By far, the worst audits are the suggested edits audits: One has to be in zombie mode to fail an audit there! I would love for the algorithm selecting audit posts would include trivial edits that users should reject.
...And, edits which significantly improve a post (without altering the asker's work or lack thereof) which users should approve. I see bad rejects and bad approves every day in the suggested edit queu.
@sai-kartik This is one thing I've done in the past, while unable to sleep... Instead of counting sheep. Next we should take on Words that rhyme with SLEEP.
@Arjun Fall asleep to words that rhyme with night, but put your smart phone away, first! :P Then you can come back tomorrow and whip us all with all your insights!
@quid What's your preferred QUIDSTEAK? (cut, mode of preparation, etc.) Unless you prefer to have a QUIDSTAKE handy for any vampire that might accost you!
By the way, I think that this is one of my new favorite comments on Math SE:
@Brian: Even for an understatement, "a bit eccentric" is an understatement. It's such an understatement that if $n$ is the largest number NJ Wildberger believes to exist, one can still chain $n+1$ times "understatement" and it would still not be enough to describe him. — Asaf Karagila ♦22 mins ago
@quid Well eat a little bit more, before sleeping, even if just a snack. I know I've had times where I've awakened early just due to hunger (when I haven't eaten enough during the day).
@quid One final thought about your beliefs about review queues, and for the most part, who should have the opportunities to participate in them, do you think it would merit a meta post, if I were to post my concerns about this?
@quid :P ;D
@amWhy @quid I don't mean posting on meta your own thoughts; you could do that in an answer.