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@amWhy did you notice that live chess tournaments restarted? There is one in Biel. Also the Chess Lengends starts tomorrow.
2 hours later…
@quid Hello! Thanks for unfreezing my room. Are you here? I want to ask something.
@Knight go ahead but I might leave soon.
@quid Can I ask my room memebers to support the candidate whom I like? I shall just ask them, no controversy will be induced (I promise)
Is it legal to do that?
@Knight yes I think that's fine. You can "campaign" for somebody, no problem. Of course don't be excessive and don't put pressure on others. But if you just say that X is a great candidate and you'll vote for them and you encourage other to do alike that's fine.
Especially if it is in your chat room and with users you know.
@quid Thank you!
15 hours later…
@amWhy wanna continue?
Actually I think I'll go get some sleep. See you in around 6-7 hrs!
1 hour later…
@AlexanderGruber, i never realised you are a Mod!
god gracious
@Arjun I try to keep a low profile
@AlexanderGruber , good
@Arjun I misread the last word as Modi. ::indian things::
@FakeMod ,oh no! lol
Xander, oh Xander, wherefore art thou, @XanderHenderson? Can you guess what I'd like to ask you?
@amWhy , can I try?
@Arjun Sure!
@amWhy ,nomination for election?
@Arjun :-) Yup!
@amWhy ,try to persuade him from my side too
Just 2 nominations till now, not good
Hello, @AlexanderGruber. How art thou? (Time for a summer had to shield your fair skin from sunburn)!
@amWhy , nice, I know him personally
1 hour ago, by Arjun
@AlexanderGruber, i never realised you are a Mod!
How is that possible! You should know all the mods, including their user ID.
Let's practice.
By seniority as a mod.
@AlexanderGruber Perfect! Can't wait to see you don it!
@Arjun math.stackexchange.com/users?tab=moderators Just click on the users (left hand menu), then click on Moderators (right, top tabs).
@quid i recommend seniority by user ID
then only david gets the best of me >:)
@AlexanderGruber I don't think so.
Asaf has a three digit ID.
@quid oh no you're right
i forgot how OG asaf is
How many moderators precede 9003? clearly @Asaf does.
Methinks only Asaf precedes me !! So, @quid, @AlexanderGruber, you can start treating me like a wise "elder"!
@amWhy i would say the true test of how involved someone is on math.se is whether they have memorized their user id
@AlexanderGruber Well, I just passed!!
And I never set out to memorized my user id; I just saw it so so so often, I couldn't help by have it imprinted in my memory! My ID might make a good PIN, actually!
@amWhy then if someone stole your money, you could narrow it down to math.se regulars
@AlexanderGruber Exactly! ;-)
i still use the same PIN they gave me for my library card in preschool. If my identity ever gets stolen I'm gonna know it's that school librarian
@AlexanderGruber LOL! ;D
Maybe I should have my last comment deleted, @quid, or @AlexanderGruber
@amWhy probably best, haha
@AlexanderGruber Yes, indeed, thanks.
@AlexanderGruber I'm gonna go bribe that librarian now! ;D
@amWhy people thinking of stealing my identity should be wary of the kind of debts they might be taking on, lol
@AlexanderGruber There you go! Haha! ;D
Okay, seems we have only HAS and JAZZ that rhyme with AS. Does PIZZAZZ count? Then there is WHEREAS
What about ass?
@quid AS is pronounced AZ and JAZZ. ASS rhymes with pass and glass and class, and mass, and crass, and grass, and bass (fish)....
@amWhy You young whippersnappers and your shenanigans. Back in my day we didn't care about user id, it was all three digits or less anyway.
@AsafKaragila :P ;D
@AlexanderGruber When the election ends, I will have been here for a decade.
@AsafKaragila continuously at that
@AsafKaragila don't forget the screenshot so I can update the meta post.
@quid Sure.
It's okay, @Xander, whatever your decision, I will respect it. I am sorry if I have made you feel pressured with respect to the election. I will fully respect any decision you make.
@amWhy I've been driving all day. I am in Arizona now.
@XanderHenderson How hot is it?
@XanderHenderson Yikes!
Okay... here briefly...
@XanderHenderson Yay!
@XanderHenderson Drum roll......................
Man, I'm beat.
@XanderHenderson Woman, I'm beat too! ;-)

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