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room mode changed to Private: only approved users may enter this room (this should only be used for moderation purposes)
oops meant gallery
what's up?
grr stupid access system is stupid >.>
this is about your latest flag
you mean the retracted one?
literally got your ping as i hit 'retract'
yes. if you retracted it
it's retracted yes.
I was actually kinda tempted to go into your answer and delete the "Red alert" section
@Vogel612 you still can :)
i wouldn't argue
If you don't mind, could you elaborate on why exactly you think the question is not reviewable (aka. should be closed) in it's current state
or if you no longer think so, why that?
@Vogel612 there's in-depth 'brain dump' in the chat room
TL;DR, as is the code can't run
the code is reviewable if we ignore the clear() requirement and yank it out
hmm ... we never required code to be runnable
@Vogel612 and by 'runnable' I mean working
so here's my interp
unless we got rid of the "working code" requirement, not having a custom module written by OP and embedded in the code will return an ImportError on a nonexistent module
in a lot of [java] / [c#] / [$oo-language] we don't get any more information about the used types beyond the API that is used in the code under review
@Vogel612 right, but in this case, Python is... picky.
@Vogel612 ignoring that requirement, the code is still reviewable
meh. Java will happily give you a compilation error
I hate Java so :P
that means the java code isn't runnable out of the box either
@Vogel612 for all intents and purposes, the code is still reviewable but if i'm going to omit the clear requirement i'm yanking it from my code example with a "Yeah this doesn't exist, so i'm yanking it out for the review"
OP should still be required to include their 'clear' code though
my opinion that carries little to no weight :p
why though? if we require code to be runnable, we might as well require them to include their whole system
@Vogel612 keep in mind two things:
(1) when I wrote the review it was the tail end of my work day and I was already very tired.
(2) I'm salty when tired or uncaffeinated
2020 hindsight is the retract
and the revision i just pushed
hang on ... I don't see a flag to close in the mod timeline
i filed one.
the system may have ignored it
no, even if you retract, the system still logs it to the timeline
unless the system didn't pick up the flag
retractions are shown as clear by Community
which could have happened
the retract was the custom mod flag
it didn't even show the other one on my end
hmm ...
which has happened in the past when the system doesn't fully process a request
and that's an SE issue that's sometimes transient
so basically the flag to close didn't reach SE...
in any case, not an issue since i yanked those bits of the answer (I still mention that we can't fully review without the clear code though, and I yanked it out for the review bits.)
it doesn't show up in your flag history and not in the post timeline
@Vogel612 my complaining earlier was the non-caffeinated saltiness
and the retract is the w20/20 hindsight
then the only thing that's left is a "thank you for your time" :)
ultimately, there's no real problems left to work with, but eh. (I'm salty in the mornings...)
yep :)
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
there now you can store that in the mod logs :)
I was just rather confused that you'd flag "other" for a "close"
because from my side I had 'cast' it but it never completed the request, so bleh.
yea. that sums it up :D
all's good :)
aight then I'm back to starting the heating in my room and dropping a bit of work into finally unpacking my moving cartons
indeed, enjoy
returns to nomming pizza for lunch
I've been semi-moved for the whole damn week now and finally got to installing a proper light in my room

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