@DanBoschen you are not missing something... Probably Matt refers to subblock stage processing as fixed, whereas I referred to the whole signal processing as data dependent, nonlinear, time varying filter. wiki page is quite clear (I mean not necessarily correct but at least quite clear). Yet, as I said, I'm not a big fan SG filters and if its definition is something else, I would be quite the happiest to acknowledge it too...
@g6kxjv1ozn , the E&EE definition of adaptive filter is this: if any characteristics of a system (filter) is changed, adjusted, or set according to the specific input it has, then that's called an adaptive system (filter). So the mathematical procedure of polynomial fit is by very definition input dependent and hence an adaptive system. Yet if those SG filters have another definition, then things can change. So it's up to how you define them ;-)
@DanBoschen oh sorry for that misleading thing, I mean I'm saying it now. I have no kind of +/- bias towards those filters. I just felt myself as if I were promoting them :-)
Yes @DanBoschen , adding your engineering expertise would be great again! yet I fear the gang! :-) will downvote you too ! :-)))
@DanBoschen :-))) that's definetely not you Dan... they know themselves ! just a real joke ;-))
@MattL. Yes that's long for a comment. Why not just put your explanation in answer here? My answer is based on the entrance of the wiki link provided by OP. Considering the amount of pseudo science charlatanizm nowadays it can of course be wrong, nevertheless that describes a SG filter as a block based polynomial data fitting procedure which makes it a time varying, nonlinear, data dependent adaptive filter. I dont know why you refrain from commenting on wikiLink but rather insist on pointing your reference? I dont care your reference what I & OP care is the wiki link he provided. :-)
@DanBoschen Hi! what is so sure I cannot see.. So is a SG filter time varying nonlinear adaptive one (a block based polynomial fit) or just an ordinary FIR :-)) which one is sure? So since matt says so makes it sure ? Btw as you can see the gang downvoted me (voice of truth) again ;-)
@MattL. So the summary: My (downvoted) answer is correctly describing the very wiki link provided by the OP. What is that filter called? Savitzky Golay? Bose-Einstein? Mozart-Vialdi? I dont know. All I know is it's a block based polynomial fit and I dont care if it actually a SG filter or not. So I will edit my answer in line with it. If a SG filter is as you insist to be so, then either OP doesnt know what he refers to or the wiki link doesnt know what they rerer to, or you dont know what you are refering to. So I will edit my answer to declare this.
@DanBoschen Now I have edited my answer to reflect the optimal choice. So whether the wiki link is correctly defining a SG filter or not is removed from the discussion and the content is focused...
@MattL. This is really not a good bahaviour... So then I am now explicitly asking, pleae read the wiki article and state your opinion wheter it describes a SG filter correctly or not according to your understanding? Cause if that link is wrong I will delete my answer, othwersie I have to add your objection to it explicitly..
@PeterK Here is an clear example where a conflict is deliberatly locked by the very intruder... This is my 10th comment asking MattL to read the wiki link and state his opinin. As he is the one who started the fuss about my post being compleletly wrong. Now he refrains from declaring his opinion about the link that I based my answer on... So how can we avoid this deadlock?
@MattL. why don't you explicitly state your conclusivie decision on the wiki link? just why? And then why you insist on my post being wrong? And why you refrain from referring to the wiki links as correct or not ? That's what I refer to as not a good behaviour. If you will keep your opinion secret on the wiki links, then this seems like a poker game to me... And this is not what I was given my education about...