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How much time does it take to evaluate results and write a Meta post?
1 hour later…
@NogShine - There is an "after the fact" Meta post written, but the results will be shown on the election page within a matter of seconds past the deadline. It happens quickly.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 Ah! Thanks
@NogShine - Yah, they just have to do the voting calculations, which take a few seconds, then the results will appear. When it's all said and done, there will be a file which will show how the individual who won, actually won. It isn't a straight forward process. If there's no clear winner (someone receiving more than 50% of the votes for #1), the bottom person is kicked off and the calcs done again. This repeats until a clear winner is shown. Pretty intriguing. There's a name for it ...
... I'm sure someone knows the voting method.
This has to do with the fact since everyone can vote for three people, yet there is only one slot open, the voting gets a little dicey if just done directly.
Q: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

PopsThe election pages' sidebars state that Stack Exchange elections use the Meek STV vote-counting method: After m days, the final voting results will be freely downloadable from this page forever, and we will calculate the n winners using OpenSTV with the Meek STV method. How does that work? ...

@NogShine - haha, that's what I just found to show you, lol!
Good on yah.
Less than half an hour more.
@NogShine - Don't chew your fingernails to the quick in the process :o)
Movie of the moment: 3 mods and a muggle
@NogShine - ROFL!
Voting is closed.
Okay, isn't as fast as I remember it, lol.
The result is A.J.
Well done @AJ ... commiserations to everyone else. There were a lot of great candidates.
Q: 2018 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonMovies & TV's second moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied and the new moderator is: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly—please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For details on how the v...

Congrats @AJ!! :o)
Congratulations @AJ
Some mod should remove featured from an existing question. Only three are shown in the bulletin. Recent election one is not showing up.
@NogShine ... done
Though its still not showing up. Might take a few minutes to refresh.
it's always caching
I am not the last one 😌😌
It seems I completely forgot about daylight savings time.
2 hours later…
Thank you @iandotkelly @Shree

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