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"Well done, Princess. I will find your sad excuse for a knight and ensure he is returned to you safely."
"I am leaving now" (muttering) " I think it was this way"
"Oh, great wizard! I yearn to be rejoined with him! Pray, hasten your efforts!"
From behind Kirby's back, a voice whispers. "Want a cookie?"
"what in blazes? three of you now?"
"Nope, just me."
"Heard the scream, running an errand. Want a cookie?"
"leave me alone! I am going this way"
(heads in the opposite direction as before)
Sanguine watches Mr. Grumpy head off, and then watches the princess from the shadows.
Sanguine sees a blind man in tattered clothing, a brown-robed wizard with a staff and a grey beard, and a princess in full court robes (much worse for the wear). The princess is groveling at the feet of the disgusted-looking wizard.
(muttering much too loudly not to be heard)
Well, sanguine is not one for careful thought.
"this place, I swear, maybe I should go back"
(turns around and starts going that way)
She's going to try to get an advantage by sneaking up on the wizard, before choking him to unconsciousness.
The wizard shakes his robes out of the princess's clutches and turns slowly around, trying to get his bearings without being able to see the sun through the light canopy.
The princess begins listing the virtues of her brave and virtuous knight, heedless to the fact that no one is listening.
point of order
does the wizard seem to be... protecting or owning the princess?
or is she just whining to the forest?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton He's ignoring her as best he can ignore someone clinging to his ankle while loudly (and rather wetly) declaiming.
meh, let's start with the nice option.
do they seem like they know each other?
Sneak up on her. "Want a cookie?"
@trogdor Yes.
"fine , if you will just stop following me"
@BrianBallsun-Stanton [roll to Sneakily get past the wizard and close enough to the princess to offer the cookie?]
nonono, not you
the princess.
I know
4d6, sneak... overcoming
Kirby doesn't
@trogdor he shouldn't have been ... oh dear
difficulty... +2 I assume?
-1, +2 sneaky
or is it medocre difficulty?
[opposed by wizard's 4d6 + Cleverness (+5)]
um, yeah. So I'm going to self compel.
[That's a +6]
And sneak past the wizard by slipping a cookie into his hands, with a whispered "sssh!"
[I'm not sure the validity of turning a failed roll into a compel.]
[I want to say yes, though, so... Silver Rule. Go for it.]
doesn't say, but basically, this makes the situation worse
complicates my life, dramatically.
I would guess so
The wizard stares at the cookie for just long enough for Sanguine to say something private to the princess. Then I'll say what happens.
okay. and the private thing is "I've got a friend who wants to meet you."
"WHAAAAAAAAT?!" The wizard roars in disbelief, crumbling the cookie as his hand turns into a fist.
Umm. Initiative.
how does that work?
I'll check the new rules I now have!
okay, step 1, zones?
so scene is, I'm by the princess, offering a cookie. Wizard is... nearby?
no, same zone
Wizard is right there. The princess is still hanging on to his ankle.
kirby is a zone away?
Zones: Clearing, Forest, Treetops.
Your turn order in a conflict is based on your approaches. In a physical
conflict, compare your Quick approach to the other participants’—the
one with the fastest reflexes goes first. In a mental conflict, compare your
Careful approach—attention to detail will warn you of danger. Whoever
has the highest approach gets to go first, and then everyone else goes in
descending order. Break ties in whatever manner makes sense, with the GM
having the last word.
so, my quick is +3
Kirby's in the forest, everyone else is in the clearing.
Zemenar has a +1 Quick, and the Princess is at +0.
well, is this a physical conflict?
or a mental conflict?
The wizard is about to consider it physical.
you don't need to roll, trog :)
yeah I do
@trogdor You go before the princess. No reason she'd not be last.
cause I am about to turn around
so, I'm going to take my first turn to quickly create a defensive advantage for me by drawing and reading my quarterstaff. His tone... his tone makes me want a piece of wood between me and him.
Okay, but first: do we want to put one aspect on each zone?
and the wizard has an "arcane connection" to me, in the form of the crumbled cookie he's holding
I have suggestions.
Clearing: Mossy Ground
Forest: Wide Trees
Treetops: Dense Canopy
Princess is a mook with no stress (one hit takes her out). Zemenar is... Zemenar. I've got two FP in the NPC pool.
(Zem is a wizard with a careful of +5. He is to be respected)
Anyways, I quickly create defensive advantage, okay?
Go for it.
... come on. +3
Zemenar rolls Flashy defense +4.
... +7.
.... fuuuu?
so... I fail
Spend FP or accept that he just sparkled you right out of a defensive position.
@BESW he spanked me right good
have nothing that can get me to even tying
ah I thought this was like a block
The cookie crumbs turn to red-hot sparks that burn your hands as you reach for your staff.
oooh fun.
Sanguine... pouts, and settles into a defensive stance that really would have been better with her staff.
Zemenar is going to Flashily create an advantage by placing an aspect on the scene: a Wall of Wind.
does this count as overcoming a physical obstacle?
so how do we resist?
it's an aspect
I'm trying to figure that out; new rulebook, remember? I really just want to use the "block" rules.
if he succeeds he gets a free invoke
okay, so we may choose to defend, but in this case it doesn't look like it. (also, I don't think the previous thing would be defendable either..)
I think both of these are static against set difficulty
Oooh. You're right.
Okay, so set difficulty is by default 0. The height of your roll is important for how many invokes you get, and how hard it is for someone else to remove the aspect later.
@BESW that sounds better. page?
Situation aspects, same page.
A Boost is just an aspect that only tied with the target number so it doesn't last.
so i've got the aspect "Staff at the ready"
and he's got the aspect "formidable wall of wind"
he rolled -2
So, Sang has her defensive aspect +3, for two free invokes (with style).
With just one free invoke on the wind wall.
seer's turn
Zemenar's done, it's Kirby's turn.
"what is that noise?"
[talking is a free action, Sang.]
Kirby heads over there
(I'm... not sure what he's saying to whom)
so you change zone to the clearing?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton [I suspect neither is he.]
"hello? some help all of you are, just go ahead and leave me here to find my own way, I am sure I won't run into fifty trees"
no, changing zones is free.
@trogdor Sanguine ignores Mr. Passive aggressive. He didn't want a cookie.
But he's blind, so I'm going to compel him to make it an action.
thats fine
[Kirby can spend FP to move as a free action, or gain an FP if he takes his whole turn trying to move.]
FP to replace the one I spent on that vision
so action it is
I take the compel
Now roll vs.... +2.
(Wall of Wind, and all.)
all together
Success! Kirby moves carefully past the trees and through the wall of wind, and is now in the clearing.
Princess's turn.
She wails, and switches her cling from Zemenar to Sanguine. "O, ill-clad giver of cookies! Protect me from this devious wizard, who I suspect of kidnapping my One True Love!"
@BESW "Um, okay? If you'll come with me after?" ::gently shaking foot free::
This is an attempt to create advantage by placing the "Protector of the Princess" aspect on Sanguine. The Princess is good at this kind of thing, so she's at +2. Sang can defend as appropriate.
@BESW not sure how to defend or the nature of the aspect or its duration
For a +2.
will this compel me to not hand her over to "jenny"
or just make it easier for Ms. Whiny to manipulate me in general this scene?
it isn't permanent
@BrianBallsun-Stanton The princess can give you the free invoke on any roll where you're helping her, or can compel you if she sees fit. It'll last until the end of the scene if she better than ties, longer if the group feels it's narratively appropriate.
with that kind of roll it won't last past a round or 2
@BESW right. okay, then since I am, technically, protecting her... we're good?
@trogdor lasts all scene, isn't a boost.
Okay, no defense roll so it's vs 0.
this is horrible by the way
One free invoke on Protector of the Princess. Sanguine's turn!
your gonna make her a freaking dragon slave if "we" win
@trogdor yes? :)
Sanguine is going to try to discover an aspect about the wizard.
(I... have no idea)
Cool. Keep in mind that if you come up with a cooler aspect to try discovering than I thought of, I'll use it instead of what I have.
walk me through this?
Okay, it's Create Advantage.
probably clever, since insight
Makes sense.
First, tell me the nature of what you're trying to intuit.
trying to discover his relationship to the princess. Why does he give a damn.
cause he hasn't actually attacked me.
so figuring out motivation is a good first step
no idea how I'd figure out the motivation
so if that is a "failure of observation" an alternative would be "his power source is x"
Power source is gonna be easier, I think.
Narratively to justify, I mean.
I guess that'll be a defense of careful, which he is not.
then yeah, she's going to figure out his power source, maybe its disruptable?
Ties for discovering aspects are unmitigated successes.
Sanguine sees that he grips his staff tightly and uses it to gesture every time he casts a spell.
He doesn't seem to need words or other talismans.
right. So, Spellcaster with a staff
you might not know the distinction
Wizzzard with a staff, got it.
as a character I mean
Zemenar's turn?
(where's the list o aspects?)
I should make that a GDoc, I guess.
[Zemenar should totally summon Wil as a mook for the fight]
Zemenar rises up off the ground on a column of wind (moves into the Treetop zone as a free action).
@Problematic I was about to summon a mook, but how would we feel about PvP?
that's horrible
I think Wil would either be magically compelled, or he would turn around and punch Zemenar in the nose
Maybe summon "2" mooks?
Either of those makes me happy. Is anyone not okay with this?
one who may be less reliable?
eh, PvP lamp is on
@BrianBallsun-Stanton That too.
I am fine with it
it's a way to bring him in
otherwise we just have him wandering here
bring him in, have fun.
if we die, we die.
Actually, since Zemenar is in the Treetops and Wil doesn't have a staff, let's have him spend the scene hanging from a branch by his trousers.
Sufficiently humiliating for a wizard, no?
Okay, that'll explain why he shows up but doesn't act until just before Zem in the next round.
Hovering in the air, Zemenar gestures grandly with his staff and a sky-blue-robed wizard appears with staff at the ready in the middle of the clearing... and a man in too-tight shirt and trousers pops in halfway up, where his fall is quickly arrested by a tree branch.

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