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So, my brother's wife is not my most favorite person in the world. She is kind of self-centered, and don't really get that my brother has a family beyond her. However, she brought me chocolates from Russia. So, for the moment, she's okay.
Also, she likes my borsch, so she can't be entirely bad.
Ши да каша, пища наша!
3 hours later…
KNAVE, fetch me my GLAIVE
2 hours later…
Check out this answer:
A: Multiplying and adding fractions

Peter BaumThe question requests the following: Part I - a proof for \begin{equation*} \frac{a}{b}\times \frac{c}{d}=\frac{a\times c}{b\times d} \end{equation*} Part II - a proof for \begin{equation*} \frac{a}{b}\times \frac{c}{c}=\frac{a}{b} \end{equation*} Part III - a proof for \begin{equation*} \frac{a}...

9 hours later…
5 hours later…
@AbramIvanov not bad but a bit slow for my current mood.
Carlsen vs Nepo started. Carlsen won the first match in tiebreak.
@quid Wow! Thanks for the update, @quid.
Inspired by the above: I challenge others to complete the list of words that rhyme with BELIEVE or LEAVE!
@quid Who do you root for, to ACHIEVE the ultimate win?
@amWhy I find the whole flashmob genre to be quite strange.
That said, while I can't stand the song "I believe I can fly", the setting was appropriate.
@XanderHenderson I know, but how cool would it be, to be somewhere (airport, town square, a mall) and see around you half the crowd assemble for a performance.
@amWhy Honestly? It would probably creep me right the f out.
But I don't like crowds.
Not even a little bit.
@XanderHenderson I don't either, but I think it would be awesome to encounter.
@amWhy If it works for you, excellent. The idea of being surrounded by such a group honestly makes me feel quite anxious.
@amWhy maybe except if one is in a rush and there are all those people lingering around. ;-)
@XanderHenderson Think of it happening on your campus, in between classes.
@quid Dat true!
@amWhy no very strong preference. Likely Carlsen a little.
@quid Yes, I can PERCEIVE that too! ;-)
@amWhy you know where you can RETRIEVE the results.
@quid Not off hand; any tips on that? :-)
@amWhy I'm in DISBELIEVE, always chess24
@XanderHenderson How about I arrange for a quartet "flash mob": just four musicians performing at the a class you teach.
@quid Grammar's a little off, but I understand ;D
@amWhy indeed, sorry about that.
@quid I RECEIVE your apology as made in good faith.
One has to wonder why it is spelled differently and pronounced the same, just to trip one up.
@amWhy that is a RELIEF.
@quid Just hope you don't have anything up your SLEEVE! (Since you volunteered the word DECEIVE, I had to say it!)
@amWhy I mean, I kind of enjoy the COVID induced online teaching. Getting up in front of a classroom and teaching is, while rather enjoyable, also incredibly enervating.
@amWhy I'm not a THIEF
Having to deal with a spontaneous musical performance in the middle of a class sounds frustrating and confusing.
@XanderHenderson Yes, it is.
@XanderHenderson I think I made clear it would be at the end of class. :-)
@amWhy Even so. I tend to finish class, then run back to my office to hide from the world.
@XanderHenderson Then I'll send them to your office! :P
@amWhy Again, thank goodness for COVID!
@XanderHenderson ;D
(not really, though)
@XanderHenderson Then I'll send them to your home! But I'll demand they perform outside your residence, but loudly!
@amWhy There's a guy in the neighborhood who plays the bagpipes.
He walks by from time to time.
That's kind of nice.
But it is only one guy. :)
That being said, I think that if a marching band went by my place in the middle of the day, I might find that amusing.
@XanderHenderson Wow! How loud can a violin, viola, cello, and bass be?
@XanderHenderson A spontaneous parade!
@amWhy Do they go up to 11?
@XanderHenderson ?? They wouldn't stay for hours: maybe ten minutes, but not at 11.
@XanderHenderson I get it now. That's hilarious; the musician seems lost by the question of rescaling at the end. But I'm talking about non-electric instruments: acoustic, if you will!
That movie is a work of genius.
"Oh, what a tangled web we WEAVE when first we practice to DECEIVE." Sir Walter Scott.
@amWhy LEAF
You seem to be confusing f with v again, in English, @quid.
LEAF and LEAVE are prounounced distinctly in English.
@amWhy and BELIEF and BELIEVE the same?
Similarly, RELIEF and RELIEVE are pronounced distinctly in English
@quid nope.
@amWhy so you let RELIEF slip?
@quid yes, but because it implied the word RELIEVE.
@amWhy I see.
@quid It's kind of like the difference between the "th" in "the", and the "th" in "thin". (I'm speaking of most f vs. most v, but the word "of" is pronounced like the "ov" in love.
@amWhy I think I pronounce thin like sin.
At least not like tin.
@amWhy that's just great, becaus I'd pronounce those differently. ;D
OF rhymes with LOVE, in English! But OFF rhymes with COUGH. Crazy language, dat English!!
@amWhy I see. I think I pronounce of and off the same and likely off (somewhat) correctly.
@quid In any case, you do extremely well in our rhyming games, and the only confusion we occasionally see is f/v. No doubt your English is very understandable when you speak. And absolutely excellent when you write.
@amWhy thanks. Yes usually it works.
And I in particular like accents. Heck, even in the US there are differences. When visiting cousins in California years ago, one of my cousins names is Don, short for Donald. My cousins pronounced it like "Dawn". So the "short vowel" o was pronounced differently from what I'd learned.
@quid How do you say vote? Does it rhyme foat? Does very rhyme with ferry?
@amWhy the latter no.
The former neither though I think I never said foat.
@quid Oops, they rhyme, I meant to as do you pronounce them the same.
@amWhy indeed, I did not notice but understood you.

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