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@BraddSzonye Took me a while, yeah.
I've got... one, two secrets? In the current campaign. One of them is actually Brian's.
and the other is more of a "If things reach this point, I know what I'll do."
I'm personally terrible about keeping secrets from players. I always want them in on the joke.
I've freely said things that I wouldn't have in any other campaign, like "Zemenar is teaming up with Sanguine's nemesis."
well, you also have a bit more leeway here
What? Wait a minute! What!?! ;)
because not everyone's reading the chat all the time :P
@BraddSzonye I like setting up situations and telling them all the facts, then watching their faces as they put together the implications.
@Cat Exhibit A :P
I actually don't know Sanguine very well or who her nemesis is, so it's all good.
Sanguine is Brian's PC.
she offers cookies!
The pastry-chef assassin.
Mmm cookies.
Oh, cookie-girl I have heard of.
I am torn between reading through everything that has happened to everyone and trying to keep some surprises (I guess I am spoiler averse)
My big secret last session was that the dragon was going to show up.
Certainly keeps us on our toes
It's a good thing most dragons are in the Mountains of Morning.
An actual dragon would probably one-shot a PC without difficulty or preparation.
Adolescents not old enough to choose their gender yet? Eeeh, you have a chance.
Luckily, older dragons are often inclined to talk first. If they're not grumpy/hungry.
and how often are they grumpy or hungry
(Although dragons are generally self-important and self-absorbed, they also tend to be practical.)
@Sohum How many wizards are nearby?
@BESW ah, good :P
so they really hate wizards
I kinda got that when even mc grumpy pants burninated a wizard before estabilishing where Kirby was and killing him
Wizards make them sneeze.
Well, technically it's the staff absorbing the dragon's magic that makes the dragon sneeze, but for all intents and purposes it's the same thing.
This does two things: it steals something from a dragon (not a good idea), and it discomfits the dragon (also bad).
...if Thursday's staff turns out to piss off dragons, I will be very ... something
does that mean that a dragon can't recover from that theft?
No, they generate magic pretty quickly.
It's the principle of the thing.
so it's not dangerous to them unless there are enough wizards around
and even then it's more likely they would die by fighting them than by actually being drained
I haven't read the latest session yet. Are the PCs still entangled, or are they roaming free now?
I'd answer if I knew which PCs you were referring to ...
The folks currently present, for starters!
I believe Kirby was the only formerly engaged PC who entered the scene.
Stellata and I were both previously unengaged with anyone but ...
well, who, I'm not sure.
(aside from Trouble, who has become an NPC)
Kirby's facing down a dragon by himself, Stellata and Sindaria are jetting downstream with Henry in tow, Sanguine is... somewhere in the forest with a Princess and an unconscious knight, having failed to calm a dragon with pastries.
Haha at Stellata's reaction to Kirby: “Moonbear? Regular bear!? Enlarged angry badly shaven hobo? What the heck is this thing?”
Thursday's following the river to Morwen the witch's house, as is Wil.
Liz is also following the river to Morwen's.
OK. Trying to figure out who's available for new adventures and/or new companions.
Everyone is subject to the Forest deciding where they wind up next, with only those immediately adjacent to each other having to stick together.
(Amusing thought: challenge encounter with the Forest trying to force a PC to go somewhere and the PC resisting. Forest as character.)
Ha, cute.
Anyone here available to play?
I'm heading out in minutes.
I could play, but I'm not sure I'm "allowed"
I only have an hour or so too
I am up for it, but Kirby "is" currently with a dragon
I was wondering why he didn't flee down the river with the others.
for starters
he didn't get a turn after the dragon showed
in fact,... that's a pretty great reason on it's own
but I was gonna self compel my trouble
to have Kirby try to talk the dragon down rather than running away
@trogdor wow that would not have gone well
I have a feeling BESW is gonna keep having it chase him anyway
and besides anything else
If other folks are going to help out with GMing, it would be very helpful to end with scenes that actually leave the characters available to play with the other GMs. ;)
I personally think it's more interesting if he attempts to make amends with a dragon than to just try to never see it again
@trogdor The dragon could either chase him through the woods wreaking havoc, or the dragon could eat up the monk then stomp around in a bad mood wreaking havoc.
@trogdor Ok, trying to make amends could go well.
I think the problem was a time limitation on my part, @Bradd
Ah, yeah that's tough to work around.
that doesn't mean, for example, that "you" couldn't run the dragon
but yeah
It's a general problem I've noticed though with the ongoing threads, people being left in situations where they can't or don't want to move on.
there were time constraints
Which makes it tough to shift characters and GMs in and out.
otherwise Kirby would be either completely free or dead
Well, as stated, I don't see why there's any issue with you resolving the issue of Kirby and the Dragon right now.
@Cat Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
(assuming @BESW can give you the stats)
they should be in the NPC record
but then again
he got mad at me when I used that last time
Is that the Proud Young Dragon?
I dunno if those stats are right or not
@BraddSzonye Yes
only dragon I know of who has shown up yet
The same one with the scones.
The people in that scene split in two: Sindaria, Stellata and Henry floating downriver to parts unknown, and Kirby's standing at the bottom of a cliff over which an angry dragon is peering. Both of those should not be hard to pick up.
@BraddSzonye The very same. "THE SCONES WERE BURNED!!"
is it still up there?
OK, I have a better sense for what is going on now.
I thought it had to come down to burn mookmage
The dragon that Kirby ran away from ended up following?
As far as I understand...
@trogdor I think it burninated him from the clifftop with a jet of flames? That's the mental image I had anyway
That was my understanding @Jonathan
Is mookmage Henry or someone else?
and yeah
It followed me
Someone else...
Henry is a completely different guy
"wizard's lackey"
.. I just saw the title for that session's post xD
Mookmage is no longer with us
So the dragon wasn't chasing Kirby, but still nearby.
"In which a dragon interrupts a confusing set of discoveries started by Kirby falling over a cliff"
Yeah, that was my lame attempt to summarize
I just wanted to lighten BESW's load
I could pick it up from there if you want to play, @trogdor.
@Cat It is an excellent and funny summary
I'll just eavesdrop and provide witty commentary ;)
I can't see this going poorly at all T.T
Cool. Anyone else want to join in?
Thanks @Jonathan
Let's see how far you get with Kirby
I may join if opportunity presents itsefl
(and it's not too late)
Well, I could very easily sweep Kirby into the river, to short-circuit any possible dragon complications.
@Cat "Is that something she does now or later?" - this could be snipped out, that was a mechanical question :)
Oops - missed that one. I'll find and fix it
right after angry badly shaven hobo
And then use the river to separate anyone not actually here.
Just trogdor then?
I guess?
seems like no one else is ready right now
Get started, depending on how you resolve it, I can join, I think
OK, I'll use my solo scene then. There are parts where other folks can jump in if they like.
Like I said, I only have an hour.
(sorry to be difficult)
I'm preoccupied with study at work, so I can't join in
We left off with a great roar and a burning wizard crashing into a pool at the bottom of a cliff, with some debris.
(Maybe I'll just work on the episode summary as you guys chat away.
A few gouts of flame erupt over the edge of the cliff, as the young dragon vents a bit of anger for good measure.
A stream flows away from the pool, and a path follows it for a short way, but diverges in the distance.
There's a fair bit of grumbling and stomping around above, but the dragon does not show its head . . . yet.
Kirby can't "see" any paths
(He can possibly hear the stream?)
he definitely knows that is there
(And he can definitely hear the dragon above, and you know from experience that there's a cliff.)
I was gonna say, I had one stress box tagged, but that is over now cause it is a new session
Yeah, I cleared that and anything else that would vanish.
first thing first I guess
Kirby will try to carefully position himself under the cliff, so that he is not easily seen.
I believe that is 4
yeah it's 4
so I think I have an aspect, Hiden under the cliff, with 2 tags on it?
(I think the dragon can defend against this, also using Careful. If it beats you, you can invoke a situation aspect against it because it's distracted.)
That's +6.
The dragon grows a little quieter above, as its intelligence catches up with its fiery instincts.
(Do you want to invoke something?)
I need to check what I can invoke
(I'm only narrating the dragon's Carefulness, not the outcome.)
mk let's see, I think I can probably invoke the cliff itself
Yes, because it blocks line of sight.
possibly my aspect, "I always take my time"
(And you can still invoke Distracted on the dragon too.)
because it is momentarily distracted
or that
that works
so I think I will invoke those 2 things
8 vs it's 6
(Good. Narrate your win.)
(You're creating an advantage, yes?)
Kirby slowly slips under the cliff, being careful not to make noise, and places himself at an angle that the distracted dragon can't easily see him
The dragon considers that it's unwise to just leave a wizard for dead – although no longer senses the wizard's staff stealing its power.
It peers briefly over the edge, just to be sure –
(Careful: total –1)
(You can defend with Careful.)
(So you defend with style.)
mostly because it failed
but yeah
The dragon snorts, “Good riddance! That'll teach you to ruin my scones!”
(Feel free to add a flourish for your success with style.)
as in narration? or describing a boost I get?
(Additional detail to make Kirby look cool. That too I think)
(Yes, you get a boost. Narrate it and let me know what it is.)
Kirby stands very still under the cliff, as the dragon looks haphazardly over it.
he is very careful to not make noise, so I think "very quiet" is appropriate naming of the boost
(OK, done.)
Satisfied with its victory, the dragon returns to Sanguine to discuss the possibility of more scones.
As its stomping recedes, Kirby appears to be in the clear.
(At this point, I'd like to suggest compelling a vision)
I'll take it
(OK, please describe Kirby's reaction to getting a vision – what does it look like to other people?)
he grabs his head like he is getting the worst migrane ever, and attempts not to make any noise, as often happens when he gets a vision
(Your visions include sight, right?)
those include anything they need to
Kirby sees a child in a hooded cloak, walking along a forest trail.
it doesn't mean he can see while it happens, but he does see "in" the vision
The child reaches into a large basket and removes a small, polished stone that glows brightly iridescent in the vision.
The child drops the stone onto the trail, walks along about twenty paces, and drops another.
Just as the child is nearly out of sight, a large, gray wolf emerges from the undergrowth to sniff at the first stone.
WHAM! The vision ends.
(I gave you a fate point. You have two now.)
do I know whether this is something happening now or if this is something that is going to happen soon?
or do I just see it?
(You just see it.) It leaves behind a sense of urgency.
ok, do I have any idea which direction relative to me this may be?
(You could try probing your memory of the vision for a lingering sense of it. Or you could simply follow the one clear way out of here.)
well, I will just try walking down the only path
assuming I take just a little time to find it being blind
Kirby sets out tentatively for the sound of the stream, and his feet find the familiar feel of a well-worn path.
With some caution, he can keep to the path.
Although it's difficult to be cautious when you get visions! Another one hits, this time very briefly, just a glimpse of that iridescent stone.
The urgent feeling peaks along with the short glimpse.
(How does Kirby react to the second vision?)
does he see what is around the stone?
for example, if it is one still being carried or one that is in the ground
(This one is out of context, with a sense that you need to find it.)
(Or something terrible will happen.)
The feeling that he needs to find the stone gives Kirby the impression that he's probably seeing the future – but not very far in the future.
he will continue down the path he is on
(Slowly and cautiously, or will he hurry up to heed the vision?)
he will attempt to hurry up
is that a roll?
I'm afraid I have to retire to bed now, gentlemen.
(No, but if you go slowly, you can self-compel)
Night, Cat! Hope you enjoyed it so far.
I'm just going to cut and past the text I have to now in the chat window. You can finish the rest.
We left off with a great roar and a burning wizard crashing into a pool at the bottom of a cliff, with some debris. A few gouts of flame erupt over the edge of the cliff, as the young dragon vents a bit of anger for good measure. A stream flows away from the pool, and a path follows it for a short way, but diverges in the distance. There's a fair bit of grumbling and stomping around above, but the dragon does not show its head . . . yet.

Unfortunately for Kirby, he can't "see" any paths, but can hear the stream and the dragon above. Kirby tries to carefully position himself under the cli
(Because you're going quickly, please roll Clever to see if you notice hazards along the way.)
@Cat (Thanks!)
versus +2:
You are currently down two shifts.
I think I will let this hit me
whatever it is
In his rush to investigate the vision, Kirby must pay close attention just to staying on the trail, and he doesn't notice the big, gray wolf stalking him.
Following the trail becomes even more difficult once it diverges from the stream, but thankfully Kirby doesn't need to go much farther than that.
He hears the unmistakable sound of somebody biting into an apple.
(To you.)
we going for social initiative?
or am I just going to go first?
(There's no conflict yet. Just want to know how you act.)
(also, brb)

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