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@Marc Why would I think pneuma or psyche mean soul, if I don't believe in the English word "soul"- or rather, I view it differently than it's standard definition. And I certainly wouldn't translate several different Greek words as a single English word like "life". Psyche is the "self", and the pneuma directly influences the psyche.
For example, my psyche is all my memories, experiences, and mental capacities- but God has given me a new pneuma because he has caused me to deny my psyche and lay it down. In a way, psyche can be understood as the "ego", whereas pneuma is the "conscience".
I believe Paul existed, so there's no reason why I wouldn't quote him. I'm sure Athanasius quoted Arius extensively, so I don't follow your argument. Here is an answer I wrote about Paul, and I quote him a lot.
Yes, Andrea Yates was a crazy person. However, I still don't understand what exactly she did wrong? She murdered, and that's definitely wrong, but her reason was far superior to the actual act. She cut a few measly 60-70 years off to secure eternity. If there truly is this "hell" place, then how are any of us sane? How can we laugh and rejoice about anything?
Because I get to go to heaven for being so awesome and freely choosing the triune god out of my pure awesomeness? So I likewise see holes in Catholic theology. These holes are dark, and there are so many mysteries- or hidden things. "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad." Mark 4:22.

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