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@BESW She is aware she must seek out the Shadows and end them, and aware of her drive to do this; vs she must seek out the Shadows and end them but does not internally realise she has this drive, like a rat doesn't think twice about why it's picking apart a berry?
Rather, yes.
There are levels of this, of course.
She might consider the Shadows her prey without recognizing the Bigger Picture implications.
Also to consider: what happens when she's done? Who determines it?
@BESW ... I like the idea she simply considers the Shadows something she has to remove from the environment.
And that's it.
or that the shadows are her prey... would complicate things c(:
We don't know what the Shadows are yet, or what it means to be their Plaything, or what their goals are.
@BESW Alright. I'll work out her relationship to the shadows as we go - beyond knowing simply they're the thing she exists to stop, whatever that means.
I strongly urge players to participate in the process of developing the plot.
Declarations are ideal for this.
@BESW Declarations in what sense? Me saying so right here, right now, or things happening ingame?
I meant things happening in-game, like making rolls to "discover" aspects that weren't actually there.
But talking about things that would be cool in chat out of game is also good. The GM is "first among equals" in Fate, and the players are expected to participate in world and plot building.
Alright. Well, for my part: lore-wise it might be more interesting for Stella if the Shadows were not some entirely new unfamiliar threat, but either the Shadows have been here before (and were forced away again, thanks to ancestor Dryads and others), or they're something she vaguely understands.
At least, it feels better in the sense that foreshadowing makes things better?
(insert any story revelation in doctor who this season to demonstrate the effect of a lack of foreshadowing)
Agreed. I'm envisioning that the Shadows are a threat that recurs every... few hundred years?
And each time, a Guardian of the Wild is awoken to drive them back from whenceever they came.
It does.
So it's a bit of a tautology, but perhaps she knows she's supposed to fight the Shadows because that's what her memories are of: fighting the Shadows.
@BESW I like this, yes.
@BESW The shadows might not be all her ancestors have awoken to deal with, but she's pretty clear they're what's going on this time. Probably.
If Dryads live to be the anti-Shadow and that's it, I guess that's also ok! Plus it makes the fact she phosphoresces that much more appropriate. Maybe it's one of their primary reasons for existing but not the be-all end-all.
Yeah, I imagine they get animated for other threats too, but not too often.
It takes Cthulhu-level threats for nature itself to worry enough that it sends in a champion.
It occurs to me that by nature's terms, there must be at least a little bit of arms evolution between the two. The Dryads have evolved to defeat the Shadows and the Shadows are trying to evolve to defeat the Dryads.
I don't really want to make myself the star of the show or anything in saying that but if Dryads are their antithesis it tends to be that way.
I'm tying everything together so everybody's connected somehow.
Wonderful. :)
And it's all very loose because of not knowing who'll be playing with whom when.
I wonder how much she knows about the Shadows from racial memory.
So Sindaria's the plaything of Shadows, and Zemenar wants to control her, and his son is courting/cursing Thursday as part of a possibly-connected plot, and Wil being a Wizard will draw him into one or both of their schemes...
Northface has been sent to find out about his mother from a hermit, who is probably Kirby, whose talents are going to be the recurring focus of attention by just about anybody with a plan...
Sanguine's been sent to kill a witch, who is a wild card: could be on anybody's side and might not technically be a witch at all.
It's likely that Zemenar is pulling a lot of strings we haven't seen yet--perhaps too many for him to keep track of as PC Interference sets in.
@BESW As an old man evidently not new to the string-pulling business he has probably built up a bulk of strings tied to his fingertips.
Yeah, I can throw just about anything at a PC and claim Zemenar was involved somehow.
(See: distraught princess in clearing.)
@BESW The dragon is just Zemenar in a dragon suit!
Nobody saw the dragon and Zemenar standing side by side now, did they?
(meta: this is actually entirely 100% true and Sanguine is just so naive she never realised it was a dragon suit despite the shoddy craftsmanship and obvious stitches.)
And Kirby's blind, the Princess is an idiot, and Lord Northface has a vision-obscuring helmet?
@BESW Lord Northface has had his helmet on backwards the whole time but he's too proud to admit it and nobody will notice if he acts natural.
Maybe I should do this, also:
(psst! pin it!)
Do what?
Better space economy.
Alright, Pinkie. See you tomorrow.
Goodnight. :D
1 hour later…
We're picking up new players at a good clip now, it looks like.
I'm kind of intimidated by that, and I'm not even running the thing.
We have... ten participants now, including myself?
And not including BenHardy, who hasn't put a character together yet but wants to.
Who's playing the dryad?
Heh. The more competent characters that come into the story, the less place there is for Wil, methinks.
I dunno.
Let's give him a competent staff and see what happens?
I mean, our dryad has the trouble Earful of Bees.
When can't I take advantage of that?
On the Plane of Bees
Gooble gobble! Gooble gobble!
where every object - the ground, the chair you're sitting on, the food you're eating, the walls of the house around you, the sun - is made of bees
so, you know
an ear here or there doesn't really stand out
One of us, one of us!
We accept her, we accept her!
@Problematic Wil is absolutely just as effectual as the rest of us; he just has to find instances where being clever and quick and flashy helps :P
so this is interesting
Wil is "trained in magic", which is supposed to mean that he's at a story disadvantage without his staff
but... is he?
@Sohum I think it's less about mechanics than how @Problematic wants the character arc to run.
@BESW this. Originally the "heroes" were kind of a ragtag band of misfits. Now we have actual heroes and highly competent individuals.
@BESW mmm. that makes sense.
@Problematic I think it can still work.
We kind of have the hobbit story and the hero story of LotR going on.
Especially since so many sessions are probably going to be one-on-one.
@Problematic Well, we have Lord Northface and Stellata. I don't think Thursday qualifies, especially as her Curse gets compelled more and more
Sang is ... scary
and that's all I'm going to say
Sang is also... Brian.
that is a full majority of the reason she is scary
And Sang's villain is about to team up with Zemenar.
when did tha-
how did you-
After that ass-whupping she handed Zemenar, he's gonna go see what strings he can find that are attached to her.
He didn't expect her, and he never wants to make that mistake again.
Who is her villain?
This makes sense, but still BWUH
A palace agent known as The Wolf, who wants to turn her as a spy within the order of the assassin god.
I must have missed that.
Does he love pastries?
And is he amazing at disguises?
@Sohum No, but he's been led to think that he's her father.
@BESW mmm, good enough!
It'd be ideal if he was also very popular with the older palace ladies
always seen tittering with them about one inconsequential thing or another
I've been envisioning him as a lean middle-aged man with sunwrinkles and a shaggy salt-and-pepper lack-of-haircut.
(I am riffing off the actual wolf, from Little Red Riding Hood)
Yes, but Brian is riffing in theme rather than content.
...although the witch Jenny's been assigned to kill is known as "Grandmother."
right, so "popular with the older ladies" and "good at disguises" and not "kills her grandma and wears her skin as a disguise" :P
I suspect Zemenar may provide him with the means to... influence... the dragon.
I'm drawing on a classic strategy that I use in many of my campaigns: Identify a major visible villain who plots and schemes. Tie him into nearly everything the party does, because he's that schemey, especially once the party has caught his attention.
Then ensure that at least one of his schemes is tied to a bigger background villain/danger.
Preferably in ways he's unaware of or overconfident in his ability to manipulate.
Then just have him keep juggling all his eggs while the party fumbles around like a three-legged bear trying to bowl.
He's threatening because his influence is felt everywhere, but he's got too many things going on at once to be entirely effective at all of them, which gives the party room to maneuver.
And there's potential for a three-way power struggle in the opposition: background power, main villain, and sometimes the party can help (accidentally or otherwise) a string to pull back.
See exhibit A: if the party is able to help the dragon throw off the influence of the Wolf, the Wolf will almost certainly rat out Zemenar when an angry dragon is eyeballing him hungrily.
yea, that makes sense
I don't gm often, but when I do - I tend to prefer background dangers/opportunities that have inspired different unrelated groups of people to act
and generally a teaming up is a big deal, because these groups are in it for themselves and want not much to do with each other
but this makes a lot of sense
So Zemenar's strings are a way for the GMs to throw whatever is necessary into the mix for personal development of characters and the resolution of their individual goals, while tying it all back to one central rat-king.
is rat-king a deliberate reveal? :P
No, it's a reference to the Aurelio Zen novel of the same name.
@Sohum I've run that kind of campaign, but my favorite are the ones that appear to be open sandbox --but due to the scheming and pervasive nature of the true villain, whatever the party does they'll be bound to run into some facet of his plot whether they recognize it immediately or not.
A rat-king is a group of rats who live in such cramped conditions that their tails have become inextricably tied together.
They don't cooperate deliberately, but by each looking out for his own interests they accidentally sustain each other and thrive.
Only when one of the rats becomes weak do they turn on it all at once and devour it; otherwise they maintain a unique equilibrium.
It's used as a metaphor for government and corporate corruption in Rome, and it's apt enough that I've adopted it as a visual for some of my campaigns.
that is a pretty excellent visual
Rat kings are phenomena said to arise when a number of rats become intertwined at their tails, which become stuck together with blood, dirt, ice, excrement or simply knotted. The animals reputedly grow together while joined at the tails. The numbers of rats that are joined together can vary, but naturally rat kings formed from a larger number of rats are rarer. The phenomenon is particularly associated with Germany, where the majority of instances have been reported. Historically, there are various superstitions surrounding rat kings, and they were often seen as a bad omen, particularly as...
That's kind of horrific.
My goal is usually to create the illusion of a rat-king, believed even by the "rats" themselves, but they are secretly and subtly prodded and poked to achieve some hidden agenda.
@Problematic Yes. yes, it is.
Vermin have been a mainstay of my campaigns, literally or metaphorically, for a very long time.
The Vermin Lord is one of my favorite justifications for a mini-campaign plot.
I'm up for a session right now if you guys are
I am not, sorry.
I should have been asleep hours ago.
fair fair
But if one of you wants to GM the other, go for it.
oh god GMing fate
that's an entirely different section of the book to read :P
@BESW night!
@BESW G'night.
@Problematic I could give it a try, but, well, abandon all hope all ye etc
I'm mostly paying attention to the developer conference going on right now, sorry :P
conference on what?
JavaScript/front end development
(yes, I am this eager for distraction from goddamn abstract clones)
being streamed anywhere?
Hmm. The keynotes were, I'm not sure the sessions are.

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