@XanderHenderson But it has one too many s's! Sorry for my ignorance. But we get SEX and SEXES and POX and OX and EXPRESS if we work with EX-PROFESSOR, as well as FEE, FEES, SEE, SEES, EXPO, EXPOSE ...
But I guess interest in my post might be primarily due to the the fact that it deals with Ramanujan. Add that mystery figure Ramanujan in your writings and you increase the value of your post by a large margin.
@Brahadeesh: for those who do happen to read my blogs, the posts on elliptic and theta functions are the ones that were written with great enthusiasm. The blog was created as a means to sum up my understanding of these topics. Ramanujan had to be there because he was the master of this topic way beyond others could dream of.
I've just added your blog to my follow-list, I'll check out your posts on elliptic and theta functions first. What you say about adding Ramanujan somewhere/anywhere is quite likely true :O
A slight and quick digression. There is some real hype around this new movie Tenet from director Christopher Nolan. Have you seen it or in general prefer watching his movies?
@ParamanandSingh It came to me instantaneously... I remember when quid was considering names for this chatroom. I think @quid should rename this room "The quiderator"!
@quid We're just considering your new username: quiderator, which very aptly describes you!! ;D
@quid You can keep quid, but this room could use some re-branding: Whatever, quiderator!
We don't have this precalculus in India. Students are just started with calc
But calculus teaching in India is in shambles. I never really understood what's going on in subject until I read it from Hardy's A Course of Pure Mathematics which contains proofs which usually lie beyond the scope of many textbooks.
@quid Do what you need to do. It is great that your stop in when you can, but when you let us know you've got a charged week, thus far, we can understand.
@quid By the way, there are 12 users, each with >10 problematic posts that I want you to deal with NOW!! ;D :P Totally joking here!!
@quid: Ok, I was guessing that but wasn't sure. Your profile page is about an air of mystery. I don't know where from stackexchange picked up that line about keeping an air of mystery
@amWhy it is not for you to decide the punishment. The quiderator will see to that when time permits. Maybe you luck out and time won't permit this time. ;-)
To make a tractable word search, which I will allow others to complete, List the words formed by the union of my username: amWhy, and my real middle name, Jo. So you've got amwhyjo to work with.
@quid Is there any means to create tutorials, even if only in print and graphics, for users about various problematic areas: E.g. "How to create an effective title for a question?" Maybe these would be FAQ's, or available in the help center, but the help center seems to be network wide, and very general. I'm tired of seeing titles like "A question about linear algebra" in titles. So I'm wondering if math.se can collect some "help" tutorials relevant to this site?
@quid I guess this concern could likely be under the umbrella of "How to ask a good question" (meta.math.se post).
Yikes, @quid, Politics.se seems to be rather heated of late. I voted on 5 separate flags generated from a chatroom there. I don't think I'd touch that chatroom with a 100 ft. pole!!
Sorry, @quid I initially commented and pinged you when I saw you within 10 minutes of your last "activity" on this site. Nothing urgent.