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@BESW you around?
he might be a little busy at the moment
I take it you all are friends IRL?
Yeah, I'm running a bit late.
@C.Ross Trogdor is one of my actual-table-top RPG buddies.
Half an hour?
yeah, we know each other IRL
@C.Ross Got anything in mind you'd like to see or not see in the session?
Mostly conflict, mostly RP, particular setpieces or NPCs or themes?
@BESW hmmm, RP, lets flesh out the character
and kind of get me introduced to the setting
Okay, let's see. You're Lord Northface, right?
In the Forest because someone said a hermit could tell you about your mother's death, as I recall?
@BESW yes and yes
So, wandering in the forest, looking for a hermit, stunt about protecting others...
and that lovely aspect Can’t ignore the needy
Do you have anything in mind? Particulars or general ideas.
Honestly I had envisioned a scene where he see's someone being attacked (justly or unjustly) and physically throws himself in the middle to protect them
bonus points if he can break up the fight by talking
How do you feel about caves?
Player or character?
caves are awesome
but maybe that's just me
Character, I was thinking.
...Nah, I have a better idea.
@trogdor You got time for a game?
not doing anything right now
Because Lord Northface is ready and primed to defend someone who is being attacked.
ok,... but I hope he is ready for dragons
And I happen to know a certain blind seer who's been just asking to get chomped on.
Hmmm, dragons.
he did actually say "go ahead and try"
because blindness breeds bravery I guess
Okay, let's start setting up the tracking sheet. docs.google.com/document/d/…
That look good?
Ummm, yeah ...
[cracks knuckles]
Can I start with the aspect Mounted?
...you have a horse?
If having a horse is a Thing, then adjust one of your aspects to more clearly imply it.
Reluctant Knight, maybe?
@BESW sounds good
Lord Northface, lost in the Forest as everyone becomes on their first (second, third, fourth) visits to it, hears a loud argument and shrill screams. On a sunny hilltop in a small glade, a bright green dragon the size of two horses is attacking a youngish man in tattered robes. Nearby, a beautiful woman in court dress cowers, screaming.
(And may I just say, I love that I didn't have to make up any of that scene for this scenario.)
This... will probably quickly become a social conflict.
Because we have so many people, do you mind if we use initiative right off the bat to at least determine turn order?
not at all
Okay, physical initiative (which the dragon is engaged in) is based on Quick, and mental conflict is based on Careful.
No rolls, just modifiers.
yeah,... I made up at least half this scene myself
Quick: +1
@trogdor Are you acting physically or socially/mentally?
was that careful or cleve?
ah careful
so 3
(page 44 of the FAE book.)
The dragon and Lord Northface are tied at +1. Suggestions for how to resolve the tie? We could roll, or we could say it makes sense for one to go first.
rolling sounds like a fair way
if we just say one goes first though, the dragon is closer, but he is on a horse
Dragon has +2 unmodified.
I believe the dragon goes first
I believe so
I believe so, but Kirby's going before him. We'll stick with these initiative scores even if individuals move between social and physical actions, for simplicity's sake.
Kirby: I believe you just dared the dragon to try eating you, and it accepted.
that was really dumb
anyway,... lets see what I can try to say to fix this
it's probably gonna take several turns of diplomacy
At this point, you're going to have to deal it enough stress for it to concede or be taken out.
so social attacks then?
and or manuvers
That would seem reasonable. You dared a dragon to EAT YOU.
yeah I know
stop rubbing it in
I think I will try just a straight up attack
"the best you can think of doing with a princess after you asked that kid to kidnap her is eat her? what kind of dragon are you?"
I think that's probably clever
so just 2
The dragon feels that the appropriate response to a question like that is a good strong dragony RAAWOR. Forceful defense +5.
so tie
it was a pitiful roar, at least for a dragon
Total of +2, so you deal it no stress but you get a boost.
Please narrate the exchange, including the dragon's defense and the nature of the boost you get.
Kirby insults the dragon's,... dragon code.
it roars at him in an only slightly intimidating way and he says "that was pretty weak there, are you sure your a dragon at all?"
I think the boost should be morale victory
So Kirby now has the aspect Morale Victory, with one free invoke. When the free invoke is used, the aspect will go away.
Dragon's turn.
Having failed to intimidate Kirby, the furious dragon attacks with a flurry of shining teeth and claws. "I bet rude people taste better!"
they probably do
Flashy attack, +4 with +2 stunt bonus.
+7 physical attack.
I will try to fake doge left, and then actually dodge right
I think that's clever
guess I will use that tag
so 2
How does having a morale victory help defend against teeth and claws?
having confidence can help with almost anything
it's not like I am trying to bull rush it
You're still taking 5 shifts of stress; this will take Kirby out of the fight unless he invokes more aspects or takes consequences.
and I think I will take my time to do this right
thats what I am doing
invoking "I always take my time"
so 4
and a mild consequence will drop it to 1 stress
I'm having a really hard time seeing how taking your time to dodge is going to be helpful.
Yeah, that doesn't quite pass the smell test
the dragon isn't attacking me quickly
you are specifically using flashy
And you're being Clever, not Careful, in your defense.
Regardless of whether it's a quick or flashy attack, it's still a dragon snapping and clawing at you.
yeah, but how you do something should still count
anyway, I will take the mild consequence and be at 0 stress left
but not taken out
Okay, given the nature of the attack and defense, what is the nature of the mild consequence?
I think "clawed up face" is appropriate
or cut up
something like that
The dragon is going to reduce the stress he deals by 1, to get a boost.
I guess I actually only took 2, so I have track number 1 and 3 left
still a little confused by that
I'll get the hang of it at some point
Despite Kirby's clever dodge, the dragon's claws rip across Kirby's face as it sees through feint.
my turn?
> Looking at the dragon and the man being mauled Lord Northface swallows hard, but swings his mount toward the hill and spurs it to a gallup.
Hmm. Dramatic or complicated.
If you self-compel to make this more dramatic or complicated, I'll happily support it with a FP.
@BESW riding up and distracting the dragon dramatic and complicated enough?
oh, and what if he puts himself between the dragon and the lady, not the hermit
That is a worthy compel.
it is
If you do that, at the end of this turn you get a Fate point.
> He rides up the hill, and places his mount between the (swooning?) lady and the dragon and calls out "These people are under my protection dragon, move along!"
@C.Ross If anyone can swoon while screaming at the top of her lungs, it's the Princess Keredwel.
definitely swooning then
Forceful or Flashy to distract the dragon?
"ooooh" "AHHHHHH"
What kind of aspect are you hoping to place?
(@StaceyAnne hi!)
it sounds like flashy, but it depends
Distracted by the crazy man in metal
That sounds flashy.
k, rolling flashy at +3
and I'm going to spend a point and tag Reluctant Knight on that?
The dragon is going to try Cleverly evaluating the true level of threat this crazy man might pose.
Don't spend points until you know the defending roll.
So... +4.
(@StaceyAnne welcome)
yes, going to spend that point
You succeed at placing a boost, good for one free invoke, or you can spend a point to get a more durable aspect.
unless you are spending something
it has clever 3
and that's a 0 roll
@trogdor the sheet says 4, the forum says 3
that's confusing
I reserve the right to fiddle, especially since the dragon never hit combat before now.
fair enough, are you good with the invoke?
I am.
where are it's actual stats?
@trogdor Scroll down on the combat sheet.
I saw the dragon under the princess
@C.Ross Please narrate your successful action.
> The knight summons all his courage and manages to attract the dragon's attention, who looks over his shoulder and furrows his scaly brow.
it's funny
you call it a he
Brian calls it a she
don't tell the dragon, but this is my first
I don't attribute a specific gender to it
Give yourself a FP for that compel, and I suggest you consider using it to compel the dragon to attack you on its next turn; don't have to decide until it's turn, of course.
keep in mind
@C.Ross It's too young to have chosen a gender yet, and you're its first knight. But it's not letting on either.
if you compel it, you lose the FP AND it gets it, but only after it acts on the compel
The Princess is going to place the Earsplitting Screams aspect on the scene.
automatic success?
I think so
She's fair at histrionics, so that's a +2. If anyone can justify attempting to stop her from doing this, roll defense. Otherwise, it's an automatic success and her roll is just for determining the difficulty of removing it from the scene later.
she is a little too good at this stuff
looks like success to me
And she's got two free invokes on it.
could she have actually failed that?
...yes. the target is 0.
A -2 or -3 roll would've been a failure.
so like
The Princess looks up from her swooning, gulps in a breath, and begins wailing about the sure doom her unlikely hero is about to meet.
cause she only has +2 on stuff
Top of the round, Kirby.
Kirby, I'll give you a FP if you have Uncontrollable Visions of Northface's mother instead of contributing to combat.
sounds like a winning strategy
(I can't hang around too much longer, time zones and all)
he he he he
Dragon's turn.
> Hey dragon, I'm still talking to you.
(Kirby, we'll talk about your visions later. For now, you roll around on the ground or something.)
Compel offered
Compel accepted!
"rolls around on the ground making your mother jokes?"
The dragon squints at the sunlight shining off the metal-clad man, and almost visibly shrugs.
"You're not very polite either!"
yes he is, I think you just don't know what the word means
The dragon lunges at Lord Northface, and at the last second spins around, trying to knock him over with its tail instead of using its teeth on that armor.
you have a 1:1 score so far
Flashy attack (spinning) at +6 with stunt.
+6 attack.
rolling out those 0's
Lord Northface wheels his horse to catch the blow on his shield, his emblem shining in the sun before the tail crashes into him.
Flashy enough?

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