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Q: What are some good project ideas in game theory?

nerajI am going to do a project in Game Theory. I have done an introductory course of game theory. Can you suggest me some ideas for the project? The idea on which I will work must be original.I just want to get some hints (since I am a beginner). I will be thankful for any suggestions.

what type of project? Are there any restrictions?
@GuillermoMosse work should be published and idea should be original .
published where? Or do you have to read and make an exposition about a published work?
@GuillermoMosse our instructor told that work should be original so that it can be published .He is giving very high weightage to the project so he wants us to work hard on it by selecting a good topic .
If you are an undergraduate, he is crazy; he can't expect for a student to publish a paper as homework.
@GuillermoMosse 1.He said we should work to a level for getting work published and not necessarily published.2.Why undergrads can't publish work ?
are you online ?
2. Of course they can, but they shouldn't be expected to
so the idea is - we have a basic course on game theory
but 1. clarifies it for me
he doesn't actually expect for you to get results
And the major component is project .
the project idea should be original
for example i make some model or project related to some business competitions between companies
or model related to politics like coldwar.
are you doing applied or pure maths?
i am mathematics and computer science student.
my math courses are both pure and applied
So some idea from your side ?
Part of the project is to think of an idea, right?
What do you like?
basically what i was thinking that i work on a project idea which involves some coding component also . If you can hint me some idea... yes
we have to think of idea and also work on it
Do you know the classical prisioner's dilemma?
yes .
prisoner's *
well, once I read that there are competitions where students code a bot that decides what action to choose
and bots then play together in a kind of tournament
the bots take decisions based on prior decisions made by both themselves and the other bots
the bot who wins is the one who got the less amount of (accumulated) years in prison
and it's really fun to code such a decision procedure
maybe your group (are you in a group?) could do something similar but for another game
okay ... can i model what you saying related to cold war where decision takes ( bots ) are countries
and taking resources in account
right, but you should search for a scenario where a decision must be chosen repeatedly
yes . Just 1 minute
As we know cold war has been ended .
But we know that still there is competitions between
countries having nuclear weapon and great economy
like china and USA
so can i model these competitions in an infinite game
Like country cannot decide to have war and cannot go out of the game also
What's your opinion ?
I don't know; I just suggested a scenario where you can do some coding
but it looks fun
okay .. Thanks .Any other suggest would you like to give me ?
nope, but I'm open to listening to a concrete proposal for your project, when you have it
because we need to work on that project for two months
is it in groups, or you alone?
group of five people
oh! then get together and brainstorm
Yes you are right.So i will come back when i will find some great project idea .So thanks for giving your time .So we end the discussion here ?
Any way thanks Guillermo . Thanks for giving your time
no problem!
@palmpo are you online
any suggestion from yourside

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