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@amWhy you could've written TONIGHT
@quid How'd I miss that one!! ;D
1 hour later…
you guys are halfway to a freestyle rap battle here
close the distance, let spectators judge the winner
@AlexanderGruber Hah! ;D
1 hour later…
@AlexanderGruber: I flagged one, but accidentally got the links wrong while shortening them, so add "posts/" after the domain. =)
7 hours later…
Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (German: [ˈɪɡnaːts ˈzɛml̩vaɪs]; Hungarian: Semmelweis Ignác Fülöp; 1 July 1818 – 13 August 1865) was a Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the "saviour of mothers", Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as "childbed fever") could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal. Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while...
6 hours later…
@user21820 @amWhy Hello!
@Knight Hello!
hello friends
@user21820 I’m getting a problem on my iPhone. Can I ask you?
Just want to know your view on that.
@Knight Sure, ask away. And I recommend that you make sure to completely blank out all identifying information in any screen shot. =)
@user21820 what's that about?
@Knight see this apple.stackexchange.com
@quid The first guy who started to fight for hand-washing to prevent disease.
@user21820 yes but what is the relevance? Or is it just a random shout out?
Not that anything is wrong with that.
Random, since I just read that article and thought some people might be interested to know what happened at that time.
"saviour of mothers"
nice person
Yea it's sad what happened to him too.
@user21820 I don’t why but I get these kinds of SMS :
And then money gets deducted from my main mobile balance
SMS charges are deducted for receiveig a SMS lol
Is it actually deducted? Maybe they just want to make you call the number.
well this has got nothing to do with iphone, it can happen on any phone
Or is that all the time shown when you pay something?
correct me if i am wrong
@Knight Look at the source of that last message. If it does not come from your official telecommunications provider, then it is certainly fake. Even if it appears to, you shouldn't just trust it because SMSes can be spoofed. Instead, call the number that your provider gives you to check your account balance directly.
@user21820 It’s not from my carrier. And it is not possible to call on that number, it doesn’t exist. I’m getting these messages and balance is getting deducted from past 1 and half months .
@quid Yes it is deducted.
@Knight You should never call such numbers if you do not know what the number is. Just by calling, you may be sending money to them.
@AbramIvanov I said iPhone, beacuse some people on internet are saying that it has to with the activation of iMessage and FaceTime.
@quid +44 is the code of your country :-)
@Knight I do not get that remark.
@quid I thought you were from UK
@Knight ah. No.
The next time you get such a message, do not call/reply, but check your balance and see whether it is really decreased. If it isn't, then you know your call/reply is creating a transaction; I've heard of some such scams where if you call/reply to a certain number you are essentially paying a fee to them (like a donation). If it is, then you may have accidentally agreed to some SMS-based service.
I have checked just now, and reallly charges have been deducted from my balance.
That's bad. Okay so I think we've excluded this kind of scam where you need to respond to lose money. I think therefore that the remaining possibility is that you activated some service that charges you every time something happens. A random guess might be some kind of send-receipt service, because the SMS you got looks like one.
The best way is probably to call a service hotline for your provider and ask them what are these charges and how to cancel any such kind of service subscription if there is, or investigate if you are actually not the one who signed up for any such thing.
Yes, I too think that’s the best thing to do.
Thanks @user21820 and @quid for your time.
You're welcome!
1 hour later…
@quid and all: A new word-rhyming challenge. This time, any one answer can include only homonyms:
Words that rhyme with RAIN, REIN, or REIGN.
I do not quite get the idea
@quid In any one comment, you can list words that rhyme with RAIN, in addition to any homonym (which can be included in that comment, too).
So I can reply MAIN, MAINE
@quid Indeed, but your missed MANE!
@amWhy so the answer is supposed to contain all the homonyms?
@quid Doesn't have to contain all homonyms, but it can contain more
@quid What is LAYN?
@amWhy an alternate spelling of leyn.
Which I also should've included.
SANE (Sorry, @quid, you don't meet the criteria). ;D :P
@amWhy which criteria?
@quid The definition of SANE :P :-)
@amWhy ah I did not get that.
@quid Just joking!
@amWhy no it's true.
You don't do any homonyms?
@quid Some words don't have homonyms that are also words.
I just asked for separate entries, unless one knows homonyms, in which they are free to post in the same entry.
I am going to REFRAIN from participation in this thread.
@XanderHenderson Good one!!
@amWhy I thought only homonyms are allowed.
@XanderHenderson Maybe I should now ABSTAIN from participation, too.
@quid I won't ENTERTAIN your misunderstanding ;D
@quid, but as a mod you can CONTAIN me, and DETAIN me, too, as a consequence.
@amWhy in this VEIN, this is in VAIN
@quid Great ones!! ;D
@quid I guess I need to TRAIN you some more!
As long as you don't put me on a CHAIN it's alright.
@quid Hah! Deal!
@quid What's your weather like; is it windy, and if so, from which direction or do you need a VANE?
@amWhy actually there was a forecast for a thunderstorm but nothing yet.
@quid Ooh... I hope the brunt of it misses you.
2 hours later…
$$\Large\color{blue}{\text{HAPPY FRIDAY, EVERYONE!!}}$$
Hi @quid, I am wondering if I could contact you about some users' behavior with respect to deleting questions.
@TakumiMurayama hello! If it is mostly to signal a users behavior you could raise a flag on one of their posts and explain the issue. If it is more complicated I could create a dedicated chat room
@quid "users' behavior" seems to indicate behavior of users, not one specific user. But that may or may not be what was intended.
@amWhy I meant to write "a user's behavior" instead I wrote " a users behavior" which is presumably non-grammatical.
@quid I was referring to Takumi's comment to you. Your comment was fine, and clear. I was just clarifying that Takumi may be questioning a group of users, and not just one.
@amWhy I see. Thanks for pointing that out.
I think I maintain my reply even though it makes it more likely that a chat is needed.
@quid I think so too, that your comment is fine.
Lots of people here today.
@quid You and your room must be popular! ;D
@amWhy gotta be your word games.
@quid You should have written MAINTAIN!
@amWhy a missed opportunity indeed.
But I won't consider the missed opportunity PROFANE ;D
@amWhy don't make flame-war of it especially not one fueled with PROPANE
@quid You are my BANE (only occasionally!).
@quid Let me EXPLAIN. Just don't COMPLAIN ;D
@amWhy and please no BUTANE, PROPYLENE, etc either. I know you! You'll set it on fire and say well you just said don't use propane and this was no propane so. ;D
@quid Hah! :P Now, the big question prior to Tuesday, is who shall we ORDAIN as a new moderator?
@quid Hi @quid, thank you for the response! Yes, as @amWhy suggested I was referring to users plural. The post I am referring to has since been deleted, so maybe I can just describe what I've been seeing in a dedicated chat room (are these public?).
@TakumiMurayama I can make it private, which is like better. It'll just take a minute or so to set up.
@quid I will let you ENTERTAIN me with replies that PERTAIN to my last comment, when you have a chance. Unless this is TERRAIN you'd rather not traverse.
@amWhy that is PLAIN
@quid And if you don't return, I will ARRAIGN you! ;D
Okay: Gotta get these out of my brain... OBTAIN, CONSTRAIN, PLANTAIN, REGAIN, ATTAIN, INGRAIN
And... SPRAIN and STAIN.
Okay. I need to leave words that rhyme with rain alone for today ;D
@amWhy you need to CAMPAIGN
@quid Great one!! ;D

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