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I've retracted my close vote post-edit: I no longer take umbrage at the phrasing.
3 hours later…
Talking about whether a law is deliberately or not deliberately racist is just apologism for racism. Laws don't have intentionality, they only have effects. @JaredSmith
Also, in general American laws should be assumed racist until shown otherwise, in the same way that one would assume 12th century French laws were pro-feudal until proven otherwise.
8 hours later…
4 hours later…
@JaredSmith SSC is run by a closet white supremacist lmao, you're proving my point
1 hour later…
@JaredSmith - there are pretty broadly accepted facts about voter fraud and what groups are less likely to have government-issued photo id - aclu.org/other/oppose-voter-id-legislation-fact-sheet . Those groups are far more likely to be minority and hence, Democrat. Someone who's strongly in favor of voter id laws might not be explicitly racist and just be ignorant or support partisan disenfranchisement. In my personal experience, those 3 things are all pretty correlated.
What is "explicit" racism? @labw
@labw in my experience they don't ymmv. I hang out with a lot of people in that crowd.
@ubadub I find it absolutely hilarious/tragic that you're accusing a Jew of being a "closet white supremacist".
@JaredSmith Why would a (white) Jew be incapable of being a white supremacist? c.f. Milo the Nazi-Apologist-cum-Pedophile-Apologist
@ubadub by "explicit racism" I just meant things truly indefensible for other reasons. Extreme examples being things like citing race as a reason for not hiring someone, being involved in historically and vocally racist groups like the KKK, etc. I've known people that use racial slurs in private conversation, and I would group that the same.
@ JaredSmith I'm curious how the folks you know justify desiring voter id? Do they disagree with the studies about voter fraud? For the record, I view "voter id required, but everyone is guaranteed to receive some free of charge when they turn 18 along
@labw oh no, there's definitely some "argument-from-privilege" going on there. It's just class/economic privilege not racial privilege. And in terms of voter fraud, I'm pretty sure they've been brainwashed by Fox News to think it's happened/happening a lot when it's actually quite rare. I'm not defending the position, I'm just saying it isn't necessarily motivated by racism. At least for most (not all) of the people I know who endorse such laws that's true.
@labw So it's just a question of degree?
@ubadub I was just distinguishing an indefensibly racist position (usually proudly proclaimed, by its nature) from one that is possibly motivated by racism but which is either subconscious or cloaked in some other excuse (as voter id as a protection against voter fraud arguably is). I would argue most such guarded racism is also intentional, it's just understood to not be publicly acceptable.

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