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@Asheesh Are you here?
@AnnonomusPerson Not exactly :) I will be back in 20 minutes. Something came up.
@AsheeshR Tell me when you're back.
I have something to do too so it might be a bit more than 20 minutes.
@AsheeshR I wonder if that damages the Arduino much...
@AnnonomusPerson PING!
@AsheeshR Hi!
You wanted to discuss something?
@AsheeshR What I wanted to ask you is: what is the purpose of asking your question about the site stats when you don't want to look at the actual numbers and compare them to other sites?
Oops didn't mean to italicize that. Oh well.
I'm wondering how I can revise my answer to better fit the question.
@AnnonomusPerson The purpose is to track the stats.
It is not possible for users to see site trends.
Unlike, what is available under analytics to you guys.
@AsheeshR BTW how do I find that?
Can't seem to find analytics. There needs to be a moderator tools sitemap.
@AsheeshR Never noticed that link.
@AsheeshR I see. Can you somehow add a note to preserve all of the previous screenshots?
@Asheesh Do you know what I mean?
@AnnonomusPerson Done.
@AsheeshR Great! I removed my answer. Thanks for clarifying.
Hmm I wonder if it would be considered "moderational purposes" to create a closed chat room and invite you in with settings...
@AsheeshR Is it allowed "under the rules?" You're a more experienced mod than I am.
@AsheeshR True.
If the chat room is allowed I'll start it now.
@AnnonomusPerson Event based private chat rooms are used on some other sites. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8923/meet-the-pros

 Fitness Blog Editor Room

To discuss organizing the Fitness blog
@AsheeshR I'll add it now.
1 hour later…
Q: Arduino disconnecting at upload

Fadi Hanna AL-KassThis problem doesn't seen to be very common around the Arduino community. Basically, what's happening is that as soon as I click the upload button, the Arduino IDE tells me that my Arduino board is not connected. What's strange though is that the python application ino is able to upload my code ...

That is how software debugging questions should be like.
14 hours later…
@AsheeshR Why do you consider that a good software debugging question? (not necessarily saying you are incorrect. I am just curious for your opinion)
3 hours later…
@jippie it gives you a lot of information. what the problem is (specific error messages), and what you've already tried to solve it.
i get so tired of hearing "it doesn't work whats the problem" ....
@sachleen on my bad days I just click the question away when that happens ;o)
@sachleen To be honest, I am not sure with that question if the problem is continuous or the problem appears just every once in a while. Sure it is my fault not to check that, but I apparently have a life besides SE :o)

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