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In my continuing quest to understand FATE without actually reading the system (>.>) I wanted to do something that the Legend folks did with me, where I describe a scene or, in this case, link a video
And then ask how it might have been modeled at a FATE table
Does anyone have an interest in participating?
Sure. But I'm about to head home, so give me ~15 minutes.
If others want to start in the meantime, is that alright?
Not sure if @Emrakul or @doppelgreener might want to
@Lord_Gareth y'know there's a fate SRD
@doppelgreener I'm perfectly aware of its existence, yes.
In any event, since the video will be posted and kept here when BESW returns
Presume that the first two characters you see and their team (that is, the fox-girl, the knight, the guy with the shotgun, the cat-man, and the man with the lantern) are the PCs
The following video is PG-13 (violence)
@Lord_Gareth i do, but it will probably take focus i can't spare for another ~2 hours
@Lord_Gareth Do you want this in Accelerated, or Core?
@BESW Whichever you feel would model it best and/or would aid in my comprehension of the overall paradigm.
Haruum. [continues watching]
I'm given to understand that consequences leading to death are relatively rare in FATE
@Lord_Gareth only because it's boring when the spike trap actually kills the player
if it's appropriate and dramatic and not boring as hell, death happens
Such as in a climactic battle etc?
That's a lot more running mid-battle to change the scenery than I'm used to.
Okay, some of these bits are really up in the air on how I'd model them, but some are very obvious.
[Listens intently]
I'm not done watching yet, but I can break down some of the exchanges.
As you feel best!
Running through the woods: Overcome actions to move more than one zone per turn. Probably one of them sacrifices her turn to give the other a +1 on the roll and they move together.
@Lord_Gareth Sure.
If I'm awake.
In Accelerated, the knives are a Sneaky attack against Paladin from one zone away.
@Emrakul Is that in question? Are you posting in your sleep?
Catwoman uses her Quick approach to successfully defend on Paladin's behalf (if she'd failed, she would have taken the stress from the attack).
@Lord_Gareth I wouldn't know! Concentrate and ask again?
Then they have a quick chase Contest: opposed Overcome checks to represent movement through the forest. First group to win three checks wins.
Paladin is using skills/approaches to plough through obstacles, while Ninja and Catwoman are making rolls for more nimble "parkour"-like Overcome actions.
Presumably each is playing up their strengths against the same sort of check?
Right. The GM narrates the obstacle or terrain and they choose how they'll roll to move through/around it.
Paladin stops to attack Ninja: that's the Create an Advantage action, trying to slow her down and give them a free invoke against her.
Then it turns out Ninja has another character on her side in the contest!
...wait, no.
Probably Ninja rolls the winning Overcome check, which means she decides the outcome of the chase.
She says "I led them right into my trap," and the next conflict is on.
But because she won the chase, she gets to have Axeman join this time: she wasn't running away, she was running toward.
Now I'm confused about the two dudes and which is which in some of the upcoming scenes.
[watches again]
Okay, Axeman rolls Create an Advantage vs Paladin and gets style. He places Disarmed on her, and uses the style bonus to slide her one zone use a stunt that lets him place the resultant boost on someone else, knocking Catwoman Prone.
Big Axe, Fur Coat, Plant Woman, Titan, & Ninja are the NPCs, all future reference
@BESW the entire video is probably worth assuming that there are 5 players each with a character, some of which only become active later, and there are 5 NPCs, same again.
or 10 player characters.
or, forgetting players/GM, just... 10 characters, whose controllers appear to have them enter the action at different points for whatever reason.
Axeman uses the free invoke on Prone to attack Catwoman (because boosts fade faster than full situations aspects), and Paladin defends in her place. She rolls amazingly poorly, and takes the attack.
Normally Paladin really shouldn't have died so quickly, but I have a theory.
If you fail Overcome actions, you can choose to instead succeed at cost.
Running in full armour through the woods, Paladin got a lot of failures and voluntarily took stress as cost in order to keep up.
She's notably also not dead
And Axeman probably has a lot of stunts--maybe even an extra--dumped into his weapon attacks.
Ah, right.
Still, falling like that to the first blow means she's had some stress already, and I think 'running through the woods' works.
So she took a consequence and conceded the conflict.
(And thus got a Fate point for each consequence she took during the conflict.)
More running... running...
Plant Gal uses Create Advantage to narratively force Catwoman to stop running.
Axeman comes in to attack, and Catwoman is defended by a ranged intercession from Hunter (who really should have a stunt which allows him to do that).
Hunter succeeds with style, and so he says it was a smoke bomb! Places Smoke on the scene as a boost.
(Incidentally, I would have corrected you on their names ages ago but this is way more entertaining without them)
(Or the coughing from the smoke might be a two-stress auto-hit on Axeman instead of a boost.)
Now I get confused again about who's who, so...
Ninja disappears into the trees despite Hunter's attempts to defend against her creating that advantage.
Okay, pause here
His attempt to stop her is modeled how?
He has a stunt which lets him roll Shoot to oppose her creating the Vanished in the trees aspect with Stealth.
@BESW this is league of legends, so it's got two sides, with 5 people on each side.
@doppelgreener yeah, but "Wait, which big-shouldered man is that?" and "Bah, long-dark-haired nimble woman."
@BESW Or, he has an aspect which lets him justify providing active opposition. I can't remember what happens in the video that you're describing, but it could be: "I have a net gun out, so I'm going to oppose her attempt to disappear by attempting to snatch her up with a net!"
Alternately, he tried to attack her with Shoot and she defended with Style and Vanished in the trees is her boost.
(@Lord_Gareth one thing to pick up here is that there's often multiple ways of modelling an action)
@doppelgreener (I am pleased by this)
(Also note, I've moved from approaches to skills at some point here.)
I assume Hunter has a massive Extra on his gun which justifies using Shoot for... everything.
@BESW <- it was here, because bringing up the Shoot skill became useful.
@BESW If it helps, in-universe that thing is a custom-built monstrosity that incorporates two different kinds of magi-tech and custom ammunition.
@Lord_Gareth Yeah, so he's dumped basically ALL his stunts and Refresh and aspects into that bad boy.
That means he gets bonuses to rolls with it; it has a weapon rating (bonus stress if he hits with an attack); he can spend Fate points to justify having the exact right Wacky Ammo loaded; and he's added all the trappings to the Shoot skill.
Meanwhile, Bête finds someone tasty. I got nothin', it's offscreen.
Lamplighter uses Create Advantage to give his attacks fire, to justify setting things On fire if he gets style.
Axeman and Lamplighter exchange Attack/Defend with little productivity.
Probably Lamplighter loses some stress? Looks like it.
Catgirl is trying to create an advantage on herself, probably I have cover, but Poison Ivy is opposing it with a plant-related skill.
Catgirl, irked at being denied her usual duck-and-scream strategy, throws a glowstick at Poison Ivy (umm, either Shoot with a magical flavour, or she's got a custom casting skill--maybe a custom trapping of Will?).
Ivy uses her plant skill to defend, but fails miserably and Catwoman describes it as ripping through the summoned plants and boomeranging for a double-whammy hit on Ivy.
Looks like Ivy decided to just be taken out.
Ivy's an NPC here
So chances are the GM decided to let her go?
NPCs usually don't take a lot of consequences unless they're going to be major recurring characters.
So yeah, the GM gave up on her as a bad job.
Then... Ninja and Bête in the trees. This could be any number of different mechanics...
I think they're doing opposed checks to drop each other out of the trees. Probably a contest, mechanically like the chase scene: a series of opposed Overcome checks, first to three successes wins and pushes the other out of the trees.
Neither of them really 'won' the fight, until they got our cowboy involved
Q: Dresden Files RPG Enchanted Item Slots

LexiconjurationIn the DFRPG book Your Story, under "Enchanted Items" it states that: Subsequent enchanted item slots allow you to: Create a new enchanted item with a new effect Add +1 to the strength of the default effect on an existing enchanted item Add 2 to the uses per session for an existing enchanted ...

Go home question bot you are drunk
@Lord_Gareth Hence it not being a full-on conflict!
....aaaand then the GM spent a Fate point to bring in a new NPC.
I see you've met the Titan
Okay, so the Titan enters by using Create an Advantage to get a free invoke on one of its own character aspects. Probably something like Intimidating hulk.
I think it succeeded with style and got two free invokes.
Which is how Lamplighter goes down for the count?
Did Lamplighter get taken out? I didn't actually see that.
[watches again] Okay, yeah.
Scratch that. Titan attacks Lamplighter.
Axeman had created some free invokes on Lamplighter which he happily passed to Titan to make the attack more effective.
Catwoman tries to create an advantage for cover. Again.
Wait, no, she's trying to attack. hrm.
[ponders how this should look mechanically]
He kinda interrupts her energy ball by being a huge freaking titan
All over her face
Ahah! Catwoman was far away. She uses Overcome to move a few zones so she's in range with her glowstick attack.
But moving more than one zone isn't a free action, so that's her turn.
Hunter uses his turn to Create Advantage: Exploding Ammo.
Titan makes an AoE attack: -2 penalty to attack, but everyone in his zone has to defend against it.
Guess who's in his zone? Catwoman gets taken out by Titan's AoE before her turn comes around again; the glowstick attack prep is purely narrative, as in "I was just about to!"
Maybe something she'd said at the table?
"I gotta get closer to blast him, so I Overcome..."
Going with the "Hunter spent all his resources on tricking out his gun" theme, let's say part of his Gun extra is that he can create aspects on it to override specific resistances and armours.
Exploding ammo overrides Titan's armor:2 vs physical attacks.
Hunter uses Shoot to attack Titan.
Titan takes stress. Titan dislikes taking stress.
Titan uses Create Advantage to place Broken gun on Hunter.
I strongly suspect Titan has a stunt which lets him deal two hits of automatic stress when he gets style on Create Advantage, instead of getting a boost.
@BESW (instead of getting two free invokes?)
Hunter, already having taken stress in the fight, takes a consequence.
@doppelgreener Right, that.
....Then Hunter spends ALL his Fate points on... I'm not really sure what skill that'd be. Something like Mechanics, with an unusual justification for using it to attack.
Titan tries to get out and fails, but how?
Oh, did you notice the etching on the bullet? "End of the Line"
@Lord_Gareth I didn't! That might've been something he set up earlier and had free invokes on.
Titan defends with some kind of magic forcefield effect, right?
I'm reasonably sure that in-universe that's a summoner spell to absorb damage, and he was trying to hook himself out with the anchor
Throw anchor, hit a thing, drag self to thing
Probably a unique trapping for defending with Physique.
And given the context.... heh.
Hunter convinced the GM to let him use his remaining consequences as positive currency on the attack.
"If I give myself a six-stress consequence right now, can I get +6 on this roll in exchange?"
"Good. I use my +6 and my +4 consequence slots."
So they both drop because Hunter "killed himself" doing it?
That's how I interpret it.
And then we hit the finale: Big Axe is Sick of Your Shit
Hunter probably dropped somewhere between 12 and 20 stress on that attack, at least half of which came from his own "health bar."
So, again, Catwoman likes "Overcome for movement" actions.
Player has a mobile concept or is this a bad thing to be doing?
Player has a mobile concept. In conflicts it's not often especially useful, but Overcome is the default action for contests and challenges.
IE: Catwoman is generally more comfortable in non-conflict scenes, and when faced with conflict prefers to turn it into a contest to reposition the fight to her advantage.
In this case, however, Axeman wins the chase contest and narrates it as her coming to a cliff.
Remember those Fate points Paladin picked up for conceding in a conflict where she'd taken consequences?
She uses them to appear?
Spend one to be in the right place at the right time.
Then she rolls big on an attack: perhaps she'd spent some of the previous time off-screen using create advantage actions to prep for it and get free invokes?
Or perhaps she has a once/session autowin stunt; it's not exactly clear if that's an attack, or a defence action.
Well, she is kind of Sun Church Jesus
(Not kidding)
(She's the messiah and head of a sun religion that practices martial training as a method of enlightening themselves beyond violence)
I wouldn't be surprised if she has a stunt/extra that says 1/session she can defend on behalf of someone she can see, and any shifts of success on the roll are dealt as damage to the attacker.
(and one of the nicest people you'll ever meet)
Then Catwoman uses her glowstick skill to create an advantage to knock Axeman off his feet. It's only a tie against his Athletics or Physique defence roll, so she just gets an Off balance boost.
But she quickly hands the free invoke from that boost to Bête, who was using his 1/session invisibility stunt to get close.
Bête fumbles the roll and doesn't do much, but he probably deals a little bit of stress to Axeman.
But is now directly in getting-jacked-in-the-face range
With those big metal gauntlets
Axeman, poor fool, spends his last Fate points on a quick one-two knockout against Bête because he thinks Bête is the biggest threat.
Then someone says to Catwoman's player "You've been taking a lot of compels on that Don't fight when you can't win trouble. That's a massive pile of Fate points you've got!"
And she smiles.
Catwoman uses her glowstick skill to attack Axeman. He's out of Fate points, and she's been taking compels all session to run instead of stand her ground. She tosses handfuls of Fate points at him, and he goes down like a sack of bricks.
And now we have 2 players in need of new characters, a paladin with a horribly maimed Consequence and catman's sitting on, what, stress?
Probably yes, Bête's just got stress. It looked like his player chose to be taken out rather than take consequences.
How hard was this to model, for you? It's kinda action-fantasy heavy
I was also hearing some interesting things with Hunter & the gun; is that kind of behavior/building typical? A poor idea? Just an idea?
I had to invent a lot of stunts and extras on the fly to accommodate stuff that wasn't easy to model using default actions, but Fate is all about stunts and extras breaking the usual rules--especially in settings like this.
@Lord_Gareth It's just an idea.
I have players who like crunch, and players who don't. Fate lets each player customise crunch for his own character.
Someone like Catwoman probably has more Fate points at her disposal for generic use, while Hunter has a lot of power poured into one particular action context.
Which would be "Things I can justify using the gun for"
End chase by dropping a bridge into the path of your target
So while he has a TON of utility using the Shoot skill, Broken gun nixed his utility hard and he had to create creative and self-destructive to compensate against something that, with his gun, he could probably have take out.
By contrast, Catwoman didn't seem to have a lot of always-on bonuses and extra abilities.
[Nodding intensifies]
She's a kitsune, incidentally
Fox tail
I know.
Kitwoman, then.
Kitwoman had good stunts for her playstyle, and instead of spending Refresh on stunts, she kept it for Fate points so when it counted she could boost any roll she needed to (instead of having only certain rolls auto-boosted).
Refresh is the major chargen resource: you start with three Refresh and three stunt slots.
If you want more than three stunts, or to build extras, you need to spend Refresh to do so.
But for every point of Refresh you don't spend, you start the session with a Fate point.
I suspect that LoL game was high-powered, starting with four or five Refresh for chargen.
Quite possibly
How difficult do you think it'd be to have tried to run this scene at a table?
If they all had their stunts and extras defined beforehand, it'd be easier than if they were creating things on the fly.
So assuming pregens or established (not-first-session) characters... complicated to track all the temporary aspects and free invokes being thrown around, but with good tracking protocols (index cards, portable white board, etc), it'd be a ton of fun.
Interesting! Thanks for your time, my friend. I must sleep
I'm up far later than my bedtime
I had trouble tracking initiative in the video and eventually just gave up, but at the table that'd be more obvious.
@Lord_Gareth I've never run that many equally-story-important NPCs on the table at one time in Fate, because normally they'd be more than just combat fodder and tracking the story between them all (and doing the voices) would be too hard for me to do well.
@doppelgreener It occurs to me that modelling PCs from LoL/WoW/TF2 characters might be a good way to experiment with the hack-and-slash Fate concept.
@BESW that's a good point actually
'cause the one weird thing about that LoL conversion I just did was--no personality.
@BESW there was none really in that video
... but I do want a personality in hack-and-slash Fate
holy cow
this is an ideal time to return to that
I think I should use your "what I am is what I can do" skill/approach hybrid thing for this
a warrior is not someone with +3 in Forceful, or +3 in Fight or Swordfighting, they're someone with +3 in Hack and Slash, or +3 in Burly Brute
Anything that hacking and slashing solves, a warrior does well. Anything that being a burly brute is useful for, a warrior does well.
+2 Bulging Thews.
These may also be invokable/compellable: "Because you have Fearlessness, of course you'll accept the challenge."
@BESW Yes :)
Build of an Ox
It might be useful to give the players certain staple names, like this:

You are a warrior. This means you are:
- huge and imposing
- incredibly strong, with impressive muscles
- frightening
- used to solving problems with your fists or weaponry

Pick 3 of these, describe each in one or two words, and assign it as an approach.
This is where Atomic Robo's modes come into play.
(or to an approach? flashily huge and imposing, forcefully huge and imposing... leaving it as the approach itself probably works better)
@BESW Yeah?
Yeah, but I'm making dinner and haven't actually read Atomic Robo yet.
haha, alright
Oh right. Pick a skill package, assign scores to skills accordingly.
A Warrior is +3 Fighting, +1 Defending. A paladin is +3 Defending, +1 Healing. A cleric is +3 Healing, +1 Fighting. A barbarian is +3 Fighting, +1 Frightening.
And a Pyromancer is +3 Burninating, +1 Frightening.
and they all get the skills in those packages, or can come up with their own thing.
More like:
If your character picks both those modes, she assigns a rank to each.
So if she's Caster +3 and Wilderness +2, each skill in the mode is rolled at that rank.
But if you've got a skill that's in BOTH modes, you roll it at highest-mode-it's-in-plus-one.
Ok. 8)
So a +3 Wilderness +2 Caster has...

Shoot +3
Track +3
Heal +4
Fix +4
Burninate +2
Break +2
And of course they'd also have a +1 mode which could overlap.
If their +1 mode had Fix, they'd be at Fix +5.
This ought to work really well. It allows for a hack-and-slash feel, whilst also breaking free from classes -- is the above a druid or a ranger? -- yet allowing you to keep the feel of them, because you make up your own basically.
I think ranger; druid would be Wilderness +2 and Caster +3?
@BESW [slides up close, raises an eyebrow] Would theeeeeyyy...?
The difference is small and you could say you're either with either set! :)
though we could nevertheless package up a couple of classes:
RANGER: Wilderness +3, Caster +2, Rough and Tumble +1
DRUID: Caster +3, Wilderness +2, Leader +1
While Leader +3, Rough & Tumble +2, Wilderness +1 is... Robin Hood?
... an inspiring leader who knows his way around?
i'm not sure XD It might be Robin Hood
Actually, Robin would probably be R&T +3, Leader +2, Wilderness +1. Assuming R&T contains Shoot, that gives him +4 instead of +3.
It would make sense to. I was picturing R&T to have something like: Fight, Break, Wrestle, and... Shoot?
(Oh no not the grappling!)
"Fight" is too generic to also have Wrestle.
Maybe Blades?
Yeah, I like that. Blades, Break, Wrestle and Shoot.
SNEAKY: Blades, Shoot, Sneak, ???
no wait why does that have blades and shoot
that needs sneaky stuff...
(we're totally on the voyage out here and might take the scope too far)
(or at least I am!)
Stealth, B&E, Appraise, Nimble Fingers...
Break & Enter?
Y'know what? I just realised SNEAKY WILDERNESS CASTER comes together as a build and a description
that may or may not be something we want to pay attention to
Well, put it this way: in Atomic Robo, three of your five character aspects are each keyed to one of your modes.
Oh, neat.
So Robin Hood would have an aspect reflecting his leadership, one reflecting his wilderness knowledge, and one reflecting his rough & tumble prowess?
He'd also have a high concept, and an "omega" aspect that's basically "DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH THIS."
(No trouble; they just talk about how aspects should be compellable.)
@BESW i kinda like that
If we have someone pick three modes (for a +3, +2, and +1), then a skill in all three modes is going to wind up at +3 +1 +1 = +5. If they pick four, they can get up to a +6.
This means if we make a skill common among modes, it's going to easily end up at +5, even perhaps just by coincidence. Likewise if we make it only appear in one or two modes, it's going to be at +3 or +4 maximum.
In Atomic Robo, you pick only three modes, and it's really uncommon to be able to get skills in all three.
Yes. Something tells me...
- there should be a maximum of a dozen modes, so as to allow the party to diversify, but not be so erratic that they each excel in mutually exclusive scenarios (like, the scenario where nobody can accompany the rogue because they'll just knock over the weapon rack.)
- most skills will be in 2-3 modes.
- if it's in 3 or more, that's a sign we either want someone to get up to +5 in it, or that it's a staple thing most people should be good at, or we're not making enough diversity available.
Robo has four default modes, and lets you pick/invent more if you're Weird.
In the default modes, you can only get +5 on Will and Notice.
As a thought experiment, consider this:

There will be 12 modes: Rough & Tumble, Sneaky, Caster, Wilderness, others.
Each mode has one offensive approach: Blades, Burninate, Shoot. (Each of those will be in 4 modes?)
Each mode has or two unique approaches, which it and only it can do.
Each mode has one or two approaches shared by 1-2 other modes.
That ensures some viability, and consistency between skills. It also makes it likely someone will be good at attacking.
also ensures some overlap so people can specialise
(that feels too formulaic though!)
Good rough guidelines.
I dunno the details, but AR budgets skills in modes by how many actions each skill can be used in.
So a mode would have more skills if they can be used for fewer of the four actions.
(Like I said, AR seems to be the crunchiest Fate I've ever heard of.)
oh right.
i was just thinking in this case if you can justify creating an advantage with blades, go ahead and do it.
Sorry, had to go help my dad. [sigh]
Are things ok?
Not entirely.
Yeah I imagine not :(
4 hours later…
@Lord_Gareth I would be pleased to hear your thoughts/reactions.
It was a good read, seemed intuitive. It was nice to see that you only had trouble coming up with mechanics when there was more than one valid case and there were questions of use/efficiency rather than 'Does this even exist?'. Was unreasonably happy about, "he succeeds with style, so he says, it was a smoke bomb!"
That actually kinda reminded me of a thing from an interactive webcomic, where the party Spy had an ability called "I'm holding the detonator" that let her blow up a creature she'd touched recently
@Lord_Gareth That is totally a thing you could model in Fate.
Like, I've actually seen it.
I have no doubts. It worked for the webcomic too because the story was explicitly a videogame.
It was something like "Once per session I can spend a Fate point to blow up an unnamed NPC I've previously dealt at least one stress with a physical attack this session."
"Smoke bomb" was super-obvious. The smoke lasted such a short time, it basically had to be a boost.
I'm also encouraged by your statement that you feel it could be run smoothly at a table
As the discussion progressed I sorta saw this as a campaign-ending battle for some important objective
It did hurt that the objective was unclear.
Confrontations where it's clear what each side wants--especially if it's something other than "the other side, dead"--make for much better Fate games.
For example, this morning I ran a game in which an outlaw kicked the sheriff out of his own office.
In the context of, say, a LoL match, killing the other guys is a temporary objective that lets you get to your real one: smashing their structures
Because the other guys just come back
The outlaw was cool with killing the sheriff, but his goal was to take over the office as a symbol of owning the town.
So you can kill 'em all you want
So after the sheriff was beaten black and blue (took a mild consequence Lost my badge and a medium consequence Beating of a lifetime, as well as crossing off his highest stress box), he conceded the fight. The outlaw got the office, and the sheriff got to limp away. Well, get dragged away.
And he got two Fate points, one for each consequence he took during the conflict.
(And at the start of the conflict I'd bribed him with a Fate point to say the Deputy wasn't around to help.)
@Lord_Gareth Hmm. There are several ways to model that...
Are the buildings invulnerable when their allies are around, or is it just that you'll get pwned if you ignore the folks?
In-game there are three kinds of structure that are important: towers, inhibitors, and nexuses
Give the buildings stress tracks, obviously, and probably a static defensive value of +0 with maybe an armor rating.
Towers fight back, but only target you IF: you're the only target in range (so you attack them with NPC minions in tow to prevent this) and/or you dealt damage to a champion allied to the tower while in its range
Which means that until/unless you get really tough, fighting a guy under his tower means you're getting your ass beat 2 ways
Towers get an attack skill and a turn in the initiative.
There are 3 towers in a lane, and each can only be attacked if it's currently the outermost tower
So you must smash them in order
Inhibitors are behind the towers, and must be smashed before you can smash the nexus. Inhibs don't fight back
Towers are immune to stress when adjacent to more than one other tower.
Nexuses are the game condition. They also don't fight back, but they have 2 towers in front of them that are only vulnerable if at least 1 of the team's 3 inhibs is down
Nexuses are immune to stress while an inhibitor is in the same zone.
Nexus towers are immune to stress... you get the idea.
So you have, assuming you only use one lane, to: smash three towers, smash an inhib, smash 2 towers, smash nexus
And killing the other guys is an ongoing/recurring objective that makes doing all that easier
Easy hacks, just a matter of tuning the stress track lengths.
Cool, cool
> Bronze Rule of Fate: You can treat everything like a character.
It's also called the Fate Fractal: player characters have maximum mechanical complexity. For everything else in the world, use portions of PC complexity from none to full, as needed for the story, to represent the interaction of those elements with the players.
So the enemy champions are at Full, as an example?
Well, I'm in an experimenting-with-skills phase, so I'd probably simplify their skill list.
It might be somewhat interesting to get something together to model a League game in FATE, provided we displayed the backside of the lore. Or the former lore, but
Okay, listen to this for a moment, aight?
Since LoL champions have well-defined, agreed-upon powers (I assume), it'd be easy to give Kitwoman the skill Glowstick +4 and have its scope be readily apparent.
Wars between two ancient enemies threaten to tear the world apart with the might of the magics used and the taint left behind. To counter this, a powerful third party proposes and enforces an alternate: the Institute of War. Conflicts are resolved through limited matches between champions that represent their nations, with the victor in the match gaining whatever political or temporal concession was in dispute
(For the record, it's almost 1am and the only reason I'm up is that I just helped my dad out of bed for the third time in an hour and a half, and I'm waiting to see if he needs help getting back in.)
In the League itself, the champions are kept alive by sustaining magic that revives them
Outside of the League, though, they're still major social and political figures in their home nations and, indeed, elsewhere
Since the Institute of War broadcasts the matches to every village, town, and city
So what you see are mercenary champions coming to the Institute, vowing their services for various reasons
Zac, for instance, uses his fame to campaign for equal rights for the victims of experimentation in his native city
Jax (Lamplighter) is in it for the glory
So if I were to see a League-based game running I'd love to see the social and political consequences on the back half of those matches explored too.
I mean, after all, you're effectively your nation's army now
And its hero, and celebrity
And everything is riding on you
That'd be cool.
The guy who was throwing those big axes, Draven? In-game he actually references the audience through his League of Draven ability
Every time he kills a mook or catches one of his axes after he throws it, he gets a stack of Applause
Then when he kills a champ, he gets 50 plus (2 x Applause) gold
As his loving fans literally shower him with money
(He kinda gets wasted like a punk in the vid, which is a shame)
@gareth did I miss it
@Lord_Gareth I was playing the sherrif in question
Yeah you totes missed it
the lore did just get the reset button
@Lord_Gareth draven is a punk
My favorite part abou that vid is... Support Carry leona
I have to be honest, my favorite part is probably the, "That's my fetish," face from Kat
Though Nautilus comes in a close second. They did a wonderful job of conveying his silent strength and terror.
there was a good mix of old and new champs
I wasnt surprised to see leona (despite being a big leona player) but it makes sense from a marketing perspective since she is clothed head to toe and off sets the general comic book style design most of the other female champs have
Have you seen the Stick Figure Spotlights?
nope looking it up now
No stahp
I shall link you
lol draven vs ez 1v1
yeah I think Vi and Leona are the only female champs I take seriously as far as character design goes
You make Elise a sad spider
How could you
meh on elise
oh and Riven
What about I'm On a Boar?
She has reasonable armor
Sejuani is cool, I dont see her enough/think about her enough to rate her though
Also Quinn but I might be biased there because Quinn is totally my waifu
I may be madly in love with trolling top lane with her >.>
And now I'm gonna play her for a bit
@Lord_Gareth lol
I main on leona for support a lot
though I feel like a lot of players dont understand her strengths, especially in lane phase

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