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@quid It's okay thanks a lot!
@quid: I have posted just one comment with only the relevant bits. Please let me know if you think any part is unacceptable or should be reworded:
Effort shown in uploaded images is usually well received, and I also find that most humble mathematics students react very positively to advice on how to improve their posts if they didn't provide effort or context the first time. And the ask-question page links to how to ask. If an asker posts a bad question and it gets closed for lack of context, the close-banner also links there. Users who attempt to follow the instructions there do get a positive reception. Lastly, downvotes on Meta indicate opinion. I didn't downvote your linked post on main. — user21820 53 secs ago
Thank you again for your time.
@XanderHenderson You can see comets? Nice sky you must have there. =)
12 hours later…
Q: Use of diode got problem

GarryI want to use diode on 240V because I do not want current to flow in reverse direction. I use it and everything is ok except voltage drop. Actually diode drop voltage from 240V to 120V. How can I get 240V by using a diode? Thanks for answer. Because actually I have three toilet on my job and cli...

Definitely should not be touching 240V circuit with such poor understanding. Very dangerous. — scorpdaddy 3 hours ago
Fortunately, crankery in mathematics have much less serious impact.
We drove out to Joshua Tree to get away from the lights.
@XanderHenderson Oh so it's some specific comet.
I thought you went to see comets on a regular basis.
Which would be possible if you have an ink-black sky. =P
@user21820 Ha!
No, there is a specific comet running around right now. :)
@XanderHenderson Yea, one never knows whether "a" is indefinite or generic.
Words that rhyme with HINT: STINT, MINT
^^ @quid You're next!!
To make this more challenging, we could consider Words that end in INT!
@amWhy FLINT
@amWhy PRINT
Maybe it does not really rhyme but it ends in int
Apparently DINT and GLINT are words.
@quid ANOINT
@amWhy JOINT
@quid Good one!
@amWhy always trying not to disappoint.
@quid ;D
@XanderHenderson: I feel your mandelbrot page will be much more enticing if it linked to some deep zoom video rendering (such as this one), especially if you can give an understandable mathematical explanations for some of the patterns (such as the doubling phenomenon, or why there are mini brots). =D
@amWhy QUAINT is a little off, but does it count?
Is TINT a word? In any case STINT is
@user21820 Yes indeed, as it ends in INT. Also PAINT
@quid Yes, "tint" refers to the shade of colour.
What was the XKCD words that end in ???
@amWhy @quid STINT was already spoken, but indeed TINT counts! ;)
@user21820 Good one!!
@amWhy indeed right at the top.
And if you're a CS person, UINT! =P
It's also a word, though it's a 32-bit one.
SAINT like amWhy!!
HINT: we really missed this one...
Alright my brain is out of juice now. =D
@user21820 it was in the first group
@amWhy @Xander The question started as "words that rhyme with HINT!
But it never hurts, @user21820, to remind us that "rhymes with* is a reflexive (symmetric, and transitive) relation. This will help many students in the future, who peruse this chat's transcript! =)
@amWhy Oh whoops!
I think that's a word, right?
Oops it's "precinct".
Words that don't get used get mangled in my memory bank...
As mathematicians, how could we have neglected DISJOINT? ;-)
Okay, maybe everyone has gotten bored with "words that end in INT"! ;D
"I am acquainted with quirky @quid who is quite a quibbler."
@amWhy you ought to know more than one quid, a quirky quibbler, can't be me.
@quid No? Hmmm. Only on oquation is quid a quaint quirky quibbler.
It AINT amWhy who wrote that. Maybe there's another amWHY?
@amWhy maybe the real amWhy is amWay
@quid Hah! Yup. Everything's got to go am'sWay! :P
@quid (But don't encourage users to hijack a similar name to me) ;D
Actually there's a business, for quite awhile now: googleadservices.com/pagead/…
@amWhy no worries, I won't. I mean already it is I that has to sort it all out.
@quid Indeed!
@amWhy the link is a bit confusing. Do you mean Amway? I had not thought of it before but actually afterwards the thing seemed familiar.
@quid Sorry for that. I know of a company amway, which I googled, but did not click on the site, (I copied and pasted the google link). I tend to avoid clicking on commercial sites unless I want to do business with them.
Amway (short for "American Way") is an American multi-level marketing company that sells health, beauty, and home care products. The company was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and is based in Ada, Michigan. Amway and its sister companies under Alticor reported sales of $8.8 billion in 2018. It conducts business through a number of affiliated companies in more than a hundred countries and territories. Amway has been investigated in various countries and by institutions such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for alleged pyramid scheme practices. == History == === F...
I learned a bit from that link, plus that Amway may currently be banned in the US.
so best not to confuse me with amWay or Amway!.
@amWhy I certify that you are not currently banned. :-)
@quid Yay!!
2 hours later…
@user21820 I agree. However, most of that work was done years ago, and I have been working on other things in the meantime.
Also, I am an amateur programmer at best, and never managed to get any of the arbitrary precision FP libraries to work.

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