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00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

The fundamental idea here is that you can represent stress and consequences as external to the character, given the right scenario/character.
ok, yeah I see that
I am still reading it
So Superman can be physically invulnerable without being immune to stress or consequences; they're just narrated differently.
but I was confused by his initial statements
@BESW I think that type of thing might work for Lord Northface, not that he's immune to damage of any sort
It'd be fun to experiment with!
For example, having the Princess he's protecting might represent a consequence for him ...
so the point isn't just "some characters are invulnerable", it's also partly, "not every consequence has to be physical damage to your character"
Yeah. It's not something DFRPG would necessarily endorse, as they're pretty firm on "physical attacks have physical consequences," but it's definitely something the Fate system can absorb.
@C.Ross I think Princess Keredwel's a mild consequence on everyone she meets.
which is pretty unfair, untill you realize it goes away with her
and if she meets you in the middle of a fight, it hits your enemies too
Again, the poor girl is probably a lot more tolerable and competent in her own comfort zone.
@Flamma Hi!
if by poor you mean, "won't even run from a dragon who said it would eat her"
then yes
even a princess out of her depth should know to run from a dragon who admits it is hungry and is considering eating her
even Kirby figured that out :P
I suspect it's less "doesn't know she should" and more a combination of "is used to other people protecting her" and "is so scared she physically can't."
I guess
that does make some sense
If you watch, you'll see that she is smart --clever, even?-- but in her own way that isn't always suited to the situations she finds herself in.
She's actually pretty good at trying to find cover and make herself less of a target, and the rest of her actions are dedicated to getting others to protect her.
I know she "tricked" Kirby,... but Zeminar was helping her
She manipulated Kirby superbly, which was a polite social situation and she does fine in those. Zemenar didn't really give her any help; he just gave her the job.
I kinda didn't attribute credit to her,... especially when she freaked out over the stuff he said
She screamed when he appeared in a clap of thunder, but recovered immediately and expected him to fulfill his end of their bargain.
mk, I do seem to recall that
but, big surprise, she got hoodwinked
As soon as she suspected he was going to renege, she flipflopped over to Sanguine as the most competent protector available.
you shouldn't be so surprised that Zem stole the show though
Oh, I'm not.
you even gave him flashy as his highest skill and a stunt going with it
I'm actually rather pleased that everyone thought Keredwel was a total ditz.
she has acted like it
but in understandable ways
I suppose
But if you analyze her actions in terms of situation awareness and goal-oriented planning, instead of just seeing the surface histrionics, you'll see she's out of her depth but not an idiot.
well,... the problem there is that I don't know exactly what she already knows
and what she doesn't
Histrionics are great for manipulating people; she's gotten an oracle, an assassin and a knight to do what she wants.
so some of the things she has done are all I have to color my opinion
yeah,..... but she has burned bridges
Certainly. She's not in a position to work with nuance; she's winging it.
I am 100% sure that at least one of those three people isn't exactly her best freind now
in fact, I think the knight is the only one still helping her now at this point
In a less chaotic, more courtly situation she'd have spent days or weeks building up free tags on advantages to get her way such that everyone would love her for it afterward.
sang is kinda cozy with the dragon
and Kirby is at least upset that she didn't run (which would have at least left the dragon with a choice of who to run after,.. at least in his opinion)
I don't think he understands the whole manipulation thing, but not helping him run from a dragon is bad enough
Yeah, I don't know how much the characters realize Keredwel's competence--probably not much at all--but I'm fine with the players seeing it.
hiding competence is a pretty useful skill
but it isn't without it's drawbacks
Offhand, can someone point to rules that let you remove aspects from yourself?
Specifically, aspects created by another character.
> You can also use this to establish any effect worth two shifts as an additional benefit of succeeding at the skill roll. This might be Fair (+2) passive opposition, the equivalent of a 2-point hit, a mild consequence, or an advantage that takes Fair (+2) opposition to remove.
@Problematic FATE Core Electronic Edition, page 90
@BESW Speaking of the dragon and Keredwel, do you have time for a quick session?
@C.Ross Thanks.
@C.Ross Haroom. Yes.
Shall we treat this as a continuation of the last scene?
@BESW It's all one scene so far as I'm concerned
I believe that Lord Brandon Northface just got a tie on an attack that was attempting to flatter the dragon by offering to spread its name, with the result that the dragon spluttered out some Not So Smooth cover for the fact that it hasn't been allowed to choose a name yet.
I believe it was Create Advantage but yes
So it's Keredwel's turn.
The sprawling princess attempts to gather her skirts and dignity around herself.
[Removing the "Sprawling" aspect before anyone can tag it against her. I think she should get a +2 because "not being flat on the ground with your skirts out of flounce" falls under "social niceties." Do you agree?]
I definitely am interested in the combat I bailed on like a wuss
[that's a total of +0. As it was just a boost and nobody's likely to actively oppose her, I think sitting up and straightening her ruffles is reasonably a +0 task, so she succeeds.]
seems reasonable
[Then the dragon]
Keredwel rises to a kneeling pose, careful not to further destroy her now beyond-repair-without-the-aid-of-a-fairy-godmother gown.
The dragon's blustering wears down quickly as it realizes that it's being a little silly. "So, ah, what--[cough] What peace do you propose, then, Sir Knight?" It peers at the heraldry on Lord Northface's shield. "What kingdom do you--ah--represent with which I might--um... make treaty?"
[What is he trying to do here?]
[attempting to Cleverly remove Not So Smooth (which is in line with its stunt to Cleverly create social advantages, I think). If it succeeds with style, maybe it'll be a Smooth Negotiator!]
[Ah, no, I think it's an Overcome, so that's not in the purview of its stunt.]
[ just gonna leave this here for discussion after the session: discourse.problematic.io/t/high-noon-pre-gen-characters/25/2 ]
[I'm assuming I can oppose with my response]
[Naturally. The dragon got a +2 overall.]
Lord Northface squints then replies to the dragon "I represent none but myself, and I represent all mankind. If you make peace with me I will carry word of you to all this area, and call for peace with you among the many adventurers that inhabit it."
[Flashy enough?]
[Sounds good to me, Walt Whitman.]
[+1 + 3 = 4]
[The dragon still has an Impression of Power tag, which he'll use to bring it up to a tie at +4. The Impression of Power will fade after this, as it was a boost.]
[So he gets rid of a boost by using a boost?]
[Lord Northface's turn then ...]
[wait up]
[Gotta narrate, and he really wants that With Style boost, so he'd also like to spent a Fate point each on your Confidence Singed consequence (you'll get the point at the end of the scene) and his Student of Dragon Etiquette.]
[I suggest you use the Not So Smooth tag before it vanishes, to deny him the Style boost.]
[Didn't know I could do that, but I will, bringing my total to +6]
The dragon stretches, displaying great physique and poise to complement its negotiating skill. Lord Northface rubs a singed eyebrow with one hand, but remembers the dragon's blustering just a moment before, and is not cowed.
[Brandon's turn!]
[One more pass at creating an advantage.]
"So Dragon, who's ancient elegant name I cannot pronounce, let alone fahtom, do you see how having a knight, the traditional enemy of your kind spreading word of your wisdom can but bring you glory. You will be like no other dragon ever to walk this forest or the lands beyond."
[Attempting to flashily create advantage: perhaps Tempted by Fame]
@C.Ross [pronounce is in there twice]
@BESW [whoops]
[I'm not even sure the dragon wants to defend. Well played. Um... How do you think he'd defend?]
[Careful, using what restraint he? has]
[Sounds good. Roll! I'll narrate his response based on the outcome.]
[-1 + 3 = +2]
[I have... +0.]
[Are you going to spend FP or tags to get With Style?]
[No, I think a success will do]
humiliate it
The dragon weighs the knight's words Carefully, a crafty glint growing in the corner of its eye. "Yes, Sir Knight, I see the wisdom in your words..."
@trogdor [Huh?]
[what aspect would you like?]
I just mean spending FP
[Tempted by Fame I think]
@trogdor [Negative base, I have one left and I'm saving that for the appropriate moment]
The Princess calls out, "Oh, brave knight! To parley with such a beast and match words with its legendary wit, surely this is a feat of strength no less than those won on the field of battle! I pray you, stay the course and defeat it with thy sharpened tongue!"
I think some point when you didn't already win is likely to be appropriate
@BESW (kiss up)
@trogdor [While I'm on this hilltop with this dragon I haven't won ...]
@BESW [Create an inspired advantage for me?]
no, I mean the current roll
@C.Ross [No such luck; she's compelling Lord Northface's next action to directly involve ensuring her safety from the dragon.]
@BESW [Curse my luck :-(]
[You'll get the FP from a compel right away.]
[I'll take it]
[In that case, she'll use her action to give you that Inspired to Glory aspect.]
[She's got two tags on that, which she'll happily give you.]
The dragon continues, ignoring the princess's outburst. "...but I am a dragon. To ask favors of me is no--um--simple thing. What do you ask of this dragon?"
[What is he attempting?]
[Forcefully creating advantage, bluntly impressing on Brandon that this dragon is No Small Foe Not An Easy Ally.]
[Going to attempt to a flashy defense, it's been working so far.]
[I've been a little lenient about stretching 'flashy,' but it's leading to great dialogue so I'm calling it a win all around.]
@BESW [Fair, we can drop back to careful if you don't think this is good enough]
Lord Northface looks up at the dragon, a calm smile on his glowing face. "Nothing but what will make you a very well known dragon: your solemn antediluvian word that you will let us ride off this hill unharmed."
[The glow might have been sweat: -1 + 3 (for flashy, or +2 for forcefull or careful) so +2. Going to invoke Inspired by Glory]
[1 tag down, and a successful defense!]
[Brandon's turn, and I suggest you press the advantage and attack.]
[I want to convince him to let us off this hill, is that an overcome or do I need to make an attack action?]
[It'd be an opposed overcome to just ride away, but if you want it to let you go, you'll need to take it out, get it to concede, or do some very convincing compel work.]
[Oh good, I'd forgotten you reduced his stress]
[A social attack that deals it sufficient stress --perhaps force it to take one consequence-- will likely make it concede; it's a young dragon, after all, and not battle-hardened in physical or social combat.]
an extra stress track was deemed an uninteresting way of increasing it's difficulty
@trogdor [Yeah, my new default is to give extra consequences instead of armor or stress boxes. Bonuses to defensive rolls are also on the table.]
Brandon begins to turn his mount toward the Princess, not quite turning his back on the dragon, "So great one, I entreat you, let us off this hill in peace, and you will be remembered. Show us that you are not just another dragon."
@BESW (yeah, and that is a much more interesting way of doing it)
[Social attack with flashy or forceful, planning a few tags]
@C.Ross [If you would like to invent a stunt (you've still got two slots open) to support this, feel free!]
[Looks forceful to me.]
@BESW [Back Down because I am a Knight who believes Blessed are the peacemakers I get +2 to socially attack to force an enemy to not fight.]?
@C.Ross [Ooh, nice.]
[+1 +2 + 2 for +5 before tags]
[The dragon will defend carefully again, weighing options and value.]
[Tag time! Definitely free tag on Tempted by Fame and Inspired by Glory (I'm going to turn my back on a dragon).]
[Can I take the free tag on Distracted by the Man in Metal as I need the Dragon's rapt attention, and this is a new experience for it?]
[I think so. You can also spend FP on the dragon's aspects if you like.]
[Proud Young Dragon and I Want To Grow Up Now are ripe for the picking.]
[I'll drop a FP on Proud Young Dragon, and since I got the one from the princess's compel my Blessed are the Peacemakers.]
@C.Ross [Compel or invoke?]
[That will tap me out but that would turn my +5 into a +15]
@BESW [What would I compel for?]
@C.Ross [Never mind, I misunderstood what you said.]
[He's attempting to get him? so wrapped up in his? own words and desires that he chooses peace, what Brandon wants]
[So, +15?]
[So that's 10 shifts on the dragon.]
[-2 for a mild consequence, -6 for a severe consequence, and 2 stress? Yeeeeah, this dragon is taken out. No way it's going to take that kind of mental damage.]
[You get to decree the terms of victory, and I'll narrate the dragon's specific actions within that.]
[I'd like him to sit on this hilltop until we are out of sight, and at least assume peace with men for some time to come...]
The dragon rocks back on its haunches. "YES, SIR KNIGHT. YOU MAY GO, AND TAKE THIS... Princess? I still can't believe that's a Princess. ...PRINCESS WITH YOU. WHEN I AM KING, I WILL REMEMBER THIS DAY."
Keredwel swings up onto the horse behind the knight, waiting for neither invitation nor aid.
As they ride into the Forest, a faint voice is heard: "Oh, bother. There go the scones."
"I wonder what happened to that hermit..."
//end scene!
Very nice, and now perhaps we have some insight into why the dragon only burninated a wizard on its future rampage.
And I get one FP from the invoke?
That went ... much better than I expected ...
The Forest is kinder to strangers who try to solve things with manners than with violence.
Well then, it might tolerate Lord Northface ...
By forcing the dragon to be Careful instead of Flashy, you seriously dropped its ability to defend.
(I designed it that way on purpose.)
Yeah, took some heat while I was working the conflict onto my terms
Any thoughts for good aspects?
Well, what have we learned about him?
He's well spoken, and he has some steel in his spine
He's a negotiator; but he's not just calm in the face of physical danger, he outright thrives in it.
hmmm, perhaps the wrong phrasing but Good man in a storm
Running straight into a dragon's flaming breath, shouting defiance until he was close enough to open negotiations.
Maybe an aspect about his steed, who we don't know much about but is clearly at least as steely-nerved as its rider.
@BESW again, I'm shocked it worked
@BESW true
Upon a Steed of Steel sounds fun :-)
but too much like a motorcycle
I put you into that situation because it was exactly what you'd told me Brandon was good for: throwing himself in between a damsel and danger, and then talking everyone down.
Turns out you were right.
Yeah, but now he's saddled with Keredwel, not sure how that's going to work.
He can't charge into danger with her clinging on.
Anyway, now I should sleep
G'night! Thanks for the session.
G'night, thank you!
Good luck @trogdor ;-)
...Kerewdel shouldn't be a problem for too long, unless she abandons her Mighty Love for Lord Northface.
(Her offscreen fiance is a card up the GMs' sleeves, to be pulled out either to fuel a scene or to get her out of everyone's hair.)
@Problematic Gabriel Blackwood is a lot more detailed than I'd imagined the pregens to be!
I like him.
and good night
Let's see. I think the dragon needs an aspect change.
Speaking of timelines, we should put one together for story events.
@BESW Likewise. I sat down to give him a few skills and a stunt or two, and a full character popped out. I'm not sad about it, though.
Yeah, keeping pregens sketchy can be an exercise in self-restraint.
I suspect that one strategy is to build fully-realized characters and then scale them back.
Another would be to work on tropes and not individualize them.
Well, how do we find the right balance? I'm not sure there's a good reason to have wireframes instead of full characters?
Only in the sense that it makes more room for the players.
Take a look at the Night Fears NPCs. They're not flat, but they're tropey enough and open enough for each of them to be a totally different kind of character depending on who's playing them.
I think in the interest of game balance in a PvP environment, there's gonna have to be a lot of careful consideration
Yeah, we run the risk of turning it into rock-paper-scissors, which is bad.
@BESW Oh hey, free is good.
@Problematic All three of the DFRPG modules are free. [grin]
... first thing I see: "Ghost of a murdered infant" :(
that was pretty messed up
3 hours later…
@Problematic Durp, I was typing too fast. Meant to say "Take a look at the Night Fears PCs." But the NPCs are decent examples too.
@BESW Aye, I just read through the whole thing. Very informative.
It's DFRPG, so needs a lot of filtering, but the basic ideas are very Core.
I have a credulity issue with the High Noon mod.
In a card game it's more easily glossed over, I guess: How does the Sheriff not know who his own deputy is?
[invents an alien abduction+mindwipe subplot]
yeah,... I was little put off by that too
but old west sheriffs could not possibly have all had such an easy time that alcoholism wasn't an issue
[invents an Aliens vs MIB subplot]
I approve this message
Everyone also gets a random assignation: Hapless Human, Alien Among Them, or Man In Black.
what will theses do exactly? lol
Add flavor!
Ha. I've been pondering the merits of FATE for a murder mystery-type game. It would be perfect.
The Men In Black and Alien Among Them have a Secret Primary Goal that overrides their High Noon goals.
Winning both is best, naturally.
Let's see... the Hapless Humans need something else to do also.
Maybe everyone is an MIB except the Alien?
...yes. I like.
You still need the Sheriff-type who is a public figure and drives the paranoia.
Okay, backing up. Alien: survive the game undetected. MIB: capture the alien alive. Hapless humans: Kill the alien.
The only way to tell if an alien is an alien is to...?
Conspiracy theorist: spread panic and tin foil hats.
capture everyone
got the alien
normal humans
panic and try to kill all people
killed everyone? then you got the alien.
I think the alien-identification method should be left as a witch-hunt.
So the only way to identify is to kill them.
"Hmm. Human." "Whoops."
And yes, there should be a clued-in rabble-rouser/rogue MIB/etc to stir things up.
Bonus points: the macguffin assignment is random, so sometimes the alien can be the macguffin
Wait, what macguffin?
The guy who knows
That's... a different use of that word than I'm familiar with.
the alien always knows who he is
that's a little silly
The thing that drives the plot?
@trogdor No, the point is that this role is "the guy who riles up trouble about it."
"Thing" is usually the operative word, as opposed to "person".
The Noun that drives the plot :P
> It actually serves no further purpose. It won't pop up again later, it won't explain the ending, it won't actually do anything except possibly distract you while you try to figure out its significance. In some cases, it won't even be shown. It is usually a mysterious package/artifact/superweapon that everyone in the story is chasing. TV Tropes
@BESW I stand by my usage.
I just figured it was always a superweapon of some kind
that had no explination for it's existence
@trogdor It's traditionally a suitcase of diamonds, or The Secret Plans, or something like that.
other than, yes, plot driving
If you had a "user is typing" indicator in SE chat, how would you display it?
It would not cover up any existing part of the interface, nor would it appear as a temporary line in the chat itself.
those probably
@trogdor [hisses, recoils]
I find that serviceable
but wtv
I dunno how it looks on other peoples' chats, but I've got some lovely unused space just below the SEND/UPLOAD buttons.
If I start typing and then change my mind and erase it, it shouldn't make the whole chat jump.
I have,.... a small amount of space there
I dunno if it's enough though
Alternate: A small indicator on the "In the Room" icons.
A "pen" icon in the lower right corner of the relephant icon, for example.
unless you mean the empty white space? not the decorated brownish space?
there is plenty of room there
and it never seems to get used
The brown space under the "send" and "upload" buttons.
But I'm now preferring the icon idea; it's less likely to get overloaded by multiple typers.
I thought I read above
oh,... hmm
the problem is that people can adjust the space in which they type
they can expand it,... so I think the icon idea really is much better
Can you find me such a suitable icon?
Ooh, lots of choices, none obviously best.
That works. You are skilled in the art of graphics manipulation, yes?
Depends on exactly what you want.
I'm not as proficient in web output, but shoot.
Just need it small and transparent background.
See also: quills! But not as readable in small form, so meh.
The presence icon is 32x32, so I don't know how big you were imagining
Let's see....
[shifts brain into design gear]
(My brain is a manual, and it's a bit balky.)
What file type?
.png, I suppose
Try this:
I'm thinking bottom right corner.
If I did my math right, it'll neatly go from the middle of the right side to the middle of the bottom side of the icon.
(I'm not sure if Deviantart noticed my viewing habits, or if the stock vector art on the site has actually been as overrun with ponies as it seems based on my searches.)
(Either seems plausible.)
they could just have tracking cookies
Hrm. Gonna have to save image fiddling for another day, just gonna do ugly borders for now.
"Image Fiddling and the Ugly Borders" would be a good name for grunge cover band.
Yes. Yes it would.
Hmmm. Use this one instead.
ARGH. Go away, background.
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

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