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@quid Bed time for you!! :-)
what bout you, @amWhy ? :p
@sai-kartik I'm at 8:38 p.m. (Central daylight savings time US); @quid is at 3:38 pm. But I'll probably call it a day soon, myself! ;D
@sai-kartik What's your current time? Is it Tuesday where you are?
@amWhy indeed I'm about to leave. Good night!
@quid Good night (err, Good Morning!). ;D
5 hours later…
@amWhy yep. I'm GMT+5.30 btw
1 hour later…
@amWhy And just changing the first letter makes a mess: BOUGH COUGH DOUGH ROUGH SOUGH TOUGH!
3 hours later…
@AlexanderGruber It’s been two weeks now and I have learned enough in these two weeks. If you permit, can we discuss about the unfreezing of my room β€œLet’s do some Physics”?
@Knight please stop insisting on this. We told you to mount another room.
@quid save it for a rough day then, it helped me a lot
3 hours later…
@AlexanderGruber, what font did you use to write those assignments on your website?
@sai-kartik whatever font LaTeX uses
Computer Modern.
Computer Modern is the original family of typefaces used by the typesetting program TeX. It was created by Donald Knuth with his Metafont program, and was most recently updated in 1992. Computer Modern, or variants of it, remains very widely used in scientific publishing, especially in disciplines that make frequent use of mathematical notation. == Design == Computer Modern is a 'Didone', or modern serif font, a genre that emerged in the late 18th century as a contrast to the more organic designs that preceded them. Didone fonts have high contrast between thick and thin elements, and their axis...
That is the default TeX font, anyway.
Ohh I see.. thanks! I really like this font but I didn't know the name...
Btw, do you somehow incorporate Latex into word or use an altogether different software?
If I'm not wrong, word has a formula box to type in math
IIRC, MS-Word (depending on the version you have) recognizes some (if not all) LaTeX commands in the formula box
Words that rhyme with BACK: E.g. STACK ...
@quid I'm not going to give you any SLACK here! ;D
@an4s You beat me to it! :P
@an4s I'll just wait until you CRACK! ;D
@amWhy my head is PACKed with rhyming words 😎
@an4s ;D SACK
@amWhy care for a game of BLACKJACK?
TRACK QUACK (Did anyone know that @quid is a QUACK? (Just joking on the last!)
@an4s I don't like BLACK. Maybe we can play a game of REDJACK?
@an4s Give me a time and place and I'll TACK it to my billboard!
I can't wait for the weekend; I am going to KICKBACK and RANSACK a village in an ACTIONPACKed game with a character who rides HORSEBACK
@an4s Hah! Just don't give me any FLAK!
@an4s I can't wait until the weekend; I plan to go camping at my SHACK upnorth.
Or maybe I'd get a FLASHBACK to the time I went hiking with nothing but a BACKPACK
I wouldn't mind a RACK of ribs, right about now!
@amWhy do those ribs come from a YAK?
My friend fills his HATCHBACK with ICEPACKs to take to the party with his wolf PACK.
And I am getting SIDETRACKed from work!
In Wisconsin, the PACK means the Green Bay PACKers!
I have a KNACK for collecting KNICK-KNACKs!
@amWhy do you place any faith in ZODIAC signs?
@an4s Good one. And no!
@an4s Do you like a Big MAC?
@amWhy with extra-cheese, pls
I want to go star-gazing in the OUTBACK
I wonder if a KODAK can capture the stars!
You're good, @an4s!
Thanks! Likewise!
I see one we missed, but not for LACK of trying! ;D
I hope nobody is keeping TRACK!
@AbramIvanov are you going to HIJACK the rhyming-game?
45 mins ago, by amWhy
Words that rhyme with BACK: E.g. STACK ...
@an4s i lack the skills
it was used but anway
41 mins ago, by amWhy
TRACK QUACK (Did anyone know that @quid is a QUACK? (Just joking on the last!)
@an4s your username reminds me of a certain key on my old CLACKy calculator
@CalvinKhor lol
.. of a certain WISECRACK?
@CalvinKhor Haha!
....also a cat pressed enter before I could WHACK 'er away
@an4s Good one.
@CalvinKhor Don't WHACK a cat!? :(
What a MANIAC!!
sorry kitty, i had to rhyme....don't HACK at me in my sleep for revenge
Alright, let's stop this frik-frak (FRICK-FRACK)? ;D
The cat will have their PAYBACK
Whose everyone's favorite QUARTERBACK?
Aaron Rogers!! from the PACK! Just don't SMACK me for dissing Brady!!
Tom Brady is NE's favorite
@an4s He was, but maybe not any more, methinks!
He isn't coming back to play IIRC
Of course, the PACK is historically known for famous QUARTERBACKs: Bart Starr, Bret Favre...
@an4s He was picked up by another team, the last I heard.
I am fairly new to the American-football so must admit that my knowledge is LACKing
Tampa Bay Buccaneers, in fact.
I am more inclined towards Formula-1 and the fast cars on the RACETRACK
What is everybody's favorite SOUNDTRACK?
ACK! too many messages!
@sai-kartik Don't be a SAD-SACK! ;D
Let's get BACK to the game
i am bad at this
@sai-kartik HACK,SHACK,TRACK
@AbramIvanov don't worry, you can catch up quickly enough :)
I see a cat sitting on my MAC book
@sai-kartik words with HELP
Unlike @CalvinKhor, I shall not WHACK her away but let her admire the picture of the shrieking SHACK of England! :P
@AbramIvanov KELP
@sai-kartik Put her in your BACK PACK to take her away from @Calvin!
@sai-kartik MELP,WELP,SHELF
@amWhy did you get the Harry potter reference though?
@sai-kartik Yes I did!
@CalvinKhor I didn't mean to ATTACK you. You can keep your kitty if you promise not to WHACK her! ;D
I am sure if anyone works anyway near as hard as him, we can solve rienmann or navier
promise from my heart of hearts, there will be no WHACKing and no SMACKing :)
RIP Kobe
@CalvinKhor great!!
I'm having a SNACK-ATTACK, so will soon be eating lunch!
@amWhy do you live alone?
@AbramIvanov Yes, I do. Well, actually, I have a room-mate: my cat!
Lone cat dancing
@amWhy haww, my comment was a fluke!
I wish i could live all on my own!
Meet my (younger version of) Shai! ;D
@amWhy beautiful
i love the eye colour
@AbramIvanov Yes, at night, with lights off, I can only see him for his eyes!
@amWhy what does he eat? tuna?
@AbramIvanov Mainly dry cat food. Occasional wet food, or tidbits of chicken or tuna.
But he's not big on fish, for the most part.
good for health
@AbramIvanov I am not convinced that the problem is that there are not enough people that worked hard enough.
Hi, @Arjun!
@an4s It might, but the actual typesetting provided by Word is terrible.
Just plain ugly... :(
Also, have any of you read anything by Boris PASTERNAK?
(this works if you say it with an American accent).
@XanderHenderson I agree wholeheartedly. I found some time ago that somebody wrote a plugin for LaTeX in MS-Word. I, however, haven't tried it and am not quite sure whether it made any improvements at all to the typesetting.
@XanderHenderson you mean like this? howtopronounce.com/pasternak?
@an4s That hurts my ears!
(But yes, that is how a 'merkan would pronounciate it.
@XanderHenderson Congrats!! It's okay to acknowledge your win (humble man though you are)! ;D
@amWhy I posted on meta, in reply to Asaf. But, yes, thank you.
1 hour later…
I think that I am going to learn Navajo this year. That seems like a useful thing to do...
@XanderHenderson Thanks for that information :P (Was it the Navajo who aided in WWII?)
Yup. The US military employed Navajo codetalkers.
@XanderHenderson codetalkers, yes. On the tip of my tongue.
2 hours later…

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