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9:59 PM
@DrunkCynic - I'm not obfuscating anything. If it is muddled to you, it's because you are throwing around terms you don't understand. She's always claimed she had a distant ancestor. She's never claimed she was a tribal member, she's never claimed to have been raised, at all, within any culture but "white." Her parents eloping because her paternal grandparents were racists does not mean she's claiming heritage or tribal membership.
It's not a claim that her parents had to elope because her mother was culturally Native American, but because there was that ancestor. That's only a claim of lineage.
The accusations about what she has claimed have been looked at many, many times by objective sources, and the accusations have always been found to be inaccurate. And, yet, you keep repeating them as if they were fact. I think this is more about what you want to believe than what has been shown.

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