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Kirby stops moving and calls out "hello, is someone around here?"
Kirby hears a gasp and the sound of an apple falling onto something soft, like grass or a picnic blanket. “You startled me! Who are you?”
It's the small, high voice of a child.
"oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you there"
"my name is Kirby, and I thought I might run into someone who would need my help soon."
“Hi, I'm Hank! I was afraid you might be a wolf sneaking up on me!”
"well, I am not a wolf, but I am pretty sure there will be one around this area soon. so I was walking along trying to make sure no one was being stalked."
“I'm pretty good at taking care of myself. I visit my grandma in the woods a lot. I'm on my way to see her now!”
"your grandmother lives in these woods alone? isn't that a little dangerous?"
“Yeah! That's why I visit her a lot. To make sure she's OK. How did you know about the wolves? Do you come through here a lot too?”
"no,... it's a little hard to explain,... I saw a vision of a wolf stalking someone, I get visions sometimes."
“Oh, wow! Are you a wizard? You don't have a staff.”
"no, I am not a wizard, just a blind man, but for some reason, sometimes I see things that are happening far away, in the future, or just learn something that would be useful, through no way that I can trace. it really isn't as fun as most people think."
@BraddSzonye and me.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton ;) I guess there are quite a few!
@trogdor (Since you're being straight with him, roll Careful to see whether he trusts you.)
good lord
thats -1
is the kid rolling something? or do I just have to beat 0?
(You're lucky he's –2 to stay out of trouble.)
That's –3 for him!
ok then
You almost succeeded with style! With –1.
“Huh! I've never met a seer before. I bet grandma hasn't either. You wanna go with me?”
"ok, I will appreciate someone to travel with who can actually see, and maybe a wolf will be less likely to attack 2 people."
“Yeah, they don't like going after groups. You want an apple?”
"where did you get them?"
@BraddSzonye 100% disagree.
“My mom gave them to me so that I'd have something to eat on the way. I have some crescent rolls too, but they're better when they're fresh.”
@BrianBallsun-Stanton (There was a lot of dispute over that – I eventually had to clarify that I just meant that trad games are more similar than different, especially when it comes to social conflict mechanics.)
"ok then, as long as you didn't get them from some old lady in a cottage, that seems to be a bad idea here."
“Oh! I'd never take apples from witches! Here you go.”
@BrianBallsun-Stanton (Careful. This thing turned into a huge and long off-topic discussion in that BESW regretted not bringing to a total halt. In fact, could it be moved elsewhere?)
After a quick snack . . . (How would you like to proceed down the path?)
@JonathanHobbs (I certainly won't dredge it up again. But I definitely could've been clearer when I said that. It was just an off-the-cuff remark that got stretched way out of the context I had intended it.)
I think Kirby will just follow and try to keep up with the kid
. . . the two set off down the path toward grandma's house. After a few steps, Kirby feels something small and hard underfoot, which triggers a brief glimpse of the polished stones again.
"are you dropping stones as we go?"
“Yeah! Sometimes the Forest twists on you. This way, I can find my way back if I get lost.”
“You could tell that just from the sound of 'em hitting the ground?”
"no,.. it is involved with my visions,... I think this particular wolf is somehow smart enough to follow the stones"
“Wolves are very smart! Good thing I'm smarter!”
(Because you are no longer rushing, and the boy is helping, you can keep an ear out for trouble with Careful with an extra +1 for teamwork.)
5 then
Wolves at +2:
As Kirby and Hank pick their way carefully down the trail, Kirby finally starts to notice the presence of wolves.
that isn't good
Even worse, as they proceed, the trail starts to get more difficult. The trees close in around them, and the ground gets spongy.
(Any suggestions for discussing or dealing with the wolves?)
Thankfully, the wolves don't seem to be getting closer. Yet. Hopefully they don't get braver.
"how far away is it? because I think I hear more than one wolf following us"
“Oh. That's not good.” Hank pauses to think. “Wolves are cowards. We should be OK so long as they don't outnumber us two to one.”
He adds: “Or get us cornered or something.”
While the blind Kirby can't see that the trees here actually thin out a bit and get more willowy, he can definitely feel the ground getting softer. Squish.
"why is the ground squishing under us, is this a marsh area?"
“Yeah, I think it's from that stream I passed by earlier. It must bog down around here. I haven't been this way before. Every trip is different, very exciting!”
“Be careful you don't lose a boot!”
"how exactly do you know you are still going the right way in a place like this?"
“If nothin' eats you, you're going the right way.”
"oh, well I have come pretty close to going the wrong way then."
Hank giggles.
“Be careful, Mister Kirby. The trail goes underwater up ahead.”
(You have some choices here. You can continue through the bog or you can go off-trail and try to pick up the path elsewhere. Also, you should come up with a way to keep the wolves at bay so that you don't get cornered and outnumbered in here.)
I think a bog isn't exactly the best place to lose wolves, but then again I can't remember hearing about bog wolves either
Good point about bog wolves. Just don't get yourself stuck in a spot where they can move and you can't!
Bog then?
OK, go ahead and tell the story for a bit. Describe how you will make it through the bog without the wolves following. Each of those is a Challenge obstacle.
(So think about what approach you will use, when it comes to rolling the dice. The bog is +0 and the wolves are +2.)
(I'll brb while you narrate)
Kirby will instruct Hank to find a way across that isn't hard to cross, but does make it hard to cross in a stealthy fashion, like an open clearing, or a marshy area with less brush and tree cover.
(Good plan.)
if the wolves can't stalk them stealthily, it may be less likely that they continue to follow or attack
“Good idea, Mister Kirby. I see a spot where the trees aren't very thick.”
Hank reaches out for your hand. “We should stick close together!”
"that sounds good"
so 4d6 careful
that's 4
Hank leads you toward the opening in the trees . . .
(Nice! That's enough to keep the wolves at bay. You can describe that if you like.)
Kirby and Hank pick their way through, taking special care to make sure that stealth will be hard to accomplish, and the wolves slowly start to lose all the cover they need to hide.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton (Thank you)
As the two proceed through the bog, the water rises up to Kirby's knees – which must mean waist-deep on the boy.
(I'd like to compel Grumpy Old Man. I'm thinking that this bog, along with the stress, must be extra irritating for Kirby, and he might lose his temper. Do you accept?)
I think I would rather spend the FP to avoid it
so now I have one
(Oh, but good news: I forgot the +1 teamwork, so you actually succeeded with style against the wolves. You gain a boost.)
(I suggest something like “Picking the best route through the bog.”)
that works for me
(As an aspect it could be something like Sense of Safety or something)
On the bright side, the wolves have no interest in following the pair through the deep bog, and the way going isn't all that difficult. Despite the cold, murky water, your spirits rise as the peril of the wolves vanishes.
@JonathanHobbs (Actually I was going to change it to Sense of Accomplishment so they can carry it forward longer.)
@BraddSzonye (That sounds excellent)
(And to explain why he doesn't lose his temper.)
(OK, roll Careful vs the bog obstacle, with +1 teamwork.
(You succeed with style again. Narrate your success and choose another boost.)
Kirby and Hank manage to travel through the bog with little difficulty, and as the wolves lose interest, the pair continue on, with Kirby hoping that his guide actually knows where they are.
(do you have a boost in mind? want suggestions?)
how about, "mostly trusted guide"
(Works for me.)
The bog eventually thins out, and the pair trudge their way out of the water. Before long, they're back on solid ground.
Hank and Kirby make good progress before coming to a fork in the trail.
Hank stops to inform the old man. “There's a fork in the road here, Mister Kirby. You seem to know what you're doing, wanna pick which way we go?”
“I think I hear something to the right. Bees maybe. Nothin' the other way.”
" I think we should go right then, if bees are all we need to worry about then it sounds like a good direction."
“You're a smart fella!”
Hank leads the seer toward the right side of the fork. It doesn't take long before Kirby can hear the bees too. Lots of them.
“Oh boy.”
"how many are there?"
“They're . . . they're . . . It's not . . . Uh, it's just –” Hank stammers.
" I hate this place so much"
"time to turn around and go the other way then"
“Well I could put my blanket over my head and run through, but I don't think it'd cover up both of us. Sure, let's check out the other way.”
Hank leads the way back to the fork and takes the road not chosen.
“It gets a little tight up ahead, but at least I don't see any bees.”
Hank isn't kidding. The underbrush is thicker here, and the trees are closer. In some places, you have to turn to squeeze through the openings.
Worse, the undergrowth is full of burrs and prickly branches.
It's downright grabby.
(Thoughts, reactions, discussion?)
(You can blame @BESW for this one.) ;)
did he make it, or do you just mean because you made it for his character?
He suggested this particular obstacle.
The shrubbery only gets clingier as Hank and Kirby try to push through. A couple of times, they get hung up and need to free themselves to continue. And it looks like it gets worse up ahead.
“It's not too late to turn back, if you think we'd do better against the bees, Mister Kirby.”
"that's a horrible decision to have to make. I think with the bee's we at least shouldn't have this much trouble getting somewhere"
“Yeah, we just have to rush through them without getting stung to death!”
Kirby can hear the excitement in his voice.
(Both obstacles are +4, but one might be better suited to your approaches than the other one.)
“What's the plan? You seem pretty good at plans.”
"maybe if we crawl on the ground far enough from the nests, we can keep the bee's from getting mad enough to sting us."
(On the bright side, you have two boosts that would be applicable.)
"but if we take our time here in the brush, we won't die by bee sting"
“Hm. You're right, they usually only get mad if you get too close to the hive. Unless they're KILLER BEES!”
Kirby can feel Hank bouncing up and down with excitement now.
“Can we do the bees? Can we?”
"....... ok."
("I will punch every bee in the face!")
" how close did we get to them last time?"
“I could see the hive, but it was still pretty far away.”
“So like at least eleventy feet.”
“Here, I'll take us back to there.”
With some effort, Kirby and Hank extricate themselves from the clingy shrubbery and make their way back around the fork until Hank can just see the hive again.
"ok, here is the plan, we are going to get pretty close, then you are going to check and make sure there is only one hive"
“Oh yeah, that's probably smart.”
Hank immediately sets off toward the hive, tugging at Kirby's hand as he goes.
“I still only see one, and it's pretty high up. There are some bees close to the ground, but not too many.”
"if they get mad at us for getting as close as we do, we run back until they stop chasing us, and wait for them to calm down, if they don't get mad, we will attempt to cross the path as far from their mutant bee house as possible
"and let's try to avoid the individual bee's too, who knows what will make them angry?"
“Okiedokie! We're getting pretty close now. Are we gonna run for it?”
“I'll say when! 3 . . . 2 . . .”
(Poor Kirby.)
"let's just do this as quickly as possible, and stay on the furthest edge of the path from the hive as possible"
“. . . 1!” Hank dashes past the bees, dragging Kirby behind him (unless you let go)
pretty sure he doesn't want to do that
he doesn't want to let go I mean
Doesn't want to let go? Got it.
(This isn't very careful, but you can use Clever instead of Quick since you're being pretty smart about your plan.)
(Roll Clever with +1 for teamwork.)
(Might wanna boost that) ;)
Bees, my god
Difficulty is +4. You need one invoke to tie, two to win
well, I think I will use sense of accomplishment, and mostly trusted guide then
Hank zips through the bees, dodging left and right. Kirby has to struggle a bit to keep up and avoid tripping, but after a few dozen yards, you've apparently made it through without getting stung to death, and you can't hear any bees following.
Hank laughs. “That was AWESOME, old guy!”
He slows down and stops to catch his breath.
“Er, I'm sorry. Mister Kirby! I forget my manners sometimes when I get excited. Mom would kill me!”
"the best part was that we didn't get stung to death, and there were no dragons"
“Wow, you know dragons?!”
"honestly, I am surprised your mother lets you travel in this forest alone"
"and I don't know dragons, just one specific dragon"
"and it,... doesn't like me very much"
“Oh. Mean dragon. It should be nicer. You're pretty cool for an old guy.”
Kirby can hear Hank munching on another apple.
“By the way, we hit a dead end.”
(and scene!)
best. session. ending. ever.
Ha yeah.
I figured you wouldn't want to get cornered by wolves, alone.
Hope you enjoyed the obstacle course.
that was fun
for me anyway
Kirby is having a nightmare
Oh, I can imagine.
Kirby was a pretty good choice for that one.
Hank was fun to play. Little green riding hood.
I figured something like that
He's a cross between Red from Hoodwinked and Hansel.
OK, I guess I need to grab the writeup?
@Bradd If you like, don't forget Cat did part already :)
Yeah, I got that.
Well I grabbed all the text. Needs some massaging.
@BraddSzonye I wonder what happens when green and sang touch. Explosion?
Yeah, I deliberately designed Hank to be different from Sanguine. (He's also half Hansel.)
mmmm, yeah, i'm going to say explosion.
My favorite part of the session: Kirby asks, "How exactly do you know you are still going the right way in a place like this?"

“If nothin' eats you, you're going the right way.”

"Oh, well I have come pretty close to going the wrong way then."
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Long-lost siblings?
little bit from column a....
Green would be a fun PC, if I didn't already have one.
I love it when NPCs are fun to play.
@BraddSzonye If an NPC isn't fun to play, I've Done It Wrong.
I liked this one too: “if bees are all we need to worry about then it sounds like a good direction.”
Which lasted for about a minute.
"Bees, My God"
It's also interesting being Kirby's eyes.
Bees. In a dead end.
clearly I know what kind of motivator you need.
@BraddSzonye What was different/interesting/challenging about GMing Fate?
Main challenge was inexperience, although it wasn't too bad. Glad I've been reading through everything thoroughly.
I found the online chat thing more troublesome than the game.
I was a little concerned about how to frame the Challenge, but it actually worked out pretty smoothly.
In fact, that whole bit was pretty interesting. I like how it played out, game-wise.
I set it up as a +2, +0, +4 challenge, which worked out great for the pacing.
He aced the first two parts, which gave boosts that he desperately needed for the last part.
Especially because he'd refused a compel.
I'm also glad that I remembered to compel him. First, to set up the story (handy that), the second time to put him in a difficult spot.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton The dead end was the setup for the wolves returning, but I figured it would be mean to pit a blind guy and a kid against a pack of wolves. So I cut scene to allow time for cavalry to arrive, or whatever.
@BraddSzonye yep
With somebody like Og, I woulda let him thrash the pack of wolves instead.
Posted my NPCs to the database too.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton We should stat Henry soon. I have ideas.
@BESW ze hermit? Yes yes we should. Time to go home. talk later.
Yeah, I'm starting dinner
@BraddSzonye is there anything we can do to make your time as a GM easier? Maybe policies to ease the Chat Interface Blues?
Well I thought of something you had also mentioned, just communicating when you've completed a thought or want player input.
Like “(over)”
Because I often send a bunch of short messages rather than one long one.
Ah, good.
I suggest something like
It might also help in cases where I ask a player for two things and he only gives me one :)
We had one of those
Oh, I asked for a narration and a boost, and you gave the narration and then paused a long time. I wasn't sure whether you were thinking about the boost or forgot it.
So I nudged
I was trying to think of one
and this is also over text chat
You picked a good one
It isn't as though you see my thoughts immediately
It actually influenced my storytelling.
Yeah, I like it when you can see when somebody is typing :)
So you can at least tell they are thinking
There are plans for a web app that might include that feature.
But this chat doesn't show that.
Mostly, it was just a lot of fun.
I like the fate mechanics.
I'm glad you used the challenge mechanic.
Yeah, you had mentioned that we don't do it enough.
And I'm glad I've had some experience with Challenge mechanics from D&D. They take a little getting used to.
Now we just need a Contest ;)
Running from wolves!
Oh hey, that'd be a good one.
...and a dragon. And a pack of wizards.
And redcaps.
They're excellent runners.
and God
might as well have Him show up too
Bees, my god
The way fate points work out in play reminds me a lot of SR4 Edge, which is one of the better mechanics in that game.
I'm unfamiliar with Shadowrun, so can't speak to it.
I find them unusual compared to most action point economies I've seen, in that they more purely represent narrative success/failure and are designed to flow more dynamically as part of the core system.
Ah. Edge is the stat used to represent luck, and it works a lot like fate points: Refresh every session, spend it to succeed after you've failed (although it works better if you spend it in advance), and you can refresh it mid-session if certain things happen.
One thing I like about Fate is that the points are never wasted.
You don't spend them until after the roll, and even in cases where it's spent on something that turns out to be invalid (like compelling an aspect you're only guessing exists) you usually get the FP back.
So using them is never a gamble, which discourages hoarding.
Edge doesn't guarantee success, but characters who specialize in it don't need to hoard it. The biggest difference is that SR4 gives you more edge for accomplishing things, rather than for dealing with complications.
For example, you get an Edge back for the equivalent of success with style.
Usually you either play an Edge specialist, in which case it plays out very much like Fate, or you use it as a dump stat and conserve your 1–2 Edge for emergencies.
Which is sort of like having many stunts and low refresh in Fate.
(That's another thing I really enjoy in Fate; the wide range of outcomes. After nine years of D&D's success/failure dichotomy, it's very refreshing.)
Yeah, even among trad games, D&D is kind of a holdout there.
Late trad games like Shadowrun and Storyteller usually have at least 4–5 degrees of success.
Hero doesn't, but it has other intermediate results.
In Hero, a solid hit will generally cause some special effect or collateral damage, like stunning or knockback, even if you don't knock out your opponent or whatever.
So you get useful temporary advantages if you do well.
Night, guys! Thanks for the game, @trogdor!
m hmm
thank you
My pleasure!
Ok now I'm interested...
in RPG General Chat, 2 hours ago, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
@JonathanHobbs the communication difficulties thing sounds like a character to be defeated to me...
in RPG General Chat, 2 hours ago, by BESW
@JonathanHobbs I've generally assumed a common language, but Brian's idea has interesting potential.
in RPG General Chat, 2 hours ago, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
If important things are characters, according to the fate fractal, let's test it!
How would this play out?
@BESW and @Brian
stuff that is coming to mind is cleverly combating it. somehow ~_~;
Opposed overcome actions to place communication-based aspects?
@JonathanHobbs Make it a question for the site?
8I What would I ask that is constructive and a real question
"In Fate, we're gonna have possible communication issues between two people. How should I approach this?"
-> a billion answers
I can imagine it maybe becoming constructive if I can make it answerable by providing specific criteria
Outcomes would be a good place to start.
that is how other character creation (mostly character optimisation) questions tend to go
See also:
Oh, and while I'm at it, I found this entirely unrelated question with an absolutely hilarious title:
Q: How do I stop my PCs from acting like insomniac monkeys on crack?

mxyzplkAn issue came up in the last session of my Pathfinder campaign - that of chronic PC impatience. It happens especially when they go to cities and between major adventures. They go into a frenzy of trying to buy and sell and talk to everyone and do everything to the point where I have to start enf...

That third one on the list made me smile.
AceCalhoon has some amazing answers.
well, I want to run it
when's cat usually on?
And can we run it between you two?
4 hours. nope
got early bloody meetings tomorrow
Context: two characters need to communicate. One speaks a common language. The other is a semi-magical plant person who may have distant memories of that language or may not.
- Must be able to be steadily overcome (breakthroughs are acceptable).
- Should provide a language barrier some or all of the time which is steadily overcome as above.
- ??
Very simple
Given the fate fractal, how do you model a narratively interesting communication problem as an opponent?
Reference On Fire
then give a few details.
(Argh! I have to go to dinner. Back soon)
Reference On Fire?
(is that a statement to reference something called On Fire?)

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