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Worth a shot...
Q: New dice mode in chat

PearsonArtPhotoIt would be helpful if there was a dice mode for Fudge dice. Fudge dice are 6 sided, with 2 +, 2 -, and two blank. It would even be cooler if the total would be added together (+1, -1, 0) and given. Two suggestions on how to have this be called. 4dF (Rolls 4 fudge dice) Fudge! (Same as 4df) Th...

2 hours later…
@PearsonArtPhoto Thank you.
Aye. That would be pretty cool.
There's some brain-bending stuff in there.
And then some stuff that we've already hashed out for ourselves in here.
Islands of Fate, we are
v. cool.
Before I go take my nap, two things.
First: re: FAE/Core design/philosophy: Because both are PWYL to download, I think that a minimal amount of repetition between the two documents is deliberate. FAE refers to Core where it's most required, and Core provides the meaty context for FAE's skeleton.
FAE doesn't have to be self-sufficient in its presentation of philosophy, because Core is sitting right there. FAE is self-sufficient in its mechanics, and that's its role.
Second: @Problematic: If an NPC spellcaster can only use spells which change the shape of things, including himself and other people, what word would you use to describe that in his high concept?
"Polymorph" springs to mind, but I can do better than that.
"Transmuter" is the best I can come up with, but that sounds more alchemical and is kinda clunky.
Trueshaper... Fashioner... Sculptor... Tailor...
I'm imagining someone who might turn a stick into a sword, or you into a frog.
...having recently caught up on Ultimate Spider-Man, I approve of this.
But I'm not sure it'll fit my NPC concept.
...Morphic Master sounds too syfy.
Oh! Transmogrify!
Does he do this changing capriciously?
Mmm.... more like rashly or arrogantly?
How tongue-in-cheek-or-not a description are you looking for?
...I could take tongue-in-cheek if it clicks.
(There's a Xhosa joke in there, but I'm not reaching for it.)
Yeah, I got nothing. Transmuter seems like the best fit to me.
Remodeler? D:
2 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs [wave]
@Problematic Hi!
How goes the battle?
I need to do some refactoring but all is well
You haven't actually done anything on the board yet have you?
Still futzing with it.
I think comments show up in the changelog...
Oh okay.
I haven't even considered logging actions yet.
I also need to fancy up the typing indicator script at some point
I think I'm going to aggravate @BESW and have it add a row to chat. But maybe with a middle ground of having all notifications group into the chat row, instead of one per user
(Oh. I mean the todo board, by the way)
No, I haven't.
^ there is this blank space after the last message and above where I'm typing that you could use.
That's what I was thinking.
Now typing: [icon] [icon] [icon]
That might get distracting though?
Well, I think that's BESW's argument
But it's currently not obvious enough. I have to look away from where the action is to see who's typing.
Eh, I'm okay with it. The border makes the icons jiggle around a little which catches my attention, and it's not always important to me to see at all times who's typing. If I'm curious, I can exercise my eyes a bit.
That's fair.
Also at some point we should probably enter into some sort of written agreement. Not so we have a binding enforceable contract (that's going to be difficult to enforce anyway), but so we're... well, on the same page. So that we have a thing that says "this is a collaborative project, there's a bunch of IP here (our code) and here's how we'll handle ownership over it," and so on. Just so we have it in paper and can refer back to it in the future.
So that we don't have unspoken understandings we assume the other person also understands!
And what will happen when it comes to hosting costs, etc.
And what happens when it comes to any sort of paid features that are actually income-generating! (though not necessarily profit-generating)
Oh. As far as code, I'm going to open source the API under MIT license. You're welcome to consume it however you please. I hope lots of people consume it. For hosting, I have it running on Heroku, and it's not costing me anything for the foreseeable future.
O: Alright
Did that cover everything? :)
Maybe! I'm guessing it means I take your API and use it in what effectively becomes my own thing or something.
With its own server/database? I'm not sure.
This is why I'm glad this came up XD
I was under the impression we'd work together on the same webservice, like if two people were working on power2ool.
Well, we certainly can. Even if you don't want to open-source your UI, it can still be tightly bound to the API
The MIT license is pretty flexible.
Alright. :)
My primary goal here is creating a tool for this community to use, so however we can accomplish that is good with me.
Same; I'm not sure how best to accomplish that though.
Take a development approach similar to Roll20, releasing a thing and upgrading it and offering stuff that takes extra work as a means of paying for the whole thing? Release it as an open-source free service people can contribute to, even though it might stay relatively small-scale?
I'm biased toward open-source myself, but that doesn't mean you can't make money on it.
Either way if any money will be made by this I'm taking Valve's approach: make something nice and figure out how to make any money from it later.
'tis a good plan
Sayyyy... have you any interest in writing the occasional blog post about Fate?
And/or tabletop gaming in general
@Problematic Yes o: Fate and/or tabletop gaming in general
I think we have enough people that something like a community Fate blog could get traction
I'm not convinced that a blog is the best medium, but I'm still working on that.
@Problematic Do you know much about HTML5 semantic elements?
Enough to get by. What's up?
Currently I have the workspace (the area everything sits in) as an article, the cards themselves as sections, and the various sections of the cards as divs.
I'm wondering if the cards should be articles and the sections should be sections.
Or if I shouldn't care
Cards as articles sounds right to me, but the spec makes it sound like you have it right as-is.
Either that or just a straight div.
Alright. :)
@BESW nap good?
Hooray refactoring. c:
Consequences are now exactly like any other aspect, the character's aspect list and consequence list are both just two AspectLists, and both are output using the same template.
Very nice. Do consequences track how much stress they can absorb?
Oh hey I guess I deleted that functionality in the refactor. xD
At the moment no! I guess they need to.
I guess the lazy version is this:
That works.
It's looking really good.
Thanks. :)
The question is: how should editing work?
I have lots of options.
- Entering edit mode for the card somehow brings you to a text editor of everything, like power2ool. (This is not the best option)
contenteditable, save on enter
Yes I guess I could do that! There are things I want to do that might be compatible with that:
- When editing stunts, click a "new stunt" bar to add a new stunt slot to fill out. Also, able to delete stunts.
- When dealing with aspects of any kind, able to quickly: edit the name, add/remove tags, and increase/decrease the tag quantity (if Stellata has an aspect tagged twice, it should say something like: Stellata (2))
I also need a Temporary Aspects portion at the bottom for, say, aspects I can place on someone else in a create advantage action.
And since the Luggage's card is stretching out of view, I should probably give these cards a two-column (or three-column) layout?
Or collapsible sections
But a two-column layout could work nicely.
Alas, I must to bed. My eyes are closing themselves.
@Problematic Sleep well. :D
I've added a Places thread on the forum.
Right now it's got some of the aspects of places we've been already.
But I imagine it'd be useful for suggesting new places, or collecting information beyond aspects.
Are the list items all aspects?
At the moment, yeah.
I went back into the records and just pulled what had been used.
Alright. o:
If you keep making that face, it'll stick.
I keep my face well exercised so it doesn't
I wasn't aware scene aspects could work that way
I mean, I wasn't aware that scenery in a scene could just be an aspect on the scene.
Sure, if you want it to have a mechanical effect.
> Situation Aspects: These aspects describe the surroundings that the action is taking place in.
> Examples: On Fire; Bright Sunlight; Crowd of Angry People; Knocked to the Ground
Huh, okay.
And, say: "Laughing Crowd" in your clown & mime vs hitman playtest.
If the room has wide columns, the easiest way to make them narratively important (IE, have people climb them, duck behind them, knock them over...) is to give the scene the aspect Wide Columns.
Zone aspects are good for three major things, in my opinion.
- Flavor. Mossy Ground and Wide Trees sets the scene.
- Strategy. If different zones have different aspects, then moving between zones becomes more interesting.
- Plot. Why does Herman's school have Too Many Windows?
The problem with zone aspects is overcrowding. You want to encourage the expenditure of FP on aspects which are attached to characters, so the FP flows instead of vanishing. Also, too many choices slows things down and adds frustration.
4 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs [poke]
2 hours later…
Current status: modeling a dungeon as a Fate fractal
I'm not sure what actions the players will take to reduce the dungeon's stress
Somehow, make each scene represent an attack if they succeed at it?
It would depend on the kind of dungeon.
Many dungeons wouldn't be the kind of fractal that has stress.
@Problematic Put Brian in there with a character holding a pickaxe
@Problematic I want to use ContentEditable but it seems really really buggy :(
Okay, Firefox's implementation is buggy. Chrome's is amazing.
Okay nope Chrome's can be buggy too :(
I may be looking at having to temporarily transmute elements into input boxes or something (which I don't really want to do)
... buggy?
Aspect names are contenteditable
In Firefox, I can use ctrl+c and ctrl+x on selected text just fine and it'll copy it to my clipboard (I just cut "ensely Tro")
Pasting on the same spot, however...
Ah yeah, you probably grabbed some markup with your copypasta. Contenteditable is a little finicky like that
... inserts an empty element in the middle which breaks up the original element.
In addition, holding left or right so the caret hits the beginning or end of a contenteditable box means the box loses focus. I can't go to the end and hit backspace. I can, however, go to before the last character and hit delete, then my caret is sitting at the end of the box just fine. If I move it away then back again however it behaves as normal (loses focus)
Chrome seems to be fine but pasting leads to linebreaks for whatever reason
sadface ;_;
@Problematic Actually, this contenteditable demo is just fine.... I'm doing something buggy somehow then.
Try a div instead of a span
....that sounds like woodcutting.
@BESW Precisely.
@Problematic That.... works
Something about block level elements, is my (rather poorly informed) guess
On a similar note but at a level I'm slightly comfortable with, Discourse uses <s> instead of ---.
@BESW Someone really needs to do something about standardizing the markdown spec
Or lack-of-spec
So I have been reading Spirit of the Century, and it points out that Average (+1) is the skill level of most people at what they do professionally. That concept is horrifying to me.
@Problematic Maybe.... the heading elements are doing their own strange things and they're supposed to be block-level. Try using the inspector to make, say, the "Approaches" heading contenteditable - then copy and paste.
Doing that in chrome crashes the page. Wow. Okay. Maybe I should stick with doing this strictly within DIVs.
@JonathanHobbs Yes. Yes it did.
@Problematic Well, okay, context.
Generally, the job a person does to make a living --especially in that setting-- probably isn't the love of their life, nor does it require great skill.
Factory workers with a skill over +1 are basically wasting talent.
I s'pose that's true.
If I retire with a +1 in Software Development, I have failed. Probably my own insecurities highlight how strongly that resonates with me.
Mmm. Some professions require greater training and skill.
And some of us just fake it :D
Hrm. One thing the table chat will need: a way to embed document fragments.
Or maybe software development just has most people with a skill level at +1 :D
W: Listen, Joe. What's this Dede tells me about the catalogs?
J: I've only got twelve.
W: How'd you let us get down to twelve?
J: I told you.
W: When?
J: Three weeks ago. Then two weeks ago.
W: Did you tell me last week?
J: No.
W: Why not?
J: I don't know. I thought you knew.
W: Not good enough, Joe! Not nearly good enough! I put you in charge of the entire advertising library--
J: You mean, this room.
W: --I gave you carte blanche how to deal with the materials in here--
J: You put the orders into the printer, Mr. Waturi, not me. That's how you wanted it.
....I think I'm the only person in all of RPG.SE who's seen that film.
Which film is that?
Is that the one with the opening scene you showed me once?
With the factory and the workers? Yes.
Where he walks into this dull office and then into the kitchen for some dull coffee and the boss is having an inane conversation on the phone?
I want to see that even more now
And Meg Ryan is all the women?
@Problematic You've seen it?
Everyone should.
I had a friend tell me that a few years back, but we never got around to actually watching it.
Wow, Meg Ryan has gotten old.
I guess that happens.
@Problematic: A span element with contenteditable: bugs galore. Div element with display:inline: only a bug where reaching the end in Firefox makes it lose focus (and not the beginning, like with spans). Div element with display:inline-block works fine.
What about a span with inline-block? :P
Nope ;P Problem is the span element
Does this look alright? Sufficiently large aspects get pushed onto a newline... hm :(
Looks fine to me
Okay. :D
I need help wording a stunt.
Essentially, at the end of a scene, anyone involved has to defend with Will at +2 or they forget that you exist, but I'm not sure how to word that Fate-style.
Actually, that's probably an overcome?
Because I am Koishi Komeiji, at the end of a scene, all participants who have seen me will forget I exist, unless they overcome via Will at +2.
(Is this something that involves you rolling for attack and them defending, or them rolling vs a DC?)
It seems straightforward unless there are different expectations in Core!
It's passive unless the character with the stunt spends a fate point
@LitheOhm 'lo!
The way you have it worded, it's a little powerful and a little.... problematic.
Do you intend it to trigger whether you want to be remembered or not?
Because it'd be more balanced, I think, if you had to spend an FP to trigger it.
Time for a mid-morning jaunt; additional comments welcome.
For fearsome NPCs, it's probably fine.
PCs should probably have to spend an FP to trigger it per scene, or be able to do it automagically 1/session.
That could be. It's kind of hard to judge the relative power of a noncombat ability like that
@Problematic Okay, this is weird and I don't know if it actually works, but I would let you have an aspect that did nothing except make you nearly impossible to remember, and call it a passive obstacle.
Oh, that's interesting.
And an invoke of the aspect would make it an active obstacle?
Yeah, spend a FP to basically declare a story detail.
Or without an FP, you could use the aspect to justify.... oooh.
I mean, the simplest would be Create Advantage Forgot Me, but...
And here's where I love Fate.
Use the aspect to justify a whole mental battle scene where the narrative would make it that important.
So: occasional deliberately-activated obstacle, passive obstacle, ongoing active obstacle, opposed roll, challenge, entire combat...
A: Murder mystery and high fantasy magic - how to make it work?

ProblematicA few thoughts: unless your player characters are supposed to be on par with Sherlock Holmes, solving crimes based on nothing more than clues available at the scene, there should be quite a bit of legwork and talking involved in an investigation. It sounds like you're looking for a closed room mu...

Are you familiar with Kolchak?
I'm not.
He's a totally ordinary Chicago news journalist who accidentally discovered that the world contains terrifying supernatural powers and creatures.
Every time he discovers that a story he's investigating has a supernatural cause, he takes it on himself--as the only guy who knows--to go out and trash the vampire/ghost/demon/whatever.
He has no special training, no special knowledge beyond "some legends are true," no special powers beyond those of a good journalist.
Occasionally he finds an expert like a white witch or a professor of mythology who can clue him in on the beast's weakness, but most of the time he has to puzzle it out himself.
And like you say, most of it is legwork.
Mundane clues like feathers left by a shapeshifted raven, and a lot of talking to hobos and crackpots and dumdums to piece together what's going on.
He usually also throws in some bookwork, hitting the libraries and universities to get specialized knowledge like tracking down what a particular symbol is.
Actually solving actual crimes is kind of exhausting.
And really boring.
The Kolchak TV show makes up for it with montages, and by having the interviews be really funny.
Like the insecticide-spraying guy who eats his sandwich while spraying, because he figures with his job, what's the point in worrying about a bit of spray on his sandwich?
Blech. Pesticides are nasty business.
Mmm. 1970s.
Things to do! Thanks for your input.
5 hours later…
Hi everybody ...

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