hard to see and I don't understand why you insist otherwise.
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Nov '189
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